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And then they find out it's Ranald as Trickster, and suddenly everything makes sense.

Uh, shouldn't he have an idea already?
Based on her background it's going to be one of the following:
-Sigmar - Lowered odds since Sigmar isn't big on magic, and Stirlanders don't really have a strong Sigmar bent.

-Morr - Decent odds due to being a Stirlander, but she's not really shown much devotion to the idea of laying the dead to rest by any means other than a ridiculously huge sword(Bleach crossover when).

-Shallya - The whole greatsword puts paid to that.

-Taal/Rhya - No indications, though peasant background helps.

-Ulric - Not very popular with wizards normally, but the whole greatsword thing makes you wonder.

-Ranald the Trickster - The patron god of Grey Wizards, so not exactly too weird, even if normally proscribed. And her recklessness aligns!

Assuming you rule out the Chaos Gods you're left with guessing whether your wizard is a follower of Ulric or Ranald.
-[X] STIRLANDIAN LEAGUE: Do not clasp the snake to your bosom. Destroy the League.
--[X] Intelligence wise, with what we know of their affiliates, the entire network's integrity is suspect, and its continued operations highlight the possibility of its former master still being in control, which would make it too easily suborned a source of deliberately bad information. Economically, the vast amounts of wealth running along the League has to be funding SOMETHING, and indications are that this is not to our benefit. If there were to be such a drain upon our economy, it should at least go towards paying for our operations rather than a mystery party's.
Wait a minute here.
If there were to be such a drain upon our economy, it should at least go towards paying for our operations rather than a mystery party's.
Can someone explain to me how this last sentence fits into an argument to destroy the League, instead of one to suborn it? Because "this drain upon our economy should be enriching us!" is basically what suborning does, no? Destroying it should eliminate the economic drain entirely.

Not necessarily as bad as advertised. Consider the main points:
-Marrying a Wizard is unusual, but his Witch Hunter background offsets that, as well...they're the experts?
-Marrying a Commoner is unusual, but the main cost is opportunity cost.
-Magic touched children can be iffier, but theres no question of them being secretly raised, rather than being sent off to the Colleges immediately. It does mean having more kids though, because a magic touched elector bloodline would have a higher risk of heirs not being able to inherit.
The opportunity cost is the big one, because it's huge. Having a close alliance with another Elector Count as firmed up by a well-chosen marriage could well be the difference between a friendly and hostile Emperor next time one is elected, or between getting reinforcements or being left to die next time Sylvania boils outward in an endless wave of undead. Marrying Mathilde gets him nothing that he doesn't already have. It would be crazy.

They hadn't learned she wound up living in a hole in the ground without any reflective surfaces yet. She was literally living in a hole in the ground for the entire first year.
A hole in the ground that she's put more time into than she has into getting spies to work for her, unless I have miscounted my actions somewhere. Considering that it's pretty unimpressive.
Can't be Ulric, because Ulric hates wizards hard.

Admittedly, this is because wizards are universally evil when Ulric was the primary God, and his doctrine hasn't really evolved since.
Can someone explain to me how this last sentence fits into an argument to destroy the League, instead of one to suborn it? Because "this drain upon our economy should be enriching us!" is basically what suborning does, no? Destroying it should eliminate the economic drain entirely.
As already laid out. Its a drain on the economy, the money is going somewhere and we know the old master is still around somewhere. As such it cannot be trusted as an intel source and we should get a different drain which at least funds our own black ops.
A hole in the ground that she's put more time into than she has into getting spies to work for her, unless I have miscounted my actions somewhere. Considering that it's pretty unimpressive.
Only if you count the Ranald shrine. Main cost was due to keeping it secret, but the actual setup cost us money without costing us actions.

We only spent the initial purchase and the locks. Everything else was gold and mindhole
Lets see our boss's stats:

Martial: 15-20 - You've seen Van Hal in combat, and he swings his Runefang with devastating force.

Dead Killy...but we're not entirely useless while mounted and Greatswording.

Diplomacy: 5-10 - He prefers to leave the talking to others, though he can leap into a thunder denunciation when in the mood.

About averageish with us.

Stewardship: 4-8 - He knows to keep money coming in so he can keep spending it. That's about it.

We're better at economics. Not going to be one to expand the economy much.

Intrigue: 8-12 - What he lacks in keen insight, he makes up for with determination and paranoia.

If we weren't a Grey wizard we'd be par.

Faith: 12-15 - Says all the right words about Sigmar.

...we have higher piety than him?!

Learning: 15-18 - He's something of a scholar when it comes to the myriad enemies that lurk within the borders of the Empire.

...he's smarter than the wizard?!
Personally, I want to know how Van Hal's players reacted when Mathilde showed up at the Mound with a greatsword and used it to cut down skeletons almost as well as the PC and the Warrior-Priest.

I don't want to waifu anyone because the idea of what pregnancy does to our action economy gives me hives and kids wont help either, but I appear to be in the minority. If we ever get the actions for it I absolutely want to help Anton vet some noble women to chuck at him. Mainly as an excuse to make him uncomfortable.

As for what Van Hal's players thought when we showed up on the mound:

*players see derpy intrigue wizard swinging massive great sword that she injured herself with in an earlier action*

Players: She's gonna die horribly isn't she.

*derp wizard crits*

Players: All hail derp wizard!

So, you know, standard response to crits.
Of course kids help, haven't you played CK2? Give them 30 turns to train up and they should start giving us extra actions!
If we are voting, I'm against husbandoing van Hal, or anyone we've seen so far, too.

A little chemistry... maybe, why not, if it flows. But we're a terrible political match- for both him and Stirland- as a fresh Elector Count with no family. Given what he's said about wanting to coordinate with Averland on defence, he should be looking to that Elector Counts family.
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A quick comparison of the two leading plans (one admittedly quite a bit ahead, but it's rarely wise to think that more votes means something is a better idea):
[x] Plan Backlog
-[x] Do your job:
--[x] The Wurtbad Watch already has their ear to the ground. Make their information flow to you.
--[x] Personally vet everyone that works in the castle, and replace everyone you're not sure of the loyalties of
---[x] Ask the good Brother to assist you. Can't hurt to double check when it comes to HERESY.
--[x] Much of Western Stirland is under the de facto direct control of the Elector Count. Meet with each of the local leaders and make it clear that you're to be kept in the loop.
-[X] Secret Base:
--[x] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
-[X] Research:
--[x] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
---[x] Examine them yourself and see if they're useful, or dangerous, or both.
---[X] Ranald's Blessing
----[x] Bring an example or two to show your master while you are in Altdorf.
-----[X] Lead-lined steel case. Magic lock on top of mundane one. Carry on your person.
-[X] Go to Altdorf:
--[x] Van Hal is considering candidates for the post of Marshal, and he has asked you to vet them.
--[x] That damn Asp has still been quiet, but maybe it's just biding it's time. Finally admit it's existence to your contacts back in the College and see if they know anything that can help.
[X] Plan Networking, Enchanting, and a Road Trip
-[x] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
-[x] The Wurtbad Watch already has their ear to the ground. Make their information flow to you.
-[X] Wurtbad, like all major cities, is home to a number of guilds. Reach out to them and enforce your will. (EXTRA)
-[X] You're naturally talented at enchantment; so far, this just amounts to being able to make your desk meow for about an hour. See if you can improve on that, or at least figure out a way to make that useful.
-[X] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
--[x] Examine them yourself and see if they're useful, or dangerous, or both.
---[X] Bring an example or two to show your master while you are in Altdorf. In a lead-lined steel case. With a magic lock on top of a mundane one. Carried on your person. Can't be too careful
-[X] Go to Altdorf:
--[X] Van Hal is considering candidates for the post of Marshal, and he has asked you to vet them. Investigate them in person.
--[x] That damn Asp has still been quiet, but maybe it's just biding it's time. Finally admit it's existence to your contacts back in the College and see if they know anything that can help.
---[X] Ranald's Blessing
--[X] Who Needs Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order. Either way, a visit is in order.
Both plans have:
-Wurtbad Watch networking
-Outsourced base expansion
-Examining enchanted weapons + bring one to Altdorf for more examination
-Vetting Marshal candidates in person
-Getting Asp information in person

Backlog has:
-Vet castle servants + work with Piety advisor
-Meet leaders of Western Stirland
-The Blessing on examining the enchanted weapons

Networking, Enchanting, and a Road Trip has:
-Wurtbad guilds networking (-Extra action debuff)
-Visiting the Grey College personally for news/advice
-Brushing up on enchantment skills
-The Blessing on the Asp investigation

I think we all agree with the commonalities at this point, so the focus goes on the differences.

Overall, Backlog does slightly more to build up our intel network, but Networking hits the investigation of the new Martial advisor much harder- remember that the Grey College action is what gave us intel about the last Martial advisor, so pairing our own investigation with talking to them does a lot to ensure that we won't miss anything critical. It also manages to squeeze in a personal development action, where Backlog has no personal growth except from incidental crits.

Aside from that, putting the Blessing on the Asp investigation action makes it far more likely that we'll turn up actually useful results, and while I can see the reasoning for putting it on the Enchantment action (if we fuck up an analysis and give Stirland's greatswords a bunch of tainted weapons we will be in some serious shit) ultimately I'm a fair bit more concerned about the direct threat to our personal health than something that we're explicitly taking a sample of to get a second opinion on anyway and thus have some shield against horrible mistakes. There's a bit of logic that says "better roll on the Enchantment action could mean better enchanted items", but that counts on the GM determining the nature of the swords after our roll, rather than having already determined it prior to Brother Kasmir's roll to do the initial inspection. I don't think that's a good bet; what we're doing here should be determining what exists and that's all, bizarre reality-twisting effects of crits aside.

I don't particularly like the choice of the Guilds action in Networking, particularly since the extra action penalty could screw things up hard, but then I'm also not a huge fan of meeting the western leaders in Backlog over a Grey College visit or any kind of personal development, so both plans have some significant downsides there. The choice to vet the castle servants eliminates a serious possible route of infiltration- at this point we've left the castle servants alone for long enough that I'd guess any group with an interest in playing shadow games in Stirland will have made an attempt at slipping in an agent, so catching those before they actually do anything is kind of important, more so than building additional networks. Van Hal is unlikely to care that we only spent a single action on network-building as long as we have enough other goodies to dump at his feet, and we'll have a lot of things to bring up this turn- not only reports on all the Martial advisors, but also our review of the swords, any infiltrators we catch, and any news that the Grey College gives us to pass along. That last in particular is useful because the Grey College is an Imperial institution and none of Van Hal's advisors are giving him any news from outside Stirland based upon our turn updates, so literally any gossip at all about ongoing external politics is more than he'll have had before.

Aside from that, I love the idea of seven actions but risking negative traits and amplified critfails seems like a sucker's game. what I'm getting at is that I'm going to make yet another just-slightly-different action plan here to try and take what I see as the most essential elements from the above.

Plan Slight Changes contains all common actions from the above two existing plans and the following which are found in only one:
-Vet castle servants + work with Piety advisor
-Visiting the Grey College personally for news/advice
-The Blessing on the Asp investigation

[x] Plan Slight Changes
-[X] Do your job:
--[x] The Wurtbad Watch already has their ear to the ground. Make their information flow to you.
--[x] Personally vet everyone that works in the castle, and replace everyone you're not sure of the loyalties of
---[x] ... and make sure some of the new hires and trustworthy ones report to you.
---[X] Ask the good Brother to assist you. Can't hurt to double check when it comes to HERESY.
-[X] Secret Base:
--[x] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
--[x] Filled with Potential: You've got a room cleared out and ready to be put to use. It should make an excellent enchanter's workshop after a bit of furnishing and some purchases in Altdorf. (no action, -personal gold)
-[X] Research:
--[x] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
---[x] Examine them yourself and see if they're useful, or dangerous, or both.
----[x] Bring an example or two to show your master while you are in Altdorf.
-----[X] Lead-lined steel case. Magic lock on top of mundane one. Carry on your person.
-[X] Go to Altdorf:
--[x] Van Hal is considering candidates for the post of Marshal, and he has asked you to vet them.
--[x] That damn Asp has still been quiet, but maybe it's just biding it's time. Finally admit it's existence to your contacts back in the College and see if they know anything that can help.
---[X] Ranald's Blessing
--[X] Who Needs Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order. Either way, a visit is in order.
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A quick comparison of the two leading plans (one admittedly quite a bit ahead, but it's rarely wise to think that more votes means something is a better idea):

Both plans have:
-Wurtbad Watch networking
-Outsourced base expansion
-Examining enchanted weapons + bring one to Altdorf for more examination
-Vetting Marshal candidates in person
-Getting Asp information in person

Backlog has:
-Vet castle servants + work with Piety advisor
-Meet leaders of Western Stirland
-The Blessing on examining the enchanted weapons

Networking, Enchanting, and a Road Trip has:
-Wurtbad guilds networking (-Extra action debuff)
-Visiting the Grey College personally for news/advice
-Brushing up on enchantment skills
-The Blessing on the Asp investigation

I think we all agree with the commonalities at this point, so the focus goes on the differences.

Overall, Backlog does slightly more to build up our intel network, but Networking hits the investigation of the new Martial advisor much harder- remember that the Grey College action is what gave us intel about the last Martial advisor, so pairing our own investigation with talking to them does a lot to ensure that we won't miss anything critical. It also manages to squeeze in a personal development action, where Backlog has no personal growth except from incidental crits.

Aside from that, putting the Blessing on the Asp investigation action makes it far more likely that we'll turn up actually useful results, and while I can see the reasoning for putting it on the Enchantment action (if we fuck up an analysis and give Stirland's greatswords a bunch of tainted weapons we will be in some serious shit) ultimately I'm a fair bit more concerned about the direct threat to our personal health than something that we're explicitly taking a sample of to get a second opinion on anyway and thus have some shield against horrible mistakes. There's a bit of logic that says "better roll on the Enchantment action could mean better enchanted items", but that counts on the GM determining the nature of the swords after our roll, rather than having already determined it prior to Brother Kasmir's roll to do the initial inspection. I don't think that's a good bet; what we're doing here should be determining what exists and that's all, bizarre reality-twisting effects of crits aside.

I don't particularly like the choice of the Guilds action in Networking, particularly since the extra action penalty could screw things up hard, but then I'm also not a huge fan of meeting the western leaders in Backlog over a Grey College visit or any kind of personal development, so both plans have some significant downsides there. The choice to vet the castle servants eliminates a serious possible route of infiltration- at this point we've left the castle servants alone for long enough that I'd guess any group with an interest in playing shadow games in Stirland will have made an attempt at slipping in an agent, so catching those before they actually do anything is kind of important, more so than building additional networks. Van Hal is unlikely to care that we only spent a single action on network-building as long as we have enough other goodies to dump at his feet, and we'll have a lot of things to bring up this turn- not only reports on all the Martial advisors, but also our review of the swords, any infiltrators we catch, and any news that the Grey College gives us to pass along. That last in particular is useful because the Grey College is an Imperial institution and none of Van Hal's advisors are giving him any news from outside Stirland based upon our turn updates, so literally any gossip at all about ongoing external politics is more than he'll have had before.

Aside from that, I love the idea of seven actions but risking negative traits and amplified critfails seems like a sucker's game. what I'm getting at is that I'm going to make yet another just-slightly-different action plan here to try and take what I see as the most essential elements from the above.

Plan Slight Changes contains all common actions from the above two existing plans and the following which are found in only one:
-Vet castle servants + work with Piety advisor
-Visiting the Grey College personally for news/advice
-The Blessing on the Asp investigation

[x] Plan Slight Changes
-[X] Do your job:
--[x] The Wurtbad Watch already has their ear to the ground. Make their information flow to you.
--[x] Personally vet everyone that works in the castle, and replace everyone you're not sure of the loyalties of
---[X] Ask the good Brother to assist you. Can't hurt to double check when it comes to HERESY.
-[X] Secret Base:
--[x] Diggy Diggy Hole, Outsourced: Pay someone to do the digging, then Mindhole them on their way out. (no action required, -personal gold)
-[X] Research:
--[x] A large number of Shyish-stained weapons were uncovered from the Barrow. Perhaps you should:
---[x] Examine them yourself and see if they're useful, or dangerous, or both.
----[x] Bring an example or two to show your master while you are in Altdorf.
-----[X] Lead-lined steel case. Magic lock on top of mundane one. Carry on your person.
-[X] Go to Altdorf:
--[x] Van Hal is considering candidates for the post of Marshal, and he has asked you to vet them.
--[x] That damn Asp has still been quiet, but maybe it's just biding it's time. Finally admit it's existence to your contacts back in the College and see if they know anything that can help.
---[X] Ranald's Blessing
--[X] Who Needs Letters Home: You might be able to wring more information out of your Master, or you might just be able to get news, information and guidance in general from the Grey Order. Either way, a visit is in order.

I think this is the plan I was looking for. Like you, I think we should save pushing ourselves for crises, not make it something we chance every turn.

[x] Plan Slight Changes

But... also buy some enchanting equipment in Altdorf(?) And I think QM wanted a declaration of usage for Diggy Diggy hole, so an Enchanting-lab to store the gear in.

--[x] Personally vet everyone that works in the castle, and replace everyone you're not sure of the loyalties of
---[x] ... and make sure some of the new hires and trustworthy ones report to you.

I see no reason not to have castle staff on a second payroll. Visiting nobles, to keep an eye on other staff acting oddly, etc. This plus the Watch is two actions expanding our network. Maybe we leave the castle staff recruitment to the private report.

This worries me more than anything else.
Don't worry, It only lasts until we roll a 1.
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Can't be Ulric, because Ulric hates wizards hard.

Admittedly, this is because wizards are universally evil when Ulric was the primary God, and his doctrine hasn't really evolved since.
Well at one time Ungol-style Hag Witches and communing with "Ogham" Waystones and the werewolf Children of Ulric and all the other forgotten things of the Old Night were completely normal and expected. Hell at one time Ulric wasn't even the wolf deity but more of a distant sky-father spirit. The Cult of Ulric has evolved a lot, it just heavily invokes a long unbroken tradition of the barbarous Good Old Days(tm) that trust us totally exists. Just like Johann Helstrum is a wide-eyed visionary and the first Grand Theogonist, despite living in an era before even the Ulricans had organized a totally coherent doctrine and in his day would have been ministering his flock just like a rather eccentric Wolf-Priest.

I think the most significant reason why the anti-magic streak is so deep and long lasting is because the College is based in the south and the Sigmarites are pretty okay with it. As long as you don't propose Chaos worship you can get any Sigmarite or Ulrican cleric to toy with literally any philosophical position if you preface it with how much the other guy hates it. :V
But... also buy some enchanting equipment in Altdorf(?) And I think QM wanted a declaration of usage for Diggy Diggy hole, so an Enchanting-lab to store the gear in.
These actions, or possibly a write-in to get lab equipment specifically?
[ ] Now that you've got gold to throw around, you should stock up on spell components. They're not strictly necessary, but they do make things easier. (-personal gold)
-[ ] Filled with Potential: You've got a room cleared out and ready to be put to use. Decide what you're going to put there. (write in the purpose of the room)
But we have no spare actions without overwork, and neither of these is a marked as able to be taken without one. Or have I misunderstood you/missed a GM post somewhere?
These actions, or possibly a write-in to get lab equipment specifically?

But we have no spare actions without overwork, and neither of these is a marked as able to be taken without one. Or have I misunderstood you/missed a GM post somewhere?
It was a GM Post about shopping, IIRC. Shouldn't be an action? I hope? A month to buy some magnifying glasses, tools and clamps/vices?

The spell component one is setting up a supply line and practising with them. I just figured we'd get a standard 'basic enchanters kit' from an Altdorf supplier someone recommends.

Also, I edited the post with some more suggestions, specifically getting informants within the castle.
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It was a GM Post about shopping, IIRC. Shouldn't be an action? I hope? A month to buy some magnifying glasses, tools and clamps/vices?

The spell component one is setting up a supply line and practising with them. I just figured we'd get a standard 'basic enchanters kit' from an Altdorf supplier someone recommends.

Also, I edited the post with some more suggestions, specifically getting informants within the castle.
The closest GM post I've been able to find to what you're talking about is this one. I haven't been able to find anything suggesting that allocating and furnishing rooms is a free action... but I guess I can throw that into the plan anyway, mark it (no action), and if we can't actually do it for no action then we simply don't do it.

Likewise I'm not sure that we can stick getting informants in the castle into a "vet the castle staff" action but I'll throw it in there anyway and the GM can correct me if it's inappropriate.

Edit - Okay, I've added the following lines to the plan:
---[x] ... and make sure some of the new hires and trustworthy ones report to you.
--[x] Filled with Potential: You've got a room cleared out and ready to be put to use. It should make an excellent enchanter's workshop after a bit of furnishing and some purchases in Altdorf. (no action, -personal gold)
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