Otherwise, Russia wouldn't have invaded Ukraine.
That is not true. We have not invaded it, come on. In 2008, when we rallied to defend Abkhazia and South Osetia from Georgia, it was over in five days. Ukraine is somewhat bigger than Georgia, yes, but do you think we could not finish that in 4 YEARS if we actually invaded??

Also, about Nohon. Can we argee that, in vacuum, a Pacific port is a good thing? We do not need it as much as OTL Russia since we have access to the Monsoon Sea, but it would still be beneficial for trade with Nohon and UPM. Weakening a nation that we are potential rivals with is also good.

However, if we can have better relations with them and split Kyberia like America and Canada have split North America with a random straight line, an ally there is better than a pissed neighbour and bunch of colonies filled with small amounts of unhappy pop, which will just go and hide in forests and hinder us.
I guess I'll add my two cents to the argument.

I think a Pacific port should be seen as a far off strategic goal, a nice to have, but not necessary.

I do not believe that we will ever have the capacity to wholesale kick Nohon off of the continent, nor do I believe it likely we will even obtain a Pacific port at all. As previous arguments have highlighted, it is highly unlikely that we will be able to supply a sufficiently sizeable force across the entirety of Kyberia, at least until the advent of railroads, by which time they will likely have dug in far too heavily for us to realistically manage to take all of their Not!Asia holdings. I think our goal should be to deny as much of Kyberia as possible to them by advancing claims, but stopping short of full on war against Nohon to obtain a Pacific port unless a truly remarkable opportunity presents itself.

Any war between our nations is going to be a very serious naval struggle that will deal very significant damage to our trade thanks to the fairly powerful navy they presumably possess thanks to being a secondary power island nation, along with being a supposedly significant source of pirates. It would also likely require nothing short of total and complete victory in the war to cause the complete vacation of Nohon from the mainland, while also leaving a very angry and revanchist neighbor that will be constantly looking at chances to reclaim its territory, always looking for ways to screw with us diplomatically, while also being an indefensible front if Nohon were to ever pursue a war of reclamation while we are busy with other powers.

The value of Pacific trade is not worth essentially the permanent souring of relations with a potential great power.

Simply put, the Pacific is a level of overextension that we likely will not be able to afford.

We already possess a serious warmwater port essentially free of any geographical chokepoints in the form of a Not! Indian Ocean port(that island blocking part of the gulf still leaves a massive amount of room relative to the others), and two slightly more blocked ones in the form of Not! St Petersburg, and Not! Constantinople.

We do not need a fourth port, and the accompanying naval defense, and developmental cost that that will require, when we already have so many other places and areas to invest time and effort into, will be of significant detriment, likely without ever being able to provide a serious return as we must prioritize our resources closer to the core of our nation.

In addition, as the Nohon are a Hung tributary, and we ourselves are not a tributary to the Hung, something that would be unacceptable to our nation's pride and honor, we would likely find ourselves at odds with what will likely continue to be the world's superpower for at least another few decades.

I suggest we forward diplomats to the Nohon when our borders begin to approach to find an agreeable border between us, preferably with them retaining 1/5 or less of Kyberia. Having good relations with Nohon will be a massive opponent we will not have to worry about far less in the future. Give them just enough of Kyberia that they are a satisfied power and will not pursue a belligerent policy, while we still retain the lion's share of the resources in Kyberia, which will also likely allow us to better exploit it as investment is concentrated into less overall territory.

No amount of Pacific trade or mineral resources that we already possess vast bounties of will be able to make up for the pain of facing a permanent enemy on the flanks in the form of Nohon.

We already have so much opportunity, let's not bite off more than we can chew.
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Really, our big problem is that our naval bases can't mutually support our fleets in the Baltic, in the Yllython/Med Sea, and the Indian Ocean. So it feels like our naval strength is cut into 1/3.

I would like to start working the Khemetri angle so that our strength aren't neutered.

Is there any idea's about how to deal with the guilds?

Talk to Sweden. Get ideas for how to modernize.
They were tributary to the Hung. I believe are not currently; they almost? fought them in Korea'.

On the contrary, the Japanese were dealt with quite handily towards the end of the war in Manchuria by the Russians and were defeated at Kalhkin Gol before then but that is immaterial to the ultimate argument. The reason the Japanese and the Nohon looked to Siberia/Kyberia was so they could secure resources for their war industry that they lacked on their islands. In fact, that's exactly why the Nohon are there right now. Our own diplomats see them as a distant threat. Which is why we should prevent their access to greater parts of Kyberia and deny its strategic utility to them, I am not advocating an immediate war yet I hope to shape the wider Glyurv-Ymaryn strategy with Nihon in mind.
That's interesting. I'd never heard of Khalkin Gol before. I stand corrected.

Grabbing as much of Kyberia as possible is something I support regardless of what we eventually do about Nohon.

And you have interpreted my comparisons as if I thought they were the situation that actually faced us, I haven't. Your claim that any gains we make by force will be marginal and come at great cost dont have any weight as we are not embarking upon this venture yet so looking at the stats as they are now, hold little relevance when the question comes up in the future. In thirty years Nohon's armament industry could have atrophied, our industry, infrastructure and technology could eclipse theirs, they could have entered lost several wars by then. You have assumed that I and people like me advocating taking all of Kyberia would force us to enter into a war we would lose, I wouldn't I would hope we would weigh every opportunity and every variable to be sure. As I have mentioned also, if we develop industrial centres in Kyberia we will mitigate our supply issues considerably. Rather than shipping in men and materials from the west, we would ship them from the east to slightly further east.

Thirty, even fifty years isn't enough time to fully establish colonies unless you invest in them considerably, you have again made an assumption that Nohon will invest significantly enough those colonies that they will develop into the size of millions even tens of millions, only then would those colonies be an integration issue. We could even offer a return of the Nohon colonists to the Nohon mainland.

Yet again if we can secure a pacific port that isn't decorated in conditions and treaties through diplomacy I'd also be more than willing.
I understand you're not pushing for a war right now, but that doesn't change my argument much, because most of the factors I'm talking about aren't likely to change in the next three or so decades. Nohon seems to be actively colonizing, judging by how they're expanding their Siberian holdings, so it's unlikely the colonies are going to remain static. Nohon's actively embrancing modern arms, so I doubt their industry's going to atrophy. Even if we did set up manufacturing centers in Kyberia, we'd still have longer supply lines than the Nohon because the Nohon core territory is right there. They also can resupply by sea, and we can't.

I appreciate that you'd weigh the pros and cons before jumping into a war; that's sensible and I applaud that line of thinking. But setting up the infrastructure to make that war possible, to be ready for that war, is going to involve a steep opportunity cost. Right now, it doesn't matter much. I think we both agree that eastward expansion's a priority. It's really what happens after we run into the Nohon and consolidate a little. Do we spend our resources preparing for an eastern war? I don't think that will be a good move.

But I'm fine with crossing that bridge when we come to it.

And as for geography.... really?
We already have a warm-water port, which is what Russia spent tons of blood and treasure chasing, we have direct access to the Indian Ocean and Mediterranean equivalent, we have southern borders to worry about that Russia never had to deal with, and so on. I'm not sure why you're so dismissive about this? "The Ymaryn have different geopolitical circumstances than Russia" is practically a tautological statement.

I think the best way to look at this: we've swapped Russia's Pacific port for an Indian Ocean one and a Mediterranean one.

- we don't have direct access to the Pacific'
- and therefore we don't have direct access to the New World
- some of Kyberia's raw materials are going to flow through foreign ports

+ we do have direct access to the Mediterranean' and Monsoon Sea
+ we have warm-water ports in strategically important areas
+ those ports are already up and running, no assembly required
+ because of all that we do have access to Africa', Kus, and Australia'
+ if we build the Khemetri canal, we can link up most of our fleet fairly easily

I think it's a pretty good deal, especially since we're probably getting most of Kyberia anyway.
Soooo.... the Ymaryn nobility needs to start dressing like luchadores?

....I can approve of this.
There is, sadly, nowhere near enough art of Dwarf Fortress dwarves engaging in Pankration and shattering their enemies that way. So I had to make do with the second best approach :V
As far as I can tell the political reality, at least for now, is that they will either be rewarded or met with violence.

If watching American corporations and unions has taught me anything, it's that if you want to destroy an organization you have to make sure its leadership has different incentives than its membership.

If we were to abolish guild monopolies and replace them with corporations, those corporations would need leadership. And who better to serve that role than the most experienced and respected members of their respective fields. Naturally such leaders would be well compensated, showered with coin and stock options. And if a leader managed to improve his industry's efficiency and pocketed some of the difference, we might be inclined to look the other way...at least for a while.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by HanEmpire on Mar 3, 2018 at 12:46 AM, finished with 864 posts and 59 votes.
Locking in for update tomorrow

[X][Kyberi] 1 PW - Send in proper negotiators and scholars to sort it all out (-1 Temp Happiness, +1 Temp Consciousness, situation resolved, ???)
[X][Crisis] 1 PW - Send aid to the Kielmyr (-1 temp SoL, +1 Temp Trust)
[X][Paying] 0 PW - Bank and Business Fun
-[X][Paying] +1 Temp IC
Stat Iteration Example
And now for an instructional message

Industrial Cap 2 (0) (Max. 3)
Development 11/17
Pollution 0

Consciousness 3 (4)
Standard of Living 4 (5)
Happiness 5/10

Academies 3/3
Education 3
Innovation 2

Trust 8
Espionage 8

Militancy 5
Armies 6
Navies 3

Political Will 3/10

Min. 15
Current 50
Industrial Cap 2 (1) (Max. 3)
Development 11/17
Pollution 0

Consciousness 3
Standard of Living 4
Happiness 5/10

Academies 3/3
Education 3
Innovation 2

Trust 8
Espionage 8

Militancy 5
Armies 6
Navies 3

Political Will 3/10

Min. 15
Current 50
Industrial Cap 2 (Max. 3)
Development 11/17
Pollution 0

Consciousness 3 (4)
Standard of Living 4 (3)
Happiness 5 (3)/10

Academies 3/3
Education 3
Innovation 2

Trust 8 (9)
Espionage 8

Militancy 5
Armies 6
Navies 3

Political Will 6/10

Min. 15
Current 50
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@Academia Nut

Sorry for all the questions, but I keep thinking of new ones. :p

Can Diplomatic Outreach be used to restart The Games and the Artisan Games? And I suppose to go with the times, an Art Expo as well? Or haven't we dived deeply enough in the archives to rediscover it?

Can we use diplomatic outreach (internal) to set up a parliament or is that gated behind events?

Which actions/stats would boost our Culture output to farm prestige?

Do we have a concept for something like a free trade zone that could morph into something like the EU for continued diplo-annexing?
Can Diplomatic Outreach be used to restart The Games and the Artisan Games? And I suppose to go with the times, an Art Expo as well? Or haven't we dived deeply enough in the archives to rediscover it?

Potentially, yes.

Can we use diplomatic outreach (internal) to set up a parliament or is that gated behind events?

Gated behind events.

Which actions/stats would boost our Culture output to farm prestige?


Do we have a concept for something like a free trade zone that could morph into something like the EU for continued diplo-annexing?

Nope! Freedom of Trade is well behind Liberalism right now.
Gated behind events.

But Intriguing the dissolution of the Guilds is still doable?

Basically, invite in Kielmyr and/or Sketch industrialists for advice and then bribe the high-ranking Guild functionaries into becoming oligarchs to reap massive personal profits, turning the Guilds against themselves and leaving the remainder the either turn into smaller businesses supported by loans to get started (probably only the middle-management and up) or co-ops.

Or maybe leave some husk behind that gets repurposed into a Chamber of Commerce.

Would these be two separate actions or fall under the same? I'm uncertain given the scale. Inviting foreign capital to get rich should be reasonably easy. Breaking the Guilds will be bloody hard. Or easy depending how cooperative they are in self destruction.
Any chance that we would prevent the clusterfuck that is the world wars?

Unlikely, newly industrialized nations will want to carve out a piece of the world market for their needs and wants; forcing both new and old to deal with the situation with all the tools in the box, without fear of MAD to rein in direct aggressive actions.