[X] FIEF: Leave the current and future money be.
[X] [TOWER] Complete
[X] Plan Present Concerns
-[X] PROJECT: Queekish
-[X] PROJECT: Skaven Politics
-[X] PROJECT: Dragon
-[X] PROJECT: Karag Mhonar
[X] Plan Present Concerns With Cartography
-[X] PROJECT: Queekish
-[X] PROJECT: Skaven Politics
-[X] PROJECT: Dragon
-[X] PROJECT: Karag Mhonar
-[X] PROJECT: Cartographer
Trowing this small variant since someone made a good argument as for why we shouldn't remove options once presented.
Edited due to plan already existing.
[X] [LIBRARY] Skaven - Dwarf Esoteric, Anatomy - Imperial Esoteric, Dragons - Dwarf Extensive
[X][LIBRARY] Skaven - Dwarf Esoteric, Anatomy - Imperial Esoteric, Dragons - Dwarf, Imperial, and Bretonnian Extensive
[X][COLLEGE] Item of Boon of Hysh - 5 College Favor
[X][PURCHASE] Firkin of top-quality dwarf ale for LM Olenus (5gc)
You forget Battle Magic is 100% fluff, 0% crunch for Divided Loyalties.
Not realy otherwise Mathield wouldn't have tabletop stats, crunch influence things even if fluff gets the Lions share.
But fair enough, not like you are helping your case any, crunch wise one could say the dragon is likely to come uncated due to potential to roll sixes, but fluff wise it is almost guaranted, because for all the fire that spell produces nothing indicates it would be focused enought, hot enought to hurt an emperor dragon of all things, remenber the reason Dragomas is Supreme Patriarch right now is because becoming a Dragon trumped everything the other contestants had, and the spell he used doesn't even get to Emperor Tier in the first place. Dragons are one the BIGGEST deals fluffwise.