Strangers in a Strange Land p.4
"These are good points, a jump should not be attempted. I must reconsider our options, the xenos must be dealt with first. Would you like to assist?" Despite the deep urge to assist by dropping every active marine he has on them Rhazlo needs to deal with other issues more pressingly. The Magos nods at his words and the screen goes blank.

The majority of the orks died fighting Chaos, and the few chaos troops are mostly cultists. Rhazlo has the first company go slowly though the fortress to cleanse the orks and chaos. The tech marines go over both the Fist and the chapter's monastery, their is large amounts of damage and many marines who lost their lives to the battles. The Fortress Monastery is a little more then the forge and engine, the few other parts that have remained intact are broken and ruins inside the shell. While objectively better off then the Monastery the Fist is still damaged greatly. The armoury is a gaping whole in the ship, the reliquary was ripped out from the inside lost now to the tides of the warp. The Nova cannon is little more then slag and a large portion of the human crew lies dead.

The Mechanicum messages the Fist and the vox is answered quickly. "The Xenos will not leave the system or hand over the planet peacefully." No one told the Mechanicum that the Xeno is little less then trash and waste, they do not negotiate. "They are attempting to get us to surrender. This is not allow able, regardless of your response the Ark will attack the Xeno ships and claim the planet. Will you assist?"

Rhazlo quickly replies...
[]No And allow the XENO to live?!

How will the chapter assist...
{The chapter has 2 Valkyries, The Fist of Man {Strike Cruiser}: Damaged (Moderate), The Fortress Monastery: Damaged(Severe)} {They have allies in this combat... The Forge World Redar with the Might of the Machine{Ark Mechanicus}: Damaged (Heavy)}
{They are facing an enemy fleet of... Unknown Xenos. Unknown Xenos has 1 ~1 km ship, 12 <.5 km ships, Unknown Xeno Structure ~15 km, Planet {Garden World} defenses Unkown.}

The Valkyries will...
[]Stay by the Fist and provide cover.
[]Stay by the fortress monastery and provide cover.
[]Bring a Squad to Board a Xeno Ship...
-[]Which Ship
--[]Which Squad (Select 2)
[]Assault the Planetary Defenses
-[]Which Squad (Select 2)

The Fist will...
[]Stay at Range and Torpedo Targets of Opportunity
[]Enter close range and broadside the enemy.
[]Attempt to ram the enemy ~1 km ship.
[]Stay out of conflict.
[]Assault the Planet

The Monastary will...
[]Approach the Unknown Xeno Structure
[]Stay out of conflict.
[]Assault the Planet

The Might of the Machine will...
[]Stay at Range and Torpedo Targets of Opportunity
[]Enter close range and broadside the enemy.
[]Attempt to ram the enemy ~1 km ship.
[]Stay out of conflict.
[]Assault the Planet
Ok I guess I'll take a crack at this. But seriously we need either more people or more participation.

Starts researching mass effect and 40k ship to ship combat ..... kill meeee

Mass effect. (I'm ripping this straight from the wiki for a quick overview)

Larger warships are classified in one of four weights:
Frigates are light escort and scouting vessels. They often have extensive GARDIAN systems to provide anti-fighter screening for capital ships, and carry a squad of marines for security and groundside duty. Unlike larger vessels, frigates are able to land on planets.

The most important role filled by frigates is reconnaissance. Sensors, unlike ships and communications employing the mass effect, are limited to the speed of light. Subsequently, a stationary observer can only detect a vessel one light-year away when its light arrives at the observer's location, one year after leaving said vessel.

Because faster-than-light attackers always arrive before defenders can detect them with luminal sensors, attackers can always surprise defenders. For defense, fleets surround themselves with spheres of scouting frigates scanning for enemy ships and transmitting warnings to the main body.

Frigates achieve high FTL cruise speeds because of their high-performance drives. They also have proportionally larger thrusters and lighter design mass, allowing them greater maneuverability. In combat, speed and maneuverability make frigates immune to long-range fire of larger vessels.

In fleet combat, frigates are organized into "wolf pack" flotillas of four to six. Wolf packs speed through enemy formations, hunting enemy vessels whose kinetic barriers have been taken down by fighter-launched disruptor torpedoes. The wolf pack circle-strafes vulnerable targets, using their superior speed and maneuverability to evade return fire.

Cruisers are middle-weight combatants, faster than dreadnoughts, and more heavily-armed than frigates. Cruisers are the standard patrol unit, and often lead frigate flotillas. Cruisers cannot land on medium or high-gravity worlds, but do possess the ability to land on low-gravity planets.

Cruiser-weight starships are the standard combat unit encountered away from large naval bases, the "poor bloody infantry" of most fleets. Nimble scouting frigates have neither the punch nor the stamina to stand up to serious combat, and the mighty dreadnoughts are a strategic resource, carefully hoarded and committed to the most critical battles.

Cruisers perform routine independent "show the flag" patrols in settled systems and lead flotillas of frigates in small engagements, such as pirate suppression campaigns. In major fleet engagements, cruiser squadrons support the dreadnought battle line by screening their flanks against enemies attempting to maneuver for a main gun "bow shot" from their vulnerable broadsides.

Carriers are dreadnought-sized vessels that carry a large number of fighters. All races provide their fleets with organic fighter support. Cruisers fit a handful in the space between the interior pressure hulls and exterior armor. Dreadnoughts have a hangar deck within the hull. Humans – who had only recently "graduated" from surface to space combat – were the first to build ships wielding fighters as the main armament.

In fleet combat, carriers stay clear of battle, launching fighters bearing disruptor torpedoes. Fighters are the primary striking power of the ship; if a carrier enters mass accelerator range of the enemy, things have gone very wrong.

It is possible to recover and rearm fighters during combat, though most carriers seal the flight deck and try to stay out of the way. The flight deck is essentially a corridor through the armor and into the heart of the vessel. A single well-placed torpedo is enough to gut a carrier.

Dreadnoughts are kilometer-long capital ships mounting heavy, long-range firepower. They are only deployed for the most vital missions. A dreadnought's power lies in the length of its main gun. Dreadnoughts range from 800 meters to one kilometer long, with a main gun of commensurate length. An 800-meter mass accelerator is capable of accelerating one twenty-kilogram slug to a velocity of 4025 km/s (1.3% the speed of light) every two seconds. Each slug has the kinetic energy of about 38 kilotons of TNT, about two and a half times the energy released by the fission weapon that destroyed Hiroshima.

The Treaty of Farixen stipulates the amount of dreadnoughts a navy may own, with the turian peacekeeping fleet being allowed the most. As of 2183, the turians had 37 dreadnoughts, the asari had 21, the salarians had 16, and the Alliance had 6 with another under construction. As of 2185, the dreadnought count was 39 turian, 20 asari, 16 salarian, and 8 human. By 2186, humans construct a ninth dreadnought, and the volus have built a single dreadnought of their own. The geth, unbound by the treaty, possess almost as many dreadnoughts as the turians. In preparation for the retaking of their homeworld, the quarians fitted their Liveships with dreadnought cannons, effectively making them dreadnought-class vessels though with much weaker armor. The batarians are stated to possess dreadnoughts, but the exact number is unknown.

Dreadnoughts are so large that it is impossible to safely land them on a planet, and must discharge their drive cores into the magnetic field of a planet while in orbit. The decks of large vessels are arranged perpendicular to the ship's axis of thrust, so that the "top" decks are towards the front of the ship and the "bottom" decks are towards the rear of the ship.

Now looking at what the ME Dreadnought can do with it's biggest gun is..... uninspiring really. A lot of ships in Warhammer can beat that and take it, Nova cannons are generally accepted to have multiple Petaton (I.E. How many quadrillion tons of TNT is needed to match a single instance of it) scale weapons.

And this is what Sovereign can do.

2000-meter mass accelerator (Sovereign's length):
Speed: 10,062.5 km/s (3.25% the speed of light)
Kinetic Energy: 1.01 petajoules (1.01e15 joules)
Yield: 242 kilotons per shot, 7.26 megatons per minute

Makes you weep for ME don't it? Lucky for them we are only three ships damaged at that.

Anyway since there is a 1km ship facing us it's probably a Dreadnought, the others are cruisers. Most likely Turian because their cruisers are a flat 500 meters.

Also here's a quick haha... description of how ships in ME fight.

Shells lofted by surface navies crash back to earth when their acceleration is overwhelmed by gravity and air resistance. In space, a projectile has unlimited range, it will keep moving until it hits something.

Practical gunnery range is determined by the velocity of the attacker's ordinance [sic] and the maneuverability of the target. Beyond a certain range, a small ship's ability to dodge trumps a larger attacker's projectile speed. The largest-ranged combat occurs between dreadnoughts, whose projectiles have the highest velocity but are the least maneuverable. The shortest-range combat is between frigates, which have the slowest projectile velocities and highest maneuverability.

Opposing dreadnoughts open with main gun artillery duel at EXTREME ranges of tens of thousands of kilometers. The fleet close, maintaining evasive lateral motion while keeping their bow guns facing the enemy. Fighters are launched and attempt to close to disruptor torpedo range. Cautious admirals weaken the enemy with ranged fire and fighter strikes before committing to close action. Aggressive commanders advance so cruisers and frigates can engage.

At LONG range, the main guns of cruisers become useful. Friendly interceptors engage enemy fighters until the attackers enter the range of ship-based GARDIAN fire. Dreadnoughts fire from the rear, screened by smaller ships. Commanders must decide whether to commit to a general melee or retreat into FTL.

At MEDIUM range, ships can use broadside guns. Fleets intermingle, and it becomes difficult to retreat in order. Ships with damaged kinetic barriers are vulnerable to wolfpack1 frigate flotillas that speed through the battle space.

Only fighters and frigates enter CLOSE "knife fight" ranges of 10 or fewer kilometers. Fighters loose their disruptor torpedoes, bringing down a ship's kinetic barriers and allowing it to be swarmed by frigates. GARDIAN lasers become viable weapons, swatting down fighters and boiling away warship armor.

Neither dreadnoughts nor cruisers can use their main guns at close range; laying the bow on a moving target becomes impossible. Superheated thruster exhaust becomes a hazard.

[X] Plan...uh, Punch them in the face while invading their planet?

The Valkyries will...
[X] Bring a Squad to Board a Xeno Ship...
-[X] The 1Km ship
--[X] Squad IV: 10 Marines [Veteran Sargent Phodai Isselis] and Squad VIII: 10 Marines [Sargent Quabriel]

Because I don't think ME ship hallways are designed for Dreadnoughts.

The Fist will...
[X]Enter close range and broadside the enemy.

The Monastary will...
[X]Assault the Planet

If we position the fortress monastery in the same line of sight as the planet the Turians won't fire and risk hitting the planet, this tactic was used by the Krogans and it worked.

The Might of the Machine will...
[X]Enter close range and broadside the enemy.

The heavy damage it has is troubling but I'm worried about the Dreadnought. Honestly I'm hoping the squads sent will make they're way to the bridge or engines to disable the Dreadnought while we pick off the little guys.
[X] Plan...uh, Punch them in the face while invading their planet?

The Valkyries will...
[X] Bring a Squad to Board a Xeno Ship...
-[X] The 1Km ship
--[X] Squad IV: 10 Marines [Veteran Sargent Phodai Isselis] and Squad VIII: 10 Marines [Sargent Quabriel]

The Fist will...
[X]Enter close range and broadside the enemy.

The Monastary will...
[X]Assault the Planet

The Might of the Machine will...
[X]Enter close range and broadside the enemy.
When I asked for participation I didn't mean completely agree with me without any input. Does anyone see a flaw? Or have any suggestions?
Doesn't mass effect have pretty good point defense, they might be able to take out our borders before they land.