Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
The GM has stated multiple times that, the less we say, the better it is.
Do you have a quote, because that seems silly. Taken literally it would mean that the best vote would be: [] [RUNE] Something

While we shouldn't go overboard with the details, I think a rough statement of the idea of what we want should be given.

I am a bit confused about the rest of your post, because I fully agree? A weapon to commemorate the taking of the Karak is a good thing, yes.

Just in case I was unclear, the flavourless vote I was complaining about was:
[] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword
[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the greenskins.
[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.

[X] [UNDUMGI] Francesco Caravello, Tilean ex-merchant
[X] [UNDUMGI] Soizic, Bretonnian Questing Knight

[X] [ARMOUR] It should be reforged into a worthy commemoration of the Karak's rebirth.

[X] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword

[X] [LIBRARY] Imperial Texts: Extensive/Esoteric Skaven, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Greenskin Magic, Antiquarian Grey Magic (2 College Favor), Extensive Amber Magic, Extensive/Esoteric Linguistics, Extensive Warpstone, Extensive Morr, Extensive Karaz Ankor. Dwarf Texts: Extensive Greenskin Magic, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Linguistics, Extensive Daemons
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I can't even keep up with this thread right now...
I don't think I have to spell out any further. "The Dwarven King commissions a legendary weapon out of gratitude to his unexpected friend, the Human Hero" is literally the founding legend of the Empire.

A 25 favor weapon is a legendary piece of artifice, requiring a legendary smith and legendary materials. Most of all, a legendary weapon requires a legend.

I said before that getting a 25 favor weapon was hubris, but holy flaming shit 500 feet high.

Mathilde. Is not. Sigmar!

I love awesome moments in stories, but only because those moments are earned. And I'm sorry, but Mathilde is just not worthy of the kind of weapon you want. When it was just a 25 favor superweapon, that was something I could support and vote for. But since the entire thread has suddenly gotten a head bigger than a mountain, I have to vote against this. Mathilde barely even used her sword this campaign, heck, she wouldn't have pulled it out when assassinating the Black Orc Shaman if not for Mork's influence. We've taken only 2 out of 8 peaks so far. And, most importantly, we're going to be spending the majority of our time the next few years not swording our enemies. We'll be spending much more time scouting and investigating than we ever will assassinating our enemies, and even then for that we don't need a legendary weapon that's cosplaying as a knock-off Ghal Maraz.

Maybe Mathilde is worthy of a 25 favor weapon. But if the reason she's asking for it is because she's trying to be the next Sigmar, she very much emphatically does not deserve it and the fake "legend" she's trying to purchase.

[X] [RUNE] 15 Favour Sword
[X] [RUNE] No purchase.

[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.
[X] [UNDUMGI] Soizic, Bretonnian Questing Knight

[X] [LIBRARY] No purchase.
[X] [ENCHANTMENT] No purchase
[X] [ARMOUR] It should be reforged into a worthy commemoration of the Karak's rebirth.

Pay no attention to my flip-flopping votes here, plz...
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Do you have a quote, because that seems silly. Taken literally it would mean that the best vote would be: [] [RUNE] Something

While we shouldn't go overboard with the details, I think a rough statement of the idea of what we want should be given.

I am a bit confused about the rest of your post, because I fully agree? A weapon to commemorate the taking of the Karak is a good thing, yes.

Just in case I was unclear, the flavourless vote I was complaining about was:
[] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword
I think, given the political circumstances, that this will already be a weapon commemorating the refounding of K8P, just as the Belt memorializes the destruction of Drakenhof. Also, it already has a huge lead; let's not split the pro-sword vote more than we need to.
Do you have a quote, because that seems silly. Taken literally it would mean that the best vote would be: [] [RUNE] Something

While we shouldn't go overboard with the details, I think a rough statement of the idea of what we want should be given.

I am a bit confused about the rest of your post, because I fully agree? A weapon to commemorate the taking of the Karak is a good thing, yes.

Just in case I was unclear, the flavourless vote I was complaining about was:
[] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword
It's because Reforging the armor into a symbol of victory is very likely to land us a gromril sword, as weapons are very likely that's what it'd be used for, and the moment is absolutely perfect for it.

I will look for a quote, but remember our talisman was just "talisman, protection".

Boney's words are that, the less we specify, the more room Kragg, aka Boney, has to work with and get creative.

Given we are asking for a masterpiece, allowing the artist as much freedom as possible sounds best.
They were doing just fine hunting Skaven for most of their recent history in Karak Eight Peaks.

Hunting is rather different from a military campaign, and even in the best case where we sent them over with no expectation but to be big eight-legged partisans, they still have to sneak in and set themselves up safely past existing defenses, rather than already being in residence. That's a tougher row to hoe.

And it also ignores if they've been picking off Skaven that long, they weren't doing enough for the Skaven to care, and probably won't now, since they've been reduced by attacks on the Dwarves and lack of food most likely. The Skaven have many vices but if the spiders step their attacks up enough to be a genuine threat we can't count on them acting like they're not a genuine threat.
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I can't even keep up with this thread right now...

I said before that getting a 25 favor weapon was hubris, but holy flaming shit 500 feet high.

Mathilde. Is not. Sigmar!

I love awesome moments in stories, but only because those moments are earned. And I'm sorry, but Mathilde is just not worthy of the kind of weapon you want. When it was just a 25 favor superweapon, that was something I could support and vote for. But since the entire thread has suddenly gotten a head bigger than a mountain, I have to vote against this. Mathilde barely even used her sword this campaign, heck, she wouldn't have pulled it out when assassinating the Black Orc Shaman if not for Mork's influence. We've taken only 2 out of 8 peaks so far. And, most importantly, we're going to be spending the majority of our time the next few years not swording our enemies. We'll be spending much more time scouting and investigating than we ever will assassinating our enemies, and even then for that we don't need a legendary weapon that's cosplaying as a knock-off Ghal Maraz.

Maybe Mathilde is worthy of a 25 favor weapon. But if the reason she's asking for it is because she's trying to be the next Sigmar, she very much emphatically does not deserve it and the fake "legend" she's trying to purchase.

[X] [RUNE] 15 Favour Sword
[X] [RUNE] No purchase.

[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.
[X] [UNDUMGI] Soizic, Bretonnian Questing Knight
[X] [ARMOUR] Make no recommendation.
By definition, we have already earned the weapon, though? That's what having 25 favors means. Plus, I don't think we're trying to be the next Sigmar; we are much more about influencing the culture of the Dwarves, and forging a legendary weapon to commemorate the refounding of K8P is reinforcing his narrative of creating the new rather than reclaiming the old.
I don't see why the idea is so grotesque to you if we intend to use that sword for the good of the Karak and dwafkind as a whole. Like yeah it's not totally selfless, but we're not exactly taking advantage of some inexperienced beardlings here. The dwarves are smart enough to know what they're getting into if they go along with our suggestion of using it as a commemoration.
It feels gross. I don't know how else to put it. It's not really that shady, it's Belegar's call in the end, but...

Like, your friend found a culturally significant find in your backyard! Like, I dunno, pirate gold (in this hypothetical, you're descended from Davy Jones or something, work with me here). Then, when you ask for their opinion on what you should do with it, they respond, "You should reinvest it into the local economy! ... Oh, and by the way, not that this has anything to do with anything, but I'll be opening Mathilde's Curios down the street next month~"
I don't get why people are voting for this (Not picking on you, you where just the most recent post for this vote when I started this reply). Per the update the We are better at fighting Greenskins then Skaven.
Because the Skaven jumped up in threat level when it turns out there's three clans in the area, and I want them unbalanced further.
I got the phrase "warpstone hurts spider tummys" stuck in my head.
OR it gives them sweet new mutations!
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Karak 8 Peaks was iirc lost during the sundering that destroyed most of the underways. They lost a shit tonne of records and many clans were wiped out. It's the secondary event that destroyed the majority of their runic knowledge for instance.
K8P fell about a millenia after the Time of Woes begins with the near destruction of the Karaz Ankor after about two centuries of combat which ends when the Skaven utilise poison gas to drive King Lunn and his dwarves from K8P.
[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.
[X] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword
[X] [ARMOUR] It should be reforged into a worthy commemoration of the Karak's rebirth.
[X] [ENCHANTMENT] No purchase
It feels gross. I don't know how else to put it. It's not really that shady, it's Belegar's call in the end, but...

Like, your friend found a culturally significant find! Like, I dunno, pirate gold. Then, when you ask for their opinion on what you should do with it. And they respond, 'You should reinvest it into the local economy! ... Oh, and by the way, not that this has anything to do with anything, but I'll be opening Mathilde's Curios soon down the street next month~"
Yeah, this is a pretty good point, it's why I'm approval voting letting him choose what to do with it. I still think there's a good chance of getting a badass sword, but that way feels better to me.
[] [ARMOUR] Make no recommendation.
[] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword
Could I ask you why vote the sword but not sugesnting the armor be remade ?

[] [ARMOUR] It should be returned to the Hold it was stolen from, to build strong ties among the Karaz Ankor.
[] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword
Could you maybe explain this vote ? I just can't undertand why vote for the best possible sword but also sugest he metal we want to make it from be given away.

Maybe Mathilde is worthy of a 25 favor weapon. But if the reason she's asking for it is because she's trying to be the next Sigmar, she very much emphatically does not deserve it and the fake "legend" she's trying to purchase.
I think you are reading to much into this, yes this sword will be worth of legend, we made deds worth of legend, but she isn't sigmar and never want to be in any way, that was all narrative paralels, with sobe joking sprinkled on top due to her trait.
Okay, I see the thread got going really fast while I was sleeping, so a quickie on the options before the full breakdown and catchup.

You've got great news to deliver to King Belegar, but once more you're presented with the tricky question of how to present it. As the expert your recommendation will carry a lot of weight.
If it is decided that the We will remain, figuring out long-term communication will be tackled in the coming turn.

[ ] [SPIDER] The We can be allowed to scutter off into the Underway, never to be seen again.

Ease of convincing the Dwarves: Easy. This is their preference AND expectation.
Ease of convincing the Spiders: Easy.
Utility: None
Risks: None

[ ] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the greenskins.

Ease of convincing the Dwarves: Moderate-hard. They know giant spider mounts are traditional for goblins, so it'd be a hard sell.
Ease of convincing the Spiders: Easy. Spiders consider greenskins to be snacks, so in essence we're telling them to get paid for eating.
Utility: The Greenskins actually favor open field battle more, which doesn't play to spider strengths.
Risks: Low. Eating greenskins is an eminently straightforward matter and difficult to confuse.

[ ] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.

Ease of convincing the Dwarves: Moderate. If they want to eat some of the greatest foes of the dwarves, go for it.
Ease of convincing the Spiders: Moderate. Spiders consider Skaven to be easy prey, but fear an organized response. If we can convince them that our organized response is better than the Skaven.
Utility: High, the Underways and underground elements are where the Skaven are the worst pests and spider webs make good static defenses.
Risks: Moderate. Two aspects.
-Eating Skaven may not be safe due to high warpstone content. Mathilde would know IC better since she's the Windsage, I'm assuming that the average Skaven corpse isn't significantly charged with warpstone or she wouldn't have sent the skaven skulls to be made into bonemeal.
-Communication terminology. "Furry four legs" includes a lot of things, like livestock. The spiders naturally don't seem to consider bodyplan to be important, a biped and a quadruped are not significantly different.

[ ] [SPIDER] The We can be a welcome addition to the multispecies community of Karak Eight Peaks.

Ease of convincing the Dwarves: Hard. If they buy into this its ENTIRELY because of their respect for Mathilde's reputation.
Ease of convincing the Spiders: Unclear. We've established that in an environment where there is lots of prey we don't need to compete, so the military alliances are easy. We hadn't conveyed the idea of barter. We hadn't established anything about We becoming part of Greater-We.
Utility: High. If we can trade valuable for them but not us meat for valuable for us but not them silk we could get some economic hax going.
Risks: Significant. Higher integration also means higher, potentially deadly misunderstandings.

[ ] [SPIDER] Make no recommendation.

Literally our freakin job to advise.

Then there's the Undumgi. Perhaps there's a candidate that you prefer over the others.

[ ] [UNDUMGI] Oswald Oswaldson, Imperial veteran

-Imperial Culture(Feudal-favoring, Imperial prejudices, Sigmar likely considered favorable to some extent)
-Engineer father doesn't make him an Engineer, but does make him more open to the significant use of engineering.

Likely good Martial, potent good Learning. He's the guy you want if you want the Undumgi to work on production and potentially make their own wargear. Hes brave to a fault, and the guy you want to withstand orc charges.
The nasty injury he got discharged for might be nothing, but also might be a problem that can flare up later.

[ ] [UNDUMGI] Francesco Caravello, Tilean ex-merchant

-Tilean Culture(Oligarchic-favoring, Tilean prejudices, Tilean gods might be favored, likely knows about Skaven already)
-Merchant - Knows how money works. More likely to be able to get some kind of better economic setup going than the meathead variants.
-Well-Traveled - This guy knows the route beyond Eight Peaks, what goods are valuable and what needs protecting.
-Just(?) - We don't know if he's actually Just or only has a grudge against Greenskins/Bandits/Lords not fulfilling their duties, but he might well align with Myrmidia under aspect of Goddess of Justice given his culture?

[ ] [UNDUMGI] Soizic, Bretonnian Questing Knight

-Bretonnian Culture(Feudal-favoring, Caste system favoring, Bretonnian prejudices, Lady follower)
-Knightly culture - Follows the Knightly virtues. While Bretonnian LORDS might not follow them strictly, the questing knights usually do.
-Questing Knight - Is On Quest, may well woosh off some day when the Lady calls.

[ ] [UNDUMGI] Make no recommendation.

Yay democracy?
We're here to look out for the interests of Ranaldites(no Bretonnian leader pls), the Undumgi(yes functioning economy), the Dwarves and the Empire. Not nudging it seems nearly criminal.

And finally, the World's Edge Armour, a trophy snatched back from Clan Mors. It belongs to the Dwarves, of course, but as you recovered it and are held in good esteem by the Dwarves, you might have a say in its fate. You don't know its origin, but you've no doubt the Dwarves would be able to deduce it.

[ ] [ARMOUR] It should be worn by the first Ironbreaker of the reborn Karak Eight Peaks

Powerful morale symbol for Eight Peaks. May lead to disputes down the road if the Hold it came from protests however.

[ ] [ARMOUR] It should be reforged into a worthy commemoration of the Karak's rebirth.

Subtly hint that a gromril sword for us right now would be very nice yes. I'm not sure if its too much personally.
Once its reforged its probably not tracable.

[ ] [ARMOUR] It should be returned to the Hold it was stolen from, to build strong ties among the Karaz Ankor.

Make sure the books are closed.

[ ] [ARMOUR] Make no recommendation.

This IS a dwarfly matter, least risk of offending somebody.
Items have been debated to death, I'd spare adding to the wordcount until I catch up and see if anything new showed up.


[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the greenskins.
[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.
[X] [UNDUMGI] Francesco Caravello, Tilean ex-merchant
[X] [ARMOUR] It should be reforged into a worthy commemoration of the Karak's rebirth
[X] [LIBRARY] Imperial Texts: Extensive/Esoteric Skaven, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Greenskin Magic, Antiquarian Grey Magic (2 College Favor), Extensive Amber Magic, Extensive/Esoteric Romance Novels, Extensive/Esoteric Linguistics, Extensive Warpstone, Extensive Morr, Extensive Karaz Ankor. Dwarf Texts: Extensive Greenskin Magic, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Romance Novels, Extensive Linguistics, Extensive Daemons. Brettonian Texts: Extensive Romance Novels. Tilean Texts: Extensive Romance Novels.
[X] [LIBRARY] Imperial Texts: Extensive/Esoteric Skaven, Extensive/Antiquarian Skaven Magic, Extensive/Antiquarian Greenskin Magic, Extensive/Esoteric Romance Novels. Dwarf Texts: Antiquarian Skaven, Antiquarian Greenskin, Extensive/Antiquarian Skaven Magic, Extensive/Antiquarian Greenskin Magic, Extensive Romance Novels. Brettonian Texts: Extensive Romance Novels.
[X] [LIBRARY] Imperial Texts: Extensive/Esoteric Skaven, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Greenskin Magic, Antiquarian Grey Magic (2 College Favor), Extensive Amber Magic, Extensive/Esoteric Romance Novels, Extensive/Esoteric Linguistics, Extensive Warpstone, Extensive Morr, Extensive Karaz Ankor. Dwarf Texts: Extensive Greenskin Magic, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Romance Novels, Extensive Linguistics, Extensive Daemons.
[X] [LIBRARY] Imperial Texts: Extensive/Esoteric Skaven, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Greenskin Magic, Antiquarian Grey Magic (2 College Favor), Extensive Amber Magic, Extensive/Esoteric Romance Novels, Extensive/Esoteric Linguistics, Extensive Warpstone, Extensive Morr, Extensive Karaz Ankor. Dwarf Texts: Extensive Greenskin Magic, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Romance Novels, Extensive Linguistics, Extensive Daemons.
[X] [ENCHANTMENT] No purchase.
[X] [RUNE] A 25 favour sword to commemorate Mathilde's part the in retaking of Karak Eight-Peaks.
[X] [RUNE] Ranger's Greatsword
[X] [RUNE] 25 Favour Sword
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Could I ask you why vote the sword but not sugesnting the armor be remade ?

Could you maybe explain this vote ? I just can't undertand why vote for the best possible sword but also sugest he metal we want to make it from be given away.
Please do not ask people to explain their votes. It puts them on the spot, and doesn't seem very friendly, whatever one's intent may be, sorry.
By definition, we have already earned the weapon, though? That's what having 25 favors means. Plus, I don't think we're trying to be the next Sigmar; we are much more about influencing the culture of the Dwarves, and forging a legendary weapon to commemorate the refounding of K8P is reinforcing his narrative of creating the new rather than reclaiming the old.
And I never said she was.

The entire thing is meant to highlight the importance of the narrative, and how the set up is perfect for building a legendary one.

I'm voting against "building a legend." Remember that the fall of the Drakenhofs was because of Ableheim's efforts putting together the army that did it. Remember that, when faced with eating an energy field larger than her head, Mathilde called on a good friend to rescue her. Remember that she's still lagging behind a normal Grey Magister in her spell list, and has many Magisters that she looks up to as being better than she is. Remember that while she was the most prominent Adventurer on the expedition, as a counciler she's not going to be building any sword-related-legends when buried in a library full of books.

Hubris is just a deadly a poison as Dhar. I emphatically am against people trying to bend the story itself into making Mathilde some super-heroic character when she's really just very very good at faking it forward.
I mean, if a Verminlord is encountered in a hypothetical near future where we have a 25 Favour sword, my first tactic is not going to be "try and take it on alone". If a Skaven Warlord or Warboss is encountered and we can either immediately challenge him or get things into a favourable position if we're willing to be careful and take time to set it up, I'll be going for the latter. But I have no issue with "not matching" our weapon from the start.
It's important to realize the point of legends and symbols.

They inspire people. They embolden the meek, stiffen the spine of those holding the line. Greed will only take you so far, but an ideal can have one laying down their lives without a thought.

Legends and symbols pull ideals out of the realm of ideas and into the physical. It allows people to closely relate to a cause or idea, it fires up the imagination.

The High King was elected on a platform of "there is no hope, we must go out in a blaze of glory". The motherfucking High. King.

That is what Belegar is up against.

That's why reforging the armor is important. That's why we should treasure every tiny bit of symbolism that could tip an indecisive dwarf into reasoning out that maybe, just maybe, the future is worth fighting for.

And the dawi can't do it alone. So perhaps we should fire up the imagination of the humans too, eh?

It's not about self aggrandizement. It's about hearts and minds.
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[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the greenskins.
[X] [SPIDER] The We can be a powerful military ally against the Skaven.
[X] [UNDUMGI] Francesco Caravello, Tilean ex-merchant
[X] [ARMOUR] Make no recommendation.
[X] [LIBRARY] Imperial Texts: Extensive/Esoteric Skaven, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Greenskin Magic, Antiquarian Grey Magic (2 College Favor), Extensive Amber Magic, Extensive/Esoteric Romance Novels, Extensive/Esoteric Linguistics, Extensive Warpstone, Extensive Morr, Extensive Karaz Ankor. Dwarf Texts: Extensive Greenskin Magic, Extensive Skaven Magic, Extensive Romance Novels, Extensive Linguistics, Extensive Daemons. Brettonian Texts: Extensive Romance Novels. Tilean Texts: Extensive Romance Novels.
[X] [ENCHANTMENT] An item enchanted with Talk With Beast to give to the spiders (3 favors)
[X] [RUNE] Ranger's Greatsword
[X] [RUNE] No purchase
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It's important to realize the point of legends and symbols.

They inspire people. They embolden the meek, stiffen the spine of those holding the line. Greed will only take you so far.

Legends and symbols pull ideals out of the realm of ideas and into the physical. It allows people to closely relate to a cause or idea, it fires up the imagination.

The High King was elected on a platform of "there is no hope, we must go out in a blaze of glory". The motherfucking High. King.

That is what Belegar is up against.

That's why reforging the armor is important. That's why we should treasure every tiny bit of symbolism that could tip an indecisive dwarf into reasoning out that maybe, just maybe, the future is worth fighting for.

And the dawi can't do it alone. So perhaps we should fire up the imagination of the humans too, eh?

Hearts and minds.

Taking a third peak will be a better symbol than any sword we could ever ask for.
I'm voting against "building a legend." Remember that the fall of the Drakenhofs was because of Ableheim's efforts putting together the army that did it. Remember that, when faced with eating an energy field larger than her head, Mathilde called on a good friend to rescue her. Remember that she's still lagging behind a normal Grey Magister in her spell list, and has many Magisters that she looks up to as being better than she is. Remember that while she was the most prominent Adventurer on the expedition, as a counciler she's not going to be building any sword-related-legends when buried in a library full of books.

Hubris is just a deadly a poison as Dhar. I emphatically am against people trying to bend the story itself into making Mathilde some super-heroic character when she's really just very very good at faking it forward.
But those are still legendary deeds, though? Or rather, voting for the sword retroactively makes them the first chapters of Mathilde's legend, I suppose. And given that we are likely to keep scouting, and that we have more peaks to take, we can continue to build that legend. And that's really cool.

Furthermore, of course our great accomplishments wouldn't have been possible without help. So what?. Is, for example, Magnus the Pious somehow not a hero because he had an army, Ghal Maraz, and the blessings of all the God's of the Empire?
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[X] [ENCHANTMENT] An item enchanted with Talk With Beast to give to the spiders (3 favors)

BoneyM has all but said that we should hold our horses before grabbing this.

[X] TotallyNotEvil

Good men died for that silver, and you're spending it on smut.

And other people are spending their silver on sex workers, I don't see where the dignity of silver plays into this.

with the possible exception being a different (also extremely rare) magical alloy of the dwarfs.

Just Gromil and its three refinements. The elves have something but it's not the same.

Okay, sell me on "who cares". Is a gromil sword going to be mechanically different and if so by how much?

Gromil is basically Adamantium in other settings. The first refinement makes it The Strongest Substance*, the second refinement makes it heavily magic resistant**, and I don't quite recall the properties of the third refinement.

*Barring mythic one off substances that have only existed in one set of armor
**This is what is called Adamantium in WHF

Hey quick question. Did Boney clarify why we didn't get a larger Learning increase from reading the Liber Mortis? I know we only read part of it, but as far as I can tell, it only finished the 1/3 Undead Lore we had from Abelhiem's Extremely Redacted Liber Mortis.

Because +2 Learning from one brief sit down is actually a pretty major boost?
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Voting is open