And sanity. The right balance of Lawful to Evil actually requires some sort of code of ethics that keeps you from veering up into straight up Chaotic mess of instability. Dany was never one to possess the mental fortitude to make the hard decisions for the right reasons, more that she keeps making the wrong decisions for what she perceives to be the "right reasons". She's basically delusional, in order to make her dream come true and put an end to slavery she doesn't want to accept that the world needs to slot into certain behaviors and that they need to be forced into them in the first place, and that if she is willing to apply force to get her foot in the door, because she used force, she needed to be ready to apply it again whenever people relapsed.
That's the problem about using force to implement societal changes, you are pretty much there to act as the stick from then onwards, supplying the carrots when people do what you want. If you wanted to stop having to resort to force to keep the wheels spinning, you should have talked it out.
And yes, it wouldn't have been fast or easy "talking it out", that would have implied a long-term strategy to gather the resources to put you in a position where you could apply your force strategically and only when necessary, "talking softly and carrying the biggest stick" if you will, a strategy that only works when you are already an entrenched power who can project force from the safety and comfort of a location that your enemies can't attack meaningfully.
Edit: Basically yes, I'm implying hur dur she should have just gone to Westeros as soon as it was possible, THEN come back after securing her banners' loyalty, perhaps even with a "glorious war against enemies we can all agree we hate". She could have been Aegon the Conqueror reborn if she had just been a little more patient.
Reminds me of a Youjo Senki fic that's in a post-victory period, and Tanya is called to give the soldier's point of view in how they should treat the defeated powers, and she gives a very rousing and emotional, but completely generic as to be possibly interpreted from any angle and thus completely cover her ass speech, all while thinking "as long as they either offer a helping hand or out a boot to their neck, it should be good, half measures led to WW II".
As her generic speech swung every which they, they, in tears, concluded they should be harsh, but not too harsh, and go for a middle-of-the-way solution.
@DragonParadox no pressure, but I'll be waiting for that Omake
Oh yeah, sounds great.
I'm very happy with Bronn's build. He is a very nice fighter/rogue with a few fun tricks.
Clearly the coven is just a farm for forked cats to create more of their own by providing their brethren with a source of easily defeated witches.
That sounds like a great plot.
Besides, I'm rockin' the OG avatar, what's not to like?
Artemis is using a modernized version of his old blue magic circle, too.
But in your case, the avatar sort of changes how I hear your posts.
Most of those droplets are in Fate Zero unfortunately.
Unsurprisingly, in the one without Shirou.
The Seven will be dealt with
way before the apocalypse, rest assured.
It certainly doesn't help that GRRM didn't have a good sense of scale either.

I'm not sure how true this is, but there's a story circulating that he visited the set of Game of Thrones in the first season and complained that the Wall was way too big... when it was like half as tall as what it was supposed to be and they were going to greenscreen the rest.
Actually, I find that in this case, the Wall being so absurdly off the charts, and being imprinted as so due the show, just helps more than anything.
It highlights the "this is the greatest work of an age of magic and wonder". If the wall were, say, five meters high, it'd just be boring.
As is, everyone knows what you are talking about when you say The Wall.
Because it being what it is, you can't help but wonder "what do you need a
seven hundred feet tall wall to defend against?". It builds up the bad guys without even mentioning them.
Off topic for a second, but goddamn have the last 24 hours been fucking wild in the US.
I almost overshared, because totally shattering someone's world view is always my first draft, but I realized we're trying to calm him down a moment later.
The Pondmaster suddenly feels like reaching for his desk whiskey for some reason.