Of Vows Thrice Broken
Thirty-First Day of the Tenth Month 293 AC
While your mother goes off to see Lady Farring and the three knights remain in the tavern, hopefully quelling anymore thoughts of youthful impetuosity, you look for the exiled maester, his name and countenance easy enough to pick out from the mind of one of the patrons you had already met. Though thinking about him and his misdeeds real or imagined, Maester Kevan, a frail graying man with pox scars marking a sour expression, makes it all the more surprising when spell-wrought insight reveals him in not some chamber in the Citadel, but a far more merry place.
The Quill and Tankard in Oldtown is loud and bustling even in the mornings as one might imagine of a place of wine, drink and pleasant company that caters primarily to young men expected to abstain from all three while they worked to forge their chain. True to its name tankards laden with beer and bowls of stew stand next to chipped clay inkpots and sheets of stained parchment, with the contents of the former all too often ending up on the latter... as is the case for a pair of young novices getting roundly scolded by a familiar man in gray.
Whichever gods the two of them prayed to they must be much beloved today, you think with a touch of whimsy.
"Maester Kevan," you reach out and touch the old man's shoulder, your face meant to be one lost in the crowd, but your words heavy with insight and sorcery. "I have an urgent matter to discuss with you. One that concerns your service at Farring Keep."
He rounds on you, anger fading to weariness. "Did his delusions echo so far, then? Whatever Goddar Farring is paying you I can assure you that I have done nothing but my duty in that position as in all others I have held over the years."
"It was not he who sent me..." You glance pointedly around the crowded hall. "Perhaps it is best to take this conversation to somewhere less public."
"Very well." Maester Kevan gives the two novices one last withering look and promises them that they will be cleaning the anatomy classroom for a month, a dire prospect to judge from how they bleach, before following you out the door and down the street that marks the perimeter of the small island. The waters of the Honeywine as they rush towards the Sunset Sea mask your words from any passersby that may be listening.
You spin a quick lie about having heard about his shameful exile and wishing to ensure that such deeds are seen far and wide as the disgrace they are, letting it be tacitly understood that you might be in the employ of one archmaester or another wishing to preserve the reputation of the Citadel against the abuses of the lords, and the story comes tumbling out, truthfully as far as you can tell though not what you had been expecting.
It seems Maester Kevan had discovered by simple chance that someone was making use of a wandering Begging Brother who visited Farring Keep perhaps three times every year to carry messages for coin when the man had tried to pay for his meal with a silver star, but before he could interrogate him further the septon had fled and had been very careful to stay always in the public eye until he was out of reach. It was, however, notable that the man was only let past the keep door at Lady Farring's insistence so it was fair to assume that she was the one in need of a surreptitious messenger. Alas, she too refused to say a word on the matter, only growing more angry with each question.
Being a man of a particularly dutiful, not to say mulish disposition, the maester proceeded to ask far and wide about where else of note the Begging Brother had traveled. The only answer he got was from Storm's End, though Maester Cressen was not certain who had persuaded the then Lord Renly to let the septon in and before any further inquiries could be made Lord Goddar cast the maester out, citing some notion that the Citadel had a hand in the death of Jon Arryn and were secretly trying to make puppets of lords from the shadows.
A letter... Storm's End... You make your excuses in as much haste as your disguise allows to return to the village under the shadow of Farring Keep.
"Ser Godry, did your cousin Gilbert perhaps give you a second letter, one you were to deliver to someone other than Lord Goddar?" you ask the young knight urgently.
"Well yes, one for Alyse, Lady Farring, but it's of no real matter, the were close as children," he shrugs. "He told me not to bother Lord Velaryon with it."
You sigh.
There never was a conspirator harder to find than one who thinks himself innocent, the saying is older than the Doom and no less true now than in the days of the Dragonlords. "Perhaps not, but I would like to see it..."
"I'm not sure..." the young man begins.
"Give him the letter, and anything else you may have been hiding because it wasn't 'important'," Ser Aegalon growls.
You take it break the plain wax seal, read it once, then again and a third time just to be sure the letters had not magically changed their place on the parchment.
"...my darling Alyse, every day without you is torture, every day knowing my son calls that oaf father is a dart through my heart, but worry not, the time to set things right is at hand, when the Dragon returns he will sweep Goddar from his seat and I may take the place that fate denied me at your side..."
Instead of hints of the maesters' conspiracy or your fears of divine visitations warning the lord of what had truly killed Jon Arryn you find yourself before simple adultery. You are not sure if you aught to curse or laugh, though Varys has no qualms choosing the latter. For now you carefully slip the incriminating letter into your cloak and wait for your mother and Ser Richard to arrive.
When they do your mother speaks not aloud but through an arcane message:
"Alyse Farring is an idiot, but she probably does not deserve to lose her head for it."
A bit of sympathy mixed mixed in with magic had gone a log way into making Lady Farring unburden herself. It seems her marriage had always been an unhappy one, though not of any great fault on her husband's part. As a girl she had set her heart on the younger cousin and he on her, but Gilbert Farring had not been a lord, nor even close in the succession and so her father had pushed Alyse to wed Lord Farring. Yet the affair began weeks before her wedding night and continued whenever they had a chance throughout the years, including, you surmise from the letter, producing Goddar Farring's supposed heir. The boy would be devastated if you reveal this, and unlike his mother he has no guilt in this mess.
What do you do?
[] Show the letter to Lord Farring to help acquire his support
-[] Write in
[] Keep the letter secret, you do not need it to sway him
-[] Write in
[] Write in
OOC: If you guys just decided to go to through with talking to Lord Farring without discovering the second letter I would have rolled a d2 to see if Ser Godry mixed up the letters. You can imagine the effect handing him that letter out of the blue saying it it was his cousin urging him to support Viserys would have been.