[X] Plan Redshirt
-[X][COIN] Gambler
-[X][MAX] Current Task: Have him investigate the properties of the spiders' venom.
-[X][JOHANN] Have Johann return to Altdorf and 'graduate'.
-[x] [EIC] Establish an outpost of the EIC in Karak Eight Peaks.
-[X] Set up quarters and a basic laboratory for the Journeymanlings and any other visiting Wizards: -100gc.
-[X] Be on hand for Esbern and Seija's attempts to communicate with the spiders.
-[X][FREE] Library purchases as per
link, laundering Imperial purchases through Barak Varr when possible.
-[X][FREE] Purchase furnishings so you can stop sleeping on a bedroll and can unpack your things: -20gc.
-[X] The Undumgi are to select a leader from among themselves. Get involved in the process so you can investigate the candidate and influence their decision.
-[X] Some of the richest parts of the historical Karak were under the Citadel. See who currently resides there.
--[X] Coin: Gambler
-[X][FREE] Spend time in Stirland helping Anton with his love life.
--[x] Purchase Imperial texts on:
---[x] Skaven (Extensive/Esoteric -250g) [rolled - base and obscure acquired, 100g. Can attempt again next turn.]
---[x] Greenskins (Extensive/Esoteric -250g)
---[x] Daemons (Extensive -100g)
---[x] High Magic (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Entomology (Extensive/Esoteric -250g)
---[x] Toxins (Extensive/Esoteric -250g)
---[x] Trade (Extensive/Esoteric -250g)
---[x] Wolves (Extensive/Esoteric -250g)
---[x] Familiars(Extensive -100g)
---[x] Grey Magic (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Gold Magic (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Jade Magic (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Enchantment (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Ranald (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Ulric (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Divine Magic (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Warpstone (Extensive -100g)
---[X] Engineeing (Extensive -100g)
---[X] Imperial Lore (Extensive/Esoteric -150) (We already got Extensive)
--[x] Purchase Dwarf texts on:
---[x] Skaven (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Greenskins (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Imperial Lore (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Undead Lore (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Dwarf Lore (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Elf Lore (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Toxins (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Chemistry (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Monsters (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Entomology (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Agriculture (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Trade (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Geography (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Mathematics (Extensive -100g)
---[x] Architecture (Extensive -100g)
---[X] Engineering (Extensive -100g)
---[X] Winds of Magic (Extensive -100g)