Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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I want to do the Coin research on a turn where we can use the Coin on it, because Ranald likes it when we're cutely cheeky. Maybe a self-improvement action instead?

I'd strongly prefer another wizard action. Panoramia for magister, ideally. I don't see the point in sinking a lot of effort NOW into an anti-dragon tower that isn't going to do much more than annoy a dragon who comes for us.
[X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb

Tentative plan then. God, it's been so long...

[X] Plan Finishing Up Old Business
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation(Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (MOSTLY FADED)/Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish)
-[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures (FADING) (can be written by Johann).
-[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (MOSTLY FADED)
-[X] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security. (NEW)
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have firing platforms built around the Penthouse so that it can be defended from flyers or climbers without granting access to it.
-[X] Write a paper: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[X] Gain enough control of your attraction to smoke and gases to have it collect away from your face.
-[X] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to a power stone.
-[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities (specify Dwarven Rune or College spell it would be based on; does not cost favour).
--[X] A combination of Second Portent of Amul, Curse, and Lightning Storm, along with Wrath and Ruin if one of the Runelords could see to aligning the powers.
-[X] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to.
--[X] Anti-Dragon tower

[X] Plan Finishing Up Old Business Hubert Edition
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation(Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (MOSTLY FADED)/Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish)
-[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures (FADING) (can be written by Johann).
-[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard. (NEW-ish)
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery (MOSTLY FADED)
-[X] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security. (NEW)
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have firing platforms built around the Penthouse so that it can be defended from flyers or climbers without granting access to it.
-[X] Write a paper: Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
-[X] Gain enough control of your attraction to smoke and gases to have it collect away from your face.
-[X] Investigate how the Vitae reacts to a power stone.
-[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities (specify Dwarven Rune or College spell it would be based on; does not cost favour).
--[X] A combination of Second Portent of Amul, Curse, and Lightning Storm, along with Wrath and Ruin if one of the Runelords could see to aligning the powers.
-[X] The Gambler: specify an action this will apply to.
--[X] Anti-Dragon tower

Gambler is on the tower because well...we're looking for a Battle Magic capable Magister Lord into building towers of fuck the sky. Reckon we'd need luck to have any available at all.

And I'm mastering the smoke Arcane Mark because:
-Its a hazard. Not a big one with Skryre out of the picture, but Skryre isn't the only source of hazardous vapors.
-It can potentially hurt detectability. Being able to choose where the smoke concentrates turns it into an asset, as we'd be more able to deliberately control our scent.
-Its unprofessional. The Elves are going to be hard to impress as it is, having our arcane marks under control lets us pretend we meant to do that.

E: Approval voting since thats fine too.
@BoneyM I just want to make sure Skaven Knowledge Bomb isn't accidentally building two towers, one for the anti-air and a second to be determined next update. You've previously said we can't build two towers or dig twice at the same time, only one of each. Is it necessary to pick the penthouse tower to build Belegars tower?
With the full resources of the Karak behind you, you can go for two towers if you want, but it's not necessary to use the Penthouse action on a tower to build an anti-dragon tower.
My intent was to build a second tower that we could then use for a different thing (e.g. Protection to cover our other towers or the Smoke and Mirrors tower for our own personal fun and games); glad it's legal.
I'd strongly prefer another wizard action. Panoramia for magister, ideally.
I feel guilty about neglecting Hubert all this time, and also while we're building a tower full of Celestial magic is basically the best possible time to have a conversation with him about what magic means to him.
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Panoramia has been complaining about the topsoil for ages. Tabercland's financing vampires by buying peat.
Do you not see how we kill two birds with one stone?
Alright, thank you, I'm satisfied. That covers AA for me, but next turn I think we should build firing platforms and see about underground defenses against the dragon.
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Basically I feel like we are through the major enemies around here, and I'd like to pivot from overbuilt super weapons to the people we've been kinda ignoring. These plans seem to all be driving Mathilde just as hard as a hermit-scholar now as when we had skaven clans and greenskins looking in our windows.

It isn't going to kill us to take a few extra actions to build up and bond with the people around us. And most of the actual payoff emotionally in the quest comes from those people and their reactions, so I'd like to prioritize them more than dead rock and paper.
@BoneyM Should our plan specify which dwarven runes are put on the cannons? In the past, the best results have come from just giving the Runesmiths a vague direction and setting them loose, but I'm game to look up some combinations if you want ideas.
I bet Thorgrim is looking forward to having more old Grudges Properly Attributes with the writings of the Skaven.

I'd like to get a staff turning class somewhere inside a plan since we are buying stuff for it.
And I find myself, once again, wishing we'd found an action to bring the linguists in on checking our work.

Something in there isn't going to be correct; just need to hope whatever goes wrong doesn't produce a Grudge we can't survive repaying.

There should be enough right to be extraordinarily valuable in any case, though.
There won't be a capital-G Grudge in it - there may be some grumbling about shoddy work, and/or requests to go to K8P to discuss the problems with it, but Grudges are what happen when there is an intractable problem that the offender refuses to help correct the situation.
It's cheeky, but she thinks Ranald is likely to be amused, rather than annoyed.
He might arrange to have cats infest her headgear, just because. Hm. Arrange for one of the local cats to have a collar made saying it is the property of Van Hal, so that Mathilde would be wearing a Witch Hunter's hcat?
Basically I feel like we are through the major enemies around here, and I'd like to pivot from overbuilt super weapons to the people we've been kinda ignoring. These plans seem to all be driving Mathilde just as hard as a hermit-scholar now as when we had skaven clans and greenskins looking in our windows.

It isn't going to kill us to take a few extra actions to build up and bond with the people around us. And most of the actual payoff emotionally in the quest comes from those people and their reactions, so I'd like to prioritize them more than dead rock and paper.
Defense against the dragon is our job, though, and I haven't seen any proposals that are confident in seriously threatening the dragon (or a similar heavy flying foe) with just a single action. If there were such a proposal on the table, I'd be happy to edit it down.

What action should we be taking with our fourth personal AP that would build up and bond with the people around us?
I feel guilty about neglecting Hubert all this time, and also while we're building a tower full of Celestial magic is basically the best possible time to have a conversation with him about what magic means to him.

I don't, so @Glau here's that with the [DUCK] action switched out.

[X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb w/Panoramia
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
-[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
-[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
-[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
-[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
--[X] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery (see below)
--[X] COIN: The Gambler
-[X] Create artillery emplacements with appropriate runic augmentation to supplement the new tower
-[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
-[X] Dictate papers:
--[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
--[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
You can leave it unspecified, but more specific would be better.
Hrm, thanks.

I guess Rune of Reloading, so that we can drown a Cursed hard target in weight of fire? Would also make them more useful against swarms of lighter enemies. Anyone with more familiarity with Dwarf runes have a better idea?

Flakkson's Rune of Seeking - This rune was first invented to shoot down Dragon riders with Bolt Throwers during the War of Vengeance
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[] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb

(removed the 2nd anti-Dragon action for learning Staff Turning)
[X] Plan: Skavenslayer
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
-[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
-[X] DUCK: Spend time with Hubert to try to ensure a good relationship between him and magic, and between him and his identity as a Wizard.
-[X] EIC: Lend the services of the Hochlander, and the EIC's intelligence and contacts, to Roswita to help track down the Talabeclanders buying peat from the vampires.
-[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
--[X] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery
--[X] COIN: The Gambler
-[X] Travel to the Grey College and attend lessons there: Staff Turning
-[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
-[X] Dictate papers:
--[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
--[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery

[X] Plan Versatile
[] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb v2
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@picklepikkl I like Skaven knowledge bomb but I really don't like the choices for Duckling and EIC actions. Roswita has plenty of intrigue competent people on offer and it wastes the entire point of getting an EIC manager. We don't even have a proper EIC spy network so it's just lending her a single non-hero unit, who probably is only as good as what she already has access to.

I also feel like we can build the supplementary air defences next turn. Hubert has a right to make his own life choices and we've neglected Panormia for long enough.

I also think the tower is enough for now. We can build the artillery emplacements next year.

Made a couple of variants.

[X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb with Panormia and EIC Advancement
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation.
-[X] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
-[X] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
-[X] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security.
-[X] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
--[X] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery (see below)
--[X] COIN: The Gambler
-[X] Create artillery emplacements with appropriate runic augmentation to supplement the new tower
-[X] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
-[X] Dictate papers:
--[X] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
--[X] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery

[X] Plan: Skaven Knowledge Bomb with less artillery and more backlog:
-[] MAX: Receive dictation.
-[] JOHANN: Write a paper: Ratling Gun mechanism and countermeasures
-[] DUCK: Panoramia's about ready to test for Magister, but she's putting it off because she doesn't have a lot of free time to prepare. Work with her to help make the most of every spare minute.
-[] EIC: Have the Hochlander introduce a series of ciphers to the EIC to allow it to communicate internally in much greater security.
-[] Build a new tower with anti-dragon capabilities
--[] Capable of the spells Lightning Storm for direct damage, Curse for debuffing hard targets, and Second Portent of Amul to buff gunnery (see below)
--[] COIN: The Gambler
-[] AV Experiment with integrating the Vitae into enchantments.
-[] Attempt to interest a prominent and knowledgeable Runesmiths in the interaction between Runes and Vitae. (will start at the top and work your way down)
-[] Dictate papers:
--[] Queekish-Reikspiel Dictionary, including spoken Low Queekish
--[] Insight on Skaven tactics and strategy
-[X] PENTHOUSE: Have a tower built atop Karag Nar
-[X] SERENITY: Write a paper: Brief observations on Eshin Sorcery
I also feel like we can build the supplementary air defences next turn. Hubert has a right to make his own life choices and we've neglected Panormia for long enough.

I also think the tower is enough for now. We can build the artillery emplacements next year.
1. Our assignment is not a 2-turn one, just one turn.
Your assignment for the remainder of this year is a light one
It's currently halfway through the year.
2. We took a Panoramia action last turn.
Hrm, thanks.

I guess Rune of Reloading, so that we can drown a Cursed hard target in weight of fire? Would also make them more useful against swarms of lighter enemies. Anyone with more familiarity with Dwarf runes have a better idea?
Off the top of my head, Rune of Accuracy and Master Rune of Disguise. Flakkson's Rune of Seeking on Bolt Throwers. Maybe some Runes of Penetrating.
Voting is open