In an alternate future where Griffonia had to pick up the pieces of a ruined Equestria, I could see this happening. Some of them might be Hippogryphs, but it works.
I don't really care about diet justifications, it's a matter of aestethics. The small beaks look weird and ill-fitting to the rest of their proportions
Not really, I could imagine gryphons having different beak sizes. Some bird species in real life will have a surprising variation in the size and shape of their beaks. A good example are the finches Charles Darwin used as evidence of natural selection, a lot of them were so different that they were mistaken for different species at first.
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Someone sing MLG (My Little Griffin)

... Damn you for sticking an earworm in my head.

[Backup singer]
My Little Griffin, My Little Griffin
Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahhh...

[Twilight Sparkle; New Unicorn Ambassador from Equestria]
(My Little Griffin)
I used to wonder what an alliance could be?
(My Little Griffin)

Until you all shared its wonders with me
[Rainbow Dash; Pegasus Imperial Legionnaire from the United Maretonian provinces]
Secure and Peaceful!
[Pinkie Pie; Earth Pony that moved to Griffonstone to cause of the Sugar trade]
Tons of Sweets!
[Rarity; Boutique Chain owner over Gryphus Empire]
A prosperous market!
[Applejack; Earth Pony with her family hailing from Kestrella]
Industrious and strong
[Fluttershy, Gryphus Intelligence Foreign Ministry]
Kill with kindness!
[Twilight Sparkle]
It's an easy feat
And magic makes the empire all complete
You have my little griffins
Do you know you're all my very best friends?
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In this timeline Pinkie has a whole Party Arsenal cooperatively designed with griffonian engineering students
In this timeline Pinkie has a whole Party Arsenal cooperatively designed with griffonian engineering students
result of cooperation between harmonic magic and gryphonian weapon expertise, it's actually a plot from Equestria to make the Gryphus fixation with weapons more pony-friendly.

The emperor knows, obviously, but it found it funny enough that he decided to approve it
result of cooperation between harmonic magic and gryphonian weapon expertise, it's actually a plot from Equestria to make the Gryphus fixation with weapons more pony-friendly.

The emperor knows, obviously, but it found it funny enough that he decided to approve it
Too bad the ponies didn't realize fireworks were also used as early missiles.
Or that glitter is actually evil.