Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Loremaster: Expert on weaving

The We are not Forest Spiders and they are not bees. However what we are trying to get them to understand is the commercial potential of their silk... and for that, I think an expert weaver is actually the best choice!

[X] Prince Gotri, who will seize any excuse to talk about his gyrocopters.
[X] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.
[X] Prince Kazrik, as he tries to pry a shipwright loose from Barak Varr.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[X] Wilhelmina, to see how she's going when she's not a terrifying financial juggernaut.

I know I am approval voting for more than can win, but I think I'd be happy with any of these. Except meeting with Empress Heidi to try and find out WTF is probably mandatory. As a reminder, the last time we say her she was a suspiciously immortal Countess of the only fiefdom in Sylvania to show loyalty to Stirland. It's great that Ranald approves and all, but still best to see what the hell the Gambler is about.

[X] Build it into the entrance to the Penthouse.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.

[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

[X] The best reading chair ever.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on weaving

[X] Princess Edda, to pry for details about her illicit romance with Prince Kazrik.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.

[X] The best reading chair ever.
Those require the social scenes, it's not going to be a part of the every-turn upkeep.
Fair enough
On the topic of 'people to add to social list', would this work for Rigimand, either as a write in or as something to be added to the in-update list:
[] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
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[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.

The current Empress was that woman who presented to be a vampire and has Ranald for patron divinity. Everything is right in the world.

@BoneyM, does this mean that you're confirming that Kasmir has fallen in the line of duty of safeguarding Stirland after all? Him being not part of Social List is now just apparent to me.

[ ] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.

Fair enough

On the topic of 'people to add to social list', would this work for Rigimand, either as a write in or as something to be added to the in-update list:
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for

Rather curious why so many people want to go to Karak Kadrin. No one we know is there, we're gonna get Dwarf Favor for killing him whether we go there or not, so why go in the first place?
This is a good point and I have changed my vote.
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
oh yeah alsooo
As you try to wrap your head around the magnitude of the plot Ranald appears to have expended his divine bounty upon,

It's explicitly pointed out that Ranald spent at least a chunk of the stuff we stole for him on this plot? But like, what plot?

I mean, we've gotta talk to the empress. She's Ranald's high priestess, after all.
She's also preggers. So it's highly likely that her child will be the next emperor.
And "Empress Heidi" is supposedly a Haupt-Anderssen. As in the former ruling dynasty of Stirland that all died out, letting van Hal become elector count.

There's presumably another giant story about what the heck happened there.

the fuck is Ranald going for here?
Next Emperor's mother being Ranaldite, who hails from former ruling dynasty of Stirland? (edit: and was pretending to be vampire since '62, so for like 15 to 20 years?)
Is he aiming for his status in Empire being elevated to rival major gods like Sigmar or at least Verena?
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That too but man. This puts to some perspective as to why Vlad gave Isabella the Blood's Kiss, I feel, and basically kickstarted the vC bloodline. Love is there as the main reason, but boy do I feel that he made it because he didn't want to see people he come to respect die off from something as banal as old age... or insidiously because you need to not be mortal to wield Dhar without getting insane.
And right now, he is rotting by sponging up Dhar like some Necrarch under Sigmar's Cathedral.

Man, he did a lot of bad, bad things to find himself stuffed in that hole, but I still pity the guy a little.
[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for
This is a great idea. I'd love to focus on assassination instead tbh, but fishing for Assassination level-ups might be too cheeky, IDK.
Okay, Vlad's got my respect now. I'm pretty sure he ended Van Hal before things spiraled out of control and he attacked the future Emperor. A final gift to a mortal he was willing to call friend? I mean, this is the same Vlad that legit fell in love with his mortal wife, and only turned her in order to keep her from dying of disease.
Say what you will about Vlad being a monster, the guy is the most respectable monster in the Warhammer world. Honestly even the whole "tries to become emperor" thing isn't so bad because it was the Age of Three Emperors so everyone was doing it.

The biggest issue was that the other members of his bloodline are little shits.
That too but man. This puts to some perspective as to why Vlad gave Isabella the Blood's Kiss, I feel, and basically kickstarted the vC bloodline. Love is there as the main reason, but boy do I feel that he made it because he didn't want to see people he come to respect die off from something as banal as old age... or insidiously because you need to not be mortal to wield Dhar without getting insane.
It can be argued that part of the whole "found the bloodline" thing was because he knew that mortal necromancers was a doomed avenue with this attempt.
[X] Loremaster: Expert on weaving
[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

[X] Karak Kadrin, presenting them with the skull of an old enemy (but not to keep).
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.

[X] The best reading chair ever.
[+] The Wizards of Karak Eight Peaks (locked in)
[X] Anton, to see how his firearm factory is going.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.

[X] Build it into the entrance to the Penthouse.

[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping
[X] Loremaster: Expert on beekeeping

[X] Kragg the Grim, who you could likely convince to start gloating.

[X] Barak Varr, to watch the progress of the canal.
[X] Karak Hirn, to satisfy your curiousity about Prince Ulthar.

[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Empress 'Heidi', to see if you can snatch a private moment to speak honestly with her.

[X] Write In: Our former Master, to share whatever infiltration stories we both have that the other has the clearance for

[X] Store away for some future purpose.

Yeah, on second thought, dragon skull should be on top of our tower. If Burning Shadows tower is gonna be another tower from this one, then on top of that, but I like aesthetics of a tall wizard tower crowned by dragon skull.
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[X] Roswita, as she tries to wrap her head around the influx of Battle Wizards.
[X] Roswita, to present her with a copy of the book her late father contributed to.
[X] Try to find Kasmir in Sylvania.
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