Like the FVM dice to expression test, it works with FSS/Melee sound blasts/PLR/FVM (as it doesn't have provision)?Attribute: Moon, Yang
Current Meridians: Legx2, Lung
Needed Meridians: Lung(3), Leg(5), Leg(7), Lung(9)
Max Level: 9
Passive Effects
-User adds two dice to all expression tests
this is pretty neat, and a hard prof of the existence of social Arts!
solid quandidate for Qi Card use imo
This does make me like Cai more.CRX seems to have a problem here... because bringing down the Senior Judge of an entire region to solve a false creditor situation is overkill as hell... And I love it.![]()
I don't think it's possible to overestimate the art or the technique. The art gives amazing passives automatically, which is great (defense, socialize and expression tests, speed, and even more ability to get out of grapples) but the first technique is simply astounding.
It appears to be an automatic condition that does not require a clash to affect a person. Should a person be inside of the effect, then they need to pass a 5 success perception test. On success, -2 dice to their attack. On failure, the attack auto fails.
All of this with no clash what so ever. It really is fantastic! The combo with FVM is also evident, as the mists from FVM reduce the perception dice of the individual meaning that opponents are even more likely to fail the crucial test to hit us.
And should they fail, then FSS qi gain procs as well as TRF qi gain. This art is going to be our bread and butter for a long time.
On the contrary, Xin has done an excellent job in my opinion on getting us on her path. This is the only option, from the previous moon's that were willing, to have given us another chance. She has consistently been nice to us and has given some nuggets of wisdom in her talks with us as well giving us more information on the sect opportunity.Really? Hidden Moon?
Xin has done a terrible job at selling herself to us, or putting us on her path. She's mostly just been a wingman for her sisters.
Like, we're in the middle of going full music and getting to know the dreaming moon more. Just like grinning moon was the most natural place to start, I would have to say that dreaming is the most natural thing for us to do right now.
Also, more social and friends would be good, and that's what that one seems to be pushing for. For all the people who were disappointed that our breakthrough didn't have more friendship, this would seem to be the most obvious route to take.
[X] Dreaming Moon
[X] Hidden Moon
[X] Mother Moon
Nope. Can't choose.
Can you explain the synergy as you see it? To be honest I haven't quite wrapped my head around how we might use the art.And holy shit PLR is good. So much synergy with FVM and stealth.