Forge of Destiny(Xianxia Quest)

That's laughable. Ling Qi specifically ruined two peoples chances at making it into the Inner Sect which would have an incredible impact on their entire lifes, costing them months of work such that they're unlikely to be able to recreate their works in time. And the punishment for that, and notably justice tends to have the victim be compensated, you believe would be a fine?

I mean, it would obviously if this was the wider world and not just the Sect, and it might be higher if we weren't on CRX's side, but yeah, I expect a fine.
[X] Remain silent, thank her sincerely for her trust.

Plausible deniability is one of the greatest gifts a spymaster can give their employer. Cai presumably knows that, and knows when not to look for an answer she knows she won't like.
Why are people acting like this vote is a referendum on the Cai route? People for and against the Cai route are voting to confess because of how they think it'll help their route.

No this vote is about not being a fucking idiot and not falling for the schmuck bait.
[X] Remain silent, thank her sincerely for her trust.

Plausible deniability is one of the greatest gifts a spymaster can give their employer. Cai presumably knows that, and knows when not to look for an answer she knows she won't like.

Hasn't she expressed an interest in being part of as many jobs under her as possible so she knows what kind of people to appoint?
The important detail is, how will we react to Cai's reaction?

What are the limits of her responses that will follow up with us joining her or not?

I mean, honestly, everything rests on how we spin the answer for confessing.
[X] Remain silent, thank her sincerely for her trust.

Definitely not. She's just now demonstrated how unhinged she is to Ling Qi about "purging rot" and we want to admit we lied to her face? We want to go back on our agreement with the only other information broker and reveal his complicity just for the sake of clearing the air?

If we have to be stuck on the secret service and spy route instead of doing some quality spelunking then I'd hope that we could at least manage to have a capacity for dishonesty when it is in our interests.
Bluntly, everyone who votes for 'confess' gives up *any* right to complain about inefficient actions io cultivation choices ever again.
Bluntly, everyone who votes against confessing gives up *any* right to complain about problems in our relationship with other characters every again.

Right? Is this how it works?

So no white room, possible loss of 20 majors and a similar number of minors.

Plus Fu is not a pal, Meizhen and Cai possibly fall out (giving Sun Liking an advantage)...
I would be remarkably surprised by most of these. Once again, Cai is not Lawful Stupid. Give her more credit than that.

That said, we may very well lose access to the White Room, and the relationship with Fu could get torpedoed. Those are worth worrying about, I think.

I mean, it would obviously if this was the wider world and not just the Sect, and it might be higher if we weren't on CRX's side, but yeah, I expect a fine.
I would expect Miss Justice to make it worse because we are on her side. Just like how Ji Rong was punished not merely due to stealing taxes (if he actually did that), but because he was abusing his authority. Cai specifically laid down orders that the market was off limits and under her protection, and a member of her council purposefully broke it.
Right now, we feel guilty about the heist, and feel guilty about demanding trust from CRX while lying to her face. This is a chance to atone for that guilt.

I guess the question is that the character arc we want for Ling Qi? Do we want to atone for our guilt? Or do we want to learn not to feel guilty about doing the sorts of things our talents equip us to do, even if it hurts people, and even if it means lying to our friends?
The character arc of a sneak thief who can't keep her mouth shut about her crimes is not destined to go on for very long.

The schmaltz about how we want to rise above and be a better person and blah blah blah ignores the fact that the fallout was baked in once we voted to max out the FX favor. Welcome to the xianxia moral world, where you help your friends and screw over your not friends. This is the world Ling Qi has been living in and the world she has been internalizing for the last nine months. The idea that it's now incumbent on her to become Saint Qi, the one person in the world who's compulsively honest about everything, overturns the last nine months of character development.

Yes, she's been working on sanding off the rough edges of the xianxia world by not trying to cripple or murder her foes. But no, she's never shown any hint of trying to become some outside context paragon of virtue.

Also, the confess brigade really needs to own the risks here: this is not merely a chance to "get a read" on Cai. This is a chance for us to utterly throw away nine months of work, destroy our reputation, destroy our (former) friends' reputations, and wind up stuck in the outer sect indefinitely. Do you really want to roll those dice?
Bluntly, everyone who votes for 'confess' gives up *any* right to complain about inefficient actions io cultivation choices ever again.

Cai Renxiang *must* punish an act that disturbs her peace. And that probably means forfeiture of resources *and* imprisonment.

So no white room, possible loss of 20 majors and a similar number of minors.

Plus Fu is not a pal, Meizhen and Cai possibly fall out (giving Sun Liking an advantage)...
if Cai "*must* punish an act that disturbs her peace" then it's better we know now, rather than while we work for her and do something similar. It might cost, us now but we chose this course of action, and I've little reason we wont do the same thing in similar circumstances.
[X] Admit to the deception about the market, apologize.


Best to break down those illusions, then, and see that Cai understand that the patterns she sees are only the ones she wants to.

People are ugly, Cai Ranxiang. Can you trust them still while knowing that their stains and weaknesses persist besides you?

To be honest I say there is a good chance she already knows.
Bluntly, everyone who votes against confessing gives up *any* right to complain about problems in our relationship with other characters every again.
How is confessing going to help our relationships? You want Li Suyin going into an even deeper spiral of feelings inadequacy and obligation towards Ling Qi? You want to drive a rift between Meizhen and her only other friend?
The more I think about it the more I thin Cai knows. A commoner who was a street rat thief who came to the sect and is all about the Grinning Moon, and whose most famous acts were breaking into an enemy stronghold and looting the place down to it's foundation then oh man a mysterious series of sabotage occurs!

If she doesn't know CRX at least should suspect. You can't recruit Catwomen to the Justice League then be surprised when she tells you she has a warehouse full of stolen Monet's
[X] Remain silent, thank her sincerely for her trust.

Yrsillar sure knows how to divide us.
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How is confessing going to help our relationships? You want Li Suyin going into an even deeper spiral of feelings inadequacy and obligation towards Ling Qi? You want to drive a rift between Meizhen and her only other friend?
Our relationship with CRX.

I suppose as an alternative option, they are allowed to go "I don't want a relationship with CRX at all"; that works too.
[X] Remain silent, thank her sincerely for her trust.

It doesn't matter whether or not Cai already knows. Ling Qi is not, to me, idealistic enough to confess. Cai already knew a bajillion factoids about Ling Qi, already got the scoop on her from Meizhen, and now that Cai gave Ling Qi something in return for that these two are even. Cai isn't a friend like Meizhen yet, where the score doesn't need to be kept.

Like, the update explicitly says that she and her thoughts are designed for the purpose of eliminating corruption in a way that Shenhua can't understand. Ling Qi is the corruption, and isn't a martyr willing to die for a cause. Ling Qi didn't run away from home because she had a moral objection to child prostitution, she ran away from home because she didn't want to be a child prostitute. And that's only been reinforced since arriving in the Sect. She wants a home, which is a very personal goal. It can and needs to extend outwards, yes, but she doesn't jive with Cai's topdown strategy game at all except as an individual unit. Ling Qi's drives and goals are about herself, not others, and there's nothing about that that needs fixing.