Super Robot Quest

Well then, the no-stacking makes things easier, seeing that each ability lasts 1 round or so anyway.

Richard needs to do a minimum amount of damage per turn and hold out until Mercury V arrives to accomplish this mission objective.

Managing to defeat the kaiju ourselves would be one hell of a bonus objective. Speaking of: What if the Westies have a super-weapon lurking around too? Or worse, a flying kaiju?

My hazy outline is to open up with the heavy weapon strike and start wailing on the Kaiju with the sword. During the recharge turn call the battleship for help so we can have a consistent heavy strike+4 normal strikes per round.

We ought to focus on the horn though.

ollow up with Demolisher free activation and a double Unarmed Strike, engaging Inferno as support

Seeing that only using the barrier spends the blade, there's no difference with Inferno and the electro sword, unless you want to cauterize the wounds with fiery fists.

Use Finishers when possible, spending any Callaghan Rerolls unspent on them.

I don't think you can use them like that, whenever you want. The first time Jupiter's Strike activated was when the enemy's HP was into the threshold.

Lastly, the Shield would work better against a multi-strike, seeing that it works per hit.
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@Alectai, the Arc Blade can be used as part of the normal strikes, there is no need to switch to fisticuffs unless the sword is damaged.

I want to see if Inferno has interesting effects, and I'm hedging my bets against the idea that cutting a hyper pressurized acid spewing horn might damage the Arc Blade and put it on cool down.

Inferno buffed melee does the same damage as the Arc Blade, after all.
I want to see if Inferno has interesting effects, and I'm hedging my bets against the idea that cutting a hyper pressurized acid spewing horn might damage the Arc Blade and put it on cool down.

Inferno buffed melee does the same damage as the Arc Blade, after all.

Yeah, but you can just add it as a contingency instead of suddenly switching to fisticuffs? At least in the first turn it doesn't make much sense to hit the dragon once with the sword and then immediately discard it to switch to hand to hand combat.

EDIT: I simply don't think that the narrative flow of switching to the fallback weapon at the very beginning of the fight works. Shouldn't it be saved to when the dragon actually attempts to disable the arc blade?
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[X] Hunting the Dragon

No, Hrunting the Dragon is correct.

It's Beowulf's sword, or one of them anyway. I'm making a joke on how I expect the Arc Blade to be damaged in the called shot, because the story Beowulf always broke his swords against his foes and then beat them with glorious Germanic wrestling.

As for why I'm doing this? I generally want to avoid contingencies when possible. I guess I could just do melee from the start?
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But Inferno can only be triggered once per deployment, using it now is simply wasting it when it's not needed.

Narratively, it's also unsatisfying to start with a time limited power up before switching to using the sword indefinitely. Like, why did you use the fire strikes when you could only use them once and you had a perfectly serviceable sword?
Oh fine, I guess we don't get to see if its blood catches fire or can be surprised I guess.

Spoilsports. It's just super boring to just do nothing but melee attack though.
@Alectai to be fair, if Callaghan does enough damage in one turn (EDIT: or lops off the horn) I assume that the Kaiju would attack the weapon and lead to hot blooded (and generally hot) fistfight :V.

I mean, why give the Arc Blade a weakness if its never gonna be used?
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I promise to try and free form the narrative (however RNG decides) into as cheesily Super Robot as I can make it. Just give me a plan and let the dice fly!
I'll leave this up for a bit more tonight, unless I see any opposing plan gain traction.
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Jun 25, 2018 at 7:40 PM, finished with 38 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X] Hrunting the Dragon
    -[X] Turn One: Arc Blade called shot to attempt to sever the horn while it should be recharging, Callagahn Reroll on this. Follow up with Demolisher free activation and a double Unarmed Strike, engaging Inferno as support. K-Suit Reroll on K-Scale save rolls. There may be wrestling moves involved in this, not sure what would be appropriate given the size difference.
    -[X] Turn Two: Support fire from Pegasus and Longship wing, Beowulf will use one of his actions as a Called Shot to try and cauterize some of the blood spray with Inferno and his second action for a Double Strike, using the Callaghan Reroll to support the Called Shot and the K-Suit reroll defensively.
    -[X] Turn Three: Switch to Arc Blade, as it should be back online if it was damaged earlier, go to town with it. Also, our free Demolisher proc. Rerolls distributed as usual for this exchange.
    -[X] Conditional: Engage Electromagnetic Shield in response to super moves. Use Finishers when possible, spending any Callaghan Rerolls unspent on them.