Name: Garrick Golden-Feather
Age: 53
Titles: Emperor of Gryphus, King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the Imperial House of Gryphus, The Unifier, Great Winged Alpha, The Lightbringer, The Liberator, the King of the North.
Description: Before your wife got her talons on you, you were a fairly typical example of the Griffon species. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. Not anymore though. Oh, you still have all those qualities, they're just overshadowed by the massive amount of muscle you've put on since you started your wife's "enhanced training regimen". Your wings can lift dumbbells, and your legs are like tree-trunks supporting a barrel chest rippling with abdominal muscles. In short, you have the build of a person who has been lifting heavy objects his entire life.
Martial: 9+2+1+2=14
Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18
Stewardship: 13+2=15
Learning: 16+2=18
Intrigue: 11+2=13
- Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
- Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills
- Trait-Strong: Working out with your wife has done great things for your body. +2 Martial
- Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia. +1 Martial
- Runic Royal Armor: Serving to protect you as well as display your royal status to onlookers, this armor is both durable and aesthetically pleasing. With Merlin's assistance, it has been enhanced with runic magic, making it even more durable.
- Orichalcum Sword: A blade made of an extremely durable, magic resistant metal
- Sendak Manuscript: Recovered from the Archives of the Shadow King Sombra, this strange book is bound in the treated flesh of monsters and is written in numerous unknown tongues. It contains diagrams that seem to reference everything from the movements of stellar bodies to the biology of plants and animals to the complex physics of magical phenomenon. It's origins remain a mystery.
Wife: Gabriella Golden-Feather
Opinion of You: 10/10
Age: 52
Martial: 15+1+2=18
Diplomacy: 11+1=12
Stewardship: 8+1=9
Learning: 13+1=14
Intrigue: 10+1=11
Trait: Strong - Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced - Has been a mercenary for several years, ranging across the lands of the former Empire. Knows much about the world. (+1 All Stats)
Son: Gawain Golden-Feather
Age: 22
Martial: 14+2+2+1=19
Diplomacy: 13+2+2+2=19
Stewardship: 14+2=16
Learning: 10+2=12
Intrigue: 11+2=13
Status: Designated Heir. Will become player character in event of Parent's Deaths.
Trait: Strong-Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Attractive-A handsome fellow. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)
Trait: Genius-Smart doesn't begin to describe him. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Game Master-Years of playing games of strategy and wits with members of the Imperial Court has honed his sense of strategy and taught him how to read others. (+1 Martial, +2 Diplomacy)
(Adopted) Daughter: Gwyndlyn Golden-Feather
Age: 18
Martial: 15+4-5=14
Diplomacy: 9-5=4
Stewardship: 6+2-5=3
Learning: 8+1-5=4
Intrigue: 9+1-5=5
Status: Adolescent-Malus to all stats
Status-Designated Regent: In the event that no heir is capable of taking the throne, or in the event the rightful ruler is otherwise unavailable, she will take control of the kingdom until the situation can be resolved.
Trait: Dragon-A fire breathing reptile. (+4 Martial)
Trait: Gardener-Years of studying and caring for plants has taught her much in the realm of botany, and has instilled in her an understanding of how hard work and patience can yield great dividends. (+2 Stewardship, +1 Learning, +1 Intrigue)
Daughter: Gilda Golden-Feather
Age: 15
Martial: 8-5=3
Diplomacy: 11+2-5=8
Stewardship: 11-5=6
Learning: 7-5=2
Intrigue: 6-5=1
Trait: Beautiful- A stellar example of feminine grace. (+2 Diplomacy)
Status: Teenager-Malus to all stats
Daughter: Gleaming Pearl
Age: 16
Martial: 7+2-5=4
Diplomacy: 10+2-5=7
Stewardship: 12-5=7
Learning: 5+2-5=2
Intrigue: 8-5=3
Status: Teenager-Malus to all stats
Trait: Beautiful-A stellar example of feminine grace. (+2 Diplomacy)
Trait: Studious-Knows her way around the written word. (+2 Learning)
Adopted: Permanently last in the line of Royal Succession.
Crystalmancer: A prodigy in the arcane art of Crystal Manipulation, able to turn a few pebbles into a forest of glittering spires. (+2 Martial)
Treasury Reserves: 7,456
Net Income: 11,159
Yearly Income: 13,225
-Tax Revenue: 5925
-Farming Income: 3500
-Mining Income: 1200
-Logging Income: 200
-Trade Income: 2400
Yearly Expenditures: 2,066
-Army Upkeep: 268
-Navy Upkeep: 158
-Office of Disease Control: 10
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 10
-Ministry of Information: 10
-Crystal University: 10
-Peregrine Line: 100
-Hardbeak Line: 300
-YakYakistan Orichalcum Imports: 500
-Naval Shipyards: 600
-Maretonian Refugees: 100
Imperial Army: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you. 500 soldier battalions cost 100 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Imperial Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of 100 gold per every ten thousand soldiers.
Imperial Army Morale: 80/100 (Strong)
Imperial Army Numbers: 26,764
-12,500 Warriors: Armed with a sword or hand-axe and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.
-6250 Polearms: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.
-6250 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.
-1500 Diamond Dogs: Armed with a variety of swords, maces, war axes, and other weapons suitable for close-quarters, Diamond Dogs are masters of subterranean combat, and are well suited to ambush tactics.
-264 Artillerists: Responsible for the transport, maintenance and operation of heavy weaponry, these Gryphons and Dogs are highly trained in their chosen field of ranged combat.
-4 Mobile Ballistae: Massively oversized mechanical bows that fire bolts big enough to pierce through tree trunks from vast distances.
-19 Cannons: Firing iron balls through the power of explosive black powder, these metal siege engines are one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal.
-10 Flame Projectors: A product of Archimedes's "liquid fire", these static contraptions can shoot jets of flaming liquid vast distances, burning all in their path.
Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.
The Knights Lion
1 Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer" (Orichalcum Katana, Runic Armor)
40 Knights of the Inner Circle (Black Steel Weapons)
250 Imperial Knights
300 Squires
600 Griffons-at-Arms
200 Diamond Knights
Citadel: The Lion's Den, Griffonia
The Knights Talon
1 Grandmaster Colombroni Pigeonio (Orichalcum Blade, Runic Armor)
30 Knights of the Inner Circle (Black Steel Weapons)
300 Imperial Knights
250 Squires
500 Griffons-at-Arms
200 Diamond Knights
Citadel: The Crow's Nest, Wingbardy
The Knights Panther
1 Grandmaster Adrian Dawnquill (Orichalcum Blade, Runic Armor)
35 Knights of the Inner Circle (Black Steel Weapons)
250 Imperial Knights
300 Squires
600 Griffons-at-Arms
200 Diamond Knights
Citadel: The Black Fortress, Aquileia
The Crystal Guardians
1 Grandmaster Glimmer Shine (Black Steel Blade, Runic Armor)
10 Knights of the Inner Circle (Black Steel Weapons)
100 Crystal Knights
120 Crystal Squires
200 Ponies-at-Arms
Citadel: The Ivory Keep, Crystal City
Imperial Navy: The vessels that guard your coastlines and patrol the oceans. Crewed by career sailors, they have an upkeep of three gold per ship, per year.
20 Cogs (Bolt-Throwers)
32 Carracks (Cannons)
Auxiliaries: Auxiliary units are forces not part of a Knightly Order or the Imperial Army and Navy that can be brought into battle alongside both of the former groups. They can be made up of allied nation units suborned to you, units drawn up from the militia, and mercenary outfits.
Nobility Opinion: 10/10 (All Hail the Glorious Emperor!).
General Public Opinion: 9.5/10 (Hail to the Emperor!).
Protectorate Opinion: 9.5/10 (Hail Golden-Feather the Brave and Glorious!)
Ancient Imperial Pantheism: Followers of the Polytheistic religion once practiced by the Griffons of the Old Empire, these citizens worship a Pantheon of gods and goddesses emphasizing honor, duty, and order. Though its popularity reached a record low during the reign of Discord, it has never truly died out, and has in fact seen a recent resurgence in several Imperial Cities.
Influence Level: .8 (No Benefits)
Disciples of the Crystal Heart: The dominant belief system of the Crystal Ponies with a growing number of Griffon and Diamond Dog adherents, the Disciples of the Crystal Heart believe that the eponymous artifact was crafted by the divine as a gift to mortals, a belief that your own scientific observations have only served to reinforce. While the Disciples were once pacifistic, the rise of Sombra and the revelation of Maretonia's slave culture has led to a reversal of this old policy, and the followers of the Crystal Heart are now as militant as those of any other major religion.
Influence Level: 3.0 (Strengthened Crystal Heart, Minor Runic Literacy)
Neighponese Spiritualism: Also known as Kami-no-Michi, the indigenous religion of Neighpon revolves around the veneration of countless nature spirits which inhabit and embody various facets of the landscape. The Qilin believe that these spirits can have a benevolent or destructive influence upon the material world, and must be appeased with worship and sacrifice. Neighponese spiritualism is unusual in that not only does it lack a specific moral code or organized religious hierarchy, but is considered compatible with other religious beliefs, with many of its adherents also subscribing to another faith.
Influence Level: .4 (No Benefits)
YakYakistani Shamanism: The animist beliefs of the Yaks stress the veneration of nature and ancestor worship. Sharing many similarities with both Imperial Pantheism and Neighponese Spiritualism, Shamans serve as both the leaders of the faith as well as intercessors between the physical and spiritual world. While it has found few adherents amongst Griffons and Diamond Dogs, almost all Yaks subscribe to its beliefs, regardless of their nationality or geographic location.
Influence Level: .2 (No Benefits)
Church of the Lady of the Lakes: The third religion introduced from a foreign people, and the only one to have an organized hierarchy with a foreign head of state serving as the leader of the faith. Worship of the Lady can be traced to the earliest days of the modern Kingdom of Canterbury, where it is claimed that she appeared to the first King of Canterbury, blessing him with the strength to unite the disparate peoples of the realm and fight back against the countless beasts that infested it. To this day, she is venerated across the Kingdom of Canterbury, and even in a select few areas outside it, including communities within your Empire.
Influence Level: .5 (No Benefits)
The Imperial Cult: Perhaps the most unusual of the faiths to have taken root in the Empire, the followers of the Imperial Cult embrace the radical belief that the Emperor and the Imperial family are divine beings made flesh, destined to lead the people of the world to greatness. While you personally are a bit uncomfortable with being worshipped as a divine figure, you can't deny it has its benefits.
Influence Level: .3 (No Benefits)
Roll Bonuses
Improved Army Communications: +6 on certain Army Rolls
Naval Navigation Tools: +5 on certain Naval and Exploration Rolls
Gun-Cotton: +5 to all Cannon Rolls
Pre-Discord Map: +10 to next Exploration Roll
Scatter-Shot: Bonus to Certain Cannon Rolls
Blasting Jelly: +5 to Certain Explosive Rolls
Camouflage 101: +5 to Certain Intrigue/Army Rolls
Firebender Designed Flamethrowers: +5 to all Flamethrower/Liquid Fire Rolls
Imperial War Memorial: Army Morale may not fall below 20, Militia count as Regulars when defending Core Territory
Diplomatic Relations
Kingdom of Neighpon: 8.0/10 (Steadfast Ally)
Kingdom of Canterbury: 7.5/10 (Respected Allies)
Libertalia: 6.5 (Business Partners)
YakYakistan: 8/10 (Trusted Neighbor)
Minotaur Republics: 6/10 (Trading Partner)
Persons of Interest
???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.
Garibaldi Talonuelli: Formerly the Duke of Wingbardy, now the Grand Duke of Wingbardy, Talonuelli is a beloved public figure in his home province and an experienced administrator. After saving his city and people from Brochard's attempted invasion and negotiating his province's vassalage over a few drinks, you'd like to think you can count him among your friends.
Federico Montefeathertro: Duke of the (former) City-State of Urbirdo, and your Father-in Law. He might just be the friendliest of the former Feathersians, having agreed to back you and your kingdom without question or condition during the Brochard Crisis, and hiring a mercenary outfit as a belated wedding gift. You're reasonably certain he likes you, as much as In-Laws can like each other anyway.
Koryū Ryuō: The draconic Emperor of the Island Kingdom of Neighpon. Having agreed to assist you in the war against the Shadow King and making fast friends with your adoptive daughter, you consider him a decent fellow who you can trust to keep his word, and a valuable ally against any destructive forces the world can throw at you.
Minamoto Tadakatsu: Shogun of Neighpon. Born to peasant farmers, he's more than earned his place as the most powerful Samurai amongst the Qilin. After he lead the Neighponese contingent during the Invasion of the Crystal Empire and kindly instructed you in the myriad varieties and intricacies of tea on the campaign trail, you've come to respect the more-than-century-old warrior.
Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer": Grandmaster of the Knights Lion and Hero of the Empire. Beheaded Brochard the pretender, crippled Sombra the shadow king twice over, and received the very first Imperial Medal of Honor. Despite it all, he is surprisingly humble, insisting in vain that he was, and is, merely doing his duty to the Empire, and to you. He is the very model of an Imperial Knight.
Ivory Rook: Consul of the Crystal Protectorate and head of the Crystal Assembly. One of the first of the Crystal Ponies to be freed from Sombra's mind control, Rook has taken to his position of authority reluctantly, more out of a desire to help his people than any desire for power. Nevertheless, he's proven a charismatic leader and an able administrator, dedicated to doing right by his people, no matter what the cost.
Isabelle Brissette: Relatives of the infamous Brochard dynasty, Isabelle and the Brissette family have been ostracized by the Imperial Nobility, reduced to a shadow of their former influence and prosperity, though by some miracle they still cling to some of their lands. Isabelle herself is a painfully shy little thing, unused to having friends willing to look past her lineage. Gawain hopes to show her that her ancestry does not define her, and that she is more than her uncle's legacy.
Ki Seong: Daughter of the Neighponese ambassador to the Empire of Gryphus, Ki Seong has spent the past several years living in a nation far from the land of her birth, and, much like her father, is committed to being a shining example of Neighpon and conducting herself in an honorable manner at all times. That being said, Gawain suspects she enjoys the opportunity to "let her hair down" amongst others of similarly elevated status, where she will not have to worry as much about what others think of her.
Sebastian Rainfeather: A quiet and somewhat socially awkward young Gryph, Sebastian is an avowed scholar and the heir to the noble house of Rainfeather. Due to his somewhat sheltered upbringing, he, like Gawain, has struggled to make friends, something that Gawain seeks to remedy. For his part, the young Rainfeather is simply glad to have a chess partner his own age who can keep up with him.
Hoofbeard: A former slave turned Pirate Captain, now a respected and influential figure amongst the inhabitants of the island nation of Libertalia. He has agreed to help you and your people, seeing in you a chance to improve Libertalia and stick it to Maretonia's slaveholding class.
King Rutherford: The charismatic Yak responsible for the unification of the numerous Yak clans into a singular, unified Kingdom. From what you've heard, he is exactly what you'd expect a Yak King to be like.
All of you have kinda just been debating which of the baseline options to take without anything about what we should do or say towards making those ends successful, nor any write-in options for what else we should want to do. Our goal with approaching the Guard has literally NEVER been about working with them for our military intervention. It has been about their political influence as a kingmaker and them being seen as a legitimate "neutral party" in the civil war.I believe the main push here should be trying to get the Royal Guard to give a formal diplomatic and political acknowledgement of the Abolitionist faction. The military assistance stuff can be pushed to the side for the moment, because it's their influence that matters far more in the long-run than their strength.
Edit: As a side-note, is there a particular reason why adding on International Relief is unpopular? The option itself says it is explicitly separate from the military options and as such can be done alongside the others.
Roughly the same as Aid Only. Honestly, a meeting or accord between the Royal Guard and the Abolitionists is unavoidable in light of the coming confrontation with House Storm. Even if the only thing they can agree on is "let's hold off on fighting each other until Pegicles is dealt with." They more or less have to have some manner of cooperation in the fight against House Storm, otherwise both parties are screwed...assuming Gryphus isn't there to bail the Abolitionists out.I'm debating a write in where we ask the Royal Guard to have a meet with the Abolitionists in addition to the Aid Only supplies. We could phrase it as military coordination between the parties we trust to actually be able to do something about Storm, rather than an attempt to let the Royal Guard and Abolitionists feel each other out for the former to potentially support the latter for the throne.
The issue is that it would possibly rather publically push the Abolitionists into the spot light, and they couldn't handle that the last time it was checked.
@Questor what's the chance of Success for Aid Only + Dialogues with the Abolitionists (for military coordination purposes as the cover)? Are the Abolitionists in a position where they can handle being known as a Player for the thrown?
AN: I co-opted the flags @Firebringer2077 made for the "in-game flag". I feel it fit for the "Golden-Feather Victorious" Griffonian path.
Non-canon Omake: Total War Disharmony - "Let's play Total War: Disharmony - The Griffonian campaign. Ep 2: EGG"
*A video. It's thumbnail depicts a giant egg rolling down a hill. Seagulls are chasing it, with speech-bubbles repeating the word "Mine!".
Among the seagulls, a pair of griffons with crowns on their heads are ripping apart bird after bird, both of them also repeating the mantra.*
The screen opens up to the camera hovering over the faction capital.
"Hello ladies and gents, It's ****** back here again to continue on our great quest to murderize all the people specializing in their own special fairy dust, with good old steel, gunpowder and our gigantic -"
"In the last episode we just had our pet terminator decapitate our chief rival.
Interesting mechanic of this game: unlike good old' Total War Warhammer, most lords can die."
"The time in-game actually moves forward, people get older; basically you got to go all out Crusader Kings in this shebang and make certain you have a ready pool of assholes to sit on the throne.
Some factions have it easy, with complete control over who will replace the big boss, others can vote random people in so you can never lose all of your Lords as long as you have active general-class characters still under your banner."
"Note we actually have an heir of our own, I kinda skipped his birth since he's too young to show any stats."
"The thing is, Griffonians are one of the unlucky sods that can't do any of that. It's all hereditary - unless the next in line really breathes in the total failure, you can't even disinherit them by paying with stability or gold or by sacrificing some poisoned dagger artifacts.
And as it was, Brochard completely failed to get it on before his impromptu, very metal battlefield funeral."
"You remember when I talked about my spies rising unrest in Aquillea? Mechanically this is done by changing the allegiance scores in their lands. Coupled with the fact that with the death of the last Lord character a Griffon Faction destabilizes with different results depending on their status and -
Let me show ya:"
The camera quickly scrolls up until the camera is hovering all of Griffonia. Roughly two-thirds of the shown map is colored in Gryphus' colors
"Yeah. That kinda happened."
"With two thirds control over Griffonia, our Lord's diplo bonus and the excellent relations between us and the Wingbardians, it's time to have...
*Spooky music*
"We push this button here and call a general meeting between all the faction heads - which is just us, the super-turtle and some random city state merchants with lots of money, at this point - maybe haggle some details but honestly, we are unifying Griffonia so quickly and with most of the economy totally intact that I'l just use give minimal concessions. slihgly lessening my tax income but guaranteeing total integration and -"
On the map, territorial borders changed colors to a Golden hue with a red trim. All flags also changed, representing the new changes.
"Just like most things in this game, your nation can mold or shift itself depending on how you've played or what their in-game experiences have been."
The camera zoomed to the nearest flag.
"This is the flag that you most often get when playing as Golden-Feather and successfully uniting Griffonia with minimal needed bloodshed."
"If more games were developed with this much care, we would have more gamers.
Psst game developers: Hint hint nudge nudge,"
"So now we can start cracking into the global stage before others do and pool our resources together to set up a real economy. Let's hope everything goes well.
We also get a random event now them, randomly opening paths for our armies and navies to use to discover new lands to conquer... or well, ally I suppose."
"Do you guys think I should bother roleplaying as Golden-Feather and try keeping my conquest to acceptable targets only? This game is one of the few...
Actually, is it the only Total War game where you can win something else than a conquest victory during the normal campaign? There's the Vortex campaign in Warhammer, but any where the main, primary campaign offers a way to win that doesn't demand total map paint mastery?"
"Answer those questions down below, I wanna know."
*Timeskip of Awesome*
"So we have been going forward a tad and then... well, this happened."
*Event Screen Turn On.*
*"Abandoned dragon egg"*
"A dragon egg. I've never gotten this event before. Tons of possible events in this game, some of them very minor... but this one I think is a bigger one: you can see it with the way this event has that egg next to a fully animated fireplace thing going on."
"We can sell it as a curiosity... or we can hatch it, with still unknown effects, although it says that possibilities are effected by the skills and character traits of our lord and other characters used in this action."
"We aren't magical so we can't turn it into magic ingredients and we aren't short of hard cash, so I guess mystery box?
OK, we need to slot in a few people... OK, so we need our Lord, and two characters - the positive outcome needing one with good learning and the other being good at martial in case of bad rolls...
A fourth slot is left blank, the magic symbol telling us that we can't pick it because we have no mages under our employ as of now.
With an extra note that certain character traits can lead to new outcomes..."
"Our research adviser fits the first, our wife fits the second, plus the spousal bonus should make our lord's rolls even better. And what we get is..."
*Event Screen shift, sounds of dice rolling on a table while the results are calculated.*
*"Successful Hatching!"*
"So the egg hatches and we get multiple options - with some of them grey'd out. Let's look at those first:
We can't harvest the dragon for magical regents - dark, man.
Wow, a xenophobe option of just killing it for an XP - and Prestige boost? Damn, man.
We also can't 'tame the monster' to become our future attack dog."
"What the fuck, developers? You have issues, man.
Never stop making games!
This feeds the dark side of my heart!"
"Now to the options available for us:
We can place the dragon - her, to be precise, apparently only the 'good options' care of the gender of the thing - to the care of a minor noble house or some institution, the basic run-of-the-mill good options.
We can send it to a Knight Grandmaster to be taught the art of badassery or..."
'Available to traits Kind, Xenophile or Pragmatic
You adopt -'
*Scene-shift of Doom*
*Click. Click?*
"Would you like me to disable the safety protocols?"
*Click-click-click-click -*
*Scene-shift of Disharmony*
"So we have a dragon daughter now!"
Ah, thanks. I missed that. Whoopsie
After some thought on the nature of runes, they look awesome! Since they look good, and with the fact that its a language that can be like a program, then would something like civilians adopting rune style into cups, pottery, wood carvings or decorations have some kind of effect?
While the Griffons may not be capable of magic, would ambient magic providing some power into these runes?
Maybe we could swing Limited Assistance if we bring Marecinas in on our investigation of Canterbury. Privately inform her of our discovery regarding their ruler's assassination, as well as the knowledge that whoever killed her likely instigated the civil war back in Gryphus. We share a mutual enemy, and invite her to send a trusted subordinate as an ambassador/contact going forward. We've already agreed to avoid annexation with the College, so let her know that too.
Sounds like it might be worth offering. It would also help to have a rail line for after the war is over, to facilitate trade with Maretonia.
The downside is that building a railroad would be a pretty juicy target for the nobles.
To be honest, while I know this is a joke, I imagine Hardbeak is getting on in his age at this point.
Was his age ever established? It's been exactly ten years since the last battle against Sombra. enough for him to slow down a bit admittedlyTo be honest, while I know this is a joke, I imagine Hardbeak is getting on in his age at this point.
I was going to say that I remember him already being a veteran monster hunter by the time he came into our employment, but I looked back and saw I was conflating him with our early Martial adviser, Gustav Kingfeather. Still, he's a Grandmaster of a Knightly Order and has been one since before he actually became famous. That type of thing usually takes seniority, so I can't imagine he's a spring gryphon at this point anymore. I have no doubt he could still fight, but he's probably past his physical peak.Was his age ever established? It's been exactly ten years since the last battle against Sombra. enough for him to slow down a bit admittedly
Unless passive magic boost is keeping him at his physical peak for longer.I have no doubt he could still fight, but he's probably past his physical peak.
I think we should still intentionally steer the captain-general toward taking that stance faster and more openlyI think it´s less "don´t care" and more "see it it as superfluous considering most of the stuff proposed is bound to happen in its own anyway".
It´s still a good course of action.