Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[x] Refuse to meet the Ar-Ulric.

Don't get into unnecessary political shitstorms. This will lose, but i'm voting it anyway so i can 'I told you so' later.
My guess is that he'll ask us to bring them back into the fold, which I'll need to think about. Not meeting him is one thing, but meeting him and refusing may hurt us politically.
Either that, or give personal lessons on how to combat a Waaagh. Ulric is a god of War after all.
Or perhaps chastise us for our wording about " a War God with no concept of subtlety"
I don't know about you guys, but getting co-author credit for something that will revolutionize a ton of fields without having to actually spend our time with any of the research or paper writing sounds pretty fantastic to me.
If we put Johann on it, I'm sure Mathilde will contribute in some way. If one to help Johann if he is stuck, similar to how Max helped Mathilde with Waaagh and Peace.

I'm quite enjoying how the "updateless" Christmas time is shaping up to be. Not quite what I expected, but I certainly won't say no to these snippets.
ou don't have to worry about it misleading them they way you would with laymen.
the way
Those that have faced the Waaagh the to get it
tend to get
it might be possible to emulate per capture Waaagh energy for teaching purposes
"emulate or capture"?
ever since the trouble with Norrland started they Ulricans have been incredibly tight-lipped
the Ulricans
the Ar-Ulric knows damn well that the all eight Colleges will march on Middenheim
remove "the" or "all"
Either that, or give personal lessons on how to combat a Waaagh. Ulric is a god of War after all.
Or perhaps chastise us for our wording about " a War God with no concept of subtlety"

If the Al Ulric was going to chastise every mage who said said something that might be offensive to his god in and academic context, he would be doing nothing else with his life and would be followed everywhere by the smirks and false contrition of wizards.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

Overall, I'm leaning towards meeting the Al-Ulric. Given Ruprecht is politically savvy, he probably expected something like this and we should be able to come up with a solution that makes all parties involved relatively satisfied. It does mean we'll have to focus on diplomacy for a bit but with people thinking of picking up the trait for learning languages and Xeno-diplomacy, we're probably going to lean into that anyway.

Plus, if we get enough Ulrikan favors to take a look at their flame, we might be able to progress our research on divinity a fair bit.
As you're wrapping up the last few lectures and fielding all the questions you have patience for, Algard approaches you one evening. "Very fine work, Magister. But with the adulation taken care of, there's another matter. The Ar-Ulric has asked to see you." A thousand terrible scenarios flash through your mind in an instant, and you make no attempt to keep the expression on your face from showing it. "Believe me, I understand your concern. But the request has gone through the official channels, and I've spoken to the Emperor and Dragomas about it, and if this is a trap of some sort, the Ar-Ulric knows damn well that the all eight Colleges will march on Middenheim and the Imperial Army won't do a thing to prevent it."

"Is it an order?" you ask flatly.

"No. He has no authority over you and I won't lend him mine. The decision is yours. But I won't deny that I'm curious, and ever since the trouble with Norrland started they Ulricans have been incredibly tight-lipped, and if you can bring any new information to the table it would be an enormous help."

[ ] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.
[ ] Refuse to meet the Ar-Ulric.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

I actually kinda forgot that the Ulricans were a thing. Remind me what the problems with them again?
For those who aren't up on the cultural background of Ulric, or who have just forgotten about the state of the Empire after so many turns in Karak Eight Peaks, a brief refresher:

Ulric and Sigmar are the two major gods of the Empire. Sigmar, in mortal life, was an Ulric worshipper. But in the present, the Cults of Sigmar and Ulric have loud arguments about which should be the main god of the Empire. There's a cynical joke that while neither of them really like mages, you (if you're a mage) can often get one of them on your side by complaining about how poorly you've been treated by the other cult after all you did for the Empire.

Ulric is a war god, with additional domains of wolves and winter. Ulric is a bit of an old backwards sort: forget magic or gunpowder, Ulricans tend to disapprove of crossbows. Ulricans are more about the sort of warfare that involves grabbing a really big axe and hitting the enemy in face. Preferably while riding a really big wolf. Do not compare them to orcs or they will be mad.

There is inter-provincial trouble in the Empire, possibly brewing up to a civil war, and the Ar-Ulric (head of the Cult of Ulric), has backed one side, with the Grand Theogonist (head of the Cult of Sigmar) having backed the other side.
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Based on how the lecture was described and what Boney's said, I think we got a good roll for content (we attracted in more high ranks with each lecture, which indicates what we were saying was recognised as valuable) and either a moderate or low roll for comprehensibility (we lost the lower ranking mages as time passed, as they couldn't follow what we were saying well enough).

[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.
[X] Agree to meet the Ar-Ulric.

Maybe he just really wants to one-up the Cult of Sigmar by helping the Dawi a lot and we are to suggest good targets for his attention?
One can dream. ;)
If this were some anonymous letter or messenger showing up requesting our presence I'd easily say no, but with Algard being like "btw it'd be helpful if you did this" I find it much harder to shy away haha.
Guys, I don't think walking through the flame of Ulric is a good idea, even with our Belt.

On that thought, imagine the response if we do go, get hit with some kind of truth/corruption detection spell, and the belt burns it out of the Al-Ulrik's mind, so Mat gets accused of trying to assassinate him?
If this were some anonymous letter or messenger showing up requesting our presence I'd easily say no, but with Algard being like "btw it'd be helpful if you did this" I find it much harder to shy away haha.
Mathilde: Okay, do you want me to do politics or revolutionize warfare again? I've almost got Queekish down and I may have some ideas on detecting chaos worshippers down the line.
Algard: ....Keep up the good work, Magister.
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