To be honest I hope that the the warpstone reaction to this technique is too fast, that it explodes faster than the chain reaction can propagate, so that the grain of warpstone touched goes up in a flash of green light, but even the rest of that piece s
If we tell him that these are confidential details that are not to be discussed with anyone, he'll respect that. He knows that guilds have their secrets. For all he knows the leaders of the Cult of Morr shared this knowledge with the Grey College in secret for situations like this, but for food reason they don't want that fact revealed, even to their own lower ranks. Dwarven Guilds keep plenty of secrets from their lower ranked members.
So I know I'm entering this conversation really late, but I'm not sure this has been brought up and the implications are really important.
Is the intent behind the Gunnars action to assist with human burial rites at all dependent on Morrite knowledge gained from the Book?
If not, and we're merely leveraging our general knowledge, history in Stirland, library, etc, then there's no issue.
However, the second we use the Advanced Morrite Lore, we run into massive problems. We'd be using knowledge we should not know, knowledge that is a cult secret to a parallel god to Gunnars' own, about whose oaths we have heard. We know exactly how seriously dwarves take oaths and guild secrets. Gunnars may never compare notes with the sum total of what is publically known about Morrite lore, but if he ever does, it would immediately be obvious to him that somewhere along the way, an oath of secrecy has been violated and the sanctity of the deathgod cult's rites and workings has been breached, presumably by us.
That's a massive catastrophe.
If we tell him that these are confidential details that are not to be discussed with anyone, he'll respect that. He knows that guilds have their secrets. For all he knows the leaders of the Cult of Morr shared this knowledge with the Grey College in secret for situations like this, but for food reason they don't want that fact revealed, even to their own lower ranks. Dwarven Guilds keep plenty of secrets from their lower ranked members.
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