Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
I have to say I'm not really liking how meta we're getting.
I don't know anything about this setting at all. I know what I've learned during this quest and I've done some research on different kinds of magic within this setting so I know similar things as Mathilde and can more easily put myself in her position.
This also means I know absolutely nothing about these Skaven that get mentioned every once in a while (I feel no need to know more about them either). Appearently they are a huge threat. I'm not sure what Mathilde knows about them either (that is something I'd like to know), but as far as I can see in this quest, Mathilde certainly does not think of them as a threat in any way, seeing as they have not been mentioned in the main quest at any point.
Please, let's not focus on what might be or might become and instead focus on Mathilde and what she might do or think with the knowledge she has.
Thanks for reading.
[X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch

[X] Plan Wizardening
-[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
-[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing

wouldnt say no to the doctor and smuggler i guess.
Anyone know how doctor or surgeon are depicted in WHF? Good, suspicious, or eww he cut a person open.
Necromantic studies were the keepers of medical knowledge
for over 500 years until another great tragedy sparked a new
look at medicine. In 1786, the Red Pox appeared throughout
Tilea, claiming men and animals alike. This more mundane
disease, striking in a more enlightened age, prompted the rising
population of academics to ponder disease more as a natural
phenomenon than as the taint of Chaos. They began to look
to animals to learn more about the human form; although any
sort of human dissection was still taboo, animal carcasses were
perfectly acceptable. The human body began to be appreciated
anew as a great nexus of flesh, bone, organs and vessels, each of
which could be examined and treated separately.
Soon after came the Tilean renaissance, and the works of
Leonardo of Miragliano brought a new appreciation for
engineering. From this arose a new paradigm of thought,
one in conflict with Gaelen's theories and the practices that
stemmed from them. Where Gaelen saw the body as sacred
and inviolate, to be nurtured as a whole, never cut apart, the
'Mechanicals' saw the body as nothing more than a giant
machine made of many cogs; to throw open such a machine
was as natural as examining the workings of a clock or millwheel,
and to cut and amputate as natural as tightening a
screw. Of course, many doctors could see elements of truth in
both sides, and today there are very few that will never perform
amputations, or refuse to see the value in holistic theories.
There remain some, however, for whom the question is one of
morality and even faith, and every student inherits one or the
other stance from his tutor or college. As a result, the Gaelenic/
Mechanical split continues to characterise modern medicine.

In the recent centuries, the Mechanical outlook has become the
default in Tilea and Estalia, not least thanks to the great artist
Andreas Vesalius, whose book De Corporis Fabrica provides
the most accurate paintings of the human body yet produced.
Dissections, too, have become accepted in these decadent
southern states. The Empire, however, still resists this practice,
seeing it as a violation of the will of Morr: after death, a man
must be placed in Morr's Garden as soon as possible, not be
opened out and toyed with. Any act of human dissection is
considered necromancy, and remains punishable by death.
Elements within the University of Nuln publicly protest this
ban; many others simply contravene the law in secret.

Although modern medicine's popularity has grown in leaps
and bounds through the last few centuries, it is still very
much the newcomer to the village. Every town in the Empire
has a shrine or temple to the healing goddess Shallya, and
the Order of the Bleeding Heart remains a trusted source of
care. Emperor Karl Franz himself prefers the healing hands
of the Shallyan High Priestess, despite his patronage of the
Physician's Guild. So why would anyone visit the unproved
and often unhelpful doctors?
One reason is novelty—many consider medicine to be better
than the tried and true approach, simply because it is new and
must therefore be more "enlightened." For others it is status:
the temple is free, while doctors are expensive. Anyone who
can afford a doctor makes sure to see one and takes care that
his neighbours know of it. Soldiers, warriors and seafarers have
always shied away from the Order, too, not least because its
members are typically female. They have grown accustomed to
the ministrations of the barber-surgeon or field doctor instead,
despite the painful procedures and frequent amputations that
occur in their care. Among soldiers the temple is only used for
those too far gone to be saved, and when a soldier dies, he is
often said to have "gone to the temple."
There are also real differences in the services offered. The Order
places emphasis on care, food and housing first, and medicine
second. Their reliance on divine powers means that the mortal
members themselves need not focus on perfecting their own
skill or knowledge, which can of course lead to misdiagnosis.
Rare are the members of the Order with a Heal skill above
50%, and the art of surgery is almost entirely unknown within
its ranks, not to mention frowned upon. Some Shallyan priests
have been so often called to deal with the mistakes of botched
surgeries that they consider the practice as a whole to be akin
to butchery.
Not every temple has an Anointed Priest in attendance,
meaning that the higher-level magic required to treat the
diseased, the pestilence-stricken and the insane is unavailable.
Such ailments must therefore be left to doctors. Their
effectiveness in treating the small plagues that arose in the
aftermath of the Storm of Chaos has greatly improved their
reputation. However, doctors do not offer hospitals or
continued care; most work out of a single consulting room,
and only the richest patients can afford regular home visits for
chronic conditions. The elderly, the wasting, the incurable and
the infirm only find help from the Bleeding Heart. Indeed,
doctors often prescribe attendance for a week, month or year at
a well-adorned Temple of Shallya, enjoying its mineral spas and
restorative beverages.

• Poor: A poor doctor is never more than a Barber-
Surgeon (or perhaps a Student with delusions of
grandeur) and likely a sloppy one at that. Such doctors
are rarely found in villages because the peasants soon
learn that they are better off seeing the wise woman or
herbalist, but they thrive in cities where folks put less
trust in home remedies. Still, only the destitute and
the desperate come to this butcher and his rusty knives,
and they go with the knowledge that they may end up
worse than they began. The only advantage of the poor
doctor, besides his low prices, is that he tends not to
ask questions about where or how the knife wounds or
powder burns were acquired.
• Common: A common doctor is typically a young
Physician or a well-schooled Barber-Surgeon. He is
schooled in basic herbalism and at least the principles
of surgery, he outfits himself with a clean and mostly
hygienic theatre, and he rarely cuts off limbs without
good reason. The common doctor is treated with an
equal measure of respect and suspicion, and earns
a modest wage. If he is a physician, he maintains a
sizeable collection of powders and tinctures and a few
medical texts; if he is a barber-surgeon he is probably
known for the speed and neatness of his amputations.
• Good: This level of quality includes established, fatbellied
Physicians or world-famous Surgeons who tend
to those townsfolk wealthy enough to afford their rates.
They attended the best schools, have become highly
placed in their guild and in society, and the success
of their practice is as much about whom they cure as
how well they do so. Yet their skills are, in the main,
exemplary, and their devotion is not always lacking:
those who have the coin to spend can be assured of the
latest medicines, the sharpest saws, and the finest leather
strap upon which to bite down.
• Best: Physicians of this quality have gained fame across
at least one of the large cities of the Empire, if not
farther. They may in fact be known in other countries
and called there for their opinions, while in their home
cities they almost certainly tend to the royal and ruling
families. They are likely heads of their guilds, and if
they do not reside in the palaces of the nobility, will
have been so well rewarded by their grateful patients
as to have acquired a stately manor home and entrance
into the best possible society. Few can ever hope to
rise to this rank without either extraordinary medical
talents or extraordinary guile. Those of this quality
are exceptionally skilled, whether it be in medicine or

The extent of surgical knowledge in the Old World includes
setting broken bones (if the break is clean), staunching the flow
of blood and the spread of infection (if treatment is performed
quickly enough), and stitching skin to hold together what's left
(if the wound is narrow enough). Anything more complicated
is solved by removing the affected area with either a heavy
cleaver or the slower but neater bone saw. A good surgeon is
one who can cut off the damaged areas without destroying the
entire appendage; a great surgeon is one who can do it quickly,
because anaesthetic remains a mystery and because the longer a
wound is exposed, the greater the risk of infection.

types of ailments; whether disease, sickness or insanity, all
conditions are seen to arise from a taint upon, imbalance in
or irritation of some part of the body. Unless the cause of the
problem is obvious and external, the usual diagnosis will be
that the cause is an inflammation of an internal organ. The
organ in question will be determined by examining the Three
Fluids (blood, phlegm, or faeces), taking the pulse, examining
the colour of the patient's skin and eyes, his diet and lifestyle,
his star sign and countless other minutiae.
Gaelenic physicians prefer to treat the symptoms of a fever
rather than the cause, using the idea that "like cures like": hot,
sweating patients will be covered with blankets and locked in
steam rooms to sweat out the fever, cold patients will be placed
in baths of ice; reddened patients bled while pale patients are
given clear liquids. Mechanicals prefer to flush the infection
out to the surface by inducing vomiting or diarrhoea with
powerful drugs, blistering or burning the skin with fired steel
or metal cups, and of course bleeding. Both types believe
the expulsion of unclean fluids—particularly black bile and
pus—is a sign that infection is leaving the body. One of the
newest techniques involves sewing small threads under the
skin or using acid to burn an open sore in order to produce a
full and steady flow of pus out of the patient.
Bleeding is by far the most popular treatment offered by
physicians, however. It is becoming increasingly fashionable
for the wealthier burghers to have "a good bleed" every spring,
to strengthen the constitution. A pint is usually taken, and the
process often leaves the patient light-headed, inspiring many
jokes likening doctors to barmen, "pouring a pint" for paying
Unsurprisingly, all of these methods take their toll on the
patient, so much so that they are the equivalent of having a
disease. Those vomiting or purging suffer as if they have the
Bloody Flux, while those who have been burned or cupped
will have itchy scars affecting them like the Kruts (but without
the Fellowship penalty). Those being "tapped" for pus or bile
suffer the effects of Scurvy Madness minus the hallucinations,
but thankfully none of these symptoms persist for more than
three days, after which the doctor may make another Heal
Test. If successful, the duration of the original ailment is
reduced by a number of days equal to the degree of success of
the Heal roll. If the disease remains, the treatment will begin
again—if the patient has the funds, of course. By spending
enough money, therefore, a character may exchange the
horrors of Neiglish Rot for a few weeks with the Bloody Flux.
Vote Grammar Nazi:
No such plan. Did you mean Wizardening ?

[left][size=16px][font=Calibri][color=#d2d2d2][X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch

[X] Plan Wizardening
-[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
-[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
--[X] Ranald's Blessing[/color][/font][/size][/left]
Due to your massive amount of tags, your entire post as a whole is being counted as a single special-case vote in the tally, instead of two watch options and one plan. You might want to amend that.
I have to say I'm not really liking how meta we're getting.
I don't know anything about this setting at all. I know what I've learned during this quest and I've done some research on different kinds of magic within this setting so I know similar things as Mathilde and can more easily put myself in her position.
This also means I know absolutely nothing about these Skaven that get mentioned every once in a while (I feel no need to know more about them either). Appearently they are a huge threat. I'm not sure what Mathilde knows about them either (that is something I'd like to know), but as far as I can see in this quest, Mathilde certainly does not think of them as a threat in any way, seeing as they have not been mentioned in the main quest at any point.
Please, let's not focus on what might be or might become and instead focus on Mathilde and what she might do or think with the knowledge she has.
Thanks for reading.
They are pretty irrelevant, but the "beastmen" the Dwarves of Zhufbar were fighting are Skaven, that was a misstranslation.

Regular Beastmen are no serious underground-threat to a Dwarfhold.
Last edited:
This also means I know absolutely nothing about these Skaven that get mentioned every once in a while (I feel no need to know more about them either). Appearently they are a huge threat. I'm not sure what Mathilde knows about them either (that is something I'd like to know), but as far as I can see in this quest, Mathilde certainly does not think of them as a threat in any way, seeing as they have not been mentioned in the main quest at any point.

Our Watch Captain did mention them as a problem so widespread the smugglers and Sewer Jacks all know. The reason nobody mentions the Skaven openly is because those who do get murdered by Skaven.

Fortunately they are irrationally afraid of cats and will flee or kill cats first.
Mathilde is a crazy cat lady.
Anyway. To give people some perspective on how expensive those pistols are going to be, some stats from the RPG:

Name Cost Enc Group Damage Range Reload Qualities Availability
Pistol 200 gc 25 Gunpowder 4 8/16 2 Full Impact, Unreliable Very Rare
Repeater Pistol 400 gc 25 Engineer 4 8/16 Free Experimental, Special Very Rare
Job Yearly Pay (gc)
Peasant 9 - 15
Rich Farmer 15 - 25
Innkeeper 20 - 30
City Shopkeeper 20 - 40
Mercenary 20 - 50
Skilled Craftsman 25 - 80
Typical Fence 30 - 100
Doctor 40 - 150
Artificer 150 - 500
Lesser Noble 250 - 500
Wizard Lord 300 - 800
Greater Noble 1000+
Our Watch Captain did mention them as a problem so widespread the smugglers and Sewer Jacks all know. The reason nobody mentions the Skaven openly is because those who do get murdered by Skaven.
No. Our Watch Captain hinted darkly about "the War Below", which might or might not mean the Skaven depending on your level of paranoia and external knowledge, and I'm quite sure it's not a problem so widespread the Sewer Jacks all know, because to quote the QM, "Note the complete lack of Under-Empire under Wurtbad", Wurtbad being where the core of where our Sewer Jacks and Watch has been drawn from.
I think that these two even if they are not explicitly about morale, they will help with it because a man who joins the watch because he has lost a hand or suffered some other kind of injury would appreciate having something watching their back as would those who were with the watch before we took it over. I do hope the former Bretonnian peasant who was in charge found something else because he was missing at least a hand which would make getting anther job hard.

I would bet money that as a member of the Grey Order our girl knows that the skaven are not regular beast men even though they are "beast man". The talk with the dwarf did not show that because she can speak elfish not dwarfish. The other reason it would not have come up in her thinking is that she is a Stirlander serving in Stirland and as we have seen there is no skaven presence under Wurtbad and there is also the fact we have been concentrating on the undead. Now since the undead can and do use the underground almost as much as the skaven the integration of the sewer Jacks and getting better at fighting underground helps us deal with them to.
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid
[X] Plan Arm Thyself
Anyway. To give people some perspective on how expensive those pistols are going to be, some stats from the RPG:

Name Cost Enc Group Damage Range Reload Qualities Availability
Pistol 200 gc 25 Gunpowder 4 8/16 2 Full Impact, Unreliable Very Rare
Repeater Pistol 400 gc 25 Engineer 4 8/16 Free Experimental, Special Very Rare
Job Yearly Pay (gc)
Peasant 9 - 15
Rich Farmer 15 - 25
Innkeeper 20 - 30
City Shopkeeper 20 - 40
Mercenary 20 - 50
Skilled Craftsman 25 - 80
Typical Fence 30 - 100
Doctor 40 - 150
Artificer 150 - 500
Lesser Noble 250 - 500
Wizard Lord 300 - 800
Greater Noble 1000+

Yeah...thank god the saltpeter will cover it or Van Hal will throttle us :p
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table

I am not sure about the other votes but raising morale so that the watch will work with Mathilde instead of around her is paramount.

(As an aside, the smuggler option is kinda superfluous if Mathilde intends to ask the dwarves for an underground fighting trainer)
Last edited:
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by REAPER35 on Feb 28, 2018 at 4:57 AM, finished with 6308 posts and 40 votes.

  • [X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
    [X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
    [X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
    [X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid
    [X] Plan Arm Thyself
    -[X] Gun Shopping: You're currently using a pistol that was a spare for the pistoliers. Visit Nuln to upgrade. (will trigger a subvote next turn for what type and how many)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    --[X] Martial
    [X] Smuggler - Watchmen become much better at operating underground
    [X] Plan Wizardening
    -[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Tutor - Watchmen learn advanced swordsmanship and horsemanship
    [X] Plan Expand Job and Knowledge.
    -[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
    --[X] Expand the Watch into a new county or barony (choose which) (No Budgetary Impact due to expanded Gong Farming) (expand east of current control.)
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Plan Field Study
    -[X] Attach yourself to the army so you can join in the final push of the Purge of the Haunted Hills. (specify which regiment to join; can join the artillery under Narfi of the Throng of Zhufbar). (NEW-ish)
    -[X] Join the artillery under Narfi
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    --[X] Martial
    [X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information.
    [X]Currently, solid waste is sent by cart and wagon out to the fields for a pittance. It could instead be used to create market gardens along the banks of the Stir (hopefully downwind) and increase revenue and provide jobs for the desperate by growing a variety of cash crops.
    [X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol

    [X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch

    [X] Plan Wizardening

    -[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.

    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.

    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Marine - Watchmen learn marine combat and non-lethal subdual techniques
    [X] Plan Gaining Military Intelligence
    -[X] Countess Gabriella von Bundebad appeared to quite well informed, arrange some meetings with her.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Attach yourself to the army so you can join in the final push of the Purge of the Haunted Hills. (specify which regiment to join; can join the artillery under Narfi of the Throng of Zhufbar).
    --[X] General Staff
    [X] Plan Wizarding
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid
[X] Plan Arm Thyself
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
[X] Smuggler - Watchmen become much better at operating underground

[X] Plan Arm Thyself
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
I don't think the morale problem is something that can wait. Sometimes "what is best now" is more important than "what is best in 5 years time".
The more I think about it, the more I'm driven to conclude that Pistolier would be an instance of getting distracted by the 'Oooh shiny'.

1) Pistols are unreliable. These are not anywhere near modern handguns. Warhammer pistols are still semi-experimental devices, liable to misfire and blow up in your face from time to time.
2) Pistols are new and untried. Stirland does not appreciate such things. Even the army wouldn't have pistoliers if it hadn't been for the choice of Pistolier Gustav as Marshal, as I understand it. Innovating pistoliers in the Watch already is premature.
3) Pistols are very, very expensive and we're already straining the budget.
4) Pistols run on gunpowder, which is made with saltpeter, which the Watch has just complained about their leader spending time on. This is probably not a good thing to have the Watch thinking more about right now.

[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
[O] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid
Nothing new isn't the same as nothing period. Dedicated time and money for training means they'll still get better at their core jobs. Also, Rat Catcher trappings! While dogs may be an unconventional asset for the Watch, I imagine they're still a known and relatable asset for the Staunch Traditionalists of Stirland. Interesting, I was able to put X for the Doctor and get approval-voting-like support for three options. Removed now.
The other Watch options seem to involve a lot of "Turn the Watch into an army", which isn't our job and which we haven't seen reason to need.

[X] Plan Wizardening

Enchantmeeeeeeent. A little break after the Singing King.
Last edited:
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table

[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid

[X] Plan Gaining Military Intelligence
Adhoc vote count started by Lupercal on Feb 28, 2018 at 7:11 AM, finished with 6322 posts and 48 votes.

  • [X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
    [X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
    [X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
    [X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid
    [X] Plan Arm Thyself
    -[X] Gun Shopping: You're currently using a pistol that was a spare for the pistoliers. Visit Nuln to upgrade. (will trigger a subvote next turn for what type and how many)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    --[X] Martial
    [X] Plan Wizardening
    -[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Smuggler - Watchmen become much better at operating underground
    [X] Tutor - Watchmen learn advanced swordsmanship and horsemanship
    [X] Plan Expand Job and Knowledge.
    -[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
    --[X] Expand the Watch into a new county or barony (choose which) (No Budgetary Impact due to expanded Gong Farming) (expand east of current control.)
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Plan Field Study
    -[X] Attach yourself to the army so you can join in the final push of the Purge of the Haunted Hills. (specify which regiment to join; can join the artillery under Narfi of the Throng of Zhufbar). (NEW-ish)
    -[X] Join the artillery under Narfi
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    --[X] Martial
    [X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information.
    [X]Currently, solid waste is sent by cart and wagon out to the fields for a pittance. It could instead be used to create market gardens along the banks of the Stir (hopefully downwind) and increase revenue and provide jobs for the desperate by growing a variety of cash crops.
    [X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
    [X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
    [X] Plan Wizardening
    -[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Marine - Watchmen learn marine combat and non-lethal subdual techniques
    [X] Plan Gaining Military Intelligence
    -[X] Countess Gabriella von Bundebad appeared to quite well informed, arrange some meetings with her.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Attach yourself to the army so you can join in the final push of the Purge of the Haunted Hills. (specify which regiment to join; can join the artillery under Narfi of the Throng of Zhufbar).
    --[X] General Staff

Adhoc vote count started by Lupercal on Feb 28, 2018 at 7:28 AM, finished with 6325 posts and 50 votes.

  • [X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
    [X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
    [X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
    [X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid
    [X] Plan Arm Thyself
    -[X] Gun Shopping: You're currently using a pistol that was a spare for the pistoliers. Visit Nuln to upgrade. (will trigger a subvote next turn for what type and how many)
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    --[X] Martial
    [X] Smuggler - Watchmen become much better at operating underground
    [X] Plan Wizardening
    -[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Tutor - Watchmen learn advanced swordsmanship and horsemanship
    [X] Plan Gaining Military Intelligence
    -[X] Countess Gabriella von Bundebad appeared to quite well informed, arrange some meetings with her.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Attach yourself to the army so you can join in the final push of the Purge of the Haunted Hills. (specify which regiment to join; can join the artillery under Narfi of the Throng of Zhufbar).
    --[X] General Staff
    [X] Plan Sword-wizard
    -[X] Really Good Swords: You have achieved proficiency with the Greatsword. Future progress is possible, though it will take more effort to see results.
    -[X] There's always room for more shadow spells in your repertoire. Send off to the Grey College for the basics on one of the others and get started on trying to learn it.
    -[X] Shroud of Invisibility
    -[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Plan Expand Job and Knowledge.
    -[X] Stirland Watch: Work alongside Jack to administer the Watch. Choose another Organizational Action for the Watch.
    --[X] Expand the Watch into a new county or barony (choose which) (No Budgetary Impact due to expanded Gong Farming) (expand east of current control.)
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Plan Field Study
    -[X] Attach yourself to the army so you can join in the final push of the Purge of the Haunted Hills. (specify which regiment to join; can join the artillery under Narfi of the Throng of Zhufbar). (NEW-ish)
    -[X] Join the artillery under Narfi
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    -[X] Practice, Practice, Practice: Having been thrown into the deep end of imperial politics, it would probably be a good idea to brush up on your skills and internalize the lessons you've learned (choose which trait; can be taken multiple times; will be more effective if you've used the trait a lot lately).
    --[X] Martial
    [X] Trade Delegation: Convince Wilhelmina and Markus to partner your network with the EIC based on the value of market information.
    [X]Currently, solid waste is sent by cart and wagon out to the fields for a pittance. It could instead be used to create market gardens along the banks of the Stir (hopefully downwind) and increase revenue and provide jobs for the desperate by growing a variety of cash crops.
    [X] Pistolier - Watchmen become proficient with pistols, carry them on patrol
    [X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch
    [X] Plan Wizardening
    -[X] Enchantment: You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
    -[X] Qhaysh Juice: Whatever it is, it's dripping out of the box at a steady rate. You've got several gallons of the stuff and it's still coming out. It's got to be good for something.
    --[X] Ranald's Blessing
    [X] Marine - Watchmen learn marine combat and non-lethal subdual techniques
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People need to remember that the reason we're choosing trainers right now is to try to increase morale. So choose the option that increases morale instead of the options that increase combat ability.

The other thing is that if you do want those options that aren't so urgent, once we're done with the Purge and Drakenhof we'll be able to try to hire administrators again, which will unlock the ability to get more trainers. They're not likely to be the same options we have now, but none of the options here are really must haves. Similar options will be plenty good enough.

Edit: We need more people to vote for action plans, too. As it stands, we're going to waste time buying a 'better' pistol we're not liable to get much use from and training Martial right before a big military event. That second one's not bad per se, just not the best timing. We will probably get a better bonus after the Drakenhof event.
Edit 2: Actually, I'm disappointed with Plan Wizardening, too. This is our last purge turn, we should be firming up our combat abilities before Drakenhof. I don't we're going to get anything combat-useful from Qhaysh Juice and it's far too late to get anything from Enchantment in time for the fight.
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People need to remember that the reason we're choosing trainers right now is to try to increase morale. So choose the option that increases morale instead of the options that increase combat ability.

The other thing is that if you do want those options that aren't so urgent, once we're done with the Purge and Drakenhof we'll be able to try to hire administrators again, which will unlock the ability to get more trainers. They're not likely to be the same options we have now, but none of the options here are really must haves. Similar options will be plenty good enough.

Edit: We need more people to vote for action plans, too. As it stands, we're going to waste time buying a 'better' pistol we're not liable to get much use from and training Martial right before a big military event. That second one's not bad per se, just not the best timing. We will probably get a better bonus after the Drakenhof event.
Edit 2: Actually, I'm disappointed with Plan Wizardening, too. This is our last purge turn, we should be firming up our combat abilities before Drakenhof. I don't we're going to get anything combat-useful from Qhaysh Juice and it's far too late to get anything from Enchantment in time for the fight.
Hey don't forget about the third and subjectively best plan. The one I wrote which involves gathering military intelligence at a time when we're about to do the final push.
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid

Smuggler and Dog Breeder would be nice, especially if the Skaven were to become a problem, but if this campaign works out we'll be able to get underground fighters from Zhufbar. Also pistols will likely better as Zhufbar is the primary home of the Engineer's Guild.
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid

[X] Plan Sword-wizard
-[X] Really Good Swords: You have achieved proficiency with the Greatsword. Future progress is possible, though it will take more effort to see results.
-[X] There's always room for more shadow spells in your repertoire. Send off to the Grey College for the basics on one of the others and get started on trying to learn it.
-[X] Shroud of Invisibility
-[X] Ranald's Blessing

I prefer Wizardening to Arm Thyself, but the votes are low enough that it might catch up without me, which lets me vote for something I like more.

This is a last minute prep-for-combat plan. Our preferred method of undead mook killing is a big sword, so I'm trying to get that to improve. And if a vampire pops up and tries to geek the mage like we're all in Shadowrun, then Shroud of Invisibility gives Mathilde a bit of time to run to her boyfriend Abelhelm. Plus, invisibility is just cool.
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[X] Doctor - Watchmen learn first aid

[X] Plan Sword-wizard
[X] Promote Internally - Best for morale, but brings nothing new to the table
[X] Dog Breeder - Stirland Terriers become part of the Watch