Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I don't understand. Doesn't the tower proposed in the first plan specifically use magic?
And the artillery emplacements, what are those about? Why are they supposed to be just around said tower? Wouldn't something mobile make much more sense? I.e. enchant the artillery, not the emplacement?
Ah yes, The Skaven Knowledge Bomb plan is to use magic as its primary mode, with lightning. And then use artillery emplacements with runic enhancements as a secondary defense option.
My bad.
I'm happy enough with Skaven Knowledge Bomb but I'm down for putting up further AA options, maybe shyish, in the next tower. I'm also for doing firing platforms around the penthouse.

Although maybe we shouldn't put everything on Karag Nar.
If may be good idea to get something movable, at least as suplement - remember how Dragon decided to use Underway to go on a murder spree in two separate karaks? We should have something prepared for repeat performance - and towers will not help uderground. Even if they would have a range, there is no way to target.

Either magic item (maybe one-use to get it cheeper and stronger) - or at least sit down with Dreng and discuss options - what can be done to ensure dragon won't get into underway.
Another option for the dragon problem:

[] Retain Asarnil on an ongoing basis.

Money and favors were coming out of Belegar's pocket, right?
Something I thought of when we get around to talking to the dragon. Barak Varr is crash expanding its navy and Belegar is building his own river force.

Didn't the dragon used to live on an island that got taken over by dark elves, or something like that? We could negotiate to take back the island an establish a Dwarven outpost there, or something. Or at least present the option to Belegar.

Maybe Mathilde could take a gyro ride nearby and scout it out? We'd probably have to ask him for details of what happened. I'm not even sure which update told us about the island.
Also, @BoneyM: Could we have a separate vote on the anti-dragon weapon, and instead just leave it as an open action here?

Not without AP budget weirdness. If Belegar wanted Mathilde to prepare for a certain fight it'd be a longer and more detailed process, but he's asked her to contribute whatever she can as a just-in-case, and as a softball for Mathilde.

@BoneyM How much can we do with the 'attend lessons' action? The plural and variable cost implies multiple classes is an option.

One choice per AP.

This is a very reasonable point. @BoneyM: Would it be legal to ahead-of-time commit the Penthouse tower action to building an air superiority tower?

Mostly I'm just concerned because it's always hard to judge write-in actions, and it seems like the various options we've got aren't good enough by themselves and we'd want multiple angles of attack, especially if we want to fulfill Belegar's mandate to protect from flying threats in general and not just the Ice Dragon.

No, I don't like nesting future votes inside a current one.

Was this book written in Low Queekish for some reason or does this imply that we have at least enough knowledge of the Moulder dialect to translate an anatomy book with pictures into something readable and worthwhile?

Dialects are only in the spoken language, written Queekish is monolithic because of the Under-Empire's rigidly-enforced centralization.

@BoneyM Given that King Belegar's name and riches are the main attraction, how much does some extra College Favor matter here?

It doesn't.
Honestly I feel like the tower is not going to be a huge advantage against the dragon no matter what we do.

Most of our population and critical infrastructure either lives underground or can be moved there quickly, any fighting is more likely to be like what we saw it due to the Skaven. With that in mind the best bet for downing the Dragon is Mathilde learning Pit of Shades, and deploying it while Kragg counterspells Speed of Light/Bironas Time Warp/the Dragon's attempt to counterspell us. Anything else would be disgustingly costly in lives, even if technically possible.

Now this is not to say we should slack off on the tower as Belegar is our friend and boss and he gave us a job, just that this is a relatively minor concern.
If Belegar wanted Mathilde to prepare for a certain fight it'd be a longer and more detailed process, but he's asked her to contribute whatever she can as a just-in-case, and as a softball for Mathilde.
Now this is not to say we should slack off on the tower as Belegar is our friend and boss and he gave us a job, just that this is a relatively minor concern.

I am starting to fell we may need an intervention ...
If Belegar wanted Mathilde to prepare for a certain fight it'd be a longer and more detailed process, but he's asked her to contribute whatever she can as a just-in-case, and as a softball for Mathilde.
I like how "build me a weapon that can deal with an ancient dragon capable of casually deploying battle magic" is now considered a softball for Mathilde.
I like how "build me a weapon that can deal with an ancient dragon capable of casually deploying battle magic" is now considered a softball for Mathilde.

One of those little cultural misunderstandings. Ask a Runesmith that, and they'd be able to tell you the most suitable combination of Runes they're capable of within a few minutes. Wizards have a rather more complicated range of possibilities.
Getting something mobile/usable for underground work would be worthwhile, as well as a tower. Rune-enhanced artillery is... something that can be recommended, but not really Mathilde's specialty.

Also, I would like to note that, just because the dragon can use Battle Magic, does not mean magic will be ineffective, as some people are coming across as saying.
Although maybe we shouldn't put everything on Karag Nar.
Karag Nar's the one we're allowed to deface with towers.

Didn't the dragon used to live on an island that got taken over by dark elves, or something like that?
The Sorcerer Islands, off the coast of Araby.

"Records, not Grudges. There's an archipelago off the coast of Araby they call the Sorcerers' Islands. A few centuries after Barak Varr razed Ulthuan's colony on them during the War of Vengeance, the dragon made its home there. For three hundred years, anything the Naggarothi had short of a Black Ark had to go all the way around the western side of Ulthuan, because if they passed between Ulthuan and Araby they'd either go too far east and be assaulted by the dragon, or too far west and run aground on the Shifting Isles. Eventually it either left or was driven out by Araby, but for a long time it was an important strategic advantage over the corsairs."

We'd be fighting Araby, not Dark Elves, and it probably was only attached to the island in-so-far as it was a useful place to attack the Dark Elves. Going off of some of the rolls Boney's done in-thread, the dragon was a native of Naggaroth before the Dark Elves drove it out. I don't think supporting it getting back home is in the cards.
One of those little cultural misunderstandings. Ask a Runesmith that, and they'd be able to tell you the most suitable combination of Runes they're capable of within a few minutes. Wizards have a rather more complicated range of possibilities.
Oh, lol. So he thought he was asking us to, like, make sure we have some anvil runes on hand to keep his gyrocopters and artillery from being instagibbed if it comes to a fight, but we're looking at this and going "Hmm, I wonder how hard it is to build a doom tower that could take an emperor dragon..."
Oh, lol. So he thought he was asking us to, like, make sure we have some anvil runes on hand to keep his gyrocopters and artillery from being instagibbed if it comes to a fight, but we're looking at this and going "Hmm, I wonder how hard it is to build a doom tower that could take an emperor dragon..."

I'm reminded of the time he asked Mathilde to lend Roswita a hand if she had the time, and she ended up killing Alkharad and all his disciples and causing every Battle Wizard in the Empire to descend upon Sylvania.
The more I think about it the less I like that our weapon against a specific dragon is to just add another tower to Karag Nar. It feels like we are somehow stuck with our latest achievement, sticking more and more stuff on a single spot.
Seriously there are so many reasons why it's a bad idea. From not protecting further away Karags, to not protecting the underground areas that the dragon can literally fly to without being seen in the sky, to advertising our capabilities like a middle finger towards our potentially friendly target that would be more useful as an ally, to creating a single point of failure in which we lose everything if the dragon doesn't die before being able to retaliate, to just using straight forward attacks that deal X damage against a dragon. On top of that the currently winning vote doesn't really leave any space for us to be consulted or for our mistakes to be pointed out to us. And yet it currently has a vote momentum that seems near unsurmountable.
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The more I think about it the less I like that our against a specific dragon is to just add another tower to Karag Nar. It feels like we are somehow stuck with our latest achievement, sticking more and more stuff on a single spot.
Seriously there are so many reasons why it's a bad idea. From not protecting further away Karags, to not protecting the underground areas that the dragon can literally fly to without being seen in the sky, to advertising our capabilities like a middle finger towards our potentially friendly target that would be more useful as an ally, to creating a single point of failure in which we lose everything if the dragon doesn't die before being able to retaliate, to just using straight forward attacks that deal X damage against a dragon. On top of that the currently winning vote doesn't really leave any space for us to be consulted or for our mistakes to be pointed out to us. And yet it currently has a vote momentum that seems near unsurmountable.

The thread has shown to be pretty good at changing course even late in a vote when necessary. If a more compelling method is put forward, it can get the votes it needs.
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