Speaks Words of Wisdom... On occasion
Faster than it can shrug off maybe?Heating acid does cause it to increase it's rate of reaction...
Faster than it can shrug off maybe?Heating acid does cause it to increase it's rate of reaction...
Richard needs to do a minimum amount of damage per turn and hold out until Mercury V arrives to accomplish this mission objective.
My hazy outline is to open up with the heavy weapon strike and start wailing on the Kaiju with the sword. During the recharge turn call the battleship for help so we can have a consistent heavy strike+4 normal strikes per round.
ollow up with Demolisher free activation and a double Unarmed Strike, engaging Inferno as support
Use Finishers when possible, spending any Callaghan Rerolls unspent on them.
Oh my God how did you not get the reference
I recognized that there "was" a reference, but beyond it being mythological I can't firmly place it.
Yeah, puns in the plans are a tradition ^_^
@Alectai, the Arc Blade can be used as part of the normal strikes, there is no need to switch to fisticuffs unless the sword is damaged.
I recognized that there "was" a reference, but beyond it being mythological I can't firmly place it.
I want to see if Inferno has interesting effects, and I'm hedging my bets against the idea that cutting a hyper pressurized acid spewing horn might damage the Arc Blade and put it on cool down.
Inferno buffed melee does the same damage as the Arc Blade, after all.
You're on the internetI recognized that there "was" a reference, but beyond it being mythological I can't firmly place it.