[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
-[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
-[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
-[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…
Just to clarify @Basarin : In order to take the "Kaiju samples farm" option, do we have to complete any other kaiju-related project first before taking it, or is it fine if we take an unrelated kaiju action this turn, then next one we start the kaiju farm one? In other words, can there be other kaiju-related research projects running in the background before taking the kaiju sample growth one?

If you start the cultivation now, but also took some (or all) of the other sample projects running parallel with them, that's fine.

If you took the cultivation project, but DIDN'T start the other projects, you'll have to wait. But it does reduce the time it takes for them.

Edit of the Edit: I will leave voting until morning.
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[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
-[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
-[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
-[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…

I'm good with GaoGaiGar.

Can also go with an SRX or Megazord/Voltron form.

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If you start the cultivation now, but also took some (or all) of the other sample projects running parallel with them, that's fine.

If that's so, then there's no reason to not choose all other options this turn, then start the cultivation next turn to maximize our gains.

[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
-[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
-[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
-[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…

Such as this plan does, which I like. However, I would like to finish the Hound this turn if the planner agrees.

[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
Adhoc vote count started by HeavyBane on May 18, 2018 at 2:18 PM, finished with 679 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale
    -[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
    -[X] Unleash the Hound
    -[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
    -[X] Guided Development
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
    [X] Plan: Abominations of Science
    -[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
    -[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
    -[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…
    [X] Plan: Unchained Development
    -[X] Wilde think he can make the TMU plug into the Hound directly as a component of the Combination process. They're not too sure howthey're going to go about it, but they have enough spare parts from both sides of the equation that they're confident they can make it work.
    -[X] Fact Hunt
    -[X] Guided Development
    -[X] Unleash the Hound
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…

Adhoc vote count started by HeavyBane on May 18, 2018 at 2:19 PM, finished with 679 posts and 11 votes.

  • [X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale
    -[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
    -[X] Unleash the Hound
    -[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
    -[X] Guided Development
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
    [X] Plan: Abominations of Science
    -[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
    -[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
    -[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…
    [X] Plan: Unchained Development
    -[X] Wilde think he can make the TMU plug into the Hound directly as a component of the Combination process. They're not too sure howthey're going to go about it, but they have enough spare parts from both sides of the equation that they're confident they can make it work.
    -[X] Fact Hunt
    -[X] Guided Development
    -[X] Unleash the Hound
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…
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[X] Plan All In Science

Might not win but if it does it'd be great! Though I'm probably fairly happy whatever wins.

I'm really not fond of how Straight to Mecha Scale all but writes off all Kaiju Biotech research for the next three turns. It's cutting off our Physics Cheat and trying to do a Real Robot in a Super Robot series.

It can work, but you tend to get inferior results, and it's highly dependent on having weak opponents. Dai Guard worked because the monsters were incredibly dumb and had a specific weak point that could be exploited, so the robot was ultimately just the delivery mechanism for the actual weapon that did the job.
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I hear you on that. But if it DOES win we'll just have to spend time leveling the other stuff-I know old man Ignatov is offering plans for Super Robot Weaponry, even if the generic-ness of it threatens to be weaker then if say, we had someone who specialized in them.
I hear you on that. But if it DOES win we'll just have to spend time leveling the other stuff-I know old man Ignatov is offering plans for Super Robot Weaponry, even if the generic-ness of it threatens to be weaker then if say, we had someone who specialized in them.

It means we'll be dramatically behind with our physics cheat, and we'll be expected to produce something coherent before long either.

Abominations of Science gets our physics cheat well on it's way, and we can safely set it aside then to focus on all those other things, because by the time we're ready to start major work, we'll already have our base theory locked in.
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Oh alright. At the very least I'll vote for the thing that gets Kaiju tech working with other things.

[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
The reason I voted for ESP research is that it takes 4 turns. That is longer than any other project we have cooking, and it's likely the next step after we finish Pushing Limits. It also will give us access to actual factual psychic powers (allowing us to start working on scaling them up to mecha scale, or simply applying them if they're not scale dependent like battle precog). Setting up all of our research to start ticking over means we can have access to all that stuff for our actual super robot, as compared to trying to use mundane technology to build something (and that will not work).
The reason I voted for ESP research is that it takes 4 turns. That is longer than any other project we have cooking, and it's likely the next step after we finish Pushing Limits. It also will give us access to actual factual psychic powers (allowing us to start working on scaling them up to mecha scale, or simply applying them if they're not scale dependent like battle precog). Setting up all of our research to start ticking over means we can have access to all that stuff for our actual super robot, as compared to trying to use mundane technology to build something (and that will not work).

Yeah, but we're already comfortably ahead on ESP research, we don't need to do it right now. We have a fully coherent theory and workable applications out of it that we can apply to an early mark right now.

But we're decisiely behind on Kaiju Biology Research. We can't do anything with it yet, and biology means it'll be three more turns before we can even take actions to figure out what we can do with it

At least going all in means that we're studying applications even as we get a culture farm started. And it doesn't bar us from working on ESP theory once all the set-up is done on the other projects either.
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[X] Plan: Abominations of Science

Mostly due to the valid arguments about the field otherwise being locked to us for multiple turns.
[X] Plan: Abominations of Science

Leading plan that doesn't delay the already behind Kaiju research for three months.
Am I the only one who kinda wants to do the Motor Pool action so we can make bigger robots?
[X] Plan: Careful With That Biohazard
-[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
-[X] Expansion - Motor Pool (3 RP)
-[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration(3RP)
-[X] Guided Development
-[X] Unleash the Hound (2 RP)
--[X] Well Rested Bonus
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE (1 RP)

Here. Cause I'm kinda wary of overusing biological technology that we don't really understand and I think it's a bit pointless to make weapons sized for our current robots if we're just going to end up making the frame bigger anyway.
I think it's a bit pointless to make weapons sized for our current robots if we're just going to end up making the frame bigger anyway.

Making weapons for our robots now before we make the Super Robot Frame serves a purpose: It gives us a base to build off of. Building weapons for a skyscraper or so sized robot will be much easier if we have smaller weapons to both practice on, and base the Super Robot design off of. It's faster and easier to make something when you already have a base for it after all.
Yeah, but we're already comfortably ahead on ESP research, we don't need to do it right now. We have a fully coherent theory and workable applications out of it that we can apply to an early mark right now.

But we're decisiely behind on Kaiju Biology Research. We can't do anything with it yet, and biology means it'll be three more turns before we can even take actions to figure out what we can do with it

At least going all in means that we're studying applications even as we get a culture farm started. And it doesn't bar us from working on ESP theory once all the set-up is done on the other projects either.

No, you're missing the point. ESP takes longer than any other project. Projects with long lead times should be started earlier, especially ones that promise fairly concrete results. You want to start stuff with shorter lead times later, because it will complete roughly the same time. Ideally, we would start ESP this turn for sure. Kaiju actions could start this turn or the next. Almost everything else except the Dakka action is 1-2 turns. As a result, if we start a bunch of 3 turns this turn and a bunch of 1-2s the next, they all finish roughly equally, with the 4-turn finishing just a turn after. Prioritizing a 2-turn like you are over a 4-turn just pushes ESP back unnecessarily.
No, you're missing the point. ESP takes longer than any other project. Projects with long lead times should be started earlier, especially ones that promise fairly concrete results. You want to start stuff with shorter lead times later, because it will complete roughly the same time. Ideally, we would start ESP this turn for sure. Kaiju actions could start this turn or the next. Almost everything else except the Dakka action is 1-2 turns. As a result, if we start a bunch of 3 turns this turn and a bunch of 1-2s the next, they all finish roughly equally, with the 4-turn finishing just a turn after. Prioritizing a 2-turn like you are over a 4-turn just pushes ESP back unnecessarily.

That logic only really works if both items under consideration have had equal amounts of work done to them prior. Right now, we're playing catchup with our neglected Kaiju Tech. Furthermore, neglecting other parts of the project such as Engineering and Defence force actions may have futher consequences. We're trying to pick and choose our battles here, and the prevalent opinion seems to be that ESP has had enough attention paid to it. Efficiency is nice and all, but I don't think it will kill us if we wait a turn to handle a few other things.

And if not taking it this turn causes something/someone important to blow up I don't know what I'll do...