Loyal to the End : A Traitor Progenitor Chapter Master Quest

Toting a Volkite culverin and Tartaros pattern armor would be hilarious. Even heavy infantry like Chaos Space Marines are going to melt under that much fire power- and it plays into a lot of our chapter cultural traits.
Are we voting or was that a taster for us
Careful reading might reveal
Here is more WIP notes for the second round of MC creation:
All Mastercrafted, all special in some way, will add fancy text and stuff with the proper update
Finest Hour
-Stuff with Orks
-Stuff with Nids
-Stuff with Iron Warriors
-Stuff with some super unthankful, grinding job on some Emperor forsaken planet
-Choice of boni to one stat, you know the drill
It was a Work in Progress taste/mood tester

I will always advocate for a good ol' Melta cause they without fail are guaranteed to fuck stuff up no matter the foe.
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Chapter Creation Part 3
[X] Plan: Iron is in the blood
-[X]Iron Men - Part of the traditions to become a true member of the Chapter requires a marine to learn how to maintain, repair and, depending on personal talents; create new wargear.
-[X] Architects - Every Astartes of the chapter is skilled and proficient in designing, constructing and organizing the construction of structures, military or civilian.
-[X] Flesh Within Flesh Without - The chapter values the training, upkeep and maintenance of their Emperor given Astartes flesh. The chapter Apothecaries are exceptionally skilled and the techmarines often follow the doctrine of the Mechanicus Genetors. (Bonus to healing injured Astartes, bonus to successful gene seed implantation and reduced neophyte death)
-[X]Maintainers of the Ancient - The Chapter reveres its relics. (Starts with additional, rare reliquary weapons, armor and vehicles and has a bonus to repairing such items and restoring them to active service)
-[X] Integrated serfs - Chapter serfs are well trained and integrated into wider chapter operations. (Small bonus to overall chapter operations)
-[X]Grudgebearers - The chapter overall has a really hard time letting go of past grudges. (Pick two additional faction from the 'Reputation with other Imperial Faction' list to have a negative starting relationship with. Malus to improving faction reputations into the positive)
-[X] Duty Overcomes Glory - As was learned and forced upon them during the Great Crusade, the Chapter continues to operate and send their Astartes to missions and battles where little glory is to be found, keeping to their duty, seeing little use in taking credit for their accomplishments and in seeing this as a just punishment for the harm their traitorous kin cause. (Malus to reputation gain, starts with lowered reputation with all factions)
-[X]Deathwatch Penance - The Chapter has sworn an oath to pledge a certain fraction of their active battle brothers, thirty veterans, to the numbers of the Deathwatch (Bonus to Relationship with the Ordo Xenos)
-[X] Attritional Warfare - The way the chapter fights is very attritional on their equipment. (Wargear getting damaged or destroyed is more likely)

[X] Plan: Deadeye
-[X] Daedalus Diamantis
-[X] Devastator (+2 Ballistic Skill)
-[X] Born Leader (+2 Leadership)
-[X] Former Sternguard (+1 Ballistic Skill, Additional Ranged Relic Weapon)

Chapter Creation Part 3

The Legions were gone and dismantled, reformed into the Adeptus Astartes, yet nothing changed for you. Your new Chapter's path forward was clear and definite. Your accursed primarch had been consumed by his desire for recognition and praise. He had been weak. You would never suffer the same weakness. The Chapter would not care for recognition or glory; duty overcame both. While other chapters basked in their reputation and scoured the galaxy for worthy enemies to fight, you continued as the true Iron Warriors always had - sending your Battle Brothers to missions and battles where little glory was to be found - the most brutal and grueling battles of attrition against the worst and most horrifying enemies of the Emperor. You keep to your duty, seeing little use in taking credit for your accomplishments as just punishment for the harm your traitorous kin continue to cause. Perhaps one day when the last Iron Warrior has fallen, you may reveal your true nature to the Imperium for judgment, but traitorous kin yet remain.

Amidst the mire, ash, mud, and desolation of countless battle- and shell-scarred planets, your combat style mirrored the very essence of your surroundings—relentless attrition. The passing decades and centuries after the Second Founding took a toll on your Chapter, your Astartes, and their equipment. In order to avert annihilation, the specter of being eroded away by countless mechanical failures, slashes, gunshots, and craters on Astartes flesh and ceramite armors, you had to change. The Chapter had to embrace change. Gone were the days of Legion-sized forces; your ranks now comprised a mere one thousand Astartes at best, if you did not push the limits of the Codex.

The Iron Warriors had always exemplified tenacity, intelligence, and craftiness. They were dispatched alone to confront the most horrifying adversaries, never once uttering a complaint. These were the virtues you needed to embody, the commendable ones, for the Imperium did not lavish you with the same support and affection bestowed upon certain other Chapters. First and foremost were the apothecaries. If their apothecariums overflowed with the wounded, they had to improve. Rising to the occasion meant delving deeper into their studies, accumulating greater knowledge of Astartes physiology and geneseed science. They had to master the art of mending injured flesh, stabilizing geneseed, and enhancing the survivability and compatibility for neophytes. Matters concerning flesh extended far beyond the confines of the Apothecarium. The Chapter's techmarines, too, became proficient in the realm of biological sciences. Maintaining and training their Emperor-blessed bodies became a sacred ritual for all Battle Brothers.

The next challenge faced was the relentless breakdown and damage of your equipment. If this unrelenting attrition became your new reality, a punishment or test that you had to endure, you would not falter. To truly become a member of your Chapter, a battle Brother had to learn the art of maintenance, repair, and, depending on their personal talents, even the creation of new wargear.

The techmarines transformed into master artificers, their expertise expanding to encompass the preservation and restoration of the most ancient and revered relics and weapons stored within your armories. Embracing your origin as siegecrafters, you eagerly delved into the skills of designing and constructing mighty fortifications, forged from unyielding plaststeel and ferrocrete. These formidable structures would alleviate the toll on your lives and wargear, serving as a bulwark against the battles waged. Moreover, the abilities you honed during battle found a new purpose in the aftermath—the reconstruction of war-torn worlds. It was yet another way for you to demonstrate penance and redemption for the devastation caused by the Arch-traitor's rebellion.

Both changes extended to your Chapter Serfs. Mortal as they were, they could still be of use. If they wanted to assist in the new reality, they needed to be competent, they needed tenacity, intelligence, and craftiness. Medicae serfs were instructed deep enough into the secrets of Astartes science's that other chapters would have been left speechless in shock and awe, tech menials were taught, drilled and instructed by the techmarines in all matters technical and biological. They were mortals, but their work was the foundation the chapter rested on. You taught them how to monitor geneseed and perform operations on Astartes, how to drive and pilot the vehicles of the Chapters armory, how to repair and maintain Astartes wargear, how to build and construct like you could. Occasionally, notable names, great medicae, architects or artificers, emerged among the serfs and they were put to use accordingly. Everything else would have been inefficient.

The millenia churned on and you were in the middle of it. When the Deathwatch was founded, you saw an opportunity, another chance for penance, another chance to perform your duty without glory. You swore an oath to maintain a standing presence at the Deathwatch of at least thirty of your veteran Astartes, an oath you kept no matter how much the Chapter was reduced in the last ten thousand years.

Ten thousand years you have endured, but there are still details missing about the Chapter? What are they? (Planvote)

Combat Specialization (Pick one)
[]Siege - The Chapter is renowned for its ability to lay siege upon fortified opponents and possess a larger number of Whirlwinds, Vindicators, Thundercannons and Centurion Battlesuits.
[]Shock Assault - The Chapter is renowned for its ability to overwhelm enemy positions with brutal shock assaults and possesses a larger number of Land Raiders, Terminator Suits and Dreadnoughts.
[]Mechanized - The Chapter is renowned for their ability to maneuver and wage war as mechanized formations, possessing a large number of Predator tanks and enough Rhinos and Razorbacks to transport the entire chapter.
[]Write-in (Subject to QM Veto)

Fleet or Planet Based (Pick one)
[]Fleet-based - The Chapter does not have a homeworld, instead possessing a large fleet and a number of recruiting worlds.
[]Planet-based - The Chapter has been granted a homeworld from which they operate in the wider sector and beyond.

Homeworld, (If planet based, pick one) or Recruitment World (If fleet based, pick three, remember you do not necessarily govern them)
[]Hive-World - Overpopulated industrialized planets dominated by sprawling hive cities teeming with billions of inhabitants. The constant warfare and strife in the dangerous lower levels provides a constant source of battle hardened aspirants. (Only an option for recruitment world, I am not giving you a hive-world to play with)(Can only be picked for recruitments once)(++Neophyte numbers)
[]Civilized-World - Advanced and well-developed planets with organized societies, infrastructure, and technology. (+Neophyte numbers)
[]Feral- or Feudal-World - Primitive planets inhabited by tribal or feudal societies with limited technology and close connection to nature, the rough life they live making for hardened potential aspirants. (+Neophyte quality)
[]Death-World - Harsh and hostile planets with deadly environments, extreme predators, and hazardous conditions that test the limits of survival. Only the strongest will thrive here. (++ Neophyte quality, - Neophyte numbers)
[]Garden-World - Islands of peace and calm in an otherwise hostile galaxy. Some may deride our aspirants as naïve and soft but they pass the same harsh trials as any other and know what beauty remains in the Imperium worth fighting for. (-neophyte quality, reputation bonus to non-space marine imperial factions)

Homeworld description (if planet based)
[][Optional]Write-in name, description, etc. (Subject to QM veto)

Rule (Pick one, if planet-based)
[]Direct - The chapter leadership takes an active effort in governing their realm.(still won't be a planquest)
[]Stewardship - The Chapter has handed off many of the administrative and governmental decisions to local leaders, who act in their name and with the knowledge their Astartes masters are watching.
[]Distant Rule - As long as the needs of the chapter are met, the local government is left alone.

Fortress Monastery (Pick one, if planet-based)
[]Surface Fortress - The Fortress Monastery is a great fortress of mighty walls, bunker complexes and defensive installations, an indomitable bulwark containing all the facilities a Space Marine chapter might require for their operations.
[]Orbital Station - The Fortress Monastery is a mighty, colossal space station orbiting their homeworld.
[]Moon Base - The homeworld has a moon, upon which the Chapter has erected their fortress monastery.
-[][Optional]Write-in name, description, etc. (Subject to QM veto)
[]Asteroid Base - The home system has an asteroid belt, into the largest of which the Chapter has built their fortress monastery.

Fleet (Pick one, if fleet-based)
[]Forge Ship - The Chapter possesses a single, ancient, colossal forge ship serving as the Chapter Monastery.
[]Ramilles Class Star-Fort - The Chapter possesses a single gigantic semi-mobile space station capable of moving through warp space. This class of star-fort exists in scant supply and is vital to the void fleets as forward fleet base.
[]Additional Battle Barges - The Chapter is graced with a larger number of battle barges equipped with the respective facilities to support chapter operations.
[]Additional Strike Cruisers - The Chapter is graced with an especially large number of Strike Cruisers equipped with the respective facilities to support chapter operations.

Recruitment Practises (Pick One)
[]Blood Duel - A ritualistic combat where aspirants face each other in a fight to the death to prove their martial prowess and determination. (- Training time)
[]Hunting the Hunter - Aspirants are tasked with tracking and defeating a deadly and elusive predator to demonstrate their skills in hunting and combat. (+Neophyte quality)
[]Exposure - Aspirants endure extreme environments or hazardous conditions to test their endurance, resilience, and adaptability. (- Training time, - Recruit success)
[]Knowledge of Self - Aspirants undergo introspective trials to confront their fears, weaknesses, and doubts, ultimately forging a strong sense of self and mental fortitude. (- -Training time, - - Recruit success)
[]Challenge - Aspirants face a series of progressively difficult physical and mental challenges designed to assess their overall capabilities and determination. (++ Neophyte quality, - Recruit success)
[]Apprenticeship - Aspirants are assigned to a seasoned Space Marine as a mentor, learning from them and assisting in their duties to gain practical experience and prove their worthiness. (+++ Neophyte quality, +++ Training time)

Reputation with other Imperial factions: (Choose two positive and three negative)
[]Adeptus Mechanicus
[]Adeptus Administratum
[]Adeptus Astartes
-[]Write-in Successor Type (I will fanon up a chapter of that heritage that operates in the same sector of space as you)
[]Imperial Guard
[]Imperial Navy
[]Ordo Xenos
[]Ordo Hereticus
[]Ordo Malleus
[]Adeptus Astra Telepathica
[]Sector Command
[]Rouger Trader (I'll fanon one up)

What are the Chapter's name, colors, symbol and warcry? (Separate Planvote)

Chapter Heraldry:
Chapter Name: []Write-in (Subject to QM veto)
Chapter Colors: []Write-in or picture (Subject to QM veto)
Chapter Symbol: []Write-in or picture (Subject to QM veto)
Chapter Warcry: []Write-in (Subject to QM veto)

As for you, you are Daedalus Diamantis, renowned veteran of the chapter. You rose from the position of a devastator marine into the honored ranks of the first company's sternguard. Proving yourself a natural leader of the battle brothers under your command, and after few more centuries of war and battle, you were promoted to the honored rank of Brother Captain and assigned lead the third company of the Chapter. This was long ago, from your perspective, for the tides of the Warp you are caught in are hellish, stretching and twisting time and space around you.

There are more details about you, the wargear you wield and the victories you fought, what were they? (Separate Planvote)

Relic Ranged Weapon: (Some additional options were added because of maintainers of the ancient)(Pick one)
[]Stalker Bolter - Emperor's Reach: The Reliquary Stalker Bolter, once wielded by a long-departed scout captain, fires heavy, armor-piercing shells with uncanny accuracy, its targeting cogitators guided by an otherworldly intuition that seeks out the weak points in enemy armor.
[]Combi Bolter - Double Headed Eagle - An ancient combi bolter, the bolter part of the weapon somehow dealing greater damage to foes as if wanting to keep up with the other half.
-[]Flamer - A blessed Flamer that, having aided in the vanquishing of a Greater Daemon of Nurgle, wields a bright, pure flame capable of inflicting extraordinary harm upon the foul minions of Chaos.
-[]Melta - The Meltagun half of the Combi Bolter projects an intense and tightly focused heat beam, boasting superior armor-piercing capabilities that surpass those of its counterparts.
-[]Plasma - Infused with the energy of a wrathful star, the plasma gun half of the combi bolter unleashes blasts of plasma that detonate with thr diameter, though not quite the strength, of a plasma cannon.
-[]Grav - The Gravgun half of the Combi Bolter resonates with an undying fury in its cogitators, empowered to dismantle hostile fortifications far beyond the expectations of its design, reducing them to rubble with devastating graviton blasts.
[]Plasma Gun - Sunblaster: The mastercrafted Plasma Gun, utilizing rare archeotech cooling and plasma coils, overcomes traditional overheating issues.
[]Volkite Caliver - A volkite caliver, a portable relic from the age of the Great Crusade, carriying within its temperamental machine spirit the potential for both subpar and exceptional performance, its output varying unpredictably in the heat of battle.
[]Sternguard Bolter - Stern Wrath: An artificer boltgun bestowed upon the Chapter by the Deathwatch, this sacred relic features incredibly reliable mechanisms, enhanced further by an archeotech scope and a custom munition feeding mechanism, seamlessly capable of switching between three different inserted bolt magazines.
[]Wrist Mounted Storm Bolter - Boltstorm: Inspired by the renowned Dorn's Arrow of the Crimson Fist Chapter, this relatively recent addition is a wrist-mounted storm bolter, belt-fed from a back-mounted ammo crate, providing a continuous storm of bolter fire.
[]Autocannon (Requires Terminator Armor) - Mars: Named after its forge world of origin, Mars is an Autocannon that has accompanied the chapter for ten millennia, gaining a reputation for being unbreakable and indestructible, never jamming even when clogged with ash, sand, and dirt, all while maintaining an increased fire rate, having been utilized to brutally dispatch several traitorous Astartes under its relentless fire or by being bashed to death with its barrel.
[]Plasma Cannon (Requires Terminator Armor) - Solar Auxilia: Renowned throughout the Chapter, this Plasma Cannon boasts adamantium reinforced power and cooling mechanisms, allowing for operation without the usual overheating issues, ensuring a steady stream of devastating plasma fire.
[]Volkite Culverin (Requires Terminator Armor) - A volkite Culverin, the heaviest and most potent man-portable iteration of all Volkite technology from the times of the great crusade. Time has given it a temperamental and fickle machine spirit, sometimes performing much below or vastly above normal operational parameters.
[]Heavy Flamer (Requires Terminator Armor) - Traitor's Hell - An ancient heavy flamer with an extraordinary range, its purging flames engulf a larger area compared to other heavy flamers, emitting an eerie, searing hot, bright blue fire that causes stone and ceramics to bubble and melt in its malevolent wake.

Relic Armor Stuff ((Some additional options were added because of maintainers of the ancient)(Pick One)
[]Artificer Armor - Armor of Wisdom: An Artificer Armor, a revered relic based on the Mk III pattern, carrying the genius of a legendary techpriest within its machine spirit, bestowing upon the wearer a fraction of his intelligence through the black carapace.
[]Iron Halo - Aura of Purpose: An Iron Halo, its outer shell allegedly forged from the blessed casings of loyalist bolt shells fired during the Siege of Terra, emanates an uplifting presence that instills unwavering purpose in all nearby, leaving no doubt of its wearer's steadfast dedication.
[]Storm Boarding Shield - Palace's Walls: A revered Astartes boarding shield that bore witness to the assault on the Imperial Palace, a massive plate of adamantine, ceramite and plasteel reinforced by a formidable gravitic shield generator capable of deflecting enemy attacks back, sometimes even at them. Chapter records allude that it once managed to deflect the blast of a Chaos Warhounds Turbo-Laser Destructor back at it, heavily damaging the corrupted monstrosity, but the details are lost.
[]Indomitus Pattern Terminator Armor - Armor of Teklan: An Indomitus Pattern Terminator Armor, battered and repaired countless times, embodying the indomitable willpower of those who have worn this sacred suit into the most grueling battles, forever shaping the wearer to rise above even the harshest adversities.
[]Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armor - Legion's Bulwark: A Cataphractii Pattern Terminator Armor, renowned for its unparalleled resilience and steadfastness, surpassing even its counterparts in unwavering durability, although at the cost of even greater cumbersomeness.
[]Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armor - A Tartaros Pattern Terminator Armor, its eager machine spirit imbuing the wearer with enhanced agility and fine motor control, allows for swift and precise movements despite the still typically ponderous nature of the pattern.

Standard Equipment:
-Bolt Pistol
-Aquila Mk VII Power Armor
-Iron Halo
-Power Maul
-Frag Grenades
-Krak Grenades

If Terminator Armor:
-Iron Halo
-Power Maul

Finest Hour: (Pick One)
[]Fistfighting Orks - Amidst the ferocity of Ork purging operations, you confronted a towering Ork Warboss in a brutal clash, relying solely on your bare hands to overcome the monstrous foe, your combat prowess and strength pushed to new heights.. (+1 Weapon Skill, +1 Strength)
[]Dancing with Drukhari - As the Drukhari unleashed their terror-filled raids, your company stood at the forefront, engaging in a deadly dance of combat where their lightning-fast speed and unmatched reflexes pushed you to the very limits of your abilities. (+1 Perception, +1 Agility)
[]Corrupted Kin - Tasked with eradicating a notorious Iron Warrior warband within your sector of space, your triumph lay in outsmarting and outgunning the treacherous traitors, showcasing your superior marksmanship and tactical brilliance. (+1 Ballistic Skill, +1 Intelligence)
[]Suffering in the Siege of Udmion - In the grueling years-long siege of the heretical fortress world of Udmion, where both sides took turns as the besieged and the besieger, your indomitable will and unwavering leadership were pushed to their limits, forged amidst the unrelenting horrors of siege warfare. (+1 Willpower, +1 Fellowship)

Thanks for participating. I reserve myself the right to disregard, interpret, change and add to both WH40k and Supreme Commander lore as I see fit to support the narrative. Comments and feedback sustain my soul. No idea how far this will go or how often updates will come, I am merely exorcizing a brainworm. 12 HOUR MORATORIUM
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[] Plan: Fury Road:
-[]Mechanized - The Chapter is renowned for their ability to maneuver and wage war as mechanized formations, possessing a large number of Predator tanks and enough Rhinos and Razorbacks to transport the entire chapter.
-[]Planet-based - The Chapter has been granted a homeworld from which they operate in the wider sector and beyond.
-[]Death-World - Harsh and hostile planets with deadly environments, extreme predators, and hazardous conditions that test the limits of survival. Only the strongest will thrive here. (++ Neophyte quality, - Neophyte numbers)
-[]Distant Rule - As long as the needs of the chapter are met, the local government is left alone.
-[][Optional]Write-in name, description, etc. (Subject to QM veto)
--[] Homeworld: Cannae 6, a world ruined by an orbital battle fought in the skies above. The wreckage of hundreds of ships and countless munitions litter its surface, coating it with toxins and radiation and rusted metal. Raiders and strange mergers of flesh and technology haunt the surface, while enclaves of survivors scratch out a pitiable existence.
-[]Apprenticeship - Aspirants are assigned to a seasoned Space Marine as a mentor, learning from them and assisting in their duties to gain practical experience and prove their worthiness. (+++ Neophyte quality, +++ Training time)
-[] Positive Relations:
--[] Imperial Navy
--[]Ordo Xenos
We have the Deathwatch Penance, might as well get something out of it.
-[] Negative Relations:
--[] Ordo Hereticus
We are descended from traitor stock. Even if not publicly known, there will be a cloud.
Space Marines from the Great Crusade will have a tenuous relationship with the Emperor-as-God types.
--[]Adeptus Astartes
---[]Imperial Fists
Ancient grudges.

For relics, probably going to vote Tartarus and Plasma Cannon.
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[]Mechanized - The Chapter is renowned for their ability to maneuver and wage war as mechanized formations, possessing a large number of Predator tanks and enough Rhinos and Razorbacks to transport the entire chapter.

I will vote for whatever plan has this in it but i am trash at planning myself
@BOTcommander can you give us a sense for what the + neophyte quality translates to? For instance of we are based on a deathworld and have an apprentice structure (+++++ quality) how good are our starting neophytes?
So anyone else thinking of going all in on the intel buffing options and apprentices so that our chapter master can hopefully one day buff our apprentice to be an even more genius chapter master?

Also I really want the forge ship but at the same time want to put down roots. Then again if we stick to one sector of space we could be influential on more than one planet but that's up to dice more often then bought
@BOTcommander can you give us a sense for what the + neophyte quality translates to? For instance of we are based on a deathworld and have an apprentice structure (+++++ quality) how good are our starting neophytes?
Assume each plus counts as a decade (two turns) of Astartes experience they start out with, roughly.
would iron heart be a good chapter name
Bit on the nose, is it not.
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