Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

Nonsense, they weren't 'ultramarines' so it's all good.
If you strap on a jump pack, you have to dump the primary weapon unless you're a Captain. A Captain gets keys to the arsenal and the right to wear whatever kludge of gear they like. Titus was fine. But line troops with jetpacks and rifle-equivalents is Legion-era kit. Night Lords Kit. Chaos Raptors run around with Plasma Guns because the Night Raptors did. And it's a bunch of Bird-Marines bringing this back!

Ergo, the Twilight Crows were due for a Pan to the head by the local Inquisition until Alien Skynet did pest control.
If you strap on a jump pack, you have to dump the primary weapon unless you're a Captain. A Captain gets keys to the arsenal and the right to wear whatever kludge of gear they like. Titus was fine. But line troops with jetpacks and rifle-equivalents is Legion-era kit. Night Lords Kit. Chaos Raptors run around with Plasma Guns because the Night Raptors did. And it's a bunch of Bird-Marines bringing this back!

Ergo, the Twilight Crows were due for a Pan to the head by the local Inquisition until Alien Skynet did pest control.
Excuse you, the Codex allows you to have Flamers.

But don't you dare pick up any other two-handed gun or the Minotaurs show up to shoot your puppies.
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If you strap on a jump pack, you have to dump the primary weapon unless you're a Captain. A Captain gets keys to the arsenal and the right to wear whatever kludge of gear they like. Titus was fine. But line troops with jetpacks and rifle-equivalents is Legion-era kit. Night Lords Kit. Chaos Raptors run around with Plasma Guns because the Night Raptors did. And it's a bunch of Bird-Marines bringing this back!

Ergo, the Twilight Crows were due for a Pan to the head by the local Inquisition until Alien Skynet did pest control.
But we all know that every loyalist traitor marine became a black shield and every blackshield became an ultramarine. Ergo, it's fine- these totally aren't Night Lord loyalists (that is a concept that's probably cool enough to get attention to), we have dismissed these claims.
But we all know that every loyalist traitor marine became a black shield and every blackshield became an ultramarine. Ergo, it's fine- these totally aren't Night Lord loyalists (that is a concept that's probably cool enough to get attention to), we have dismissed these claims.
Tangentially related, but personally I've always liked the idea that the surviving loyalists from traitor legions are probably the furthest from their old Legions that you can find, both as a survival mechanism in the Imperium and to completely disavow their old allegiances.

Like, loyalist World Eaters who decided to found a Chapter of the most calm and zen motherfuckers you can find in the Imperium, because fuck everything that Angron was about. Or Night Lords who dedicated themselves to protecting the people of the Imperium and inspiring hope because screw you Curze, there was a better way.
Like, loyalist World Eaters who decided to found a Chapter of the most calm and zen motherfuckers you can find in the Imperium, because fuck everything that Angron was about.
Read: A Librarian who wasn't on Bodt or Terra.
Or Night Lords who dedicated themselves to protecting the people of the Imperium and inspiring hope because screw you Curze, there was a better way.
I mean, the Terran Night Lords were deliberately chosen to be made from feral murder-babies that grew up in sewers converted into prison-pits. Like full on Time Machine Morlocks. Which is also what most of Nostromo's population was because the Victorian England Horror Show has to be present. Rejecting Curze would mean rejecting everything the Emperor and the galaxy conspired to mold them into. Nobles relinquishing the power and brutal violence over the subordinates who carry out their decrees. Rapists, drug lords, and serial killers basically reforming themselves.

The Night Lords were The Space Dirlewanger Brigade, how the hell do you pull a 180 from that and not get violently ripped apart?
Read: A Librarian who wasn't on Bodt or Terra.

I mean, the Terran Night Lords were deliberately chosen to be made from feral murder-babies that grew up in sewers converted into prison-pits. Like full on Time Machine Morlocks. Which is also what most of Nostromo's population was because the Victorian England Horror Show has to be present. Rejecting Curze would mean rejecting everything the Emperor and the galaxy conspired to mold them into. Nobles relinquishing the power and brutal violence over the subordinates who carry out their decrees. Rapists, drug lords, and serial killers basically reforming themselves.

The Night Lords were The Space Dirlewanger Brigade, how the hell do you pull a 180 from that and not get violently ripped apart?
It would require very specific chains of events, I don't deny that, but we know that in canon out of a hundred thousand-ish Night Lords there were a few handfuls who were, if not decent people, then at least capable of recognizing that Curze was wrong and trying to be better when prompted by the circumstances.

Take Night Lords who were recruited right after Konrad's discovery when Nostramo hadn't yet backslid into being a complete shithole, some of whom we know actually believed in a better future, and assign them to an expeditionary fleet away from the main bulk of the Legion where they could garner differing perspectives. Add in what happened to Nostramo in their absence and the horrors of the Heresy, and I could see a band of loyalists deciding to become something other than what they were made to be, out of spite towards a father who gave up on the dream and a Legion that betrayed them.

I don't think that's impossible. Implausible? Fuck yeah. But it's a fun thought I like to keep around.
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Take Night Lords who were recruited right after Konrad's discovery when Nostramo hadn't yet backslid into being a complete shithole, some of whom we know actually believed in a better future, and assign them to an expeditionary fleet away from the main bulk of the Legion where they could garner differing perspectives. Add in what happened to Nostramo in their absence and the horrors of the Heresy, and I could see a band of loyalists deciding to become something other than what they were made to be, out of spite towards a father who gave up on the dream and a Legion that betrayed them.

I don't think that's impossible. Implausible? Fuck yeah. But it's a fun thought I like to keep around.

It might be implausible but if anything happens to this quest it's definitely a concept I'd show up for. Someone managing to rise up out of the horrific shitshow of the Night Lords to be a halfway moral human being would be dramatically compelling to say the least.
Turn 3 040-045.M42 Ork Hunting Part 2
Three hundred Space Marines cannot kill a million Orks. But they can kill a thousand Orks a thousand times.

That is the principle with which the Adeptus Astartes wage war. Concentration of force inflicting defeat in detail. You do not have to fight every Ork at once, only the ones in front of you.

And it is also the strategy you employ against Snikrot's Orks, Demi-Company taskforces plunging into the equatorial jungles on search and destroy missions. A massed aerial bombardment hits the Snakebite fortress: the Orks will rebuild the damage in short order, but at least it will keep them occupied.

The Steel Dragons advance under the cover of Land Speeders and gunships, blasting everything they come across before moving on. Ork patrols are slaughtered, outposts demolished and spore-infested undergrowth put to the torch. You do not stop to hold ground, overwhelming the greenskin response with raw speed. By the time they muster in numbers against you, you are already a hundred kilometers away, attacking another target. And when they move to pursue, another task force hits them from behind.

The outlying areas are easy prey, but as the spearheads penetrate deeper into the jungle the density of Orks grows ever greater, and so too does intensity of the fighting. Where the Steel Dragons risk being bogged down you assign gunships on fire support missions, Thunderhawks dropping incendiary payloads and spraying Ork hordes with underwing heavy bolters. And where your men risk being overwhelmed, you extract them by air and take advantage of the now out of position Orks to hit a different, vulnerable area. Even so, you have yet to breach into the heart of the forest, and that is where the true fighting will be had.

You take to the field personally several times, commanding a number of different task forces, but in truth your most valuable contribution is your handling of the campaign's logistics. A force of Astartes this large on a purgation mission consume ammunition more voraciously than entire Regiments of Imperial Guard, and resupply runs must be organized precisely to keep up the tempo. For this, you must coordinate the delivery timetables of fresh ammunition from Voss-Prime, as well as Thunderhawk or Drop Pod deliveries into the deep jungle.

It is during this time that you examine the possibilities of obtaining additional support for your campaign. The Steel Dragons can kill as many Orks as you like, but you cannot hope to exert control over the jungle long-term. Ideally, you would cull the greenskin numbers enough that the ADF could later step in to handle suppressing and eventually eradicating the xenos over the course of many decades or even centuries, but it always pays off to start the process as early as possible.

The other idea that crosses your mind is that with negligible air assets or defences, the greenskins would be a perfect target for a few Navy Bomber or Gunship Wings. You've been exploiting the same weakness yourselves, but you only have so many Thunderhawks, and they must handle supply runs and transportation in addition to providing air support.

[Rolled 75, 71, 28]

Fortunately, it seems that Raukov has taken your assignment of Pra'Tar and Second Company to the Ash Wastes as a matter of personal honour. He cannot allow himself to be seen as being outdone by the Steel Dragons, and so he has assigned several Regiments of the ADF to your aid. It is in truth a token force, but even a few depleted and exhausted Regiments go a long way towards securing your back lines and ensuring the Orks do not creep back into areas already put to the flame.

[Rolled 68, 15, 27]

The Navy is… more difficult. The Administratum still smarts from being outvoted on the matter of Armageddon as well as losing one of the Munitorum's major supply worlds, and this attitude filters down the ranks. Lord-Admiral Ishmael Kuzmathoff is Parol's replacement as the commander of Battlefleet Armageddon, and by all accounts the man knows exactly who signs his paychecks. You know without having to ask that to gain his support, even for a relatively small and low-risk engagement, will cost you dearly.

Still, there is another option. Despite Parol's sidelining, you still have a broad base of support among the Admirals and Vice-Admirals of the Battlefleet, and they have the authority to order a deployment without going through Kuzmathoff. You would have to time it well, when the Lord Admiral is off-system, and it would likely worsen relations with the man further when he returns to find out about it, but it might just be worth it to end the Ork threat on Armageddon once and for all.

[] Formally petition Battlefleet Armageddon for aid against the Orks. You will owe Lord-Admiral Kuzmathoff 1-2 Major Favors.
[] Go behind Kuzmathoff's back to have Air Wings assigned to the jungle campaign. Will worsen relationship with Kuzmathoff from Suspect to Bad.
[] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.
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[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.

I really don't want to owe a man who seems to dislike us any favors, nor do I want him to dislike us more.
Good to see you updating again
[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.

What panzerarm said although I think it's going to be a grind to get the orks out of the heart of the jungle
[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.

I don't think he dislikes us so much as he knows freely associated with us gains him more problems than it solves. And that's just how politics go sometimes, the important thing is to not hold that against him and turn someone who's largely ambivalent and wary into an outright foe and obstacle to be worked around.

Besides, a large part of this campaign is a way to blood and train our marines, 'Unto the Anvil of War' and all that jazz. Naval fire support is all well and good, but we want to make sure the Steel Dragons develop their own ways and doctrines for fighting.
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[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.
[X] Formally petition Battlefleet Armageddon for aid against the Orks. You will owe Lord-Admiral Kuzmathoff 1-2 Major Favors.

Partly to be contrarian, but also because I'm fine with owing the Navy a favor or two for expediting this campaign. This is a training exercise for our Astarte but it's also a war with Orcs in a sensitive area, and the sooner we can claim a victory the better for us.
[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.
While I hate this, getting involved in politics here is a losing battle. The favors that the Lord-Admiral would demand of us would likely cause us to burn other bridges
[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.

We can still keep fighting the Orks, they can be used elsewhere probably
[X] Formally petition Battlefleet Armageddon for aid against the Orks. You will owe Lord-Admiral Kuzmathoff 1-2 Major Favors.
Having a working relationship with him is the first step to dragging our reputation with him up to Neutral.
[X] Formally petition Battlefleet Armageddon for aid against the Orks. You will owe Lord-Admiral Kuzmathoff 1-2 Major Favors.
[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.

This can maybe be revisited but i dont think its worth owing favors to or antagonizing the navy for what amounts to busywork is wise.
[X] Formally petition Battlefleet Armageddon for aid against the Orks. You will owe Lord-Admiral Kuzmathoff 1-2 Major Favors.

We are all the Emperor's servants, after all.
[X] You cannot afford to be indebted to or in bad terms with the Navy, and will make do without them.
[X] Formally petition Battlefleet Armageddon for aid against the Orks. You will owe Lord-Admiral Kuzmathoff 1-2 Major Favors.

The support will be worth the favours
[X] Formally petition Battlefleet Armageddon for aid against the Orks. You will owe Lord-Admiral Kuzmathoff 1-2 Major Favors.