Sons of the Heresy (A Traitor Marine Quest)

0.4: The Stuff of Legends
For these long millennia since the Emperor was enshrined on Holy Terra, the 12th Company have traveled the vast span of Mankind's Imperium. You have seen the great Primarchs, the Emperor's sons, vanish from the galaxy one by one--taken by death or injury or simple fate. You have watched the empire you fought to build fall into stagnancy--endless, cold stagnancy--over the course of lifetimes. You have witnessed worlds fall and cities burn as mankind is besieged on all sides by legions of the alien--the relentless dead in their skins of metal, the all-devouring Tyranids, the vile Tau and the sadistic Dark Eldar. But over the endless centuries of your long watch, there has only been one foe so constant and resolute that it's power has threatened to wipe mankind from the face of the universe.


The Ruinous Powers never ended the war that began with the Heresy all those millennia ago. Across the Imperium, hundreds of thousands of worlds fall to the dread might of Chaos every day. Countless warbands of cruel Chaos Marines ravage the cosmos of man, murdering and butchering their way across the infinite stars of the Imperium. Every moment, daemons and traitors spill from the Warp or slip past the Eye to slaughter and raid, turning entire worlds and sectors into hellish nightmares where lust and greed and hate and death reign supreme. They are by no means unopposed--for every world that falls, the loyal soldiers of the Imperial Guard or the tireless legions of the Adeptus Astartes battle the hordes of Chaos on a thousand more. But the Astartes and the Guard cannot defend every corner of the farflung Imperium. Every world saved from ruin is another world that could not be.

You realized long ago that the war against Chaos could never be won, not truly, until the Emperor awoke and crushed the Ruinous Powers 'neath his heel. But they can be stymied. They can be denied. They can be pushed back. And so you fight. And so you atone.

You have lost count, perhaps, of the worlds on which you have fought, the planets you have defended from Chaos, the incursions you have crushed before they could begin, the sectors you have saved before they could fall. There have been days, there have been many days, when the traitor marines fell on an unprotected world only to be thrown back by an unyielding shield of Iron. There have been days when all that stood between the grasping fingers of Khorne or Tzeentch and the souls of untold billions was your Company. And as the days passed, they became decades, and centuries, and millennia. And as those millennia passed, they became legend.

Choose a Myth:

[] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)

[] Imperial records say the Iron Warriors warband known as the Black Tower carved a path of havoc across the Segmentum Obscura nearly two thousand years ago, destroying anything in their path and leaving only death in their wake. The High Lords rallied several Chapters of the Astartes to meet them on the planet Yamerick, but when the Space Marines arrived, they found only the remnants of a great battle and hundreds of dead Chaos Marines littering the fields of Yamerick. Yet there was no sign of the force that destroyed them, save a single sign--at the epicenter of the battlefield, the head of the warsmith of the Black Tower, mounted on an iron spike, the seal of their legion branded onto his forehead. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Wind, Gain Favor with Imperial Government)

[] Nearly nine hundred years ago, Space Marines of the Angels Revenant stood against a force of traitor marines of the World Eaters on the deathworld of Cambrian in defense of the Jykatos Sector. When the fighting reached it's fiercest point and it seemed the Angels would fall to the enemy, the World Eaters began to crumble from behind. Space Marines of an unknown chapter and an unknown world appeared as if from the shadows and struck the traitors from all sides. Silently, diligently, these mystery Marines exterminated the World Eaters to the last man alongside the Angels Revenant, cleansing each and every one from the face of the world. Then, when the last traitor was dead, they vanished without a trace. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Spear, Gain Favor with Adeptus Astartes)

[] Sarchest was the greatest world of the Phyridian Sector, a bastion of wealth and power. So when it's planetary government fell to Chaos, billions suffered. Daemons and Chaos Marines ran wild across the surface of the planet, and the Guard, alongside the Space Marines of the Space Wolves, lay siege to the chaos-infested city of Tybilis, once the capital of Sarchest, and drove out the forces of Chaos. Yet it is whispered among the soldiers of the Sarchestian Guard that Space Marines of a different color and a different stripe marched among them that day. It was not the Space Wolves who took the lower bridge of Tybilis and spared thousand of Guardsmen's lives. It was not the Space Wolves who cornered and slew the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch that had manifested in the city center. It was certainly not the Space Wolves who led a force of guardsmen to shatter the traitor vanguard and seize the city. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Blade, Gain Favor with Imperial Guard)
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[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)
[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)
[X] Nearly nine hundred years ago, Space Marines of the Angels Revenant stood against a force of traitor marines of the World Eaters on the deathworld of Cambrian in defense of the Jykatos Sector. When the fighting reached it's fiercest point and it seemed the Angels would fall to the enemy, the World Eaters began to crumble from behind. Space Marines of an unknown chapter and an unknown world appeared as if from the shadows and struck the traitors from all sides. Silently, diligently, these mystery Marines exterminated the World Eaters to the last man alongside the Angels Revenant, cleansing each and every one from the face of the world. Then, when the last traitor was dead, they vanished without a trace. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Spear, Gain Favor with Adeptus Astartes)
[X] Nearly nine hundred years ago, Space Marines of the Angels Revenant stood against a force of traitor marines of the World Eaters on the deathworld of Cambrian in defense of the Jykatos Sector. When the fighting reached it's fiercest point and it seemed the Angels would fall to the enemy, the World Eaters began to crumble from behind. Space Marines of an unknown chapter and an unknown world appeared as if from the shadows and struck the traitors from all sides. Silently, diligently, these mystery Marines exterminated the World Eaters to the last man alongside the Angels Revenant, cleansing each and every one from the face of the world. Then, when the last traitor was dead, they vanished without a trace.(Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Spear, Gain Favor with Adeptus Astartes)
[X] Nearly nine hundred years ago, Space Marines of the Angels Revenant stood against a force of traitor marines of the World Eaters on the deathworld of Cambrian in defense of the Jykatos Sector. When the fighting reached it's fiercest point and it seemed the Angels would fall to the enemy, the World Eaters began to crumble from behind. Space Marines of an unknown chapter and an unknown world appeared as if from the shadows and struck the traitors from all sides. Silently, diligently, these mystery Marines exterminated the World Eaters to the last man alongside the Angels Revenant, cleansing each and every one from the face of the world. Then, when the last traitor was dead, they vanished without a trace. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Spear, Gain Favor with Adeptus Astartes)

I'm undecided on whether I prefer Spear or Wind but I'm leaning towards Spear as Loyalist Astartes are probably our second biggest threat after Chaos.

@Telamon Which option won? I'm assuming Gene Seed but Alkander rallied towards the end.
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[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)
[NULL] Nearly nine hundred years ago, Space Marines of the Angels Revenant stood against a force of traitor marines of the World Eaters on the deathworld of Cambrian in defense of the Jykatos Sector. When the fighting reached it's fiercest point and it seemed the Angels would fall to the enemy, the World Eaters began to crumble from behind. Space Marines of an unknown chapter and an unknown world appeared as if from the shadows and struck the traitors from all sides. Silently, diligently, these mystery Marines exterminated the World Eaters to the last man alongside the Angels Revenant, cleansing each and every one from the face of the world. Then, when the last traitor was dead, they vanished without a trace. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Spear, Gain Favor with Adeptus Astartes)

Having the Angels Revenant, and by that an offshoot of the Ultramarines look favorably upon our existence is not too bad. The Imperial government would be nice, but they're prone to just fucking bureaucratize away our feats simply by accident.
Astartes, on the other hand, take debts of honor (or slights to the same) absurdly seriously, and with descendants of the Ultramarines at some point perhaps vouching for us we might just survive becoming notable.

Though we may want to look into giving them tips on how to best track down a certain Honsou-shaped wanker.

Actually, sign me up for Plan Let's Make Our Turtling Tactics Even More Broken And OP.

[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)
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I am torn between Shield and Spear.

If we go for the shield,
Unlike the Adeptus Astartes, they can't recognize between traitor and loyalist space marines, so the only thing they can differentiate is that loyalist protect them and the traitors attacks their world.
[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)

We chose the Protector trait. This is just a logical extension of that; where our greatest feat was to protect when no help would come. This is what we do.
We chose the Protector trait. This is just a logical extension of that; where our greatest feat was to protect when no help would come. This is what we do.
If our greatest, most notable feat in several millennia is having saved a world where no help would come when this is supposed to be all in a day's work for an Astartes chapter that's taken oaths to protect the Imperium, then I wonder what the hell we were doing all that time.

No, I'm sure having saved a fellow Chapter of Space Marines from pretty much guaranteed total annihilation, despite the fact that we at that point were at risk of being attacked by them for being, as far as they know, heretical traitors, is a pretty notable thing. Is it disgusting that in the grand scheme of things saving several hundred buffed up supersoldiers counts as more important than saving billions of defenseless humans from certain death and damnation? Yes. Welcome to the grim darkness of the far future.
If our greatest, most notable feat in several millennia is having saved a world where no help would come when this is supposed to be all in a day's work for an Astartes chapter that's taken oaths to protect the Imperium, then I wonder what the hell we were doing all that time.

No, I'm sure having saved a fellow Chapter of Space Marines from pretty much guaranteed total annihilation, despite the fact that we at that point were at risk of being attacked by them for being, as far as they know, heretical traitors, is a pretty notable thing. Is it disgusting that in the grand scheme of things saving several hundred buffed up supersoldiers counts as more important than saving billions of defenseless humans from certain death and damnation? Yes. Welcome to the grim darkness of the far future.
You're missing the point of that vote. It isn't so much as what we did but who we went up against and how. We've been fighting Chaos all our lives after we escaped our Legion, no doubt. What's notable here and in the Iron Wind vote is we went up against a Chaos Space Marine warband, in all their might and in one set-piece battle, alone and won. It even said in the second choice that they needed several Chapters of Space Marines what we did with one company.

The latter two are different though in that we helped turn the tide but we had help in the Angels Revenant or the Imperial Guard.
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[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)

I pick this one for the simple reason of recruitment. Yes, the Imperial Nobility might give us legitimacy, but it's the citizens that worship us and offer their sons to die or become legend. Plus, I happen to like the Space Sharks/Carcharodon tactics. Appear, kill shit, gather resources, leave. Gets rid of the politics
[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)
[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)
[X] Nearly nine hundred years ago, Space Marines of the Angels Revenant stood against a force of traitor marines of the World Eaters on the deathworld of Cambrian in defense of the Jykatos Sector. When the fighting reached it's fiercest point and it seemed the Angels would fall to the enemy, the World Eaters began to crumble from behind. Space Marines of an unknown chapter and an unknown world appeared as if from the shadows and struck the traitors from all sides. Silently, diligently, these mystery Marines exterminated the World Eaters to the last man alongside the Angels Revenant, cleansing each and every one from the face of the world. Then, when the last traitor was dead, they vanished without a trace. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Spear, Gain Favor with Adeptus Astartes)

I'm undecided on whether I prefer Spear or Wind but I'm leaning towards Spear as Loyalist Astartes are probably our second biggest threat after Chaos.

@Telamon Which option won? I'm assuming Gene Seed but Alkander rallied towards the end.

Alkander had 14, where geneseed pulled off 23.
[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)

Realistically being master engineers capable of defensive warfare is likely to save more lives in the long-run. The Iron Warriors were known for their grasp of technology (maintained the largest artillery battery, self-sufficient allies with the Mechanicus and often engaged in cybernetics) and that's the real tragedy of the Imperium losing them. There's plenty of other chapters that are skilled in fighting. Getting a trait that increases our inherent strengths could allow us to scatter our soldiers (in the long-run) to act as governor-generals for multiple planets. Each captain improving the technology of each planet while improving the defenses so fewer soldiers are needed to protect each planet.
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[X] Imperial records say the Iron Warriors warband known as the Black Tower carved a path of havoc across the Segmentum Obscura nearly two thousand years ago, destroying anything in their path and leaving only death in their wake. The High Lords rallied several Chapters of the Astartes to meet them on the planet Yamerick, but when the Space Marines arrived, they found only the remnants of a great battle and hundreds of dead Chaos Marines littering the fields of Yamerick. Yet there was no sign of the force that destroyed them, save a single sign--at the epicenter of the battlefield, the head of the warsmith of the Black Tower, mounted on an iron spike, the seal of their legion branded onto his forehead. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Wind, Gain Favor with Imperial Government)

Hard as iron, swift as the wind.
Alkander had 14, where geneseed pulled off 23.
Poor guy
we left him to rot with the crazy

[X] They say Ullanor V should have died. They say the Thousand Sons fell on that world with all the fury of Magnus the Red himself, and that the skies were red with the echo of the Warp. Imperial historians will reiterate that the closest Chapter of loyal Astartes were several sectors away, fighting in a wholly different war. Yet there were those who said, and still say, that something pushed the Thousand Sons back. That something came from the sky in that darkest hour, and held the Hive City of Hybrix with defenses that even the greatest daemon could not shatter. Defenses that stood, unyielding, against the mightiest the Thousand Sons could muster. Defenses that, long millennia after the Thousand Sons were driven back into the Warp, stand still. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Shield, Gain Favor with Imperial Citizenry)
[X] Nearly nine hundred years ago, Space Marines of the Angels Revenant stood against a force of traitor marines of the World Eaters on the deathworld of Cambrian in defense of the Jykatos Sector. When the fighting reached it's fiercest point and it seemed the Angels would fall to the enemy, the World Eaters began to crumble from behind. Space Marines of an unknown chapter and an unknown world appeared as if from the shadows and struck the traitors from all sides. Silently, diligently, these mystery Marines exterminated the World Eaters to the last man alongside the Angels Revenant, cleansing each and every one from the face of the world. Then, when the last traitor was dead, they vanished without a trace. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Spear, Gain Favor with Adeptus Astartes)

Favor with the Adeptus Astartes sounds way more powerful than any of the others.
[X] Sarchest was the greatest world of the Phyridian Sector, a bastion of wealth and power. So when it's planetary government fell to Chaos, billions suffered. Daemons and Chaos Marines ran wild across the surface of the planet, and the Guard, alongside the Space Marines of the Space Wolves, lay siege to the chaos-infested city of Tybilis, once the capital of Sarchest, and drove out the forces of Chaos. Yet it is whispered among the soldiers of the Sarchestian Guard that Space Marines of a different color and a different stripe marched among them that day. It was not the Space Wolves who took the lower bridge of Tybilis and spared thousand of Guardsmen's lives. It was not the Space Wolves who cornered and slew the Greater Daemon of Tzeentch that had manifested in the city center. It was certainly not the Space Wolves who led a force of guardsmen to shatter the traitor vanguard and seize the city. (Gain Mythic Trait: The Iron Blade, Gain Favor with Imperial Guard)