[X] Plan All In Science
-[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter -
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…

Clear all the Kaiju actions and start on ESP since that action takes 4 turns. 8RP, bank 1 for next turn.
[X] Plan: Unchained Development
-[X] Wilde think he can make the TMU plug into the Hound directly as a component of the Combination process. They're not too sure howthey're going to go about it, but they have enough spare parts from both sides of the equation that they're confident they can make it work.
-[X] Fact Hunt
-[X] Guided Development
-[X] Unleash the Hound
--[X] Well Rested
-[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…

Alright. A plan to develop quite a few things. Keep in mind that if we make a sample farm we won't have access to it for some time, keeping us from starting projects involving Kaiju biotech.
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Also, as a reminder for everyone:

When you put in your plans, make sure you also note what action for "Dreaming of Electric Sheep" you want to take. Otherwise, I will flip a coin on it!
[X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale
-[X] Unleash the Hound
-[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
-[X] Guided Development
--[X] Well Rested
-[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley

Giving the Defense team a rest this turn.
Regular tech wise, go straight to mecha weaponry. Small arms is good for sponsorship projects but useless for actual mecha
Kaijiu tech wise, grab the accelerator first and let it grow. We're going to need a lot more mass to work with!
Edited in Guided Development. Can I put well rested there?
Alright. A plan to develop quite a few things. Keep in mind that if we make a sample farm we won't have access to it for some time, keeping us from starting projects involving Kaiju biotech.
Noting that this is just the start of the kaijiutech tree. Every turn we delay the growth facility we lose a turn of progress to inefficiency.

Get the big meat vat first, then we can rush the subsidiary techs rapidly. Or we're stuck being chokepointed by a diminishing sample
[X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale
We're here to make a Super Robot. While we're doing very well with advancing EUDF tech with Configuration tech, we've got cooler shinies to hand out, and let's not forget-WE NEED TO MAKE A SUPER ROBOT!!!
That sounds like a bunch of recipes for insane pilots either possessed by an alien intelligence, or driven insane by the process. You mention Akira feats, but things did not end well for the city of Tokyo in Akira.

I think we can wait a bit. It doesn't sound like we are in a rush. Besides, if we can get the AI to work, I'm sure it will speed up our Super Robot process.
Just keep in mind in genre its very common for the First Unit to have a literal cointoss away from killing all the operators(which of course due to genre conventions, don't ever do that until unworthy pilots try)
The latter is probably the fastest we can achieve: Hollow out a Kaiju, or grow one, then add a psychic pilot to control it. In order to increase chances of success, we could try installing a brain-computer to help with the mental workload. Extra points if said brain was one person that had a positive relationship with the pilot, thus increasing chances of sucess. Actually, let's make it two brain computers, the last one kept in reserve.

What could go wrong?
We'll need tons of PR power to do this though.

That sounds like Mecha-sized Eversors. Amazing if collateral damage isn't a concern.
Thats basically our model of operation anyways.
The Kaijiu part is kind of dumb(as in easy to sucker).
Basically, what it boils down to is that the Kaiju Sample is our pathway to the super-materials we need to make an actually good Super Robot, which is why I want to at least get the research and development done on basic applications while we're working at getting a production facility done on them.

Variable Config and the AI stuff is fantastic for an overall design, and our Psi Theory is pretty advanced now too, but we're still limited by the materials we have access to--the Kaiju Sample is our pathway to the physics shattering nonsense we'll need in the long run, and it's long been a distant second.

The time is now to start changing that.
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Noting that this is just the start of the kaijiutech tree. Every turn we delay the growth facility we lose a turn of progress to inefficiency.

Get the big meat vat first, then we can rush the subsidiary techs rapidly. Or we're stuck being chokepointed by a diminishing sample

Yes. So we start that next turn so we get two results in two turns rather than holding back one or both options for four turns.
X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale
-[X] Unleash the Hound
-[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
-[X] Guided Development
--[X] Well Rested
-[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley

Your plan is missing one of these two. I vote for the second one.

FREE BONUS ACTION - Combinable Configuration - TMU Experimentation - Wilde and Henry have so many leftover Redtail and Gargoyle parts, to say nothing of all the new TMUs flying around. They have a new crazy idea that's been brewing since last month: can they plug this into the Hound as a missing link component? They certainly think so.

But how?


[] Wilde think he can make the TMU plug into the Hound directly as a component of the Combination process. They're not too sure how they're going to go about it, but they have enough spare parts from both sides of the equation that they're confident they can make it work.

[] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.

Thats basically our model of operation anyways

What do you mean here?

[X] Plan: Unchained Development
[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
-[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
-[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
-[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…

Get started on our Biotech tree in earnest, and get started working on the foundation of our Brave unit I think. We've got StealthGao here now after all!
[] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.

Adding this in.

Basically, what it boils down to is that the Kaiju Sample is our pathway to the super-materials we need to make an actually good Super Robot, which is why I want to at least get the research and development done on basic applications while we're working at getting a production facility done on them.

Variable Config and the AI stuff is fantastic for an overall design, and our Psi Theory is pretty advanced now too, but we're still limited by the materials we have access to--the Kaiju Sample is our pathway to the physics shattering nonsense we'll need in the long run, and it's long been a distant second.

The time is now to start changing that.

Taking them all...hmm, not quite ny preference but certainly no harm there.

But can we start the growth vat on the same turn as the samplings?
What do you mean here?
Its what we have the materials for.
Yes. So we start that next turn so we get two results in two turns rather than holding back one or both options for four turns.

I mean to say the kaijiu meat vat is so critical that I don't want to delay it at all. The kaijiutech applications are minor compared to a renewable source of samples
Changed my mind:

[X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale

Hopefully my bonus is automatically applied for the Hound modification roll.
I mean to say the kaijiu meat vat is so critical that I don't want to delay it at all. The kaijiutech applications are minor compared to a renewable source of samples

Alright. I'll bite. What would blow up if we don't start constructing the facility this turn? What is lost by just one turn?

My plan would not only further the sample work, but other areas as well.
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Sure we can, we just can't take any other Kaiju Research actions while we're culturing the sample.
Just to clarify @Basarin : In order to take the "Kaiju samples farm" option, do we have to complete any other kaiju-related project first before taking it, or is it fine if we take an unrelated kaiju action this turn, then next one we start the kaiju farm one? In other words, can there be other kaiju-related research projects running in the background before taking the kaiju sample growth one?
[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
Adhoc vote count started by Thors_Alumni on May 18, 2018 at 10:25 PM, finished with 692 posts and 17 votes.

  • [X] Plan: Abominations of Science
    -[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
    -[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
    -[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…
    [X] Plan Go Straight to Mecha Scale
    -[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
    -[X] Unleash the Hound
    -[X] What is Dakka? And Why Don't We Have Enough?
    -[X] Guided Development
    --[X] Well Rested
    -[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
    [X] Plan All In Science
    -[X] ESP - Harder, Better, Faster, Smarter
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
    -[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…
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[X] Plan: Abominations of Science
-[X] Instead of making it part of the Hound, Henry thinks he can have the TMU plug into the Jackal instead. It would create a small set of extra armor, and vastly increase survivability and firepower.
-[X] Field Test – Customization and Calibration
-[X] Guided Development - Use Well Rested
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – Kaiju Valley
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – I am INVINCIBLE
-[X] Kaiju Biotech – And for my next trick…