Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 15 favors

[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
We cannot learn how to enchant from rune priests, they use a completely different and incompatible method one that they will not teach us under any circumstances.
Thankyou Grey Order Deep Memory Implant Divison, now Johann thinks we've got a devastatingly effective poker face. Keep him on his toes about lying to us, hopefully.
Mathilde: "What? No, I didn't remember I knew about Skaven yesterday."
Johann: "Bloody Gray mages!"

[X] Yes
-[X] 15 Favour
-[X] Banner
-[X] Antimagic/protection

Banners produce their effect for everyone around it, don't they? Like, a regiment or whatever? We already have come-back-from-death-multiple-times for our own protection.

[X] Have Ulthar handpick his best sharpshooters to be equipped with envenomed bolts.

[X] Thane Skaroki Grimbrow
[X] Master Engineer Durin Wutokri
[X] Grand Master Sigwald Kriegersen
[X] Grand Master Ruprecht Wulfhart
[X] Marksman Codrin Petrescu
[X] Marshal Titus Muggins

[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Introduce him to the dwarven smiths so he can try to convince them to teach him.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Protection
-[X] 10 favors

[X] Have them help you teach your fast-growing familiar simple commands.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] Ask him to teach Johann to Dispel.
Banners produce their effect for everyone around it, don't they? Like, a regiment or whatever? We already have come-back-from-death-multiple-times for our own protection.
Don't banners have to be displayed to be effective? Practically speaking, are we going to recruit and make a standard bearer follow us everywhere? Anyone carrying a banner is an obvious target, and it would rather give away our position.
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[X] Yes
-[X] Greatsword
-[X] Killy
-[X] 10 Favors
[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
Don't banners have to be displayed to be effective? Practically speaking, are we going to recruit and make a standard bearer follow us everywhere?
I assumed it would be set up in some kind of harness, although looking at the tabletop there does seem to be a dwarf bannerman holding the banner in each regiment.
Anyone carrying a banner is an obvious target, and it would rather give away our position.
I just want to suddenly appear behind people in our ridiculous wizard robe - inquisitor hat - dwarf banner - greatsword - shadow horse-riding self.

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[X] Yes
-[X] Talisman
-[X] Antimagic
-[X] 15 Favors

[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings.
[X] Ask the smiths to teach him as a favour to you (-2 favours)
[X] Help him find a place with the dwarf artillery crews so that he can supplement their abilities in combat.
I think he is genuine also killing one of our very few wizards even though he hasn't done anything yet is not a good idea.
Dude, considering that he's thinking of even touching Skaven weaponry/artillery, which is filled with Warpstone IIRC, should be sending warning bells everywhere. Wizards and Warpstone(Hell, anyone and Warpstone) aren't a good combo. Plus, he wants to do it in the middle of any already risky reclamation of a Hold, thereby making it even riskier and that means bigger consequences if/when he fucks up. And that reflects upon us since we took up the burden of leadership.

As for killing him, it neatly solves any potential problems, and we have the perfect excuse in this reclamation of the Hold(Oh, poor Johann. He unfortunately died via Skaven/Orcs/blew himself up using the Wind wrong/whatever).

And if you don't want him to die, then fine. Knock him out for the duration of the reclamation using some poison and then deliver him back to the Gold Order with a warning that he's been researching the Skaven and warpstone and that the Grey Order is now keeping an eye on him or that the Gold Order can deal with him however they like. Or just knock him out, use our Shadowsteed to travel in some random direction X leagues away, and drop him off, leaving him to fend for himself and make sure he can't fuck up the reclamation trying to mess around with Skaven/Warpstone bullshit.

Point is, he's shady as hell, Mathilde still can't trust him/isn't sure to trust him, we're not in a spot where a mistake is acceptable/containable, we're in an already risky situation of trying to retake a Hold, and he's trying to fuck with Warpstone. I, for one, don't want him sniffing the fumes/getting a contact high and then turning into some kind of warpstone abomination and causing trouble for us all.

Look, if he really had any good intentions, then he wouldn't have come here, he'd have gone out into the Wastes/Under-Empire/wherever the fuck* Skaven can be found away from the Empire and its allies, where if anything goes wrong it won't be around friendlies(ie; us and the Dawi who wouldn't take kindly to a manling trying to reach beyond his grasp, especially a wizard manling, which could get a Grudge against the Gold Order/fuck up relations between the Empire and the Dawi), (and died) quietly trying to find out the secret(s) of Skaven artillery(Or in the unlikely even he succeeded and was being truthful, can come right back and share the knowledge). Or he'd have several others of his Order with him who are following him/a writ from the GO and thus can truly say that the Gold Order is backing this, not some lone wizard going off the deep end either fucking with things he doesn't understand(or trying to steal tech from allies).

*Hell, why not Cathay?
Mostly it wouldn't work. Take No Heed is much weaker than a lot of people in the thread like to imagine. Take No Heed loses its effect when you speak to someone; it's only good for being ignored when you're doing nothing or almost nothing.
I'm not going to argue the point that people like to overstate its effects, but you're going too far in the other direction here. Even if people do notice the caster (as by drawing attention to themselves, and there are a lot of actions which one can take which don't draw attention but aren't "nothing or almost nothing"), they still need to make an opposed willpower test in order to approach them if the caster doesn't initiate interaction. And even if they successfully interact, they need to make another willpower test to actually remember any specifics about the caster after it happened.

Someone using this spell and with general skills in stealth and subterfuge can effectively infiltrate lightly populated/guarded areas and take actions which don't blatantly draw attention or involve interaction with people (including things like theft, sabotage, or poisoning) without people confronting them about it or spreading accurate reports of their appearance or activities. That's what the spell is for, and it does it well. It will not, say, make dozens of guards universally ignore the caster as they walk into a castle they're trying to watch over or let the mage stab someone in the face while they obliviously ignore their presence, but it's not expected to. It's meant to let someone who already knows how to be subtle enforce that subtlety with an extra layer of magic.

Which is the vote to counter miscasts?
There isn't one; not one we can rely on, anyway. See GM comment here and here. It sounds to me like the protection talisman is our best bet for it but we can't guarantee anything. I strongly recommend reading over those GM posts and making your own call.
Dude, considering that he's thinking of even touching Skaven weaponry/artillery, which is filled with Warpstone IIRC, should be sending warning bells everywhere. Wizards and Warpstone(Hell, anyone and Warpstone) aren't a good combo. Plus, he wants to do it in the middle of any already risky reclamation of a Hold, thereby making it even riskier and that means bigger consequences if/when he fucks up. And that reflects upon us since we took up the burden of leadership.

As for killing him, it neatly solves any potential problems, and we have the perfect excuse in this reclamation of the Hold(Oh, poor Johann. He unfortunately died via Skaven/Orcs/blew himself up using the Wind wrong/whatever).

And if you don't want him to die, then fine. Knock him out for the duration of the reclamation using some poison and then deliver him back to the Gold Order with a warning that he's been researching the Skaven and warpstone and that the Grey Order is now keeping an eye on him or that the Gold Order can deal with him however they like. Or just knock him out, use our Shadowsteed to travel in some random direction X leagues away, and drop him off, leaving him to fend for himself and make sure he can't fuck up the reclamation trying to mess around with Skaven/Warpstone bullshit.

Point is, he's shady as hell, Mathilde still can't trust him/isn't sure to trust him, we're not in a spot where a mistake is acceptable/containable, we're in an already risky situation of trying to retake a Hold, and he's trying to fuck with Warpstone. I, for one, don't want him sniffing the fumes/getting a contact high and then turning into some kind of warpstone abomination and causing trouble for us all.

Look, if he really had any good intentions, then he wouldn't have come here, he'd have gone out into the Wastes/Under-Empire/wherever the fuck* Skaven can be found away from the Empire and its allies, where if anything goes wrong it won't be around friendlies(ie; us and the Dawi who wouldn't take kindly to a manling trying to reach beyond his grasp, especially a wizard manling, which could get a Grudge against the Gold Order/fuck up relations between the Empire and the Dawi), (and died) quietly trying to find out the secret(s) of Skaven artillery(Or in the unlikely even he succeeded and was being truthful, can come right back and share the knowledge). Or he'd have several others of his Order with him who are following him/a writ from the GO and thus can truly say that the Gold Order is backing this, not some lone wizard going off the deep end either fucking with things he doesn't understand(or trying to steal tech from allies).

*Hell, why not Cathay?
We have a warp snake and are milking it for warp juice we are in no position to talk about studying and using dangerous materials.

And he isn't trying to fuck with warpstone he is trying to find out if a warp lightning cannon can be repurposed without warpstone.

And what exactly do you expect him to do even if he was evil, which I doubt, what is he going to do suddenly turn on us and fire at us using warp weaponry against a dwarf army where he will be killed in a few seconds?

Are you seriously suggesting he should have gone alone into a skaven kingdom and try to steal their technology? Yeah if he was suicidal and retarted maybe he would have done that. The best chance for him to even get close to skaven artillery is fighting them with the dwarfs and fighting them.

You are planning to kill/disable one of our only wizards who we need to cast dispells on something he hasn't even done yet.

Also what do you plan to do when the college he is from starts asking questions about his sudden and untimely death?
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
[X] Have Ulthar handpick his best sharp shooters to be equipped with envenomed bolts.
[X] Help Seija teach Esbern to Dispel.
[X] No
-[X] Talisman
-[X] 15 Favors
-[X] Protection
Have you guys yet considered that maybe Panoramia's story doesn't match up with her outward persona (a Magic 5+ fangirl? A veteran campaigner with no offensive or healing spells?!)? We should have her killed at first opportunity, just to be on the safe side.
Yup. And a Dwarf Ranger who will ride a Shadowhorse? Please. Clearly a Chaos Dwarf infiltrator.

Sylvanian named Marshall? Renfield plant for a von Carstein.

And how do we really know this is Kragg? Maybe it's some other Ulgu-scaring Dwarf.
[X] No
-[X] Greatsword
-[X] Killy
-[X] 10 Favors
[X] For the sake of your curiousity, sit in on some of the meetings between the two Kings.
[X] Many mercenaries look for work at Barak Varr among trades looking to make the long and dangerous trip to the east. See if any can be convinced to join the Expedition instead.
[X] Dwarf technology may be off limits, but the technology of other races are not and there could be all sorts of useful gadgets coming in from overseas. See if you can pick anything useful up with him from the vast markets of Barak Varr.
[X] Barak Varr is a trading hub; go shopping with her and employ your good name among dwarves to see if there's seeds of anything useful to be found.
Y'all are joking about this, but to be honest I can't point at anything obvious to explain why you'd be wrong.

Constant Vigilance it is.
Just because she's got the hat, that doesn't make Mathilde a witch hunter.

Also, if we're going for a runic item, I say we go all in. Sure, 15's not that much less than 18 Favors, but we're dealing with a race that has no concept of 'overkill'; let us respect and embrace the culture that we're currently immersed in!
Adhoc vote count started by Barnes on Apr 2, 2018 at 6:37 PM, finished with 15192 posts and 65 votes.
Dude, considering that he's thinking of even touching Skaven weaponry/artillery, which is filled with Warpstone IIRC, should be sending warning bells everywhere. Wizards and Warpstone(Hell, anyone and Warpstone) aren't a good combo. Plus, he wants to do it in the middle of any already risky reclamation of a Hold, thereby making it even riskier and that means bigger consequences if/when he fucks up. And that reflects upon us since we took up the burden of leadership.
You are badly overestimating the risks here. For one thing, the Empire has captured Skaven technology before with no ill effects - they keep a few examples in museums as evidence of the Under-Empire 'hoax'. For another, warpstone is not that dangerous. I mean yes, you shouldn't keep the stuff around, and you should definitely try to avoid handling it (especially without protective gear), but brief exposure is fine, or else how would anybody fight the Skaven without exploding into mutations?

As for acquiring what he's after in the middle of the reclamation - nothing could be easier! Seriously, all he has to do is pick over the battlefields for some choice pieces after the fighting ends, which is entirely normal in warfare.
Voting is open