Vote tally, just to see where we are at.

Also, typing on a dedicated tablet bluetooth keyboard is so, so weird. Why would you make an apostrophe an FN function???


It appears that "Looking Underneath" is the frontrunner. Keep in mind that since you have not tasked the Science team at all with this plan, they are effectively pursuing their own research goals without any dedicated resources from you this month. They still have a chance at unlocking something, but it is unlikely.

As a bonus, however, this is also kind of sort of time off for them, so they will be well rested by Turn 3. I will provide a bonus to one task in Science next turn to reflect this. This effect applies to the other teams as well, if they have absolutely no tasks in a given turn for whatever reason.

Edit: As a clarification, if the Engineers or the Defense Force folks have no given task in a Turn (such as a Plan not selecting their options if given the choice), the next Turn they would receive a bonus to one task as well. The nature of that bonus will be determined by me.

(Mechanics tab will be updated to reflect this as well.)

Unless there are a sudden burst of votes in favor of the other plans, I will work on getting the Turn 2 Results up tonight.

EDIT: also, wow. The SV dice do not like you all, it seems.

Do you want me to keep using the on-site roller or is there another system anyone would prefer?
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on Apr 30, 2018 at 12:06 PM, finished with 30 posts and 16 votes.
Basarin threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Excavation Now Total: 4
1 1 3 3
Basarin threw 1 6-faced dice. Reason: Science - No Assigned Task Total: 4
4 4
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Turn Two Results
Turns out, today was a bit quieter than I expected.

Have an early update. Enjoy.

Your domain in the university is now well protected against anyone who might stick their nose in. The only question now: who would those people be? You currently have no idea if there's even anyone out there. Sasaki recommends, for peace of mind if nothing else, to send out your patrols to get a better feel for the area. This is relatively low priority at the moment. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 2 Turns; Gain information on local area)

6 February, A.D. 2070
Morrison University, Commandant's Office

You double check the assignment orders that Captain Sasaki sent you one last time. If anything in a life of Logistics has taught you, it was to be absolutely sure about your wording. More than once you've had your day ruined by improper words or ill-defined parameters on orders you didn't catch in time.

Issuing orders is the easiest thing in the world. Correcting errors before they're published is even more so. Amending orders once they were out in the wild? You were frankly better off fighting a kaiju with a rusty spoon.

But as you glance over it, you nod in satisfaction. Captain Sasaki was very meticulous about this project. The orders were very specifically an adjustment of the patrols that were already out there, and to extend to the edges of the local townships. Officially, they were just there to 'wave the flag' so to speak and get the local population used to having a military base spring up in their area in the last month.

Unofficially…you read between the lines, and you see the ambiguous wording that in any other order you would have stabbed to death with red ink. Many of the patrol officers were given additional tasks to engage with the town leaderships and get a feel for anything out of place. They were highly unlikely to open up to your forces now, but given time and familiarity, trust would follow.

For all you know, there might actually be Westphalians out here.

One step at a time, though. With a flourish, you sign over your title block and then stamp over it, double verifying your authority on the orders.

With luck, you and Sasaki are just being paranoid.

Patrols now widening patterns to visit local towns. Due to complete by end of Turn 4.

LT Wilde reports that services will be restored this month. He closed out on this report with, "Finally bringing civilization to higher learning!" Ignatov and Carlson were not amused. Regardless, this will also restore a very basic workshop for the Engineers to pursue independent projects.

(Mandatory Action: 1 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs; Unlocks Additional Options)

10 February, A.D. 2070
Morrison University Power Station

You are practically rendered deafened and blind the moment you enter the power substation. You feel, more than hear the roaring buzz of the power station's inner workings. You blink away the spots developing in your peripheral vision as the fluorescent lights inside the substation spring to life, and unlike the usual flickering on the mobile generator, they stay cheerfully bright.

"Let…there…be light!" a distorted voice says from the side. Looking over, you see Lieutenant Wilde with some strange microphone attached to a power conduit – holding it all the while with red rubber gloves, you notice – that distorts his voice. All the while having a child-like look of glee on his face as he cackles through the distorter, arcs of electricity flaring behind him as the machines produce live-giving power to the facility. "AHHHHHHH-HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

To his side, to your utter lack of surprise, is SFC Henry. With a hand and his beret covering his face in embarrassment.

You honestly can't blame his reaction.

"Good job, both of you," you manage to say with a straight face. "I take it you'll be able to get started next month on proper projects?"

"To a point," Henry sighs as he puts on the beret again. "Me, the crazy man over there, and Dr. Ignatov can get started on small-scale versions of our projects for you next month. We have power now, so it won't be a problem. It just won't be as effective."

"Dedicated facilities, I know," you nod. "Just…when the lieutenant stops having delusions of grandeur and godhood, let him know I need options from you for next month."


"That may be awhile, Sir."

Fair enough.

All basic services restored to Campus Grounds! Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs! New Engineering Actions Unlocked! And Lieutenant Wilde's delusions of grandeur and godhood will dissipate by beginning of Turn 3!

Dr. Ignatov is still intrigued by the idea of additional infrastructure tucked away in the rubble. SFC Henry still confirms he can detail some engineers to clear it away if he receives the resources to do so. (Cost: 2 RP; Duration: 1 Turn; Test Roll (2d6); Chance to discover something; Progress to Campus Grounds Repairs)

Test Roll: 2d6
Results: 1, 3
Required: 5-6
Failure; No Immediate Benefit, But…

0713, 15 February, A.D. 2070
Engineering Hall…Basement?


Now, more than ever, you are thankful for the life-giving ambrosia known as coffee. Now that proper running water was flowing through the campus, proper coffee supplied from the nearby towns – Gasparton, you think – could be brewed on campus easily.

It helps to keep you sane. Especially when strange discoveries are brought to your attention this early in the morning. Such as a giant sinkhole in the far corner of the Engineering Bay. With a concrete staircase.

Dr. Ignatov nods. He, too, is nursing a hot drink in a disposable cup. Tea in his case. "It was brought to my attention this morning," he says through bleary eyes. "Well. Earlier this morning." Sipping at his drink, he gestures for you to follow him, his spare hand grabbing hold of a hardhat. Likewise, you don one yourself; no need to take yourself out of action by falling bits of rock and concrete.

"The engineers decided to get an early start today, and were clearing out the rest of the workshop for our use," Ignatov says. His voice takes on an echoing tone as you both descend down the steps. Hastily assembled floodlights hang along what looks to be a drab concrete hallway like decorations. "The plans claimed there were additional water pipelines along here as well, so Sergeant Henry desired to connect them to the main network. About an hour ago, one of the power drills made contact with something. Right when the Soldier reported it, the entire corner of the workshop…well." He gestures to the gaping hole above both of your heads. "As you can see."

"Was he injured?" you ask.

"Compound fracture to the leg and a minor concussion; he will recover," Ignatov says with a shrug. "Especially now that medical has proper water and power to draw from." He raises his voice to a higher volume. "And especially now that everyone knows to wear proper safety equipment, yes?"

The Soldiers accompanying you, all wearing proper gear, stoically only look slightly sheepish.

"So what's down here?" you ask. The hallway abruptly ends in a pile of collapsed debris. "You don't just make underground bunkers for no reason." You pause. "…no, Sam doesn't count."

"I was about to say," Ignatov says in a dry tone.

"Was this anywhere on the university plans?"

"Interestingly: no." Withdrawing a palm-sized tablet, Ignatov shows you a three-dimensional blueprint overlay of the campus grounds, along with your approximate location. By all accounts, you should be standing uncomfortably in the middle of a sewage pipeline. "And these are plans that retain their approval timestamp from pre-Unification, along with periodic updates that were approved by the District government." He looks directly at you with an intrigued expression. "My friend, aside from the original owner of this complex…we may be the only souls who know this exists."

You nod. Hiding rooms or facilities from officially approved blueprints was a shady business. That was common enough pre-Unification as far as you can tell, but to stay so off known blueprints for so long? "You can't tell if anything inside was damaged?" you ask.

"No. Without purposely digging through, there is no way to know," he replies. "I imagine, however, you would like to investigate at some point."

That's putting it lightly.

No immediate benefit, but you discovered something…unusual. Action Unlocked.

SFC Henry admits that he has no idea on what Sam is actually asking him to build. All he knows is that with it online, tackling all future ESP Theory tests is going to be much more simple and straightforward. Somehow. You'd have to ask Sam on the details if you're brave enough. (Cost: 2 RP (existing basic lab); Duration: 1 Turn (inspired); Facility Constructed by end of Turn, Unlocks ESP Theory Actions)

Casual Science – Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6)
Rolled: 4
Required: 5, 6
Near-Failure, no new breakthrough, minor progress in ESP Theory

25 February, A.D. 2070
Carlson Laboratories, ESP Branch, "Grand Opening"

"I love it!"

SFC Henry just gives you a resigned look as Sam and his team just gush over the upgraded lab. The place is still an utter mess by any definition of the word; the same haphazard layout of wires and tools strewn all about the lab remains.

But the laboratory complex is now just humming with power. Additional computer stations are placed at intervals beside holographic whiteboard interfaces. Flat screen monitors adorn the walls, all displaying data that really makes no sense to you.

Above all, though, are the medical stations that share none of the claustrophobic nature of the rest of the lab. Medical cots sit next to pharmaceutical cabinets, which are in a shockingly neat order. Adjacent to those is a larger room, which looks to be part interview review, part gymnasium in miniature.

"And…this is?" you ask Henry as you approach what looks like a reclining seat with strange apparatuses and restraining belts.

"I…have no clue, Sir," Henry admits. "He asked for things I could get easily enough…I've just never seen them put together like this."

"Discovery is what it is, gentlemen!" In a rush of wind and dust, Sam appears instantly between the two of you, arms wrapped around both your shoulders. "Thanks to the Engineers here, we now have a proper lab facility! Kaiju sample's gonna take the backburner for a little bit, but now we can make some real progress on ESP Theory! Hell, we just made a little bit today!"

"That fast?" you ask quizzically. Peripherally, you notice Henry as he shrugs off Sam's arm and quickly distances himself.

"Nothing concrete, but we sure as hell found something!" Zooming over to the chair, he points out to what looks like an old-fashioned virtual reality helmet. "So! True fact: we've found out that the human brain can sometimes broadcast signals." He taps the helmet with a gleeful expression. "No idea what it means yet. But it's definitely a pulse of something that some of our systems picked up. That means we can start calibrating the machines until we pick up on those signals!"

"That's…" You blink. You actually understood all that. "That's excellent news. Can you get started next month?"

"Without a doubt," Sam agrees. "I know we've been busy just getting set up – hell, that's what me and the lab rats will be doing until March – but we'll nail down what makes ESP tick."

Well. Even without dedicated resources to research, that's excellent news.

ESP Testing Facilities constructed! All ESP Action rolls now roll at regular Tests (2d6)! ESP Actions Unlocked!


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also, wow. The SV dice do not like you all, it seems.

For what I'm told this behavior is normal for the SV dice roller.

Admittedly, that excavation roll sucks, but how would the Science roll be bad. While, 4 is a fail under this system that's literally 1 away from being a success. Under other systems that would count as a partial success/partial failure.

Edit: hey an update.
For what I'm told this behavior is normal for the SV dice roller.

Admittedly, that excavation roll sucks, but how would the Science roll be bad. While, 4 is a fail under this system that's literally 1 away from being a success.

Edit: hey an update.

A success would represent a pretty major breakthrough. As it was, that was science being done on their off time without significant resources. Since it was a near success, I gave additional insights for Sam to work off of.

Also, if you have an alternate dice system to suggest, I'm all ears if everyone is okay using it.
One question I have is why our targets for all our rolls only have 33% success odds at the most. Also, if there is any way to either raise those odds, or offset the failure.

At this rate, I'm getting the sinking feeling we'll be blown up before we can even get to build a robot, let alone fight with it.
One question I have is why our targets for all our rolls only have 33% success odds at the most. Also, if there is any way to either raise those odds, or offset the failure.

At this rate, I'm getting the sinking feeling we'll be blown up before we can even get to build a robot, let alone fight with it.

To answer the second one: you have a bit of a grace period. For the most part, none of the big players know who you are, or at least aren't alarmed by you yet.

To answer the first: now that you are running at standard capacity, you will start seeing options that will increase chances of success significantly. They will range from temporary boosts to permanent passive modifiers.

As to why the threshold is so high? This is simulating the fact that early on, you have no idea how any of this works yet. You are pioneers in your field. Such as it was with Sam and ESP theory. Initially, there was a lot of fumbling in the dark, and you had NO infrastructure to work with. Now you do have infrastructure, and Sam has a better understanding of ESP.

I hope that answers some of your concerns.

Edit: Turn 3 Options to come sometime tonight.

And if if there is any issue, sound off. If the system proves to be too obstructive, I have no issue revising the system. The priority is writing a fun story.
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Turn Three: Crunch Time
0900, 5 March A.D. 2070
Morri-Defense Force Research Institute, Commandant's Office

"Alright, people." Everyone part of leadership is gathered around you at the table. You lean forward, both hands clasped against each other as you lean your head against them. "We've had a bumpy two months getting started. Let me just start this month's meeting by saying we've done a great job so far. We took a cratered and condemned university, and it's now up and running as our own headquarters. We're ready to do business."

The hustle and bustle echoing outside emphasizes your point. Gone are all the signs that this place even resembled a campground site. More and more of the debris had been cleared. Soldiers mounted on trucks were filing out in column towards Gasparton and the other towns, their officers carrying out their orders to conduct their patrols. Scientists and Engineers were swapping notes with each other in the courtyard over cups of coffee, going over future plans for the project.

"But as it stands? We were already behind when we got started. Not our fault; no one exactly saw Mercury V or Valiant coming at all. But we need to start producing results. Something tangible that we can show that resources aren't just being thrown down the drain when they come our way." You give Sasaki a meaningful glance, something that to her credit she doesn't cringe at. "Though we've also got ourselves as secure as we're going to be unless we find something that says otherwise."

Shifting your glance to the Engineers, you say, "We've got our facilities up and running, and I understand we're ready to begin making some proofs of concept." When they nod, you shift gazes back to Sam. "And now we've got a greater understanding of the theory behind psychic abilities and are ready for mass tests."

"'s long as I get the manpower," he agrees.

"Not to knock you off your train of thought, Sir," Lieutenant Wilde chimes in. "But what's making you go on the warpath like this?"

"Brigadier General Peters wants a progress report," you say bluntly. "And she's coming here in person."

The office echoes with the groans of realizing inevitable doom is approaching.

Thankfully, she'd already given you the heads-up that this isn't a graded visit or anything of the sort (Which was good; you still have nightmares of 'administrative readiness reviews' from your days as a lieutenant). But they didn't know that, and perhaps this would serve to galvanize them to really start going nuts with their efforts. Speaking of which...

You slap a hand onto the table to cut that off. "Under any other circumstance, the fact that this campus is now mission capable from where we started would result in a Medal of Merit. But we're being held to higher expectations than other circumstances." You take a moment to make eye contact with each adviser. "I know resources haven't gotten to everyone up to now. And as soon as we've got the resources and the time, you'll get what you need, I promise you. But now's the time to start trying to put theory to practice, and really see what works and what doesn't.

"You all came bringing options. Lay them on the table and let's get to work."


Defense Force Actions
Captain Sasaki is busy this month still managing the junior officers and their tasks, but unless the reports claim that this was the home of some strange conspiracy, nothing short of a dedicated push from a Separatist cell is going to break through your defenses. Even if they abruptly appeared, she'd be willing to put money on them losing (not that she said that in such a manner).

Still, right now there's enough spare manpower to go around that she could probably spare help for the other teams. As the Defense Force really benefited from the first two months' resources, it's only fair they give back a little bit.

NOTE: Security Net – Local Area Investigation – ACTION LOCKED UNTIL END OF TURN 4

[] Candidate Screening – ESP – Now that the ESP facility is fully running, Sam is practically chomping at the bit to really start discovering those on campus with the potential. Captain Sasaki already has a few names on a short list to contribute, and not just from the pilot cadres; he's no longer picky about that requirement. With Sam's better understanding of ESP Theory, these pilots will be able to help with all possible tests!
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Will add 1d6 to ESP Actions
Unlocks Action

[] A Helping Hand – Motor Pool – The duo of Wilde and Henry have been suggesting you start building a proper Motor Pool for some time. Captain Sasaki is comfortable enough with the state of the walls right now that she can lend more of the engineers tasked with fortification duty to help build the Motor Pool faster; it would greatly help her own patrols too. She would also be willing to lend some pilots to help 'stress test' their designs.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Duration of 'Engineer Action: Motor Pool' by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6
Unlocks Action

[] A Helping Hand – Server Bank – Dr. Ignatov has renewed his request for dedicated computer equipment to begin experimentation. Captain Sasaki believes she can divert her communications personnel to start helping Dr. Ignatov's project if the Commandant commits to it. Not only does it get finished faster, she has a few ideas of how to incorporate it into helping campus security too.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Reduces Duration of 'Engineer Action: Server Bank' by 1 Turn, increases Bonus Research dice to 2d6
Unlocks Action

[] Information Gathering – Threats – The Research Institute is in a good spot right now. Rather than focus on internal security, which is as good as it will get for the moment, Sasaki wants to send out agents to observe the threats available. While you are far from being combat effective, Sasaki points out it's better to at least be in the know.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain information on Significant Threats

[] Information Gathering – "The Distinguished Competition" – Additionally, Sasaki notes it would be prudent to send observers to gather some information on the existing Super Robot teams. If nothing else, they can see what works (at least from a distance) for the other teams, and what doesn't. As with observing the Threats, better to stay in the know.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 2 Turns
Gain information on Super Robot teams

Engineering Actions
A lot happened in the past month. Basic services are up and running, but the newly opened Engineering Bay now has a giant sinkhole that leads to some underground complex. You've got that to investigate, along with new facilities to build and projects to pursue. The Engineers are ready to tackle them, they just need to know what their priorities need to be.

That said, since the Engineers are being ordered to 'go nuts' with their passion projects, it's highly likely that Brigadier Peters is going to see…something.

Certain Engineer Actions benefit from 'Inspired' this turn only! Read each Action to see effect.

[] Raiders of the Lost Bunker – It is more than a little concerning that there's an underground complex of some kind beneath your feet, and that it's never been noticed for at least forty years. Though it is not his field, Dr. Ignatov is volunteering to take a team and investigate; his curiosity is now burning like a candle fuse.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Standard Test Roll (2d6, Inspired: Threshold reduced to 3-6)
Unlocks Action

[] Engineering – Motor Pool – This is admittedly a personal project for LT Wilde and SFC Henry. While this would also help the security forces by giving them a dedicated Motor Pool for maintenance and whatnot, this would also let them pursue their variable configurations project. You are probably going to lose a few vehicles doing this, but at least they were up front about it.
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Unlocks Variable Configuration Actions, Contributes to Security Net

[] Engineering – Server Banks – This is a request from Dr. Ignatov. If he is to begin constructing a Super Computer system for your Super Robots, or even scaled down versions for wider EUDF use, he's going to need to start somewhere.
Cost: 2 RP (Inspired, Price Reduced from 3 RP)
Duration: 2 Turns
Chance for Bonus Research via Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Unlocks Super Computer Actions, Contributes Bonus to Actions

[] Science – Biology Lab – Sam is focused on developing the basics on ESP Theory, but that doesn't mean the kaiju sample should remain neglected. Investing in the restoration of the biology labs on campus will finally allow you to put the sample in a safer area and begin unlocking its secrets. That said, this is a section of science that is yet unexplored, leaving Sam a little wary of plunging in headfirst. He claims he wants at least 'diving protective gear' before he does.
Cost: 3 RP
Duration: 3 Turns
No Bonus (Unfamiliar Territory)
Unlocks Kaiju Biology Actions

[] Variable Configuration Concept – The basic workshop still allows for 'small scale' tests even if they're waiting on the bigger facilities to build. There are a bunch of campus security cars lying around that Sasaki has no use for. No one is going to mind if a few are offered up to Wilde and Henry as sacrificial offerings for the sake of experimentation. The first step: can they give a car foldable legs on demand?
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough: Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Progress in Variable Configuration Tests; Unlocks Actions

[] Super Computer Concept – Auxiliary Systems – The basic workshop allows Dr. Ignatov to start on creating a Super Computer for the base. It will not be revolutionary in design, but he needs to start from somewhere. He can always build on it or build another one to work in tandem with it later.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
Chance for Breakthrough: Roll at Disadvantage (1d6 Inspired: Threshold at 4-6)
Progress in Super Computer Tests; Unlocks Actions

Science Actions
Sam is now confident that he can start making some breakthroughs in ESP Theory. He has the facilities, he has the staff, and he and his team are well rested; now all he needs is time, resources, and maybe a helping hand from the Defense Force part of the team.

Tasks 'Broadcasting Live' and 'Where in the World?' Science Actions gain mutually exclusive "Well Rested" Bonus; Lowers threshold of One applicable Science Action success to 3-6. Must be used this turn! Any additional Science Actions taken beyond applied bonus must meet regular 5-6 threshold.
[] Broadcasting Live – Sam's current theory is that those with psychic potential – whenever he can detect them reliably, anyway – do not just "get to jump around like a Jedi. I have no idea where Jack even is; did you all forget to tether him to a string?" His new theory, with his latest understanding of ESP, is that even the most average human brain sometimes emits a signal of some kind that some machines react to. He believes this is the angle in which his team is finally going to capitalize on answering a fundamental question: how psychic powers can help us specifically.
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 3 Turns
ESP Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6)
May Apply Well Rested, Threshold Reduced to 3-6 (Bonus mutually exclusive with Where in the World?)
Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] Where in the World? – Sam has a much better idea of what and who he is looking for in candidates. Subjecting as many people to his screening tests as possible is going to give an even greater understanding of who can tap into their psychic potential. At least once he figures out how to build the machines to let them do that. Small steps!
Cost: 2 RP
Duration: 1 Turn
ESP Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll (2d6)
May Apply Well Rested, Threshold Reduced to 3-6 (Bonus mutually exclusive with Broadcasting Live)
Chance to Discover Pilot Candidate(s)
Progress to ESP Theory, Unlocks Actions

[] Should we…start on that thing? – The Kaiju sample has been sitting there for months, looking all menacing and quite thoroughly frozen at the staff the whole time. Resources have higher priority elsewhere, but we can at least start compiling notes on it.
Cost: 1 RP
Duration: 1 RP
Biotech Theory
Chance for Breakthrough: Test Roll at Disadvantage (1d6, Unfamiliar Territory)
Progress to Biotech Theory, Unlocks Actions

So I will end this update on this note: this may seem a bit generous. It probably is; after reviewing what I had originally planned, this was threatening to go a lot slower than I'd intended. And that's really not so fun for you or me. I want to get to the nifty parts as much as you do!

That said, there are a lot of areas to boost your chances for a major breakthrough in a field somewhere. If the rolls begin to turn against you again later on, so be it. But at least by then you'll have a better foundation on which to try again.

I've heard as a possible alternate dice throwing system from you guys. If anyone else has an alternate system they'd like me to use instead of SV's, sound off! Any suggestions you have in general, I'm also willing to hear.

As always, I'll leave tallying until I see votes peter off. Have at it.
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I'm ruling this time, no.

If something locks RP, I will make it clear that it is. This time, you have the full 9 RP (8 + 1 unspent RP from last turn).
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[X] Plan engineering on deck
[] Candidate Screening
[] Information Gathering
[] Raiders of the Lost Bunker
[] Engineering – Motor Pool
[] Variable Configuration Concept
[] Super Computer Concept
[] Where in the World
Gotcha. in that case...

[X] Plan Mind and Machine (9 RP)
-[X] Candidate Screening – ESP (1 RP)
-[X] A Helping Hand – Motor Pool (1 RP)
-[X] Raiders of the Lost Bunker (2 RP)
-[X] Engineering – Motor Pool (2 RP)
-[X] Variable Configuration Concept (1 RP)
-[X] Broadcasting Live (2 RP)

Here's a plan to build up our transformation capabilities as well as looking into our psychic abilities.
@hcvquizibo, when your plan says Information Gathering, please specify which area of focus you want: the Super Robots, or the Enemy Groups.

Also, let me know if this new format for the turns works for you all. Trying to make sure information is presented clearly to you.
[X] Plan Mind and Machine (9 RP)

The only thing I personally would do different from this plan is where in the world over broadcasting live, but I don't care that much about the differences.

Lets get our transformers.
[X] Plan Mind and Machine (9 RP)

Is there a reason why we're taking Broadcasting before Where in the World?
It'd be much easier to do all the ESP stuff if we have a larger pool of samples. And we do need to get the pilot candidates discovered early so they can start training rather than dump raw rookies on the field.
[X] Plan Mind and Machine (9 RP)

Is there a reason why we're taking Broadcasting before Where in the World?
It'd be much easier to do all the ESP stuff if we have a larger pool of samples. And we do need to get the pilot candidates discovered early so they can start training rather than dump raw rookies on the field.

Increasing our sample size is covered under candidate screening(which provides another dice on esp actions). Having a better understanding of how this power works would improve our pilot selection and training, as well as inform our mech design so that it is compatible.
Hmm. Pretty solid lead already in favor of @Pred1059's plan.

Suppose that's that. Unless there is a sudden swell of support for an alternate plan, I'll get this update up sometime today (afternoon-ish).

Does the updated turn format work for you all? Anything I could work on improving?
Adhoc vote count started by Basarin on May 1, 2018 at 9:21 AM, finished with 18 posts and 12 votes.
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