Bulwark Against The Terror (Warhammer 40k Chapter Master Quest)

We had a whole thing about the 1000 marine limit earlier. Very much not a hard limit.

And yeah, obviously if we get our hands on a Relic vehicle we're keeping it, whatever it is.

I don't even think the Imperium would care much if we went over. The Salamanders distinctly ignored the codex Astartes and did their own thing for 10,000 years. Why would their only successor chapter act any differently?

Also I have a different plan.

[X] Battlebarges are freaking rare
-[X] Relic Battle Barge
-[X] Masterwork Arsenal
-[X] Armoury Staff
-[X] Battle Barge Focus
-[X] Expanded Armoury

Because Emperor damned Battle Barges are some of the rarest assets in the Imperium. They take a century to build, almost as long to repair from hulked status and are some of the toughest ships in existence.

Strike cruisers? We can earn several via deeds and capture in the same time it would take to begin to earn a Battlebarge.

Get this up front now, rather than come to regret not having it later on in quest.

It really is that important.
No one cares if you have a few good years/decades with unexpectedly light casualties, but if you deliberately try to accumulate power instead of go out and kill shit and be killed in return, well, that's what Guilliman's restriction is about, and the Empire has tremendous cultural trauma about rebel Space Marine factions. Anyways, will be many decades before we have to worry about that.
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Salamanders Company Organization
Speaking of Salamanders and the Codex, there's something I wanted to get out of the way so it doesn't confuse people going forward.

Namely, the Company organization of the Salamanders. Games Workshop, being their usual selves, have been incredibly inconsistent about it over the years, leaving me with quite the headache.

The issue is this: each of the Salamanders Companies is said to correspond to and recruit exclusively from one of the seven Sanctuary-Cities of Nocturne: Themis, Epimethus, Heliosa, Aethonian, Clymene, Hesiod and Skarokk. Each city houses a Chapter Bastion in which the corresponding Company spends their time mingling among the mortals and even their former families. The Veteran 1st Company dwells on the moon of Prometheus and the Scout Company has no permanent base, roaming the deserts and mountains of Nocturne. All well and good.

Except, if you've been keeping up, that would give us nine Companies. But every detailed depiction of the Salamanders organization shows they have seven. Not seven line Companies plus Veterans and Scouts, but seven total. So how the hell does that work? Does one city only produce Scouts, and one city is so awesome they instantly become Veterans? Or are there just two cities that aren't allowed to become Salamanders? No, that's ridiculous. The 8th edition codex supplement tries to fix this by saying the ties between city and Company are "just ceremonial" but frankly that's rubbish. Close ties with their mortal roots are the cornerstone of Salamander lore.

There is another matter as well, which is that the Salamanders Companies are overstrength at twelve Squads except for the Scouts. So if we take the approach of them having nine Companies, twelve Squads per Company ends with them being overstrength compared to a Codex Chapter, even though they're consistently described as understrength and few in number.

Personally, I suspect that what happened was that the original intent was for nine Companies of normal size, with each Line Company corresponding to a Sanctuary-City. But then GW writers in their infinite wisdom saw the line "Each of the Salamanders' seven line Companies is recruited exclusively from one of the seven settlements of Nocturne" and what they took away from that was that they only have seven Companies. And then they decided to buff them up to 120 per Company to make up for it.

I could just say that the Salamanders have nine normal-sized Companies, but I actually quite like the Salamander Company organization of seven Tactical Squads, two Assault Squads and three Devastator Squads, which reflects how they don't like using Jump Packs and prefer focusing on firepower. Gives them unique flavor.

But that leaves us with a bit of a problem as to how to resolve this inconsistency of the Salamanders being over- and understrength at the same time.

And, for the purposes of this Quest, the solution is this:

Salamanders have nine Companies, 1st being the Veteran Company, 2nd-8th being Line Companies with the Scout Company as the 9th.

All recruits regardless of birth start in the Scout Company, which is usually smaller than most other Chapters due to stringent aspirant standards and Nocturne's low population, but as with other Chapters doesn't have a set size due to the random fluctuations of recruitment numbers from year to year. From there, once they ascend to become a fully-fledged Marine instead of progressing through the Reserve Companies they are placed with the Line Company that corresponds to the Sanctuary-City from which they hail. Typically Marines remain within their Company unless ascending to the First Company or one of the specialist branches, though transfers are possible if rare should a particular Marine be better suited to another Company.

2nd-6th are Battle Companies consisting of seven Tactical Squads, two Assault Squads and three Devastator Squads, while the 7th and 8th are the Tactical and Devastator Companies, consisting of eight Tactical Squads and four Devastator Squads as well as eight Devastator Squads and four Tactical Squads, respectively. Though called Reserve Companies as a nod to the Codex and to easier explain them to those outside of the Chapter, the 7th and 8th Companies function as equals to the Battle Companies rather than support elements, their specialized compositions reflecting the culture of their home city and their role within the Chapter's battle line, these being vehicles pilots and heavy firepower.

Notably, despite their nominal strength of 120 Astartes, the Line and Veteran Companies rarely if ever reach full strength due to both the Salamanders' low recruitment rate and how active they are in the Imperium's defence, eschewing tactics that would reduce Astartes casualties at the expense of civilian lives. As such, the Chapter is perpetually understrength, squads seldom reaching full ten members.

The above may not be quite canon, or rather it's pieced together from multiple differing sources and welded together with bits of headcanon, but in my opinion it's the best way to resolve it in a way that's both internally consistent while preserving what's unique about the Salamanders, and so that's the way it will be in Bulwark Against the Terror.
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Seven cities? *checks map* huh, with Hive Hades destroyed (pretty sure Gazgul dropped a meteor on it in the second Ork war?) there are seven Hives on Armageddon. Convenient.
Seven cities? *checks map* huh, with Hive Hades destroyed (pretty sure Gazgul dropped a meteor on it in the second Ork war?) there are seven Hives on Armageddon. Convenient.
I found which Chaos God wants use now. Nurgle NO! Hey @Blackout, just how likely is it for nurgle to want us and Armageddon, Death guard vs salamanders round 2: Armageddon
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Seven cities? *checks map* huh, with Hive Hades destroyed (pretty sure Gazgul dropped a meteor on it in the second Ork war?) there are seven Hives on Armageddon. Convenient.
Indeed, Ghazghkull dropped rocket-boosted asteroids on Hades as his opening move for the Third War for Armageddon, the site of Yarrick's victory against him fifty-seven years before.

And yes, that is indeed the Chapter organization you will start with, one Company for each Hive City, in the manner of your progenitors, though you could change it afterwards if you really wanted to.
Armageddon Despite all of the orks is a lot better in term of habitat compared to Nocturne so populations wise we should be better in that front
I wonder if we had a extra company we're it was on home guard and was staffed by marines that have stopped being scouts this is so they learn patience or something and interact with locals and help out
Armageddon Despite all of the orks is a lot better in term of habitat compared to Nocturne so populations wise we should be better in that front
The main trick is making sure the aspirant quality stays up, I think, assuming we accept the setting's conceit that the best Space Marines come from punishing hellscapes. The current population is battle-hardened and likely will have a good crop, but a century or two down the line, those pressures might have relaxed, leading to worse recruits.
The main trick is making sure the aspirant quality stays up, I think, assuming we accept the setting's conceit that the best Space Marines come from punishing hellscapes. The current population is battle-hardened and likely will have a good crop, but a century or two down the line, those pressures might have relaxed, leading to worse recruits.
I don't think that will be an issue honestly. We're on Armageddon. And with the galaxy heating up and the big players starting to rouse from their sleep, we'll be seeing no shortage of action.

Plus, we're on a major Hive world, even if the average quality of aspirant potential goes down we're not after the average, we're after 0.0001% of the population, which, naturally, are far more numerous when there are simply more people.
The main trick is making sure the aspirant quality stays up, I think, assuming we accept the setting's conceit that the best Space Marines come from punishing hellscapes. The current population is battle-hardened and likely will have a good crop, but a century or two down the line, those pressures might have relaxed, leading to worse recruits.
This is Armageddon the constant attack from local orks should keep that standard up or at least higher compared to a planet without orks
Armageddon will have its own set of challenges compared to Nocturne. Easier in some ways, harder in others.

Salamanders have co-existed with the people of Nocturne for 10,000 years in a symbiotic relationship, influencing them and being influenced in turn. I look forward to writing about how you influence Armageddon, and how Armageddon influences you.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Blackout on Nov 21, 2021 at 8:50 AM, finished with 81 posts and 31 votes.
Chapter Creation Part 5 Final
Your Chapter has its gene-lineage, a history to look back upon and a legacy to live up to.

It has a leader, a veteran versed in the ways of war and ready to command and guide the Chapter.

It has a homeworld, a place to rest between campaigns, an anchor of purpose and duty to draw new strength from.

It has been equipped and prepared for war, its armouries stocked with relics and forges glowing hot with the fires of creation.

But your Chapter needs one more thing, before it is ready to fulfill its duty to the Emperor.

It needs an identity.

PLAN VOTING ONLY. Plans must consist of a name, colour scheme and symbol. For the colour scheme I request that you make a visual representation of said scheme using one of the army painters you can find online, such as B&C Space Marine Painter, Chapter Generator, or hell grab a blank template and fill it in with MS Paint if you'd like. For the symbol an image is preferred but not necessary, description is sufficient.

Example Plan:
[] Plan Ash Wyrms
-Name: Ash Wyrms
-Colour Scheme:

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On mobile, but I was thinking the Steel Dragons, to kind of match up with Armageddon's Steel Legion.

Main Color would be a plain unpainted Steel with a Yellow or Gold secondary for decal. Like SteelWriter77's but the armor would match the color of the hammer.

SteelWriter77's symbol looks pretty great.