Sons of the Heresy (A Traitor Marine Quest)

[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.
[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.

Someone who has witnessed the Emperor in the flesh, breathed the same air as him and walked upon the surface of holy Terra in honor and not as an invader.

Also, apothecary.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.
[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.
[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.
[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.

I may change my vote on the first but apothecary will be my final choice. Having an apothecary is paramount in surviving -and hopefully thrive- in this quest.
Balls of um.... iron?

[X] Captain Orestes, beloved by his men. You are a source of morale, charismatic and quick-thinking, able to sway mere men to your cause and embolden the hearts of even the fiercest Astartes. This translates to favoring quick, iron-swift strikes which both allow your elite to savage the enemy and spare as many of your men as is possible.

[X] The dreadnought, Valerian. The dreadnought of the 12th Company, he was the captain before you, many long thousands of years ago. He serves as a secondary leader and a valuable commander--when he is awake. To preserve the slow degradation of his faculties, he has spent thousands of years at a time asleep, and as a result, his faculties have slipped far less than those of other dreadnoughts his age, to the point where he can actively fight and command with much of the skill he did when he walked in the flesh.

Let's just make ourselves an A-team of crusade period bad-ass's. We don't need no stinking Apothecary, because we're gonna live forever!!!
Shit I forgot our dudes aren't a disposable Legion of cult- Space marines. Haha, playing too much chaos. I'm gonna keep the vote anyway, because going out in a blaze of glory is acceptable to me, as long as we were awesome/fun.

Plus more discussion would be nice.
[X] Captain Orestes, beloved by his men. You are a source of morale, charismatic and quick-thinking, able to sway mere men to your cause and embolden the hearts of even the fiercest Astartes. This translates to favoring quick, iron-swift strikes which both allow your elite to savage the enemy and spare as many of your men as is possible.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.

Welcome back GM!
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.

This will only end in tears.
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries.

Welcome back GM!

Oh shit it's the Grey Knights. No Heresy here. No sir eerie. What's the warp?
That's um.... official inquisitorial business... yeah... praise dah Emprah and his SPESS MARTENS.


I'll be going now to erm inspect the handbook thingy- I mean uplifting primer. Can never to be too wary of those Vile Xenos, amirght?
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries
[X] Captain Aahan Talaraz. Tall, silent and stern, you have wholly embraced the ideal of your great Crusade, and have devoted every waking moment for the last ten thousand years to redeeming for your fall. You committed grievous sin in following your doomed brothers for even the smallest of moments, and the shame of it smarts still. You have looked upon the Emperor's face. You have walked on Holy Terra when it was Old Earth. You know no doubt or uncertainty. Only the Emperor. And you will never fail him again.

[X] Your Apothecary, Eudamidas. Alone among all your Company, he is not an Iron Warrior. In distant decades gone by, he was a member of the Emperor's Children, Fulgrim's proud sons. He was separated from his legion before the Heresy, and never had the chance to be corrupted as they were. He is valued among the Company for his ability to take geneseed from fallen Astartes into willing volunteers from worlds you have saved. Though his process is rushed, its flaws are few, and it has kept your ranks bolstered for centuries
[X] Captain Orestes, beloved by his men. You are a source of morale, charismatic and quick-thinking, able to sway mere men to your cause and embolden the hearts of even the fiercest Astartes. This translates to favoring quick, iron-swift strikes which both allow your elite to savage the enemy and spare as many of your men as is possible.

[X] Vespasian, the Librarian. A crackling avatar of arcane energy, he served as your Librarian before the Council of Niakaea. When you escaped from Chaos, he resumed his old duties in service to the Emperor. He is immensely powerful and has had centuries to hone his skills, but he, and the rest of the Company, are all too aware of the source of his might. He has taken on more of an advisory position unless his aid is sorely needed.
Bruh, this quest's last post was in January. It's dead, or nearly so, and you aren't contributing new or relevant information.

Quests have reanimated after longer comas.

It's happened!
Quests have reanimated after longer comas.

It's happened!
Yeah, but usually by the QM posting, not some random poster coming in and voting. That doesn't usually do anything other than annoy everyone who still has the thread watched.

(stuff like fan art or what have you tends to be better received, since it's at least potentially appealing in it's own right.)
Oh, my apologies. I meant that the quest could revitalize; my post was merely to vote in case of the thread continuing. That way, I get a notification, and my vote is counted!