Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.
It's usually better though to try and get die parity over trying to fish for great rolls though?

Rerolls aren't really for fishing so much as being an insurance measure against a terrible roll. They're best in situations where you think you should pass the check most of the time, but the consequences for failure are severe. Getting the reroll bonus would incentivize us to make our perception pool a focus area, as that would synergize with having the reroll.
So, on the matter of internalizing Argent Mirror or not, I say we go for it, wholeheartedly.

Initially, I was a bit skeptical of internalizing Argent Mirror as it deals with the Argent arts and that jazz, but Yrs has made it extremely appealing for a number of narrative reasons.

For instance, here is the blurb of what it means to internalize the Argent Mirror

The Mirror is clear, revealing all deceptions, including those of the self. Yet this is no matter of virtue or vice, only an understanding of the self. Whether following reason or passion, one must face forward and acknowledge the truth of their choices, without deception.

This is an extremely interesting internalization, and there are a couple of reasons. First, there is no "good" or "evil" and no "right" or "wrong." Things simply are, and the mirror reflects that truth. This is highly important for progressing forward where we need to know who we are, to the depths of our soul, in order to keep progressing further. The Argent Mirror doesn't condemn, nor does it praise, it simply strips away facades and excuses to reveal what really is occurring.

Ling Qi needs this, she desperately needs to keep grounded and aware of who she is so that she doesn't lose herself in her rapid rise to success or dealing with high-level politics. When we are dealing with darkness elements, wind elements, water elements, and moon elements having our domain grounded in an ability to say "this is who we are" will be of exceptional worth.

Just in this update, we have seen how strong elements can overwhelm a person's normal sensibilities in trying circumstances. We would be kidding ourselves if Darkness couldn't do the same thing to us, especially since it already has done so.

In that light, having the Mirror as part of our soul, as an integral part of how we approach the world from now on, seems far too valuable to pass up.

[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi receives a four die bonus when attempting to discern lies or see through illusions.
Rerolls aren't really for fishing so much as being an insurance measure against a terrible roll. They're best in situations where you think you should pass the check most of the time, but the consequences for failure are severe. Getting the reroll bonus would incentivize us to make our perception pool a focus area, as that would synergize with having the reroll.
Has that been a big focus of the thread recently? It was not when I last actually really paid attention.
Adhoc vote count started by BungieONI on Jun 4, 2018 at 4:22 PM, finished with 62469 posts and 29 votes.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi receives a four die bonus when attempting to discern lies or see through illusions.
It's also brittle?

I'd personally rather do well against multiple attacks than have one second chance per event.
Has that been a big focus of the thread recently? It was not when I last actually really paid attention.

Most people think the eventual successor Art or Arts to AM should include an Art that's either half or fully dedicated to Perception, depending on how the fiddly details fall out. However The Stealth Wars are very clearly a thing in this system/setting and I would be surprised if many cultivators went through Green without doing similar or more.
It's usually better though to try and get die parity over trying to fish for great rolls though?

And I sincerely doubt that it would grow by giving more rerolls, because that would be silly.
We already have multiple rerolls, even one of perception, so obviously @yrsillar judge it as non-silly.
Do you have a reason to go for the +dice option instead of the +reroll for LQ and allies ?

On the topic of Argent Mirror, it looks like nothing is going to stem this massive tide, but I will issue a few words of caution. First, while it seems like we have a lot of open slots now, that won't be the case forever, and what's being taken up by Argent Mirror will eventually crowd out something people would've liked too. Second, we aren't likely to have as good a time with Argent Current or Argent Storm, and it's been said the Argents work well together. AM could be a lone Argent in our Domain. Third, it probably isn't coincidence the 3 first Argent Arts end in the first level of Green; they're probably meant to be extremely tempting for developing Domains.
1) we currently have 5 slots. 4 after AM, so FVM, SCS and TRF can easily fit in there, by the time we master FSS/PLR we'll obviously have hit domain 2 and logically gained more slots. It's only 600xp away.
2) i don't see the issue. Nothing in slotting AM to our domain demands we also slot AC/AS.
3) Again i don't see the issue. If it's tempting it's because it's something good/useful. The ability to see through your own lies is pretty damn important to make sure Ling Qi remains sane over the years as she climbs the social and power ladder.
It's like you're saying "geee, the White Room is pretty tempting to open meridians, we definitively shouldn't use it!"
Ahhhh that ending was adorable. Gotta be the biggest purely positive display of emotion from Meizhen yet.

Also, people were totally right with the LanLan vote, she was totally self destructing there. Glad I was wrong.

Travelers End is pretty great. I assume that we need to supply Qi to it still to keep the mists going, but I wonder if we can create several instances of mists by stopping one then making another elsewhere. If we DON'T need to supply Qi then we could litrally create mist traps all over the place which would have to be dispelled, and whilst I'm not sure if it would be able to permenantly hold some levels of Yellow, any mortal or Red who wandered in would be quite screwed. If that's the case then considering how much of a pain we could be as just an early green it makes sense why the Empire doesn't like leaving unaccounted cultivators around, when a single one with the right build could booby trap to hell and back a province. Won't be surprised if it doesn't work like that, but if it did that would be awesome, and would really fit the name of Travelers End.

As for Argent Mirror... whilst it isn't my first choice as a domain slow I can't say I hugely dislike it either, and both those bonuses look pretty damn useful. I would like the the one which also helps allies, but the lies and illusions bonus just seems to good to pass up, especially far later when we start interacting with politics. Especially if we end up as a spymaster.

[] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[] Ling Qi receives a four die bonus when attempting to discern lies or see through illusions.

Edit: Vote changed later
Last edited:
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.

This seems like a choice between having Qi internalize it in the spirit beast, or spirit methods for domain cultivation. I'm voting for the latter as she already has one domain bonus in that path, and it seems reasonable that there will be synergy bonuses for focusing more on one path.

Also stacking a bunch of domain bonuses would be helpful for building up an elite unit of cultivators, and/or a party of spirits, and spirit beasts depending on player decisions in the long-term.
Do you have a reason to go for the +dice option instead of the +reroll for LQ and allies ?
Not particularly? I prefer the dice over the reroll personally since AM has been an individual art until this point, and I would like to keep AM focused on the self.

But any internalization should achieve the goal of having the mirror help us reveal why we are really doing something.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.
Sable Crescent Step Changes:
Passive Effects
-Increases user's speed by 9
-Increases user's initiative by 3 5
-Add two three dice to all stealth rolls
-Speed and initiative bonuses increase by two in low light, and three in darkness
-Stealth bonus becomes auto successes in darkness or low light
-User adds five dice to their first offensive clash pool if attacking first
-User adds three dice to all offensive clashes against unaware targets targets which cannot perceive them.
-User gains a four die bonus to physical defense in darkness
-User cannot be tracked through mundane means. All other attempts suffer a three five die penalty

Crescent's Grace: ooo
Cost 5 qi

Formless Shade: ooo
Cost 8 qi

Grinning Crescent Dancer: oooo
Cost 9 qi
Instant, response
<Incorporates the benefits of both Crescent's Grace and Formless Shade>

Calling upon the favor of the Grinning Moon, and using their skill at manipulating dark qi, the user's form is made an indistinct phantom, a flicker of shadow dancing between lights. The user adds six dice to their defensive pool, one point of perfect defense and increases their speed by 5. While active, the user ignores terrain penalties to speed, and slopes of less than ninety degrees all terrain penalties, slopes, or falling damage. Users may cross water or gaps freely as long as their movement ends on solid ground, and may move through spaces too small for their bodies, so long as they have line of sight to can perceive their destination. In addition the user gains a five die bonus to all attempts to escape from any effect that impedes mobility in any way, as well as attempts to bypass formations. Lasts four five turns. When not activated in low light or darkness, this technique costs an additional three two qi.

One with Shadow: ooo
Cost 10 qi
The user merges with shadow and dark, dematerializing entirely to slip from shadow to shadow. The user gains a three five die bonus to stealth in this form and may move from one shadow to another without interacting with any intervening terrain or obstacles, even if they lack line of sight. While in this form the user gains one point of perfect defense (stacks with GCD), but being damaged ends the technique. Distance between shadows must be less than the user's movement speed, and must be cast be at least roughly the size of an average human. If the shadow in question belongs to an animate target, the user must succeed on a clash to use it at a four die bonus. On success, the target suffers a two three die penalty on perception checks to notice the user. On failure the user is revealed. The user receives an additional five die bonus to their first attack against the target, this stacks with passive bonuses. Lasts four turns.

I'm freeeee! Finally free!
Most people think the eventual successor Art or Arts to AM should include an Art that's either half or fully dedicated to Perception, depending on how the fiddly details fall out. However The Stealth Wars are very clearly a thing in this system/setting and I would be surprised if many cultivators went through Green without doing similar or more.
Ah I see. Makes sense, though I think that if we go to a Perception art it shouldn't be a literal "successor" in the sense of Fleeting Zephyr being a successor. For one thing I don't know if such an art exists. But the other more important consideration in my mind is our elemental balance, and how we can tighten that up. Thus if I was to have a pick of hypothetical Perception arts, I'd go for a Moon one. I could also see Dark providing it. Either way both of them would likely be esoteric senses, the DnD comparison that comes to mind for a likely possibility among many others is blindsight, and they'd make our elemental balance tighter.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi receives a four die bonus when attempting to discern lies or see through illusions.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi receives a four die bonus when attempting to discern lies or see through illusions.

Purely for the mental health reasons.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi receives a four die bonus when attempting to discern lies or see through illusions.
Not particularly? I prefer the dice over the reroll personally since AM has been an individual art until this point, and I would like to keep AM focused on the self.

But any internalization should achieve the goal of having the mirror help us reveal why we are really doing something.
I though we and Ling Qi herself wanted to move away from selfishness and be a better person, at least towards our friends ?
Helping our closest friends see through such issues seem a better fit to the fluff imo.
[X] Internalize Argent Mirror
-[X] Ling Qi and Allies of at least four dots positive relation within one hundred meters may reroll a failed perception test once per combat or scene.

Rerolls are worth it in the long run. If we couple the reroll with another perception art, replacing argent mirror, it will be a huge boon.