Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

Also, look at PLR! It's awesome! Give more Dreaming Moon stuff.

Like, hidden moon is the least in-character option. It's about the lure of unknown secrets, yet Ling Qi has never really been interested in those, especially not any time recently. what world is putting on a party in-character for Ling Qi? On the other hand, diving for hidden treasures has been shown to be explicitly in-character for her - look at her reaction to the marriage proposal from Gu Tai. Going grave robbing and having adventures was basically the main lure for her.

[X] Hidden Moon
Can you explain the synergy as you see it? To be honest I haven't quite wrapped my head around how we might use the art.
Both are anti-chaff arts, and Diapason when it lands hit the enemy with -3 to perception, with low light being another -1. With both IPF and Mist up, at worse enemies get -5 to targetting us, and at best they can neither target us nor run away from the mist...which we can decide to make 60m or less, so same size as IPF. As such, they can't leave IPF zone in order to use range techniques on us, either.
Vaguely interested in Mother Moon, but Dreaming doesn't seem to fit Ling Qi at all. Music, sure, but she's hardly the hallucinogenic-taking party type of girl. When she has a choice, anyway. We already have her art and possibly spirit as well.

Xin is consistently nice, has proven she can share, and she even threw us a birthday party! We know she has maternal instincts, she's friendly with us, and seems the most human (or at least understanding of humans) spirit we know. Plus, I'd feel bad if we didn't pick her.

[X] Hidden Moon
On the contrary, Xin has done an excellent job in my opinion on getting us on her path. This is the only option, from the previous moon's that were willing, to have given us another chance. She has consistently been nice to us and has given some nuggets of wisdom in her talks with us as well giving us more information on the sect opportunity.

As for the dreaming moon being the most natural place to go from here, I guess that is subjective? I mean, I don't see us doing all that much smoothing out ruffled feathers in the near future and we have had a history of having a difficult time doing it(specifically with Su Ling, Li Suyin, and Xiulan interactions, and then the whole debacle with Xiulan's relationship with Han Jian).

I think now that we can dance and flute our intentions and feelings directing into people's souls it will help us uncomplicated things.
Moon Ninja Senpai is the best :ninja:! I wonder if when we get to the Inner Sect and start tutoring, if we are going to troll our junior brothers/sisters just to see how they react?

What am I saying, of course we will. We'll tell them to meet us at a rock in a field and to have a seat and it will be Zhengui.
My big reason for wanting hidden is that we will have xin around for if we stay with the sect.

Fostering good relations there is probably a good idea. And getting some more stealth bonuses wouldnt hurt.
[X] Hidden Moon

I've been convinced to change my mind. I'm also banking on becoming even stealthier and synergizing well with phantasmagoria and doubly fucking over an enemy trying to roll 5 successes on perception.
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As i see it the choice is:
[] Dreaming Moon: Friendship,
Emphasis on how Ling Qi is kinda the only link between the different people around her. It probably is aimed to fuse Social Links, and should have a big impact on what happens to our friends that don't follow us in the Inner Sect. Han Jian and Co, Su Ling (because we spent a lot of time with Suyin in crafting related actions) and the Ma sisters. Maybe even Xiulan. Pretty much all the boys. Meaning most of our friends will remain in Outer Sect for the next year, which is probably going to make meeting them difficult. if they are friend(ly) to each others it'll make keeping the social links alive much easier.
Also, it means working on Ling Qi social comparatively lacking skills...

[] Hidden Moon: The Self.
Basically, it's a hunt for more treasure. Considering how we are already overloaded with Arts half the value of this is gone, pills and gear (which hasn't droped yet iirc) are most relevant still. Biggest impact is obviously our rank in the Tournament.

[] Mother Moon: Family.
Be it blood related or "just" parental figure(s), imo the biggest part of the impact of this choice is farther in the future when we start our Noble House in truth. Right now it's only importance should be related to Zhengui (and with the meeting with mom, but i doubt that will have much effect anyway), as a very much doubt Zeqing is really going to be a better teacher for us due to this.

[X] Dreaming Moon
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[X] Hidden Moon

Was convinced by the commentary about all the things Xin has been doing for us, time to give back a little by exploring her greater aspect.
I'm picking the hidden moon because I remember how happy Xin got when we told her she was a close second when picking out our patron. She's sweet and yrsillar's really fucking good at writing characters so I want her to be happy.
Your cultivation should not be dependent on making people happy especially since that is not the path Ling Qi chose. Ling Qi chose family over her friends and so I feel that the mother moon is the best choice so that Ling Qi may train her domain.
Well, let's see...

Cai's recommendation definitely begat an extreme response. I'm a little irritated at how... excessive it was, to be honest; I rather hope she didn't do any leaning or the like in hopes of swaying Ling Qi with her influence. I don't think she did though, given what we've seen of her. Still, Ling Qi now has a wee bit of explaining to do to Mother Dearest... :p

The tutor reminds me a bit of Gan Guangli - over-the-top, but almost certainly it's partially an affected stance to provoke others and cause them to react in useful ways. And because it's probably quite fun, I wager. Some rather useful information from him; there are three practitioners of Eight Phase Ceremony in the sect (Ling Qi, himself and Eler Jiao). Phases are accumulated rather than swapped between, but I would guess that there's only so many you might choose to follow (he spoke of his 'second' influence as if there wasn't a third), so Ling Qi's choice here could be fairly long-lasting. Blood went away - not too surprising. Dreaming Moon, Hidden Moon, Mother Moon are the options - rather interesting, that last one... but more on that later.

It might just be fluff, but the tutor might also have 'rescued' 44 successes; I don't remember if Ling Qi was able to progress in an 'incomplete' state before. Speaking of which, Eight Phase Ceremony's improvement is quite nice. No "virtual Green" stone as was thought of as a possibility but two Yellow; while the Vent *is* going away effectively, it's still a nice little boost. Able to bind Grade 3 spirits, which was expected. Dice to Spirit, Physique, Yin and Moon (I'm not sure if those last two would stack; I guess not?). Increased gradual accumulation of qi - +15 successes per week means Ling Qi is going to fairly naturally increase her stores at a good clip. Moon gets added to what Stealth/larceny successes can help; I believe the cap was already 30. I would guess the locked bonuses would expand what kinds of tests offer bonus successes and the like - similar to Grinning. I'm not sure if some of the above would also be boosted or not.

Phantasmagoria is... pretty nice stuff; expected, given the source. It has 9 levels, a bit higher than the 8 seen before, and 7 meridians, which is an all-time high for an art. Not that that last is immediately important; Ling Qi isn't likely to be able to do that many levels before improving her base cultivation - Green, perhaps not Bronze. Boosts to Expression and Socialize - the former great for combat and noncombat reasons, the latter should help Ling Qi's (relative) social weakness. Speed, all defenses and a special bonus against grapples and confinements. It's another Expression art, of course.

The two techniques... it feels very much like Forgotten Vale Melody in that there's a "setup" base technique that sets the environment and then additional techniques usable only while the base technique is in play. It's expensive... but it's also a 4-dot technique, meaning it's going to be pretty damn robust. Very large range, like the mist offers a defense - this one either gives a dice penalty or complete failure (except against very large area of effect attacks). The stacking means that someone will pass the test eventually and be able to actually attack... but then it resets. It can be auto-renewed.

The first taste of the 'additive' techniques for PLR is a definite control/debuff type. Move them somewhere random within a 120-meter diameter, block their hands (not sure if they drop their weapon or simply can't wave it around :p) and qi drain each turn until they escape. I'd note that Ling Qi's other techniques could make said escape a lot harder. I don't know if the random-movement is a one-time thing or if it happens every turn if they fail to escape - if the latter, that would be hilarious.
Your cultivation should not be dependent on making people happy especially since that is not the path Ling Qi chose. Ling Qi chose family over her friends and so I feel that the mother moon is the best choice so that Ling Qi may train her domain.
Ling Qi sees Xin as part of her mother figure (family). Remember back in the green breakthrough dream where Qi!moms face kept switching between her, Zeqing and Xin.
This is really hard to choose, but I think I may switching to dreaming for now:

[X] Dreaming Moon