[X] The Artisans: A young tradesman working in his career. A sign of learning, skill, and upcoming employment.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A Lord Captain standing in all of his splendor on a bridge. A sign of bravery, cleverness, and zest for life.
[X] The Speaker: A Chartist Captain negotiating a new contract. A sign of travel, unity, and teamwork.
[X] The Artisans: A young tradesman working in his career. A sign of learning, skill, and upcoming employment.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A Lord Captain standing in all of his splendor on a bridge. A sign of bravery, cleverness, and zest for life.
[X] The Speaker: A Chartist Captain negotiating a new contract. A sign of travel, unity, and teamwork.
[X] The Imperium: A sign of the Aquila hovering over the Galaxy. A sign of moderation, temperance, and patience.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A Lord Captain standing in all of his splendor on a bridge. A sign of bravery, cleverness, and zest for life.
[X] The Speaker: A Chartist Captain negotiating a new contract. A sign of travel, unity, and teamwork.
[X] The Artisans: A young tradesman working in his career. A sign of learning, skill, and upcoming employment.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A Lord Captain standing in all of his splendor on a bridge. A sign of bravery, cleverness, and zest for life.
[X] The Speaker: A Chartist Captain negotiating a new contract. A sign of travel, unity, and teamwork.
[X] The Imperium: A sign of the Aquila hovering over the Galaxy. A sign of moderation, temperance, and patience.
[X] The Rogue Trader: A Lord Captain standing in all of his splendor on a bridge. A sign of bravery, cleverness, and zest for life.
[X] The Witch/Warlock: A rogue psyker that is unleashing their power upon the world at large. A sign of the dangers of freedom, ambition, and forbidden knowledge.
A few days later the two leaders of the Marlikath Dynasty meet the heads of her newest crew members at one of the port authority conference rooms. "Ladies and gentlemen, I do hope that you have had a chance to look over your new home? I know that it is rather unconventional and can use a little work. I vow to make the Zirnitra as fine a ship as any you can find in the Scarrus or Gothic sector, but that is going to take a lot of time and work from all of us. So I would like to hear about what you can do to aid in our future endeavors?"

A young woman steps forward like it was no question in her mind that she was going to go first. She wears a well tailored but otherwise plain greatcoat with matching tricorn hat that has the eye of the Navis Noblis embroidered on the sides. "Of course Lady Captain Marlikath, Katrina Barbazon is ready to serve. While I am not the most experienced, House Barbazon has molded me to be your guiding light in the cacophony of the Warp to your designation." She says with an overly formal bow to her new employer. Coming back up, she says, "Though I did noticed that there were a few makeshift farms for sumprats, razorgrain, and hullcaps that your crew has already set up. They are ramshackle operations, and my hobby is horticulture. If given some leeway, I could help in more ways than just guiding this ship through the warp. I can make it truly live with several gardens and hydroponic bays expanding upon what they already have down there. If I have your leave Lady Captain?"

Lichern gives a nod, "We have enough funds for what she has in mind. Would also save us a few thrones in the long run..."
"Yes," Aeysha says with a slight smile, "You both have sold me on that. It would certainly help morale to know we have a steady supply of fresh food on board, something better than what ever mutated things are crawling about the Darkholds."

"Speaking of the Darkholds, my crew is rearing to scrounge through the worst hell you got in search for good $#(&!" The last coming out as an electronic beep-screech from the tech priest that wears a hazard yellow set of armor rather than the traditional red robes. He has only one replacement eye, a breathing mask covering his nose and mouth, and oddly enough a full head of whispy hair that stands almost straight up. "Engiseer Prime Halek Morcock ready to lead the 5th Rescisco Explorators to find Archeotech and kick @$^T#)!" He says in more colorful language that you would expect from a member of the Mechanicus, more like someone in the Underhive wanting to sell you some slate. "Were ever we go, we'll )@(%^@* have those shiny bits of tech, examine it, and get it ready to @%)(& roll in the Omnissiah's name."

This leaves Aeysha speechless for a few minutes, "Well... that's great... Glad to have such fervent archeotechnologists on board. We can certainly need it with our current equipment."

"We also noticed the advanced cogitators and have set aside some hull space for a proper Laboratorium."

"@)(@& Crakin' @)(%@!&." Morcock responds with an affirmative thumbs up.

The next member of the crew step forward, an older gentleman in a light green and dull yellow armor with a matching officer's hat tucked underneath one of his shoulderpads. "Mam, Colonel Alistair McKinnley of the Calrissian 2nd Airborne Regiment. Can't wait to start kicking ass for you on the land or in the sky."

Lichern says, "It's rather odd to find a regiment that works both aerospace craft and infantry together so closely due to the whole separation of Navy and Gaurd thing."

Colonel McKinnley turns to the blond man, "Well I don't know if you've ever been to Calrissia before sir, but it's a gas giant that's upper atmosphere is breathable. We all live on large floating platforms above the endless abyss below us, so ground vehicles are particularly useless. So Lightings, Avengers, Valkyries, and Marauders replace Salamanders, Leman Russ, Chimeras, and Basilisks respectively on our world. While they might not be as powerful as the space superiority fighters, our pilots can fly circles out of them with regardless. You'll be hard pressed to find a better group of men as suited to flying through the airs than a Calrissian."

"That's excellent Colonel. We are going to need both space and ground fighters in ample supply. I'm glad that you were available to serve in my fledgling fleet," Aeysha says with as honest a smile as she can muster.

"Personally would have went with the Cynda Storm Troopers," Lichern mutters mostly to himself which earns him a really dirty look from his superior. Trying to change the subject quickly he shuffles some papers to say, "Finally we have Chiergeon Maxcilla Orbest of the Hospitaller Order of the Twin Serpent."

"I thought that we couldn't afford more than your typical medic, let alone a Hospitaller?" Aeysha asks rather confused looking at the woman in white and green in front of her.

"My Lady Captain," The older woman says with a proper bow, her impeccable hands showing some of the bionic reinforcements to keep them stable poking through her natural flesh. "I am here by request of Grand Inquisitor DeSaine who feels that you are going to need a fully functional Medicae Deck in your travels. I am only too happy to oblige my lady with this request to save the poor souls in the Ixaniad Sector."

"Ixaniad? I didn't say anything about shipping off there. I was planning on doing some work here in Scarrus before moving on." Aeysha says getting even more confused by the minute with this chiergeon.

"Didn't the Grand Inquisitor mention that your warrant also came with a claim on Archimain's Conclave of Nobles? I hear that there are several problems with the nobility and the local inquisition causing some instability with the sub-sector's leadership." Orbest says rather plainly.

"Archimain.... " Aeysha says taking a step back in surprise at this development. "That's my home world, how did that get into my new warrant? I can't believe it's simply a coincidence..."

At this Lichern is busy going over a copy of the original warrant, "Well I knew that this wasn't a brand new Warrant, but from some old dynasty that has fallen into disrepair. Here we go.... Yes, it's the old Kalithern Warrant signed in the 36th Millennium by... Oooh Goge Vandire himself."

"Really?" Aeysha asks rather uncertainly, "I couldn't make out the name on the original warrant, the High Lord's signature itself was particularly horrible pile of chicken scratches. Now I'm having second thoughts about this whole Rogue Trader thing."

"Come on Aeysha!" Lichern says trying to steer her back to the more profitable path, "This is fabulous wealth and freedom we're talking about, so much if one of the worst bastards in the history of Mankind signed it. This can do a lot of good in your hands. Besides, the Kalithern dynasty survived that time of troubles rather unscathed. It wasn't until 219 this Millennium that the last known holder died in the Meritech Wars and their house officially fell."

"At least tell me they were on the right side of that War..."

"...Half on it, seemed like he was trying to double deal both ends and got caught in the middle." Lichern says reluctantly. "But when did a little hint of heresy make you shy away from doing what's right?"

Letting out a long sigh Aeysha crosses her arms to say, "Not often, or else I wouldn't be in this mess."

"As I was saying..." Maxcilla says with a slightly annoyed throat clearing at the diversion the conversation took away from her. "It would make sense that a member of their line would be discovered on their home world that avoided all of those troubles. From what I gather your role would be an auxiliary to the system's admiralty board to help in times of emergency as well as being a tie breaker in case the Conclave becomes immobile due to gridlock."

"For the most part, you just have to stop by once every year or so to make sure the Conclave, SDF, and mercantile fleet are running fine." Lichern adds in, "Then you can go on your own profitable way. I didn't think it would be a big deal."

"It's an additional leash on my progress..." Aeysha says with a slight sigh. "Having me check in regularly I can't get into too much mischief and be forced into a defensive role. It is not ideal, but something I can handle some politicking along with fighting for profits on the edge of the Imperium."

"You haven't spent much time in the noble circles Lady Marlikath?" Maxcilla asks to inject herself back into the conversation. "I can assure you, they can be as deadly as any battlefield if you aren't careful. I hope that your psychic prowess includes divination, you are likely going to need it."

For a minute Aeysha was silent thinking about how useful one of the few schools of Psychic powers she didn't know could keep a power dagger out of her back. She states simply, "Do not worry Maxcilla, we will have enough time to sort out the intricacies of maneuvering through court on the way there. Though I think we had a good first meeting, now let us get to work in making our ship the best in the sector!" She says with a smile while moving out of the meeting hall leading them towards the berth that the Zirnitra was being held.

Aeysha's progress is halted by a mass of people blocking the entrance to the arm of the space station their berth was. It was filled with a hundred or so people bearing various holy books while a well dressed cleric standing on a crate ranting to his loose congregation. "And Lo, the Admiralty have decided in an audacious moment of overstepping their bounds, have appointed an abomination to ply the void between the shining lights of the Imperium. The new Lady Captain is warped in mind and body into something far from the Pure Ideal of Humanity! For this corruption, she is being rewarded a freedom for no better reason than some of her twisted genetics match in some way a family that have consorted with hereteks and paid the price? That is a sin of the highest order! I say to you good Emperor-Fearing people, we need to prevent this psyker from taking to the void, where she will inevitably go mad, betray us, and lay waste to worlds in her wake! Will we let her do that!?!?!?"


"Well this day just got far more interesting..." Aeysha growls to herself.

[ ] The Sergeant: An Imperial Guard sergeant leading his unit into battle. A sign of service, resolute action, and execute.
[ ] The Noble: A king in front of a castle loaded with wealth. A sign of well-being, someone to be obeyed, and the way of things.
[ ] The Administrator: An adept behind the desk directing where papers fly. A sign of management, advancement, and knowledge.


Whew, sorry it took so long, but the power went out twice during the week while I was writing this thing. I hope there's still people here that enjoy my writing.
[X] The Sergeant: An Imperial Guard sergeant leading his unit into battle. A sign of service, resolute action, and execute.
[X] The Administrator: An adept behind the desk directing where papers fly. A sign of management, advancement, and knowledge.
[X] The Administrator: An adept behind the desk directing where papers fly. A sign of management, advancement, and knowledge.

I like our techpriest
Aeysha gives a slight sigh at this little road block, Aeysha gestures at Lichern to stay back at what will come next. She step forward to look at this street preacher and his unruly mob up and down with most of them averting their eyes from the witchs' gaze. Their leader stands defiant on his little soap box trying to stare her down.

"You do not scare us damnable thing!" He shouts gesturing at the woman, "A psyker, let alone someone as mutated as your own foul self should not rule over any of the Good Men of the Imperium!" That seems to reinforced the spines of his followers that caused them to cheer.

Giving a slight sniff, Aeysha says, "First off, I will have to say that I am not a witch, I am a fully sanctioned and primaris psyker of the Temple Psykanna that has passed countless purity tests with flying colors. And I am disappointed that you have forgotten some heroes of the Imperium in my position that were more aberrant in appearance as my own. Captain Sharn Vorbenov came from a mining world that's run off have left many, including him twisted in body but his soul was sound enough to fend off the great urghoul migration of 925M37 to save the Pogramis Sector. Then there was Lord Tiberius Glauwn that managed to use his psychic powers to contact the long lost world of Gaudnis that had several STC templates that would have been destroyed if the populace was forced into the Imperium rather than welcoming their brothers with open arms. And of course the great Father of Mankind used his odd gifts for the best of humanity! If these unusual individuals can do great things in the name of Mankind, then why not I? If there was any signs of ingenuity or impure thoughts, then you would have cause to doubt me? I have spent most of my life helping the Imperium survive while training the psykers to stand strong against the foul things that lurk beyond our boarders. While I do not believe I am the most worthy soul to be granted this boon, it has been thrust upon me and it is my duty to carry it out to the best of my abilities."

That little speech got the crowd talking, rethinking their previous position. Not just because of the large captain in front of them, but her entourage of well armed crewmen following in her wake. They start to slowly disperse leaving only the preacher there standing on his soap box. Aeysha steps up to him, staring him in the eye despite his elevated position. "You can not waver my faith and my mission foul being. I shall never..."

"Move aside, please." Aeysha says rather plainly.

Immediately the preacher hops off his box and drags it over to the side of the hallway.

"Thank you," Aeysha says before gesturing to the rest of her coterie of corsairs, "Come along, we got a lot of work to do."

The Rogue Trader's crew marches past the rather confused preacher on to the Zirnitra. After a few minutes Lichern asks, "I know the last bit was your usual mind wammy, but I am impressed that you managed to get them to disperse with just talk about those other abhumans that did great things for the Imperium. Must have really burnt the nose to the dataslate to learn about them, I have never heard of them before."

"That is because they don't exist... save for the last one of course. I had to say something to get them to leave and I am as adept at lying my tail off as turning someone's mind inside out. " She says with a little smile.

"Well by the Throne, that was certainly some quick thinking," A wide smile crossing Lichern's face. "And here I thought you would be one of those purely by the good book type of nobles that won't brook any deviation in the slightest to get what you want."

Giving her long companion a pained look, "My dear Robute Lichern, how long have you known me? Have you seen any hinting at monodominant leanings in anything I do? I believe in the Emperor and doing his Work or the good of all Mankind, a lot of the rest gets really spotty if you ask me. Besides, if that was the case I would have to purge myself the first thing when we shove off."

That earned a slight laugh from both of them before Lichern comes back, "Though that does bring up the question about what sort of send off should we have? A ship wide speech to the crew is customary in these things to fill them with confidence in the new captain's direciton and embolden spirits. Especially on the long trip ahead of us, we'll need all the morale we can get."

"Don't I know it," Aeysha says slumping down a bit, "We're at least 90 million in the hole to the Mechanicum and we're unable to fit a proper cargo bay in the ship. That is going to cut down drastically on what sort of jobs we can do. Though on this casting off speech..."

[ ] The Warmaster: A picture of Horus leading the Lunar Wolves against a great alien foe. A sign of Dominance, utter Loyalty, and boundless Pride

[ ] The Reaper: A picture of a cloaked figure with a scythe standing on a grave. A sign of Transformation, Change, and Death

[ ] The Missionary: A picture of a cleric spreading the Pax Imperialis to the unbelivers. A sign of The Holy Truth, supremacy of man, and the Imperium
[X] The Missionary: A picture of a cleric spreading the Pax Imperialis to the unbelivers. A sign of The Holy Truth, supremacy of man, and the Imperium
[X] The Warmaster: A picture of Horus leading the Lunar Wolves against a great alien foe. A sign of Dominance, utter Loyalty, and boundless Pride
[X] The Missionary: A picture of a cleric spreading the Pax Imperialis to the unbelivers. A sign of The Holy Truth, supremacy of man, and the Imperium
[X] The Missionary: A picture of a cleric spreading the Pax Imperialis to the unbelivers. A sign of The Holy Truth, supremacy of man, and the Imperium
Gauh, sorry for letting this sit idle for a few weeks. I got some really nasty head cold that lasted a good week... then more... then I had to see the doctor to learn it's some allergies kicking into overdrive with the increased mold spore count and had to work on a lot of cleaning. Feeling much more cognizant now. I just hope someone's still interested in reading this.


For the next week, Aeysha was busy getting enough crew and supplies, not to mention calming some of the people who did not take a damn dirty mutant being made a noble. She often fantasized of blowing up their heads in the middle of particular boring lectures. She could probably do it if she concentrated hard enough, and her new peer of the Imperium status would give her some immunity against reprisals, if she did that, it would be just be unbecomign someone of her new station. Not to mention there's a Grand Inquisitor rather interested in her, which is a bad news for anybody no matter what your rank, she didn't want any more attention if possible. So she's going to be the pinnacle of nobility.

Or at least until they get into deep space where there's a lot more chance to act freely without arousing any more suspicion.

Eventually the Zirnitra is ready to leave port to ply the void. The airlocks are sealed, the reactor is primed, and as many high ranking crew men that could fit into the grand parade hall as possible all to look at the balcony above them. Their new captain was standing in a rather well filigreed set of armor with a dark great coat looking far more noble than anybody have seen her in the past few weeks, looking sternly at the assembled officers with that typical noble aloofness.

*Lichern they are all staring at me...* Aeysha telepathically relays to her first mate.

*Well of course they are, you're the captain and you're standing at the 'big announcement' balcony. It's what they're supposed to do.*

*Yes but it's not that kind of staring. That's the stare of someone looking at a freak, wondering what sort of crimes her parents to be so twisted by the Emperor. Taking bets on when they go nuts, summon a daemon, and get themselves killed horribly. Why did they let someone like that in charge of this ship?*

*You've been getting those thoughts all through out your life Aeysha and it's never bothered you before.... Except for the last one, that's pretty new.*

*I could stand it if it's just some rubes to pull one over on or the odd guy I was working with, but as you said this is different. I'm in charge of these people's lives, and countless more across the ship. I'm an actual noble now, not just some drill sergeant teaching the young psykers how not to blow up their own heads on a daily basis. This is big...*

*You're right, it's bigger than your typical training squad, but other than that it is the same process. Just try and think of the crowd as 1/10th it's real size, and give them that speech you've been working on.*

With that little mental back and forth giving her a bit more confidence, Aeysha takes a deep breath before taking a step towards the vox set at the edge of the balcony. "Crew of the Zirnitra, I thank you for taking a few moments out of your work day to listen to this dedication of this grand ship. I know I am not the first to sit in the captain's throne and likely will not be the last, but I vow that I shall strive to be the one of the best to take up this heavy burden.

"A lot of you have known this ship for your entire life, with your elders remembering the time you were struggling to survive alone on this ship. You have shown great resilience and cunning in coming through things that no man should endure. Those times are in the past with more trying times ahead. Unlike before though, you are not alone in the upcoming hardships. Look around you. There are men and women from across the Obscuras Segmentum here to aid in fighting off the upcoming trials.

"Because that is the great strength of Humanity, not our arms, knowledge, or strength, it is our unity. We are a grand family that spans the stars, that despite our differences we can stand together against the darkness threatening to engulf us. When the universe spawns some unholy terror that threatens to kill entire worlds, we do not run and hide, we stand up against that horror to strike it down. It is our indomitable will lead us through our upcoming journey, our ability to work together as one hand that will accomplish great things, and Emperor willing grant us great fortune in our endeavors.

"I know that there are several rumors about my... unusual nature being on the forefront of many minds. I will not deny that I am unconventional in what you expect of a Lady Captain, and will be the first to admit that this station is a surprising. The fact that it is so unusual, the only explanation I have is that the Emperor smiled on me and chose me for some great work of His. I for one do not intend to disappoint Him." Aeysha says holding up a hand for dramatic effect."

There is a murmur of reverent chanting at mentioning Him on Earth.

Aeysha waits for the applause to die down before wrapping up, "I intend to use my Emperor Given Gifts to the fullest to make the Zirnitra as fearsome, revered, and profitable ship in this or any sector. I expect that you all will do the same. Now, everyone to your stations! Let us plow through the void in search of our fortune."
With a slight cheer the crew files out as Aeysha gets into the elevator behind the balcony to get up to the bridge with a figure standing in the back of the cell looking at her expectantly. "So that wasn't so bad, was it?" Lichern says with a cocky smile crossing his face.

Giving out a slight sigh before saying, "It wasn't as bad as I hoped, but your little pep talk helped get those words out from behind my tongue you brazen boy," giving him a playful punch in the shoulder, that inadvertently sends him bouncing against the nearest walls for a few seconds.

Once the elevator reaches the bridge, Aeysha goes to sit on the throne to dead silence as all the crew watch her expectantly as she punches in the start up sequence to get this massive hunk of metal going. The crew have heard rumors of the genelock and how bad it might be if something went wrong. After a few seconds the various command consoles came to life and there was a serious lack of explosions. There was a massive sigh of relief before a bussel of activity to get the Repulsive out of dock clearly now that the things were working properly.

"Set course for Chaula Waystation gentlemen. It's going to be a long trip over to Ixaniad, it should take a few months to reach that lone station. Hopefully it will give us a enough of a time to shake down of this ship." Aeysha mutters the last bit to herself as the Zirnitra moves out of the dock on it's way out of the system and into the Warp. Likely to a bright future ahead of them.

Shipborne Bottle Adventure!

[ ] The Daemon: A twisted mockery of a form that the eye just can not focus on. A sign of weird, downfall, and disaster.
[ ] The Mutant: A hideous mutant squating in the filth of an underhive. A sign of bodily corruption, weakness of character, and outcast.
[ ] The Soulless: A Man of Iron wandering through a deserted city's streets. A sign of unstable, faithless, and unnatural events to come.
[X] The Daemon: A twisted mockery of a form that the eye just can not focus on. A sign of weird, downfall, and disaster.
[X] The Daemon: A twisted mockery of a form that the eye just can not focus on. A sign of weird, downfall, and disaster.
It's warp travel this is practically required.
[X] The Soulless: A Man of Iron wandering through a deserted city's streets. A sign of unstable, faithless, and unnatural events to come.
[X] The Soulless: A Man of Iron wandering through a deserted city's streets. A sign of unstable, faithless, and unnatural events to come.
[X] The Soulless: A Man of Iron wandering through a deserted city's streets. A sign of unstable, faithless, and unnatural events to come.