Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

@Klaus as ggod as that is, the +Dv is rather useless for an already high DV weapon, plus you don't take advantage of the Shard's unique qi drain properties. I can't in good conscience support that.

I'll try my hand at crafting an alternative in just a sec
DV8 isn't high, the Saber flying weapon we were given as an example was DV9 for example. Our bow is base DV7.

If you can get yrsillar to approve a legal way to use the shard's properties I'll happily incorporate that.
Hmm, a sable black crescent of some kind? Basically a bladed boomerang? That could be a pretty neat look.
That said polearms generally aren't considered quick weapons so if we want something initiave based a dagger might be more fitting.
When I asked yrsillar mentioned that some weapons could have an initiative penalty but did not give my example weapons an initiative penalty, including the DV8 weapon I'm using the stats for.
[X][Talisman]Lunar Eclipse
-[X] Object Type: Stylized Moon-shaped Chakram(Highish DV, as much AP as possible)
-[X] Use Umbral Shard
-[X] Dexterity+Expression, Darkness
--[X] Bonus uncapped Semi-perfect damage
--[X] Qi/Health Drain
-- [X] Bonus AP(up to DV cap. If AP=DV already, ignore this)

@yrsillar what would the base stats be for something like this?
Ah @Klaus when I answered your question earlier, I was talking about baseline unenhanced weapons, the dv's will be higher just from the quality of the talisman. don't worry about exact numbers in your request too much.
I'm... not sure where you are getting that? Under the current paradigm Meizhen's sword calcs would look something like...

(7+7)x2+10, for 38 dice, that... not exactly useless I think even disregarding potential passive bonuses, weapon abilities or if she hits domain 2 before the tourney
The dice aren't the issue.

The issue is armor. Without good AP and bonus damage, the flying sword is basically just Dissonance. It can't hurt us.

If we throw up HRA we have 7 armor + 2 perfect (+ fire/cold armor). Hoarfrost has 4 AP and we can still trivially become immune to it. FSA has 5 ap + 4 bonus damage and that just means that it can hurt us if it hits (win by +1 = 1 damage).

And our armor has 15 durability now. It's not breaking easily.

Now sure, we're pretty tanky, but the basic principle remains. At this point in the game anything without AP and bonus damage has problems.
@Klaus as ggod as that is, the +Dv is rather useless for an already high DV weapon, plus you don't take advantage of the Shard's unique qi drain properties. I can't in good conscience support that.

I'll try my hand at crafting an alternative in just a sec
I don't see how you can believe the shard has Qi Drain effects. It's expressively stated to be a void from where nothing comes out of.
So it might eat enemies Qi, but it definitively wont give it back to the Domain Weapon, and even less to Ling Qi. At at that point there's literally no difference with just dealing regular damage, since every point of damage is equal to the 2 Qi needed to absorb it.

so basically War Scythe = spear.
I don't see the point of it, it doesn't look anything close to impressive/badass or even have a Crescent Moon symbolic like a regular scythe

or a more fantasy one
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I'm... not sure where you are getting that? Under the current paradigm Meizhen's sword calcs would look something like...

(7+7)x2+10, for 38 dice, that... not exactly useless I think even disregarding potential passive bonuses, weapon abilities or if she hits domain 2 before the tourney
It sadly kinda is very much useless against Ling Qi or a peer.

Current Ling Qi can easily have the equivalent of 38-41 defensive dice on the first turn and something like 5 armour just going by our more defensive MotV/TRD/GC opening, and it only grows from there (43+ 7 armour + 2 PD on second turn, etc).

Assuming Meizhen has a domain weapon three orders of magnitude better than any we have seen (+3 semi perfect bonus damage, 3 AP, all damage caused is semiperfect).... she has 30% chance to make us lose 3Qi on the first turn or so, then maybe 1% on the second to even do that. Domain weapon without domain arts just won't do anything.

Now, Meizhen might get her second dot by the tournament, which means she would basically have to have get 400+ domain EXP since getting to appraisal... but that would only give an effecting +5 or so dice compared to what we can expect of our own improvements by then, if that. It would come back to the same rough paradigm.

They just can't do anything to us, we are too tanky for that.
@tryrar I would say that a good 4th modifier is probably bonuses in low light if you are interested, or saying something explicitly about leaving it to the manufacturer if not. Also, why a chakram rather than a dagger which seems considerably more on point to me for ling qi? Not having to worry about it being grabbed has already been justified, so the chakram just seems a bit unnecessary considering we have a shard of material.
And that fief is only 14 months away now, and the Inner Sect's Time Line will be shorter than here. I recall discussions of two weeks to a month every turn.

So yeah. I'm concerned about selling it and spending it on anything other than the fief.

14 months is literally an eternity. 14 months ago Ling Qi was a starving street rat. 2 weeks ago, we weren't worried about our fief being garbage because we were bankrupt. CRX knows our resource situation and isn't going to expect us to spin wool into gold.

The value of getting to Inner more safely, and moreover of placing high in the Tourney, is huge, and it is right now. You say you've seen molten salt from resource crunches, I've seen DEATH because people don't understand that you need to play hard for the next inflection point (in this case, the Tourney) and that next year means nothing if there is no next week. Better gear could be a huge swing in our chances, maybe something like going from 75% to 90% chance of Inner.

This plan doesn't seem to incorporate bonuses that are in theme for the Umbral Shard at all, and I expect that we won't get the best possible results.

Here's an example of what I would rather try:

[][Talisman] Dagger in the Dark
-[] Object Type: Dagger
-[] Use Umbral Shard
-[] Dexterity+Expression, Darkness
--[] Qi Drain
--[] Bonus Offensive Dice in Low Light/Darkness
--[] Armor Piercing
--[] Semiperfect damage

I don't have the stats for how weapons work, but this is an in theme idea that hopefully the mechanics can conform to. I think a Dagger even makes better sense for a Shard, since the Shard will be big enough to be a much larger proportion of the dagger.

Strategically, a weapon like this meshes very well with our abilities to impose low light in several ways and it's very focused on penetrating extreme levels of defense that we would ordinarily struggle with.
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@tryrar I would say that a good 4th modifier is probably bonuses in low light if you are interested, or saying something explicitly about leaving it to the manufacturer if not. Also, why a chakram rather than a dagger which seems considerably more on point to me for ling qi? Not having to worry about it being grabbed has already been justified, so the chakram just seems a bit unnecessary considering we have a shard of material.
I'd rather stick to 3 to have each effect be stronger. Also, I don't think shape really matters, and the idea is that it would look like two crescent blades intertwined to form a small circle with points at 4 end, which sounds much cooler than a dagger.

To dispense with the assumptions, does spending a slot on an ability like "qi drain" for our sword make that drain more powerful than spending a slot on a "qi drain" ability would be on a sword without the umbral shard?

Also, "qi drain" is just increased qi damage, not absorption, right?
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It sadly kinda is very much useless against Ling Qi or a peer.

Current Ling Qi can easily have the equivalent of 38-41 defensive dice on the first turn and something like 5 armour just going by our more defensive MotV/TRD/GC opening, and it only grows from there (43+ 7 armour + 2 PD on second turn, etc).

Assuming Meizhen has a domain weapon three orders of magnitude better than any we have seen (+3 semi perfect bonus damage, 3 AP, all damage caused is semiperfect).... she has 30% chance to make us lose 3Qi on the first turn or so, then maybe 1% on the second to even do that. Domain weapon without domain arts just won't do anything.

Now, Meizhen might get her second dot by the tournament, which means she would basically have to have get 400+ domain EXP since getting to appraisal... but that would only give an effecting +5 or so dice compared to what we can expect of our own improvements by then, if that. It would come back to the same rough paradigm.

They just can't do anything to us, we are too tanky for that.
Ugh, this is why I'm looking forward to binning the combat mechanics.

Guess i have to go back and buff out flying weapons again.
I'd rather stick to 3 to have each effect be stronger. Also, I don't think shape really matters, and the idea is that it would look like two crescent blades intertwined to form a small circle with points at 4 end, which sounds much cooler than a dagger.

Sure, but in the end I think part of Ling Qi's domain weapon being the best it can be is staying true to herself. Before everything, she was a Street Rat, and she embraces that and still uses those skills. What's a Street Rat's weapon? A dagger.
I'd rather stick to 3 to have each effect be stronger.
Each effect would have to be quite a bit stronger to really balance out having a sure amount of bonus dice on attacks. We cause low light through a ton of different sources at this point, to the extent that I would say we would never not have it in a fight that mattered. Having a guaranteed source of more dice for the attack roll seems more useful than a bit more of any other part of the build.
"If you lose, it'll only be after you batter that top heavy, bloodthirsty bimbo to the edge of death," Ling Qi replied crassly. "Do you really think that won't count for anything?"

Street rat!
Take that!

Goddamn I love it when Ling Qi goes from demure noble girl to guttersnipe.

ESPECIALLY when it's to get a rise out of Meizhen.

[X] Status Quo
[X] Ask Cai to commission you a Domain Weapon with the Void Shard
Alright, you guys have convince me to switch to a dagger.

[X][Talisman]Lunar Eclipse
-[X] Object Type: Dagger with eight gems in the handle, carved with stylized symbols depicting the Moon Phases(Highish DV, as much AP as possible)
-[X] Use Umbral Shard
-[X] Dexterity+Expression, Darkness
--[X] Bonus uncapped semi-perfect damage
--[X] Qi/Health Drain
-- [X] Bonus AP(up to DV cap. If AP=DV already, ignore this)
Or you could just let us be tanky?
The issue goes beyond that. It frankly means that for instance, it's very easy for none of the Monsters to be able hurt each other with their flying weapons. Which makes no sense from a story perspective, because they absolutely should be able to.

Similar things apply elsewhere.