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26th Founding - Raven Guard Successor Chapter Master Quest
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Follow a Warband of Chaos Space Marine fleeing from the devastation at Terra to their unknown end.
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Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master who continues to protect their home sector even after it has been abandoned by the Imperium as indefensible and ignoring orders for reassignment.
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Play as a Space Marine Chapter Master who continues to protect their home sector even after it has been abandoned by the Imperium as indefensible and ignoring orders for reassignment.
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The Traitor Legions scattered when their rebellion failed, fleeing the righteous wrath of the Loyalists into the dark corners of the galaxy from where they now stalk the galaxy in service to their dark masters. They are corrupted and hated beyond measure, their names and great deeds all but expunged from all but the most well protected tomes of history, a fortunate punishment for those that dared to turn their backs on the Master of Mankind. But what of those who stayed loyal to the end...
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It is the late 35th Millenium, and there is only war. The Imperium, forged in the flames of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, has split in the Nova Terra Interregnum. The Segmentum Pacificus has largely rejected the authority of the High Lords of Terra. At the same time, the Adeptus Mechanicus sees its own strife as the Moirae Schism splits the servants of the Machine-God. In all of this, almost forgotten by the galaxy, the 13th Founding of the Adeptus Astartes reaches its end...
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The year is 030.M42, and the Imperium is still standing. Barely, but it is standing. Time and time again in the last thirty years the Imperium has come to the brink, but by the grace of the Emperor it has clawed back from the abyss each time. Cadia, forever shall her sacrifice be remembered, has fallen. Annihilated by the hulk of the Blackstone Fortress crashing onto it, nothing but a lifeless, volcanic rock remains of the once mighty bastion of Imperial power, and the foul forces of...
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The dream died with the Dimensional Anomaly, but when has something being dead stopped it from living?
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Among mankind, there are killers, and there are predators. And among the Legiones Astartes, there are superhumans, and there are monsters. You are a son of the Revenant Legion, the Immortal IX, the Emperor's most redhanded blade, barely matched in horror by even the most corrupt of foes, the seed of a nightmare that stood apart from even the Primordial Annihilator. The Legion's destiny was to assume a mask of nobility and beauty, to shine bright as an example to all of angels that walked...
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It is the 42nd Millennium. For ten thousand years, the Vast and powerful Imperium of Man has...
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Forged from reclaimed Gene-seed a chapter is unleashed into the war that is the 41 millennia. Will they make a difference or will their blood stain the ground like so many others.
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In the grimdarkness of the present, how will you fare in His Imperial Majesty's Special Air Service Death Watch.
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Introduction of the Quest
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+THOUGHT FOR THE DAY+ No pity. No remorse. No fear. It is the 41st millennium. The Black...
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It is the 41st millenium of the Imperium of Man. Cadia has fallen, destroyed by Abaddon the...
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Heretic’s Wake: A card game based off an old version of Emperor’s Tarot to gauge the deeds of...
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Stepping foot upon the Eldar Craftworld with your squad, you scanned the surrounding jungle for...
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It is the year 745.M41, and, as scheduled nearly a millennium ago, it is time for the creation...
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Once Upon A Time, A King Wished To Summon A Hero "Is it ready?" "Yes, your majesty, the...
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Warhammer 40000: Sons of the Heresy ____________ In the grim darkness of the far future, the...
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Beyond His Light The Fist of Man, rocks as her sister ship explodes the chaotic battle barge...
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Lost. Alone. Drifting in madness. You hear a voice call out to you. It is... [] A voice of...
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Ok, here’s a quest. An astartes quest. You all will control a single astartes until death...
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Welcome to Remnant, a world of savage evolution. Mankind has struggled to keep its flickering...
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