I don't really see Democracy being pushed until it becomes more widespread in the rest of the world or we have a bad run or two with one of our future heirs that makes people lose faith in the monarchy.
I don't really see democracy happening to us at all as long as we make sure most of our rulers are successful and beloved by the populace, which shouldn't be hard. And most of the powerful nations work on a monarchy system as well, Us, Neighpon, Equestria, Canterburg, Changelings and the like.
Keep in mind that the GDV is a very small group of beings who saw the minotaur system and started wondering if it could be applied at home; they don't have any power or influence, and that treatise probably won't be printed in a run larger than maybe 25-30 copies, one for every member plus possibly a couple friends or family members who are interested, which won't be many.
We can worry about democracy for our empire after at least a few generations of Emperors/Empress's pass. Since even with our fast tech rate it'll take a long time to gain a population that wants more power in government and at that point we can slowly start transitioning over to a constitutional monarchy or something.
I'm still hoping for a god-emperor sort of thing with the griffins. Give Celestia and Luna a good immortal opposite.
I'm still hoping for a god-emperor sort of thing with the griffins. Give Celestia and Luna a good immortal opposite.
If you want that then you'll probably want to push for more of the religion that worships us. Since if that is at all possible then it'll need more faith from people to become possible. Me personally I wouldn't mind taking over Gawain someday since he is a fine heir for us.
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We actually have set in motion the movement towards democracy. First, the Crystal Empire is a Democracy remember. Second, we have set in motion (with relatively little protest) the end of some important noble seats. Aquileia's noble seats likely were shuffled to heck and back but seem of little importance. Third, Kestrella I don't believe has any stated noble peerages installed. With a combination of our actions, industrialization, modernization, and politics we have seen the nobility shrink and recede. Rising merchants/robber barons command more influence and popularity as commoners than nobles in court.

The process has been started, and it's very likely that Gawain... might actually be the last "Monarch" that could act without consent of His Majesty's Government, or Parliament. In fact I could argue the flashpoint would be if we want to integrate the Crystal Empire into our Empire... They want an Imperial Parliament, and we would be hard pressed to come up with a reason to say no. This isn't to say the Monarchy is going away but after Gawain's time it might be more important to know who is the Prime Minister/Chancellor/High Talon than it is for the Emperor.
For democracy I would give that a yes and no. Democracy works well in peace and a peaceful world, not so much a death world were a good central leader is needed.
We actually have set in motion the movement towards democracy. First, the Crystal Empire is a Democracy remember. Second, we have set in motion (with relatively little protest) the end of some important noble seats. Aquileia's noble seats likely were shuffled to heck and back but seem of little importance. Third, Kestrella I don't believe has any stated noble peerages installed. With a combination of our actions, industrialization, modernization, and politics we have seen the nobility shrink and recede. Rising merchants/robber barons command more influence and popularity as commoners than nobles in court.

The process has been started, and it's very likely that Gawain... might actually be the last "Monarch" that could act without consent of His Majesty's Government, or Parliament. In fact I could argue the flashpoint would be if we want to integrate the Crystal Empire into our Empire... They want an Imperial Parliament, and we would be hard pressed to come up with a reason to say no. This isn't to say the Monarchy is going away but after Gawain's time it might be more important to know who is the Prime Minister/Chancellor/High Talon than it is for the Emperor.
That seems a mite bit redundant, at least in so far as we have yet to have had a bad ruler whose given the populace just cause as to push for a more democratic approach of things, thus far we seem to be more in line with keeping to nobles obligations than anything else. People were in danger and harm so we stepped in to assist.
If democracy does become a thing in Gryphus, I can see it being like how it is in the UK: a largely democratic process, but the head of state (i.e. the monarch) has the absolute final say in all matters and can dissolve parliament if they so choose.
In regards to the Empire's system of education, yes, public schools do exist, though by the standards of a First-World Modern Day Earth they're pretty bare-bones. Their purpose is to teach literacy and numeracy, along with a basic understanding of history (mostly of the Post-Discord variety). They were created early in the Quest to combat the widespread illiteracy that was preventing you from unlocking another Learning Action.

i think we should make a bunch of craft schools (schools that are specialised, like farming, blacksmithing, mining, ect) and set up a student loan system where they have to pay 10% upfront and 2% interest per year (non compounding) this will stop people not interested in investment to learn skills or half-heartedly applying
I love history class, there's just so LITTLE of it!

You basically have the unification wars, the Winter war against Sombra, and then the various first contacts.

I suppose it would also double as geography/national politics, talking about the other countries and their relationships with Gryphus
Now I'm just thinking that in most history tests there's at least a 50% chance of the correct answer to any question being "Emperor Garrick"
First, the Crystal Empire is a Democracy remember.
Are they really though? They kinda are but that's not really much more significant than having a mayor who operates underneath a ruling noble, especially when the citizens of the Protectorate are 100% on board with the monarchy
Second, we have set in motion (with relatively little protest) the end of some important noble seats. Aquileia's noble seats likely were shuffled to heck and back but seem of little importance.
An extremely popular monarch reshuffling the nobility a bit does not the start of democracy make
Third, Kestrella I don't believe has any stated noble peerages installed.
I mean, it's just as, if not more, likely that nobles were quietly appointed in the background
The process has been started, and it's very likely that Gawain... might actually be the last "Monarch" that could act without consent of His Majesty's Government, or Parliament. In fact I could argue the flashpoint would be if we want to integrate the Crystal Empire into our Empire... They want an Imperial Parliament, and we would be hard pressed to come up with a reason to say no. This isn't to say the Monarchy is going away but after Gawain's time it might be more important to know who is the Prime Minister/Chancellor/High Talon than it is for the Emperor.
While I do think we may eventually have a Parliament at some point down the line I think you're greatly underestimating how long that would take

Firstly the current royal family are deeply beloved and actively have a cult supporting them that we may expand in the near future, that by itself significantly delays the onset of democracy

Secondly there is little to no animosity between the nobility and the commoners which means there is much less demand for democracy

Thirdly if the Protectorate does demand democracy we can just let them elect leaders while maintaining the nobility in Griffonia proper

Fourthly democracy is kind of a hard system to maintain over a large empire with our current technology level

And finally even in the UK, the premier real world example of a constitutional monarchy, parliament only really became democratic and not another tool of the nobility in the 20th century
i think we should make a bunch of craft schools (schools that are specialised, like farming, blacksmithing, mining, ect) and set up a student loan system where they have to pay 10% upfront and 2% interest per year (non compounding) this will stop people not interested in investment to learn skills or half-heartedly applying
Absolutely not, if we start introducing student debt we'll be remembered as the second coming of Sombra!
Within the Equestrian vs Griphon culture threadmark is the mention that within Kestrella, there were new nobles appointed (one of which is a Diamond Dog) in order to actually run the area.
This, combined with the settlement and establishment of the new province of Kestrella necessitating the elevation of numerous commoners to the ranks of the nobility to administer it (more than one of which was a Diamond Dog),
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Federalized student loans were initially fine when they were first introduced, and the system worked really well. The problems started when the government decided to have student loans be privatized in the 1990's.
Indeed some things are best handled by the government just as some are best handled by the market, however one thing history has shown us is that unless one seeks corruption, trickery, and inefficiency most terrible, one must never split the task of developing, testing, and distributing a given product or service between private entities and the government without a great degree of caution, paranoia, transparency, accessibility of information, and nigh impossible to lower minimum standards for such things as testing and product safety. Arguably these same standards should apply to all private businesses where possible and even similar standards to portions of the government to insure the best possible handling of such things as chemical and medical research and development. Cough pesticides cough.

Speaking of such matters and what would be required to for such useful things, to what degree are measurements and names for components, tools, and substances in the empire standardized?

The last thing anyone wants is something like the Bradford Sweets Poisoning which happened when Arsenic was confused with the gypsum that was being used to dilute and cut the expensive sugar used in the Sweets sold by Humbug Billy. If I remember correctly it happened in large part due to poor labeling and storage procedures by the local chemist.
If you want that then you'll probably want to push for more of the religion that worships us. Since if that is at all possible then it'll need more faith from people to become possible. Me personally I wouldn't mind taking over Gawain someday since he is a fine heir for us.

...You guys know my opinion on giving THEM any kind of influence in our nation - that´s all I am saying about it.
We actually have set in motion the movement towards democracy. First, the Crystal Empire is a Democracy remember. Second, we have set in motion (with relatively little protest) the end of some important noble seats. Aquileia's noble seats likely were shuffled to heck and back but seem of little importance. Third, Kestrella I don't believe has any stated noble peerages installed. With a combination of our actions, industrialization, modernization, and politics we have seen the nobility shrink and recede. Rising merchants/robber barons command more influence and popularity as commoners than nobles in court.

The process has been started, and it's very likely that Gawain... might actually be the last "Monarch" that could act without consent of His Majesty's Government, or Parliament. In fact I could argue the flashpoint would be if we want to integrate the Crystal Empire into our Empire... They want an Imperial Parliament, and we would be hard pressed to come up with a reason to say no. This isn't to say the Monarchy is going away but after Gawain's time it might be more important to know who is the Prime Minister/Chancellor/High Talon than it is for the Emperor.
HSSSS!!!! All hail enlightened absolutism! Death to democracy!

I do believe you are rather exaggerating, however. History isn't some kind of linear process with Republican traditions being introduced creating some kind of "inevitable" liberalization process on a steady counter. There is no way we are going to have a parliament so soon, if ever. Trust in the monarchy has to be shattered first before such movements would gain mass popularity (which is why I keep pushing to empower the cult a bit more, since it would help us resist such wavering spirits and potentially boost morale).

Also like I said, historically the death of the aristocracy did not go alongside the rise of republican movements. It went alongside the rise of absolute monarchies ruling with the help of a bureaucracy. Having more commoners rising is not a sign of republicanism. It's a sign that the balance of the three estates (well, two estates here since the Church obviously never possessed independent power) has been disrupted with the monarchy rising as the supreme estate as the nobility are consolidated into the monarchy's hands.
It is going to come down to what the people want in the end even if that is an emperor.

Trying to force democracy is an oxymoron if it is not a choice.
Again, if it does happen then I would hope that it'll end up like how the democratic process in the UK works. But we will cross that bridge when we get to it.
It is going to come down to what the people want in the end even if that is an emperor.

Trying to force democracy is an oxymoron if it is not a choice.

Nonsense! DEMOCARCY IS NON-NEGOTIABLE! Communist detected on American Soil!

(is just a reference, don´t worry)

But yeah, let´s tackle one issue at a time - the Changelings and Maretonians now, afterwards we´ll see.

Also, acting like any kind of politic agenda is "inevitable on account of the natural progression of things" never goes well - just look at how many "inevitable" regimes in RL crashed and burned to the ground.
To be fair to the democrats of the thread, I do believe Garrick at least would support an Italian-style merchant republic if such a thing ever proved necessary. He is canonically very much pro-capitalism with him being a former merchant, and he has a not!Italian lord as his step-father. I could see him being open to allowing "new money" families to take lesser ruling positions in the empire, not that I believe that's what the democrats of the thread are actually aiming for.
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I prefer to keep system as it is, meritocracy with emperor at the top. Though if we do democracy i suppose it would be more at local level when chosing a mayor , or similar.
I prefer to keep system as it is, meritocracy with emperor at the top. Though if we do democracy i suppose it would be more at local level when chosing a mayor , or similar.
That's the thing about "meritocracies" though. They are based on what a society deems worth having merit and you have to have an effective way of determining that merit and whether or not the system for determining that merit is fair/effective. Heck, the term meritocracy was originally coined by a satirical take on what a meritocracy would look like, which was basically still a discriminatory class based society. You can argue right now we have shifted away from a feudal style kingdom towards shifting power towards more of an absolute monarchy with stratocratic elements and capitalistic economy if you want to start nailing down what our system looks like.
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The ancient Greek word Meritocracy directly translates to rule by the best, not exactly the way most people and even the dictionary states, as well...
Technically many govts, including monarchies could be considered a Meritocracy by the definition much closer to it's origin.