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Man, one of the things we should definitely get ASAP is Spider Silk robes and a set of spider silk armor to go on underneath. Layer those defences!

Also, yeah, lets ease of assassination for a bit. Maybe we should work on those assassination skills or get better escape tools/spells?
[X] Try to find your Ducklings and fight by their side.

I think we should make sure our Ducklings are alright.
And not picking that fight might well have led into Vampire War 4: Institutionalized.

If we hadn't the Seed, we likely wouldn't have done a tenth of what we did for the Expedition, which means no sword, which means dead Roswita and functioning College of Necromancy, which leads to, best case, Empire-scale mobilization (and thus, losses).

Welcome to Warhammer.
In addition to this, complaining about our gear is like saying

"See? This is what we get for leveling up to level 2, we almost died against those bandits when we could still be safely risking our necks against rats on level 1"

Of course we are always going to be in danger, that's the only way to keep growing, and it's not like we would be in any less danger by remaining gearless against low level threats, we would just do less.
[X] Leave Karagril to see if any other factions are intervening.
[X] Try to find your Ducklings and fight by their side.
Man, one of the things we should definitely get ASAP is Spider Silk robes and a set of spider silk armor to go on underneath. Layer those defences!

Also, yeah, lets ease of assassination for a bit. Maybe we should work on those assassination skills or get better escape tools/spells?
It will not help. Aethyric Armour does not stack with any other armor. It includes cloth armor. Illogical? Maybe, but it's magic. Unless Boney will state differently, I don't believe silk will make any difference.
[X] Leave Karagril to see if any other factions are intervening.
[X] Wait until battle begins in earnest and then take the Orcs by surprise.

To be more precise we have rolled 3 times 1s in high danger situation this turn.

Who has pissed off Ranald? Because those rolls suck.
Night prowler is meant for theiving...not assasination. Lol.
If I am right, it should work on Skaven too - being arguably closer to industrialized age than humanity, they should count as civilization.
It's been asked. We just need to take a skaven pheromone gland with us so that we smell like them.
The second roll won't happen this time, I don't think. Also, the lack of available spells to learn means we probably won't save an action even if we use gambler every time. If I knew the breakpoints for attempting extra spells, I would math it.
We have just one less spell. Two spells are only partially learned after all. We should still get a good amount done.

I just took the second roll to mean how much our colleagues were willing to go out of their way to teach us, though I'm probably wrong.
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It will not help. Aethyric Armour does not stack with any other armor. It includes cloth armor. Illogical? Maybe, but it's magic. Unless Boney will state differently, I don't believe silk will make any difference.
There's a plan to, once we get Magic 8, try recrafting our enchanted robes out of spider silk and maybe the scales: the idea being that we can get an always-on enchantment of Aethyric Armour at our new, higher Magic stat, and by using rare components we can try hard to incorporate our Mastery of the spell into the enchantment.
[X] Wait until battle begins in earnest and then take the Orcs by surprise.

Things went well overall - the equipment is there to serve as a buffer to poor rolls and it did its job.

Really wanting Mathilde to learn Smoke and Mirrors right now.

What are the requirements for learning a spell of Battle Magic?

Is it reputation gated?
Yes, Battlemagic is all about trust.
[X] Leave Karagril to see if any other factions are intervening.

This seems waay more important than worrying about the ducklings. If some ducklings die that's terrible but if the expidition gets attacked from two factions on opposite sides and we could have done something about it that's way worse.
[X] Leave Karagril to see if any other factions are intervening.
[X] Wait until battle begins in earnest and then take the Orcs by surprise.
There's a plan to, once we get Magic 8, try recrafting our enchanted robes out of spider silk and maybe the scales: the idea being that we can get an always-on enchantment of Aethyric Armour at our new, higher Magic stat, and by using rare components we can try hard to incorporate our Mastery of the spell into the enchantment.
So...tower of dusk and dawn, enchanting practice, enchanting lessons: Webber's Shadow Armor ?
Good news : we survived
Bad news : now everyone with any sense will know a Grey Wizard is around. This may even include the Skaven !

For the future : we need Smoke and Mirrors, not Speed of Light. We need teleportation, and we need to learn it now !
[X] Continue watching and see if an opportunity arises to assassinate the less incompetent would-be Warbosses.
[X] Lurk in the shadows and strike down isolated Orcs whenever you get an opportunity.
[X] Wait until battle begins in earnest and then take the Orcs by surprise.
[X] Try to find your Ducklings and fight by their side.

I don't know why but that felt hilarious to me, Mathield realy needs better exfiltration.

Anyway I think people around here are way to easily espoked be combat not going perfectly, one set of bad rolls and they are ready to skedadle way from fear of more combat.
But seriously did we see the same situation ?
Because it took a lot of bad rools to put us against the wall, and at the end we were still at least as likely to win the daam thing as we were to losing, between morale rools and mounting casualities.

We still have 3 charges after healing and are just as capable of contributing as when it started so I fell is way to early for to call a day and go home.
If anything instead of being scared away from battle this update should show how we can realiable handle a couple of very low rolls and how much it takes to actualy put us on the spot, so lets not give the orcs the satisfaction of scaring us away from the mountain when the day just began.
If you'd seen any, it would have been mentioned.
Hmm... the complete lack of any Shamans is actually somewhat worrying to me. It'd be one thing for an Orc army of this size to only have one or two, or to have only weak ones, but none whatsoever? I can't help but get the feeling that we're missing something.
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