And that fief is only 14 months away now, and the Inner Sect's Time Line will be shorter than here. I recall discussions of two weeks to a month every turn.
So yeah. I'm concerned about selling it and spending it on anything other than the fief.
14 months is literally an eternity. 14 months ago Ling Qi was a starving street rat. 2 weeks ago, we weren't worried about our fief being garbage because we were bankrupt. CRX knows our resource situation and isn't going to expect us to spin wool into gold.
The value of getting to Inner more
safely, and moreover of placing high in the Tourney, is huge, and it is
right now. You say you've seen molten salt from resource crunches, I've seen
DEATH because people don't understand that you need to play hard for the next inflection point (in this case, the Tourney) and that next year means nothing if there is no next week. Better gear could be a huge swing in our chances, maybe something like going from 75% to 90% chance of Inner.
This plan doesn't seem to incorporate bonuses that are in theme for the Umbral Shard at all, and I expect that we won't get the best possible results.
Here's an example of what I would rather try:
[][Talisman] Dagger in the Dark
-[] Object Type: Dagger
-[] Use Umbral Shard
-[] Dexterity+Expression, Darkness
--[] Qi Drain
--[] Bonus Offensive Dice in Low Light/Darkness
--[] Armor Piercing
--[] Semiperfect damage
I don't have the stats for how weapons work, but this is an in theme idea that hopefully the mechanics can conform to. I think a Dagger even makes better sense for a Shard, since the Shard will be big enough to be a much larger proportion of the dagger.
Strategically, a weapon like this meshes very well with our abilities to impose low light in several ways and it's very focused on penetrating extreme levels of defense that we would ordinarily struggle with.