Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)


Ling Qi can at maximum reach 1 dot of Domain at her current cultivation level of seven. 2 dots open up at level 8(Appraisal) but with the basic assumption that Domain dot 2 costs 400 we don't have time to get 570 domain successes pre-tourney.

"Eligible Arts" for us are FVM, SCS, TRF, FSS, PLR, AE. The Argent arts may not "fit", though I do believe they all end in green.

We got 2 xp to domain during a training action with Su Ling and 5 more from TRF at the time. I believe all of our pools for FVM, FSS and PLR are similar but the important point is how many successes they all have left:
154(FVM6) + 180(FSS3) + 99 (PLR2) = 433
228(SCS6) + 192(TRF5) + 63(AE3) = 483

483 + 433 = 916 which is 91 Domain successes. So we get to 120 successes by reaching the next level in all of our fitting arts.

If the Argent arts fit too then:
68(AC4) + 75(AS3) + 240(AM5) = 383
383 is another 38 domain successes. That makes our total 158 Domain successes.

I don't remember if TRF 6 is on the table but AE 4 is from what I recall. I think TRF 6 is early green but if someone could remind me either way I'd appreciate it. I'd expect AE 4 to take 200 successes and TRF 6 to be like four to five hundred. However that is enough successes that I'm not sure we can get TRF 6 pre-tourney, as a rough estimate. Plus the meridian requirements.

So in order to get Domain 1 if the Argent arts don't fit we have to max out TRF 6 and get AE4. The remaining 10 to 20 successes could be filled in with combat and weapon training. If the Argent arts do fit and we can get TRF 6 combat training is not needed at all. If we can't get TRF 6 then AE 4 and maxed out Argent arts gets us to ~178 Domain and the remaining successes can be found by either combat or dumping some time into TRF even if we don't level it.

So I think we can get Domain 1 based on the xp. Actions wise that may be difficult depending on the Argent arts fitting or not.

And that's all the math I feel like doing right now. I might do more later when I'm in front of a computer.

Ling Qi can at maximum reach 1 dot of Domain at her current cultivation level of seven. 2 dots open up at level 8(Appraisal) but with the basic assumption that Domain dot 2 costs 400 we don't have time to get 570 domain successes pre-tourney.

"Eligible Arts" for us are FVM, SCS, TRF, FSS, PLR, AE. The Argent arts may not "fit", though I do believe they all end in green.

We got 2 xp to domain during a training action with Su Ling and 5 more from TRF at the time. I believe all of our pools for FVM, FSS and PLR are similar but the important point is how many successes they all have left:
154(FVM6) + 180(FSS3) + 99 (PLR2) = 433
228(SCS6) + 192(TRF5) + 63(AE3) = 483

483 + 433 = 916 which is 91 Domain successes. So we get to 120 successes by reaching the next level in all of our fitting arts.

If the Argent arts fit too then:
68(AC4) + 75(AS3) + 240(AM5) = 383
383 is another 38 domain successes. That makes our total 158 Domain successes.

I don't remember if TRF 6 is on the table but AE 4 is from what I recall. I think TRF 6 is early green but if someone could remind me either way I'd appreciate it. I'd expect AE 4 to take 200 successes and TRF 6 to be like four to five hundred. However that is enough successes that I'm not sure we can get TRF 6 pre-tourney, as a rough estimate. Plus the meridian requirements.

So in order to get Domain 1 if the Argent arts don't fit we have to max out TRF 6 and get AE4. The remaining 10 to 20 successes could be filled in with combat and weapon training. If the Argent arts do fit and we can get TRF 6 combat training is not needed at all. If we can't get TRF 6 then AE 4 and maxed out Argent arts gets us to ~178 Domain and the remaining successes can be found by either combat or dumping some time into TRF even if we don't level it.

So I think we can get Domain 1 based on the xp. Actions wise that may be difficult depending on the Argent arts fitting or not.

And that's all the math I feel like doing right now. I might do more later when I'm in front of a computer.

Even getting TRF5 is going to require almost total dedication. TRF6 is a total no-go.

We might be able to get FSS4 if it is available at early green and we started it right after our two SLP weeks. That's about it for green-level arts though. Also, the Argents may not count except for their final levels?

Basically, I can't see us reaching Domain 1 at all. It's more impossible than Appraisal is by a long shot.
Some tiny part of her, the part that had taken a certain vicious pleasure in seeing those Liu lapdogs driven off like whipped dogs by the old judge,
Well, would you look at that. So much for our grievances with the Liu being something left in the past from before we were even born. It takes some absurd pettiness to not only push her down into the mud, but keep knocking her down a decade and a half later.
Ling Mama... you need all the hugs!

Also when it is time you'll have TWO daughters who become little gods. Hopefully your little one won't be too far behind her big sister... else she might get a complex about that.

[X] Plan Snek
like that, she was gone, a flash of shadow and a rustle of the dining room curtain the only sign of her passage.
Dammit, Ling Qi, doors exist for a reason! :p
those Liu lapdogs driven off like whipped dogs by the old judge
Hmm~ If they were Liu minions rather than just loan sharks, then CRX's assistance may have been more useful than we otherwise thought. Even if the Imperial Bureaucracy is supposed to be impartial, a clan like the Liu can probably apply more pressure than a newbie cultivator, no matter how skilled. But with CRX doing the letter equivalent of coughing meaningfully in their direction...
I really like Qingge. This just supports my wish for her to be empowered to do her own shit. Maybe have her help administrate for our clan and holdings? Also want her to cultivate but we'd probably have to spend more time with her before we could reasonably suggest it.
Even getting TRF5 is going to require almost total dedication. TRF6 is a total no-go.

We might be able to get FSS4 if it is available at early green and we started it right after our two SLP weeks. That's about it for green-level arts though. Also, the Argents may not count except for their final levels?

Basically, I can't see us reaching Domain 1 at all. It's more impossible than Appraisal is by a long shot.
We'll see. If the argent arts give xp on their interim levels we can get to 158 xp or just AM5 will put us at 144 xp. 54 combat exp would be a bit of a trek. 42 is more doable in my estimation.

On the surface it does seem Appraisal might be easier than Domain 1. My personal intuition is that trying to get Appraisal precludes getting Domain 1 and that it is possible to get Domain 1 if we drop Appraisal. And if we can't get Domain 1, we stand very little chance against the Monsters because they will be able to beat us down with their poorly contested Domain Weapons, Appraisal or not. Domain 0 makes us about evenwith our peers I would expect. Together this means to me that Domain 1 is much more valuable to me than Appraisal.

But this is a discussion for another time, as I don't feel comfortable continuing it without more math in hand.


Holy flipping sparkles we need to do something to give our mum something she feels can help us and make her feel worthwhile. And all the bleedin hugs. ALL OF THEM!

Also interesting is that the He never went higher than... Yellow it seems?
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154(FVM6) + 180(FSS3) + 99 (PLR2) = 433
228(SCS6) + 192(TRF5) + 63(AE3) = 483 420

68(AC4) + 75(AS3) + 240(AM5) = 383 240
AE3, AC4, AS3 are in yellow and unlikely to contribute. However I believe the art focused plans1​ do have AE4 (green 200?) and AC5 (240?) targeted, resulting in estimated 1533 total successes for 153 domain xp, bring up to 30 + 153 = 183 successes.

1​ e.g. Black's Kitchen Sink plan gets all of the mentioned arts on top of Appraisal, with the aforementioned problem of basically anything derailing it.

So basically an art focus has pretty good odds of domain improvement with additional training.
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Some tiny part of her, the part that had taken a certain vicious pleasure in seeing those Liu lapdogs driven off like whipped dogs by the old judge, imagined her fathers expression, if he knew now where her daughter stood.
Oh hey, I wondered about that.

Neither the Lui family or the He family would've been high enough on the totem pole to find out about Ling Qi becoming a cultivator at the Sect, so I bet that Legal Big Wig showing up made them freak out. Now whether they leave well enough alone or start sniffing at Sect business to find out why the Cai Duchy showed interest in a former prostitute remains to be seen. If they do find out that Ling Qi is a cultivator and attached to the Cai heiress, my bets are on them attempting to legally reconcile with Qi!Mom via bribery or other carrots to try and rope themselves into Cai's orbit. Naturally this won't work but should be interesting lol.

Edit: Hm, they might also try some less pleasant legal fuckery like claiming that since the father's ID can't be proven, Ling Qi would be a ward of the Lui/He family since she "obviously has noble blood as a cultivator", though that's just asking to get shut down.

.....seriously, mom sounds old. Isnt she late thirties?
She's like exactly 30, with the last 14 years being spent either worrying about her daughter or being shat on by those above her.
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AE3, AC4, AS3 are in yellow and unlikely to contribute. However I believe the art focused plans do have AE4 (green 200?) and AC5 (240?) targeted, resulting in estimated 1533 total successes for 153 domain xp, bring up to 30 + 153 = 183 successes.
1533? Not sure how you got that, can you show me please?

I get 433 + 420+240 =1156 for 110 and then plus 30 is 140 domain xp at the end. I included the 30 we already had in my calcs you quoted. My personal opinion is that we can get 20 combat xp incidentally and 30 with some effort.


The life she has lived ages a person.
This so much.

Hopefully our tender ministrations can make her happier. What we're already doing seems to have improved things a little under the sheer stunned "What".

Her calling us "little god" is amusingly adorable. I'm interested if there is any extra meaning to her being able to feel Shenhua or if it's just a case of "No, Shenhua is just so powerful mortals can feel her Domain from across the city" and it doesn't mean anything special.
All of this was more than she deserved, and if not for Biyu's sake, she might have refused it out of a simple shame. She could not imagine that associating with her would do much for her daughters standing in the eyes of her peers.

Yet how could she be anything but pleased, to have her family whole once more?

Truly, Ling Qingge thought as she began to prepare her tea, she was a selfish woman, through and through.
She really need to find a focus. While i would rather it be cultivation or music, anything is better than brooding like this.
A focus towards production or formations would be pretty nice too, for her and her daughters.
.....seriously, mom sounds old. Isnt she late thirties?
She's only 31, she gave birth to Ling Qi at 16.

I really want us to do something to give her back some semblance of the life that was taken from her. I'm sure looking after Biyu will be a major focus, as will getting to know her eldest again, but it'd be nice for her to be able to have a life outside of us.
*tilts head*
On top of what?
I don't get what you're missing?
154(FVM6) + 180(FSS3) + 99 (PLR2) + 228(SCS6) + 192(TRF5) + 240(AM5) are immediately trainable at this moment.
AE3 and AC4 don't contribute, but AE4 and AC5 afterwards (estimated 200 and 240) do and are apparently not too difficult to achieve with some slack room?

All of that adds to 1533 ~ 153 plus the 30 we already have.
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