Angel of Death (40K Astartes Quest)

Okay, y'know what. I completely don't care for any of the current choices, therefore I'm going to throw out a write-in on the assumption write-in's aren't actually allowed and therefore it won't matter but will at least feel worthwhile.

And in line with the pick your poison theme, that write-in shall be...

[X]... Abbadon the Despoiler.

TPK when?
Consequences of Fate: Part 2
The Consequences of Fate:

Methods and Wargear
[ ] Full Scale Invasion
- (The consequences of this decision was obvious, was it not?)

A Son's First Battle: Part 1
[ ]...the Lords Unforgiven's Reclusium, once wielded by a hero of the chapter.
- The Fist of Godfrey was left within the Reclusium. Pellis would never discover the heritage of his blood nor know the warrior and hero his gene father was in life.
[ ] ...a gift from a allied chapter, a sign of the bonds your two brotherhoods shared.
- The Winter Wolves and the Lords Unforgiven share many bonds as Successors of two Chapters such as the Legion Penitent and Space Wolves. They do not take the decline of their gift as an offense.

A Son's First Battle: Part 2
[ ] Ainan, unwanted son of a lesser lord (+1 Ld, +1 Init, -1 BS)
- Initiate Ainan was one of the many brothers lost in the tragedy that was the Kor System.
[ ] Kiron, son of a prostitute and a guardsman (+1 Sv, +1 WS, -1 BS)
- Brother Kiron of the 2nd Company owes a debt to Brother Vetch for saving his life in a previous battle. He seeks to repay it.

A Son's First Battle: Part 3
[ ] There is only one solution to such an infestation...Exterminatus.
- The severe losses taken by the Lords Unforgiven were replaced by the Legion Penitent. The chapter has fallen into greater despair at the stains upon its honor and Chapter Master Velkan now seeks greater and more dangerous battles so as to restore the chapter's honor.
[ ] The scouts could destroy the Patriarch, preventing any further signals from reaching the Hive Fleet.
- The scouts, having remained in combat, were slaughtered by the horde of genestealer hybrids that infested the city. The Lords Unforgiven lost several veteran sergeants and their knowledge has forever been lost. Not even their gene seed could be recovered.
[ ] Generous bombardment of the hive city the cult hid itself in would be wise.
- The genestealers were able to consolidate their forces and bring their full might against the Lords Unforgiven's battle lines, resulting in the loss of hundreds of battle brothers.

A Son's First Battle: Part 4
[ ] ...aboard a Land Raider Crusader at the forefront of the advance. You were the tip of the spear. (Terminator armor and small retinue)
- The frontline experienced fighting unseen in centuries. Many battle honors were gained...yet many more brothers lost. The absence of the chapter's veterans were harsh on the morale and overall strength of the advance.
[ ] the belly of a Stormraven. You and the scouts would provide sniper support. (Elite Sternguard retinue)
- Many powerful hybrids and purebreeds were able to target the senior brothers on the field. Several were killed by swarms of xenos while others escaped with severe wounds. A portion of them died before the Apothecaries could reach them and their gene seed, lost.

[ ] Deploy to the next battle.
- The Imperial Fists 6th Company suffered severe losses in a trap laid by the Iron Warriors. Their calls for aid were answered too late, leaving the 6th Company stranded for several months. By the time reinforcements arrived, only twenty Fists remained and much of the dead had been desecrated. Their gene seed was lost.

More to Come
[ ] ...left the chapter to begin his Long Watch (Death Watch)
- Chaplain Pellis did not answer the call of the Long Watch. He will not be present for the Death Watch Campaign
[ ] ...readied himself for the next battle. (Chapter Missions)
- The absence of Chaplain Pellis left a hole in the Reclusium,worsening the losses felt by the chapter. He has lost much respect amongst his fellow chaplains and battle brothers.

To Erebor Amongst the Sand
[ ] ...has been assigned to 3rd Company Assault Squad Parthos after the loss of Squad Patroclus in the defense of Meridian's Angel Forge (Chainsword gains Elf Slayer)
- Squad Parthos was deployed to Prospero to take part in the centennial reenactment of the Burning of Prospero. They gained much honor amongst the Successors and their Progenitor. Logan Grimnar awarded their sergeant a relic of great renown, the Snarl of Tyr, for landing a heavy strike upon the Great Wolf's face. He proudly bears the scar.
[ ] ...has been promoted to Sergeant of Squad Patroclus after the loss of their sergeant to the Hive Tyrant upon Typhon Primaris. (Tyrant's Fall Banner gained)
- Squad Patroclus watched over the replenishment of the Blood Ravens, taking part in the 2nd Aurelian Crusade. They secured many relics for the Legion Penitent to safekeep and they, with heavy losses, killed an Avatar of Khaine.