After the wonderful adventure that will be the White Fang base raid, would you like a Interlude?

  • Yes, let's see what else is occuring

    Votes: 22 64.7%
  • No, focus on actual plot progression

    Votes: 12 35.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
He knows about the Chaos Gods, he knows chaos is in play.
Not necessarily, he knows about Daemons and other Warp predators, but that does not translate into knowing about Chaos. Prospero, planet of the sorcerors, where Magnus grew up, devoted generations to studying the Warp, and they still didn't know about the Chaos Gods.
Bout as long as it takes to grow up, give or take a few, some just have the world given to them. Unless you're Angron, scrub didn't get gud like the rest of his brothers.
Hey, Angron murdered an entire Eldar hit squad with his bare hands as a toddler. Argent here had trouble with one while nearly full grown and with a weapon.

That's one of the few complaints I've had about this quest, Argent seem so... lackluster compared to some of the other Primarchs. That and the combat system seems clunky. Not that I think he should auto-win everything, just that when we lose it should be in a more badass way (still thinking of the time Argent missed a house-sized Grimm.) The whole combat modifier thing is kinda flawed in principle, with it being basically meaningless until you get it up to 30 or so, and by 60 that the dice roll barely matters unless your stats are fairly close.

Also, hi, first time posting in this thread, I've spent the past few days reading through this, and I've enjoyed it alot. My compliments to Dovasith.

[X] You found Nigel tied upside down to a tree with the words "Pancake Thief" written on his face along with a drawn on curly moustache. Maybe you should deal with the bullying problem.
[X] Miss Belladona is hiding secrets despite making a promise of a fresh start. Time you have a chat with her.
[X]Ozpin wants to tell you a fairy tale.

Talking with Blake should reveal what happened at the dock anyway.
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The big complaint is that we have been Nerfed too much and althoigh we want a challange it bieng due to idot balls is a bad idea or even due to PC Nerfing.

If we wanted overpowered then we would have gone Kryptonian and fried every enemy from Space with super microscopic heat vision lobotomy.
The big complaint is that we have been Nerfed too much and althoigh we want a challange it bieng due to idot balls is a bad idea or even due to PC Nerfing.

If we wanted overpowered then we would have gone Kryptonian and fried every enemy from Space with super microscopic heat vision lobotomy.
Admittedly if you had gone Kryptonian then i'd have started throwing in super villains and Weiss going all Lex Luthor
Admittedly if you had gone Kryptonian then i'd have started throwing in super villains and Weiss going all Lex Luthor
The problem is that a sufficienly motivated Kryptonian can just use Super Brain and Meteor fall and Lazers from Space to kill any adversery and if SV actully just voted to go to space and super sense enemy position to Space Lazer them them we would win.

Kryptonians are broken like that and why their stories focus on social problems and not overwhelming power shonen battles.
[X] Penny wants a day out with her new "BFF, but not like that because we are still best friends aren't we Argent?" Ruby, but apparently she's bringing her Partner along. So Penny's bringing you.
[X] Ironwood wants you to have a look at a site down by the docks. Something big seems to have been hushed up.
[X]Ozpin wants to tell you a fairy tale.
Little late there. I totally ninja'd you~!
Oh, I saw your post beforehand.

But you only made it white instead of highlighting it, didn't mention it in your post, and people would have had to click on the quote to expand it in order to see it (with no reason to do so)... So I claim no Ninja has happened!

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Two things
I like this new tally program.
Also Volume 3 soundtrack is finally on youtube meaning i may get distracted by the theme for Team FNKI. Something about Neon Rainbows.

Vote Tally : Evolution of a Different Kind (RWBY/Crossover) | Page 98 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.3

[X] Ironwood wants you to have a look at a site down by the docks. Something big seems to have been hushed up.
No. of Votes: 30

[X] Penny wants a day out with her new "BFF, but not like that because we are still best friends aren't we Argent?" Ruby, but apparently she's bringing her Partner along. So Penny's bringing you.
No. of Votes: 29

[X]Ozpin wants to tell you a fairy tale.
No. of Votes: 29

[X] Miss Belladona is hiding secrets despite making a promise of a fresh start. Time you have a chat with her.
No. of Votes: 12

[X] You found Nigel tied upside down to a tree with the words "Pancake Thief" written on his face along with a drawn on curly moustache. Maybe you should deal with the bullying problem.
No. of Votes: 8

[X] Ciel's still stalking Nikos. The timid fan act has gone on long enough. Maybe you should give her a push. As a friend.
No. of Votes: 6

[X] Ruby keeps bothering you for training. Eventually you give in.
No. of Votes: 4

[X] Sun has to come out of your room eventually. Maybe if you subtly deal with his pursuers, he can vanish more easily into the student population?
No. of Votes: 3

-[X] Take a moment to ask about the voices Ruby hears.
No. of Votes: 3

-[X] Take a moment to ask what to do about Ruby if she asks you for training. Mention the voices.
No. of Votes: 1

[X] Ironwood wants you to have a look at a site down by the docks. Something big seems to have been hushed up.0
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 42
If we had chosen Kryptonian, the QM would have slammed us in the face with so many nerf bats that we'd get curbstomped by a single random guy with a knife and an awakened Aura, even after years of growing up, training and learning, all the while boosting our enemies. Because Status Quo is God, and even adult Kryptonians must always be a step behind the villains.

That sounds familiar.
Can't quite put a finger on why, though.
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If we had chosen Kryptonian, the QM would have slammed us in the face with so many nerf bats that we'd get curbstomped by a single random guy with a knife and an awakened Aura, even after years of growin up, training and learning, all the while boosting our enemies. Because Status Quo is God, and even adult Kryptonians must always be a step behind the villains.

That sounds familiar.
Can't quite put a finger on why, though.
Not really. As i've said many a time, you don't like the quest. No problem. It's my first one and i'm slowly working to improve. Complaining that you don't win every fight you get involved with instantly is hardly constructive criticism.

Besides the Kryptonian choice was ignored ages ago. Would have been more Smallville becoming a god tier figure/hopeman, with comic book elements rather than warp stuff. Warhammer's about struggling to survive and the fact that you are still fighting is a victory. I could have you conquer the planet within a year but that would be both a really short quest and boring as hell for me to write, especially if i'm not sure i even want to continue this into the great crusade. Superman's more about you being able to achieve anything if you put your mind to it.
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Besides isn't superman known to have absolutley no resistance against magic? And a lot of the Aura and Dust stuff could be passed of as magic rather easily so I could see the weapons of Remnant being able to harm Superman.
So what would it have been like if we had chosen the Saiyan or whatever option 4 was?
Not really. As i've said many a time, you don't like the quest. No problem. It's my first one and i'm slowly working to improve. Complaining that you don't win every fight you get involved with instantly is hardly constructive criticism.

Besides the Kryptonian choice was ignored ages ago. Would have been more Smallville becoming a god tier figure/hopeman, with comic book elements rather than warp stuff. Warhammer's about struggling to survive and the fact that you are still fighting is a victory. I could have you conquer the planet within a year but that would be both a really short quest and boring as hell for me to write, especially if i'm not sure i even want to continue this into the great crusade. Superman's more about you being able to achieve anything if you put your mind to it.
I'd just put it down to the eternal arguments that spring up around GW products.
So what would it have been like if we had chosen the Saiyan or whatever option 4 was?

We'd die because we rolled 10 out of 100 and our Ki Blast exploded in our face in the middle of a fight with a mook.
Unfortunately, Saiyan lineage only counts as +10 to rolls, so we rolled 20 in total. Not good enough, so we got cut to ribbons.
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@Dovahsith Can we get combat bonuses by reading the enemies mind with our telepathy? That's one of the things it's used for in Dark Heresy, seeing what your opponent is going to do before they do it to counter. Also to detect hidden enemies.
@Dovahsith Can we get combat bonuses by reading the enemies mind with our telepathy? That's one of the things it's used for in Dark Heresy, seeing what your opponent is going to do before they do it to counter. Also to detect hidden enemies.
Yes, because thats you using it actively in a situation rather than being stupid and constantly trying to attract every predator in the warp.

I'm beginning to suspect that specific voters would rather follow a different quest. To them i say this.
If we had chosen Kryptonian, the QM would have slammed us in the face with so many nerf bats that we'd get curbstomped by a single random guy with a knife and an awakened Aura, even after years of growing up, training and learning, all the while boosting our enemies. Because Status Quo is God, and even adult Kryptonians must always be a step behind the villains.

That sounds familiar.
Can't quite put a finger on why, though.

Would people please stop bitching about our character not being able to curbstomp everyhing after every single goddamn update? You people are not giving constructive critism, you are just bitching about something that has been brought up dozens of times already again an again. I swear if it's not complaining about characters being able to actually lose to powerful opponents it's about another character being a Mary Sue or Marty Stu who can never do anything wrong.

If you don't like the story why the hell are you spending time reading it only to complain about it even though the QM gave a a reason for why Argent seems underpowered compared to other primarchs. I mean complaining about the same goddamn thing every update is getting is just really damn annoying now. This goes for everyone that will not stop complaining about it.
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[X] Ciel's still stalking Nikos. The timid fan act has gone on long enough. Maybe you should give her a push. As a friend.
[X] Penny wants a day out with her new "BFF, but not like that because we are still best friends aren't we Argent?" Ruby, but apparently she's bringing her Partner along. So Penny's bringing you
[X] You found Nigel tied upside down to a tree with the words "Pancake Thief" written on his face along with a drawn on curly moustache. Maybe you should deal with the bullying problem.

Time to help the team.
Only ways I could see to improve Primarch quests that don't take place during the great crusade (aka primy coming of age story) would be to either
1. God Emps: Make the difficulty not be about your own troubles but rather the failures of those around you so that even with your successes your enemies can always exploit your allies. You can't be everywhere at once.
2. Angron edition: The world is against you, you're horribly unlucky, everyone is evil/incompetent. You're screwed and you gotta fight for every inch you take (doesn't work in many crossovers)
3. Primarch Rules: Play it more or less like it is now but Primarchs play by separate rules so if for a normy the rolls would result in death, injury, success, then for the primarch it becomes injury, success, crit success (issues with overly favorable rules and it might do well to combine this with one of the top.)
4. Just change the primarch perk from being a bonus to rolls to instead give the "primarch reroll" which would either be just that or then get the primarch bonus added (lowers chances of bitching, still might make things a bit too easy)
Otherwise I'm rather fine with this quest, while the Primarch is relatively weak to his brothers BS, this isn't likely to go into the great crusade so that doesn't exactly matter now does it? Besides, I've seen quests that have made them far more pathetically weaker, at least this Primarch is doing all this at only five years old.

Did I vote this time, pretty sure I did... keep up the good work!
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