Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
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[X] Our main priority is defending the leadership of Stirland. As above, but also find a way to get a message to Wilhelmina, telling her to seek safety.
[x] Our main priority is defending the leadership of Stirland. As above, but also find a way to get a message to Wilhelmina, telling her to seek safety.

[X] "Okay before we do anything else I am establishing right now that I'm like this because I got blood on my robe and had to take them off and rush here, Nothing inappropriate occurred and if you dare to suggest so to anyone I will turn you into a newt."
-[X] Blush at Van Hal "uhh... no offense to you of course ?"

I'm sorry I cannot right something with this golden opportunity here.
A suggestion for potentially rounding up the conspirators (after we get Van Hal to safety). Have Wilhemina hold performance reviews - it's been a few weeks, the changeover in management's gone well, it'd be a good time for them. And now that the Important People - most of the Important People - have been made aware of this, they can supervise.

Get servant into room. Knock them out. Inspect. If conspirator, chuck in box. If not conspirator, mindhole, review, and back out they go.
I like this plan
[x] miffychan
[X] Close the gates. Nobody in, nobody out. Not until we get to the bottom of this.
-[X] Get all key personnel (Wilhemina, Kasmir) alerted so they can't be caught alone and killed once the infiltrators catch on.
-[X] Berthold was me. I may have panicked and tried to attract Marcus' attention with a Magic Dart. I am not accustomed to running around in my underwear alright.
-[X] Get Van Hal to take a look at the infiltrators.
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A suggestion for potentially rounding up the conspirators (after we get Van Hal to safety). Have Wilhemina hold performance reviews - it's been a few weeks, the changeover in management's gone well, it'd be a good time for them. And now that the Important People - most of the Important People - have been made aware of this, they can supervise.

Get servant into room. Knock them out. Inspect. If conspirator, chuck in box. If not conspirator, mindhole, review, and back out they go.
Hold on, what means of inspection do we have that will reveal them? We already missed one(?), and the second was caught by an error in backstory, not by signs of monsterness.
I'm adding in a Magic characteristic, distinct from Learning. It's currently at eight - this doesn't represent a lack of potential, just a lack of practice with advanced spells. Remember, you've only started to scratch the surface of the third of six 'tiers' of spells, and the rolls you need to make to perform the spells you know are fairly easy.
Eight? We just took out an armoured Knight of Sigmar at 100 paces in one shot! We're Sniper Ninja Assassin Shadow Derpwizard now! ;)
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They're not letting anyone through but otherwise acting natural. If the gates close, everyone knows what's going on but absolutely nobody is getting out.
Adhoc vote count started by BoneyM on Jan 30, 2018 at 2:38 PM, finished with 50 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X] Our main priority is defending the leadership of Stirland. As above, but also find a way to get a message to Wilhelmina, telling her to seek safety.
    [X] Our main priority is defending the leadership of Stirland. As above, but also find a way to get a message to Wilhelmina, telling her to seek safety.
    -[X] Berthold was me. I may have panicked and tried to attract Marcus' attention with a Magic Dart. I am not accustomed to running around in my underwear alright.
    [X] Close the gates. Nobody in, nobody out. Not until we get to the bottom of this.
    [X] While everyone is distracted, head straight for the Study. Hopefully you can find Van Hal before this gets into even more of a farce
    [X] "Okay before we do anything else I am establishing right now that I'm like this because I got blood on my robe and had to take them off and rush here, Nothing inappropriate occurred and if you dare to suggest so to anyone I will turn you into a newt."
    -[X] Blush at Van Hal "uhh... no offense to you of course ?"
    [x] miffychan
    [X] We only have a limited amount of time to act. We must round up the infiltrators now.
    -[X] Trap time: van Hal and Marcus run to the courtyard. Mathilde "knocks out" van Hal with Marsh Lights. Marcus takes van Hal somewhere as he is injured, while somebody finds Mathilde's bloody and torn up robe. Our heroes wait who shows up to finish off van Hal.
    [X] Close the gates. Nobody in, nobody out. Not until we get to the bottom of this.
    -[X] Berthold was me. I may have panicked and tried to attract Marcus' attention with a Magic Dart. I am not accustomed to running around in my underwear alright.
    [X] They won't be able to attack us the way they (definitely them) attacked Berthold, don't worry. The odds are good the infiltrators will be alerted before the men get back, given how many servants were in the courtyard, and will try to accomplish their objectives. What are the most likely points of sabotage, the armory? The ledgers again?
Damn, we really need Doppleganger. It's the perfect spell for situations like this.

So here's a complicated plan, which may or may not have a chance to suceed.

[X] We only have a limited amount of time to act. We must round up the infiltrators now.
-[X] Trap time: van Hal and Marcus run to the courtyard. Mathilde "knocks out" van Hal with Marsh Lights. Marcus takes van Hal somewhere as he is injured, while somebody finds Mathilde's bloody and torn up robe. Our heroes wait who shows up to finish off van Hal.
Damn, we really need Doppleganger. It's the perfect spell for situations like this.

So here's a complicated plan, which may or may not have a chance to suceed.

[X] We only have a limited amount of time to act. We must round up the infiltrators now.
-[X] Trap time: van Hal and Marcus run to the courtyard. Mathilde "knocks out" van Hal with Marsh Lights. Marcus takes van Hal somewhere as he is injured, while somebody finds Mathilde's bloody and torn up robe. Our heroes wait who shows up to finish off van Hal.
Honestly next turn I expect us to spend some time improving our magic. We could have avoided a lot of trouble with any number of spells we have not taken the time to learn, that is good reason to fix it in and out of character.
Damn, we really need Doppleganger. It's the perfect spell for situations like this.

So here's a complicated plan, which may or may not have a chance to suceed.

[X] We only have a limited amount of time to act. We must round up the infiltrators now.
-[X] Trap time: van Hal and Marcus run to the courtyard. Mathilde "knocks out" van Hal with Marsh Lights. Marcus takes van Hal somewhere as he is injured, while somebody finds Mathilde's bloody and torn up robe. Our heroes wait who shows up to finish off van Hal.
I'm not sure how we'd get out of the courtyard alive, or without pursuit.

You don't even need that. If we *wanted* to trigger the decapitation strike, we could rush out of Van Hal's study, screaming he's been wounded, riling up a passing servant and wildly telling them to go get Kasmir and that healing Brother we saw earlier.

Maybe Marcus leaves quietly to assemble the Greatswords first.

This way Mathilde isn't a target for every loyal solider, as well as every infiltrator in the castle. Your plan kind of also needs the Doppleganger or Ignore Me spells.
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[X] Close the gates. Nobody in, nobody out. Not until we get to the bottom of this.
-[X] Berthold was me. I may have panicked and tried to attract Marcus' attention with a Magic Dart. I am not accustomed to running around in my underwear alright.
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I'm not sure how we get out of the courtyard alive, or without pursuit.

You don't even need that. If we *wanted* to trigger the decaptation strike, we could rush out of Van Hal's study, screaming he's been wounded, riling up a passing servant and wildly telling them to go get Kasmir and that healing Brother we saw earlier.

Maybe Marcus leaves quietly to assemble the Greatswords first.

This way Mathilde isn't a target for every loyal solider, as well as every infiltrator in the castle. Your plan kind of also needs the Doppleganger or Ignore Me spells.
The original idea was that we are not seen as we cast the spell, so it is an out of the blue attack like the last one was.
As hilarious as the misunderstanding is, if we are ever going to tell anyone that we were responsible for knocking out Berthold, we should bring it up within the next thirty seconds. Otherwise we're forcing Van Hal to act on inaccurate information when there is a lot at stake and he will rightfully hold it against us. Our embarrassment and apparent foolishness is nothing in comparison to the needs of the Empire on this one.
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As hilarious as the misunderstanding is, if we are ever going to tell anyone that we were responsible for knocking out Berthold, we should bring it up within the next thirty seconds. Otherwise we're forcing Van Hal to act on inaccurate information when there is a lot at stake and he will rightfully hold it against us. Our embarrassment and apparent foolishness is nothing in comparison to the needs of the Empire on this one.
[X] They won't be able to attack us the way they (definitely them) attacked Berthold, don't worry. The odds are good the infiltrators will be alerted before the men get back, given how many servants were in the courtyard, and will try to accomplish their objectives. What are the most likely points of sabotage, the armory? The ledgers again?
[x] Our main priority is defending the leadership of Stirland. As above, but also find a way to get a message to Wilhelmina, telling her to seek safety.
As hilarious as the misunderstanding is, if we are ever going to tell anyone that we were responsible for knocking out Berthold, we should bring it up within the next thirty seconds. Otherwise we're forcing Van Hal to act on inaccurate information when there is a lot at stake and he will rightfully hold it against us. Our embarrassment and apparent foolishness is nothing in comparison to the needs of the Empire on this one.

If you want to come clean, make a write-in vote saying so as well as the rest of the course of action you think should be taken.
[X] Our main priority is defending the leadership of Stirland. As above, but also find a way to get a message to Wilhelmina, telling her to seek safety.
-[X] Berthold was me. I may have panicked and tried to attract Marcus' attention with a Magic Dart. I am not accustomed to running around in my underwear alright.
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