Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Just scrap the mechanics for Domain Weapons entirely ?
It'll be a good "test" of what you want to use post-Tournament.
Thats fine black noise.

I feel like binning them now invalidates a lot of work that people have put toward a certain payoff(the tourney) I'd feel kind of shitty making all the work and build planning superfluous.
What planning? Many of us have spent most of our time arguing that we should be trying to take control of our build rather than just relying on chance hand outs. We might have argued about builds a lot, but we haven't really gotten to do anything about it because people can't bring themselves to drop arts that don't fit us well.

I mean, I like getting big numbers and will be sad to see them go, but I don't think we've done a good job at making our build our own.

Frankly, Ling Qi's build has largely been formed by you rather than us and may be considered an interesting case study in quest psychology. I love our current moon bard, but if it weren't for you we'd probably be playing a wind focused archer with ranged support or something.
[X] Accelerate
[X] Ask Cai to commission you a Domain Weapon with the Void Shard

I feel like the vote for weapon specifics is going nowhere. I think it might be best if Yrsillar reads over the suggestions so far, come up with a few proposed weapon designs with stats and we vote among them. I guess that would be more work for him but I think he needs to consider the costing of different abilities anyway to keep things balanced.
Edit: Also, if "damage repeats on next turn" is allowed, I would expect everyone to take it, for the cost of only one ability slot with no downsides. Double Damage is pretty sweet.
Balance wise I would assume that it will lower basic damage of weapon and rise overall damage output.
Something like 8/8 in 2 turn vs 10 in 1 turn for no modifer.
Well now, with what yrs said is possible for a Cai talisman, I'd say we forego semi-perfect damage (leaving a proper high-speed hp finisher to FSS or some future art), and focus on a weapon that does as much Qi damage as possible. Something like:
- very high AP
- qi refund on hit* (based on amount of qi damage dealt)
- damage reverb**
- <blank/special>***

* qi refund and not enhanced qi damage because we're a support, and we're spending qi to benefit our allies as well as us. In a big fight having as much incoming regeneration as possible will make our contribution that much stronger. The tradeoff is single-target power, but that's not really our role.
** damage reverb rather than bonus regular damage, because bonus damage scales better at low dice gaps, while reverb scales better at high dice gaps, which are more likely with our debuff stack.
*** blank to increase the power of the others. The other high synergy option is bonus regular damage. Interesting possible special effects would be a dispel, on-hit debuff that increases qi cost of enemy techs, and something that buffs us on a successful hit.

Since minions are a go, I think we should ask for an official ruling on how minions interact with qi costs for techniques. That is, paying to exclude allies from the negative effects of Forgotten Vale Melody and Abyssal Exhalation. We presume that Zhengui, as a bound companion, would be excluded for free. AE automatically excludes the worms it creates. But would we need to pay to exclude the worms from the negative effects of FVM? How about the formation-created minions?
Frankly, Ling Qi's build has largely been formed by you rather than us and may be considered an interesting case study in quest psychology. I love our current moon bard, but if it weren't for you we'd probably be playing a wind focused archer with ranged support or something.
This is true.

A lot of arguments have been had over combat efficiency though, we just haven't had a winner yet.
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Just for reference, is there anyone here who would be put out by the combat mechanics being shifted from the current mechanical format to Narrative Execution?
Just for reference, is there anyone here who would be put out by the combat mechanics being shifted from the current mechanical format to Narrative Execution?

Our build arguments are already filled with baseless assumptions and lies, but at least we have some real numbers to give us a grounding. If our arguments were based on nothing but personal opinion and assumptions they would become even more circular and frustrating. Especially with the stakes being so high at the end of the year, people would get very intense but with no reality check.

I'm a bit worried about how that's going to work when we do switch but at least the beginning of next year should be lower pressure. I keep meaning to suggest the Amber Diceless RPG as a potential reference, since it's designed to allow a party of superhumans with bizzare and wildly different powers to attempt to murder each other with all the inventiveness that players can bring, without bogging the game down in math or rules lawyering. If the rules can handle the madness of a Throne War they can handle anything :p. There's a couple of major variants expanding the base stats that I think could work well.

EDIT: Because I'm a fan and these are hilarious, I present, "The Knights of the Dinner Table play Amber", examples written for the campaign that led me to discover the ADRPG.

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Just for reference, is there anyone here who would be put out by the combat mechanics being shifted from the current mechanical format to Narrative Execution?
Well, I'd be sad since I like seeing our numbers. And yrsillar would have to work out another way of making it feel like our arts are getting stronger when we level them.
Adhoc vote count started by Erebeal on Apr 12, 2018 at 11:20 PM, finished with 269 posts and 94 votes.
[X] Status Quo

I like the little character bits, and this is nowhere near bad enough for me to complain given how glacial the pacing of the average xianxia webnovel seems.

[X] Ask Cai to commission you a Domain Weapon with the Void Shard
Well, I'd be sad since I like seeing our numbers. And yrsillar would have to work out another way of making it feel like our arts are getting stronger when we level them.
Yes, I think that seeing the arts have a direct contribution to our combat potential is important. If the narrative system had a "light" mechanical backing that provided this, would that assuage your worries?
Yes, I think that seeing the arts have a direct contribution to our combat potential is important. If the narrative system had a "light" mechanical backing that provided this, would that assuage your worries?

One concern I've had is that Arts have an identity and a progression heavily shaped by both passives and Qi costs. I don't really know much about the narrative ideas being thrown around, but if the lighter mechanics don't support those in the same way (focusing instead mostly just on what moves do and look like) I think that's a pretty significant change in what's going on, and the value and synergy of certain arts is going to swing pretty wildly. For example Phantasmagoria has gotten a lot of attention from us due to the large defense pool passive, if that got abstracted away into nothing that's a big deal for the Art as a whole.

I think that we may have veered a bit into Exalted territory with large dice pools and complicated scaling, but that doesn't mean we should throw the baby out with the bathwater, which is always a concern when a system is facing a large stripping down.
I like the little character bits, and this is nowhere near bad enough for me to complain given how glacial the pacing of the average xianxia webnovel seems.

I'd have to argue that the less like an average xianxia webnovel a story is, the better. I stopped reading A Will Eternal for a few weeks, and came back and realized that in 20+ chapters, the plot progression could be summarized in less than a paragraph. I mean it's fun reading Bai Xiaochun trying to soak up praise while failing spectacularly to seem humble, but it gets old pretty quickly.

And I'd consider AWE a far above average xianxia webnovel, in that it's actually readable.
I consider the average Xianxia Web novel to be Martial God Asura, or as I prefer to refer to it in it's transliteration: A Fucking Rapefest DumpsterFire.
For my part, I think that no matter the weapon effects improved initiative works tio well with Ling Qi's already high initiative not to include it
Qi drain/steal effects are nice but we really need something with high attack to compensate our slow DPS style
I consider the average Xianxia Web novel to be Martial God Asura, or as I prefer to refer to it in it's transliteration: A Fucking Rapefest DumpsterFire.
I've never touched that one because of it's reputation here and because a certain *ahem* type of xianxia reader really seems to like it.

But how is it from a strict writing/translation quality standpoint?
Let the man write what he thinks is most important and interesting. Considering the current speed, I have little fear that it will end up in a blisteringly fast pace.

[X] Accelerate
Never really gave much of a crap about the specific numbers, but for the Domain weapon, all the listed builds just feel to me to be a terrible waste of a 4th Grade material for something that's just great for the current combat paradigm.

Would vastly prefer a GM provided list of complete and coherent domain weapon themes(not unlike Art selection) that could be converted to what it SHOULD be.

Rather than making something focused around the mechanical benefits of a system soon to be dropped, which would be the most vulnerable to a conversion.

Ling Qi merely cocked an eyebrow and waited, standing at ease on a branch thinner than her wrist as the beast closed. As the Black Steel Bear's front paw found purchase on the jagged boulder in the center of the field, the ground beneath it erupted. Twisting, brown and green vines, some little more than pale creepers and others, the gnarled roots of centennial trees sprouted like worms, coiling about the beasts hind legs and yanking, even as the boulder it had trodden upon shifted and came to life itself.
Surprise Xuanwu is definitely an awesome thing.
Black Steel Bear, so...Darkness Metal? Second Grade from the sound of it.
While Gui did lean toward eating vegetation and Zhen toward meat, to be frank she was sure they could both eat almost anything, and would if given the chance. She made a mental note not to let them do so around Biyu or Mother, Gui was a messy eater, which could be a little disturbing when he wasn;t just tearing into fruit and vegetables.
They DID eat the porch. And Grass/Fire type has thematically no trouble eating rock, even.
Still, watching a car sized creature eating is not going to be for the faint of heart.
Eventually, all that was left as a piled fur and cracked bones. They had some value, but Gui like the marrow enough that she wasn't inclined to tell him no.
Ling Qi, you're spoiling them. Letting Gui eat valuable crafting mats!

Well, they can still be calcinated for lime and bone ash.
"While we're resting," Ling Qi said from her seat on a flat stone, sending the skin into her ring, along with her portion of the meat, for a later meal. "Have you been working hard on being small?"

Gui blinked slowly at her, his bright green eyes half lidded. He started to respond, but it was interrupted by a yawn, allowing Zhen to answer first. "Of course, Zhen would not waste Lady Cui's time," he replied haughtily.

Lady Cui, huh? Ling Qi thought wryly, that was a new one. She supposed it wasn't exactly wrong though, since Cui really was Meizhen's cousin.
Cui: *Preens internally*
"We don't need to do much practice yet," she replied soothingly. "Can you just show me? Big Sister misses being able to carry you."

That was enough to quell any remaining grumbling from the young spirit. The two of them both closed their eyes, and she could feel their intense concentration through their bond as the spirit gathered his qi and… twisted it, in a way that was hard to describe. His bulk shimmered before her eyes, wavering for a moment, before shrinking inward.

"Ugh, it feels weird," Gui murmured. He was only the size of a big dog now, and it only lasted a moment before he returned to his normal size with a pop of displaced air.

"Like crawling back into an old skin," Zhen added, shaking himself as they resumed their normal size.
Incidentally if this is as fast as it sounds, and if Zhengui can become small enough to be hand portable, then the Stealth Rock strategy legitimately becomes utterly terrifying. Large boulders are much more easily avoided than small rocks.

...also given Zhengui's durability, Ling Qi could probably airdrop him for massive crushing damage with the size shifting. :D

Gu Xiulan was prospering with her immersion in the room as well, though her scars hadn't faded, and glimpses beneath the wrap on her arm still showed the limb to be a ruin, her cultivation had surged up to the peak of second realm again.

Ling Qi could feel the faint cracks of a breakthrough beginning to spread through her aura, and her friend was clearly feeling better for it, even if Ling Qi could still see the lingering traces of pain in her every movement.
Looks like Xiulan may breakthrough in time for the tournament. But she's probably not going to have more than one or two Green arts.

On the other hand, given the Gu family overclocking style, she might not need that. Since a higher baseline means she could potentially use raw overclocked power to punch up once she's crossed the Cultivation gap.

So, with the time of her meeting in mind, Ling Qi went to the archive and settled in for some research, and then, when the sun began to near the horizon, she headed down to the lake, to join Meizhen in her meditative… fishing.

She still wasn't sure how something so common counted as a noble hobby, but she didn't feel the need to question Meizhen on it either.
Eh, this is simple. Fishing(individually at least) is an exercise in patience, so its a noble activity mainly because you demonstrate the ability to spend a lot of time doing nothing as prestige, which ALSO gives you a lot of time in privacy to talk to your peers.

Not unlike golfing really.

Also the Bai Ancestor was a fisherman, so it would not do to suggest it's a 'commoner' thing.
She was a little disapointed at the other girls lack of reaction when she informed her of what she had found.

"Oh, you've found more treasures then?" Meizhen asked calmly from her seat at the lakeside, her white gown somehow untouched by stains of dirt or grass. She glanced only briefly at Ling Qi as she sat down beside her friend, her own gown billowing around her legs in a faint breeze.

"It's less fun when you don't react you know," Ling Qi replied with a huff.

"I am no longer surprised by your fortune," Bai Meizhen replied.
Horrors! We've become predictable!

"And you did sound quite certain, when we left the market. As for the rest… I do not find it shocking that the Sect has access to a Weilu tomb, that clan left many ruins."

"Weilu?" Ling Qi asked curiously, glancing at the still lure bobbing in the lake waters. "I came across that name a few times looking around, but the books never explained what that was."

"The Weilu were the rulers of Emerald Seas during the time before the Sage," Meizhen replied. "The Horned Lords of the South. They were also the first of the founding families to fall."
Wei - Noble
Lu - Deer

Spiffy antlers.
Ling Qi nodded readily enough, dismissing the subject for now, ancient history was just that. With a flick of her wrist, she expressed the black shard from within her ring. She held it gingerly, not wanting to cut her fingers on the edge as she had done before, when dredging it up. "Well, anyway, I wanted you to take a look at this. I think this will make a good material for my flying sword from what I've read."

Finally, Meizhen looked her way fully, examining the length of black… material held across her open hands. "...I do not disagree, I suppose you were able to pick out the grade."

"After some studying, yeah," Ling Qi grimaced, reading the auras of objects in such detail was hard. "It's a fourth grade material, right?"

"Only just," Meizhen replied. "Yet it is still above the resources one would expect of a new baronial clan. It is likely you will not be able to fully access the power of a weapon crafted with it, as you are."

"Like with your own sword," Ling Qi mused, she knew her friend was still teasing out abilities, but her sword came from the scale of a seventh ranked spirit beast, so that was to be expected. She dismissed the shard, frowning at the oily, clinging sensation it left in her hands, as if trying to drag her qi into the ring with it.
Fourth grade, Darkness element, Sharp, Qi hungry.
We're probably missing a great deal of its deeper context since we didn't get a whole lot of description
"What about this?" She asked, expressing the pane of glass. She avoided looking down at the grinning skull it reflected back. "I couldn't really find anything in the archive."

Her friends lips briefly curled in disgust. "Fourth Grade as well, but I would not suggest keeping it. Death qi is notoriously unwieldy and unpleasant," Meizhen looked away, and Ling Qi noticed unsettlingly that it did not reflect her friend as a worn skeleton, but as a pair of greedy golden eyes, staring up from a pit of abyssal dark.
Interesting, Ling Qi's "death" is a skeleton(which is normal), but Meizhen reflects as eyes in the Abyss. Which sounds like someone already called dibs on her soul? Or she's sufficiently beyond human that she's not going to die normally?

Seems odd at Green to be the latter.
"Contact an auction and use the proceeds to fund your fief, but if you must use it, a ward against curses and spiritual assaults would be the best use."
...that, is a lot of moolah.
I suppose it's being valued in 4th stage stones, which are as much more valuable to Green Stones as Green are to Yellow.

Ling Qi dismissed the mirror back into her ring. "What makes it worse than any other uncommon element?" Ling Qi asked

Meizhen was silent for several seconds, and then shook her head. "Life and Death mark a cultivator more deeply than other elements, and with less investment. I will say no more on the matter," she replied with a note of finality.
Interesting. And odd.
Something to do with the spirits governing Life and Death?
Or something else?

Yet another thing 'everyone' knows.

If even the Bais think its too spoopy, I'm inclined to listen though.
She toyed with the idea of bringing out the pod as well, but they were merely second grade seeds with a yin wood nature, hardly worth troubling her friend over, though they did seem to be alive still, despite their situation, which implied a certain hardiness. Perhaps she could plant them later, when she had a proper home to work with.
'Merely' Second Grade seeds.
Probably pretty valuable as a trade good for a new fief TBH. Second grade spiritual crops means income in terms of Yellow Stones, which is a pretty big boost for someone without mines to exploit.

Meizhen shot her a disgruntled look, and Ling Qi felt a faint chill in the air, not born of any physical source. "Despite my dilute blood, I bear the colors of the Serpent Queen. I am expected to have the ability to lead," she said quietly. "Yet I would much prefer to simply cultivate in peace, rather than taking part in struggles for rank. Until now, I was largely able to do so, because of my circumstances."
...probably should have realized. Ling Qi took her own cultivation after Meizhen, which is to say doing it any time she's not explicitly doing something else that can't be shaped into a cultivation action.

Still, she'd probably known this already, at least, intellectually, since no ambassador in an empire as feudal as ours are, is going to be outside the power struggles.
For many ladder climbers an ambassadorial position is a stepping stone to an actual governing title, since ambassadors have the opportunity to access the greater depths of favors, and connections needed to be a ruler.

Not one for designated heirs since its too risky of course, but someone who ISN'T, would find it one of the few paths to power.

"Then you should be pleased that you'll be starting with an advantage," Ling Qi replied firmly. "Will any of them have defeated the granddaughter of your clans great enemy?

"That assumes my victory," Meizhen pointed out dryly.

"If you lose, it'll only be after you batter that top heavy, bloodthirsty bimbo to the edge of death," Ling Qi replied crassly. "Do you really think that won't count for anything?"

Ling Qi felt a thread of satisfaction as Meizhen gaped at her, the fishing pole in her hands drooping as she clapped a hand over her face. "Ling Qi you cannot speak of a princess in that way. Were you not paying attention to a single thing I have taught you?" Which was a little rich considering that she called Liling 'Barbarian', but Ling Qi supposed her friend was the one with higher status.
Strategic bombing with Ling Qi-ness!

The Inner disciple studied her for a moment, then nodded once crisply. "You are welcome. In this room at least. I ask that you remain in this room however," she said, her words uncolored by anything but polite disinterest. "It would be unfortunate if excessive curiosity were to cause us friction," she added bluntly. Ling Qi supposed she could understand, the story of what she had done to Yan Renshu was probably open knowledge at this point.
Reputation: "Steals everything not nailed down, then steals the nails"

"Junior Sister Ling… give my regards to Lady Cai, if you would," she added, before stamping her foot once on the floor. A split second later, the webbing under her feet parted with an odd stretching sound, and the older girl vanished into the resulting hole. Ling Qi caught a glimpse of chitinous legs and gleaming eyes, as well as a pair of oddly human hands, composed of gleaming black chitin, in the moment before it closed again.

"Huh, I wonder what that was about," Ling Qi mused, eyeing the floor a bit more warily now.

"Ah, the Bao family is a count clan which administers the southwest under the Cai family directly," Li Suyin responded cheerfully. "Senior Sister was just offering her respects I'm sure."
Ah, probably supplies spirit spider silk to the Cai clan weavers.
And that sounded a lot like signaling her allegiances, which dictates a certain degree of mutual expectations.

Ossuary Scout: oo(0/6)
Cost 8 Red Spirit stones
Duration: two weeks
By carefully inscribing the bones of a small animal such as a mouse or frog or bird. You may imbue it with animating qi. The scout has a single health box, and no ability to attack, and moves at a speed of 12, or 15 in flight. The scouts stealth and perception are equivalent to the creators without any auto successes granted by cultivation or arts. While the scout does not share senses with the user, upon touching the scout and speaking a set activation word, they will receive a vision of what the scout saw and heard in the eight hours. For the purposes of opposed rolls, scouts count as two levels below their creators cultivation.
The scouts can fly now, and they have our Stealth(+ significantly smaller size). We're going to want a fleet of these for the tournament, to perform scouting and recon the larger arenas.

Ossuary Horror: ooo (Unlearned 4/9)
Cost: Requires multiple ossuary scouts, see below. 10 Qi

The tiny scouts created by the Ossuary Scout Formation are but a small part of the whole, when the time for observation has passed, they can be gathered to fight on their masters behalf. The construct created by the activation of this formation has a cultivation level equivalent to the number of scouts used to create it divided by three. Eg. A Horror created from 15 scouts would have a cultivation level of 5. The constructs cultivation level cannot exceed it's creators.

The horror has a movement of 21 and an initiative of 15. It's base combat statistics are as follows.

Offensive Clashes: 15 dice, plus 3 for every cultivation level above 4
Defensive Clashes: 12 dice, plus 3 for every cultivation level above 4
Armor 2 Durability 5(increases to 3 and 8 at cultivation 7)
DV 4 Armor Piercing 2
Health 4+1 for every cultivation level above 4

No more than one horror may be commanded at a time, on creation, the horror may be assigned one arm based and one spine or leg based technique from the users roster, each of which it may use up to three times. Techniques must be two dots or below.
That is pretty badass and cheap for what it can do.
I think our current options would be...
-Falling Star Art - Can it use archery? FSA would be pretty nasty to face from two angles
-Argent Current - Pressure Crack team technique becomes alarmingly effective with two sources. Probably want to watch out for other minionmancers packing it, it's one way to crack the Thousand Ring
-Thousand Ring Fortress
-Argent Storm
-Sable Crescent Step
"You really are great at this kind of thing Li Suyin," Ling Qi laughed peering into the empty 'eye' socket of the 'eagle' now perched on Suyin's work surface. It's head was made of a dozen tiny skulls, partially merged together, it was a fairly creepy effect. "Are you sure you really want to just show me all of this? You had to practically rebuild the formation from scratch."

"I don't mind at all," Li Suyin replied, shaking her head. "It is your treasure that allowed this anyway, and… I do not feel as if there needs to be transactions between us."
We got through!
Either that or she considers herself vassalized and thus no more transactions are needed since she's too far in debt to do otherwise. :p

"Well, I won't complain then," Ling Qi said lightly. "But next time you have some free time, I'm taking you out for some exercise, you've been neglecting your physical cultivation again," she scolded teasingly.

"Eh? But I have so much to do," Li Suyin protested, waving her hands. "Surely such things can wait until next year."

"Nope, not going to let my friend develop bad habits," Ling Qi replied, crossing her arms playfully. "You're at least going to start coming out for some evening exercise with me. I don't want you getting pale and squishy on me."

"S-squishy?!" Li Suyin replied, looking a little affronted as the skeletal birds on her shoulders took flight at her sudden motion of her head as she looked down at herself. "...Um, I haven't really gotten so bad… have I?"
Ling Qi: "You're going to become a fat shut in at this rate."
Suyin: *O.O*
Looks like Xiulan may breakthrough in time for the tournament. But she's probably not going to have more than one or two Green arts.

On the other hand, given the Gu family overclocking style, she might not need that. Since a higher baseline means she could potentially use raw overclocked power to punch up once she's crossed the Cultivation gap.
Considering how many things we are seeing unlock additional functions or strength as we hit new realms I would not be surprised if she gets additional benefits off her tribulation from reaching green.
Since Umbral Shard's fluff is that it is basically Darkness Qi's hunger, why not have it basically eats (dispels) buffs on opponents?

I think there is a similar talisman/ability with that property before? Opponent loses lowest buff or something?

Losing buffs is not exactly damaging, but it means the target have to consider spending more Qi to regenerate the buff or change strategy and allocate the Qi elsewhere. That's a kind of an indirect damage.

By the way, the Mirror is purely Death Qi? Suyin was implied to have a Qi that is distasteful, I wonder if it is Death Qi...
I think Suyin is more likely to have a splash of something like Poison or Disease, but Death is a possibility.

It's worth asking her, as her teacher might be able to make us a competitive offer if we include things like assistance next year.