We need to choose this

[ ] Setting an Example: A wise Griffon once said that a leader should not ask his people to do what he himself is not willing to. Another said that a King (or Emperor, in this case) should lead by example. You're about to ask your subjects to accept the Crystal Ponies into their homes and care for them as they would fellow Griffons or Dogs. It would be hypocritical not to do so yourself. And there are an awful lot of orphaned foals...well, you've already adopted a Dragon, a Pony shouldn't be too big a deal. It may raise a few eyebrows among the nobility but you're the Emperor, you can do what you want. Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
You slowly but deliberately place a comforting talon upon the back of the Crystal Pony, curled up into a fetal position and shivering. The Equine flinches instinctively, cringing inwards on himself as he screws his eyes shut. You rub his back in what you hope is a comforting manner, and he relaxes almost infinitesimally, though his shakes do not cease. It's not much, but it's a start.

You'd made the decision to visit one of the "mental care facilities" established to take care of the most traumatized of Sombra's former slaves, it's inhabitants so scarred by their experiences under the Shadow King that they aren't capable of functioning independently. Though these are the most extreme cases, almost all of the refugees within your lands are suffering some form of mental or emotional trauma. One last curse from the mad sorcerer that no amount of Orichalcum can remove. This is the biggest hurdle facing them, more difficult than even rebuilding their homeland. You have of course pledged support and funding for facilities such as these, and already your advisors have been throwing around some ideas as to how to resolve the situation and provide mental care to the thousands of refugees now living within your borders. But at this point it's all theoretical.

You sigh, glancing to your son Gawain, who stands watching from the doorway of the patient's room. Were he not your son, you would mistake his face for a mask of stony indifference. Years of chess and games of strategy have made him a master of concealing his emotions. But his eyes betray him. He is shaken by what he's seen today.

You had brought him here as part of your ongoing efforts to educate him on the duties of an Emperor, to help him understand the gravity and importance of every decision that a person with your authority is expected to make. You didn't want him to think that rulership was all gilded thrones and glorious battles. These ponies, though they were not Griffons or even necessarily Imperial Citizens, were under your authority, and thus their well-being was your responsibility. The war may be won, but the fight isn't over.

You silently gesture your son forward, urging him to join you. He does so, his calm facade cracking as he takes in the numerous scars on the freed slave's body. By the time he joins you at the patient's side you can see beads of wetness in his eyes. You say nothing, but you're glad to see he's not as stoic and jaded as he often pretends to be. You hold out the mug of water the nurse had supplied you with, and Gawain takes hold of it, offering it to the Crystal Pony.

As the shaking Equine takes a reluctant sip, you move your other talon to your son's shoulder and give a reassuring squeeze. He makes you proud every day. You know that, when the time comes, you'll be leaving the Empire in good hands.

:cry: So sad :cry:

[ ] Adopt a Pony Program: Thousands of Crystal Ponies inhabit hastily erected tent-cities, having been freed from Sombra before his defeat or fled the frost-blasted wasteland their homeland has been reduced to in order to escape the threat of famine. They are unsuitable for long-term habitation, and consuming vast amounts of resources for maitenance. Before anything else, these camps need to be emptied. Ideas have been passed around of a sort of "adopt a pony" program, where the Citizens of the Empire will open up their homes to these former victims of Sombra in exchange for a sizable tax cut, providing them with the care and sense of community they require while simultaneously assisting their integration into the wider Empire of Gryphus. Some Griffons and Dogs have already begun to do this on a small scale individually, but many feel that this should become an official government policy. This will of course be a significant undertaking that will require a massive bureaucracy and boatloads of funding, but it is both necessary and worth it to help those who have already suffered so much. Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%

That's my option! I was the one to propose it! I was wondering if Questor would actually use it and I'm glad he did :D

That aside, there are a LOT of possible choices here.. once I can access my laptop I'll probably try to analyze/rank them.

First impression is that we want to think long term here, and we should assume we have at least a couple of years of (relative) peace to integrate the ponies and start some new projects.

At the very least we should wait to make a navy until we actually develop our new ships (with cannons!)

Also exploring is not an urgent matter for now

By the way @Questor I think it would be better if you added how much we have to spend in the turn post.

EDIT: you might consider having multi-year turns at some point, to make our continuous developments and discoveries more realistic/believable. 2 years per turn would probably work for now.
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[ ] Plan Look Inwards

-[ ] The Great Hunt: While the greatest external threat to the Empire (that you know of) has been dealt with, the internal threats still remain. Trolls, Manticores, Hydras, Chimeras, Cockatrices, Feral Diamond Dogs and common bandits infest the lands of your Empire, and their numbers have only been growing while you have been occupied with Sombra. Local militias and the Knightly orders are enough to protect settlements, but few are comfortable with the fact that roughly half the land within your borders is dangerously infested with monsters. You have no shortage of veterans willing to get their talons dirty. Gather the full might of the Empire and purge the land of these dangerous beasts. Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Imperial Lands Purged of Monsters and Bandits, New Options Unlocked. Chance of Success: 70%

-[ ] The New Guard: Gustav Kingfeather, your Marshall for nearly two decades, is considering retirement. He's certainly earned it, after guiding you and the nation through two wars and forging the Imperial Army into what it is today. His replacement will have big shoes to fill, but after the Winter War there's no shortage of experienced officers. Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.

Torn between this and Mothballing the Peregrine Line, but getting the new options one year earlier is worth the maintenance costs IMO. And Gustav Kingfeather has really earned his retirement! :D


-[ ] The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Your soldiers fought and bled alongside the Neighponese in the Invasion of the Crystal Empire. Victory over Sombra, while possible without them, would have been much more difficult. You know that the Qilin have come to the same conclusion. And you both know that another great threat may be waiting for you out in the unexplored world. It only makes sense for your Empires to sign a treaty of mutual defense, pledging to come to each other's aid when faced with foreign aggression. Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%

-[ ] The Crystal Conundrum: The War has been won, and Sombra is finally, completely dead. But the consequences of his crimes are still felt. The Crystal Empire lies in destitute ruins, a shadow of its former self. Tens of thousands of Crystal Ponies live either on the brink of famine in the ruins of the Crystal City, or as displaced refugees within your own borders, all suffering from the mental and emotional trauma brought about by years under Sombra's rule. Clearly they cannot be simply left to struggle on their own. But what exactly should be done? Should the Crystal Empire be annexed? Re-established as a vassal or protectorate of Gryphus? Or should it be treated as simply another nation? And what of the Crystal Ponies already living within your cities? What of the Crystal Heart, an object that is both a magical superweapon and an almost holy cultural artifact to the Crystal Ponies? A great many questions need to be answered before you can begin rebuilding that which Sombra destroyed. Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.


-[ ] Adopt a Pony Program: Thousands of Crystal Ponies inhabit hastily erected tent-cities, having been freed from Sombra before his defeat or fled the frost-blasted wasteland their homeland has been reduced to in order to escape the threat of famine. They are unsuitable for long-term habitation, and consuming vast amounts of resources for maitenance. Before anything else, these camps need to be emptied. Ideas have been passed around of a sort of "adopt a pony" program, where the Citizens of the Empire will open up their homes to these former victims of Sombra in exchange for a sizable tax cut, providing them with the care and sense of community they require while simultaneously assisting their integration into the wider Empire of Gryphus. Some Griffons and Dogs have already begun to do this on a small scale individually, but many feel that this should become an official government policy. This will of course be a significant undertaking that will require a massive bureaucracy and boatloads of funding, but it is both necessary and worth it to help those who have already suffered so much. Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%


-[ ] Sugar Beets: Among the numerous crops that have been introduced to the Empire as a result of trade with Neighpon, Sugarcane has been one of the most sought after, particularly due to its inability to be farmed on the mainland. However, Genevieve claims to have an idea. By selectively breeding a particular species of root vegetable for increased production of Sucrose (the thing that gives Sugarcane its distinctively sweet taste), she believes it to be possible to engineer a hardier alternative to sugarcane that can be grown domestically. This will of course take a while to do. Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

-[ ] Rotative Beam Engine: Archimedes and Genevieve have been going over the designs for the Steam Pumps in between other projects for the past couple of years, and they think they've come up with a way to make the devices more versatile. By replacing the piston with something called a flywheel, they can turn the single-use pump into a multi-use engine, allowing for much greater utility. Simple in theory. In practice...well, you'll need to give them some time and funding to see if it's worth it. Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.

@Questor, since you previously accepted suggestions for intrigue actions... would this be acceptable?

[ ] Lost magic: One of the many things Sombra took from the crystal ponies is their magic. He ripped the expertise out of their minds and hoarded it. Now it falls to Ravensburg's agents to uncover as much knowledge of crystal magic as possible so that it can be preserved. They will have to comb through Sombra's archives and workshops, and with luck might even find abandoned workshops of the crystallomancers he stole from.


-[ ] Son's Socialization: Gawain is brilliant, a fine young ruler in the making. He has excelled in his studies and conducts himself in a manner befitting the Crown Prince of the Empire. He also doesn't really have any friends his own age, outside of his sisters and the children of some of the castle staff, and the latter are more acquaintances than true friends. It might be time to look into introducing him to a peer group. Not only would it be good for him to make friends his own age, it might be advantageous for him to have trusted contacts in certain levels of Imperial society. Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.

-[ ] Draconic Past-Time: Gwyndlyn, like her brother before her, is getting to the age where simple playing isn't enough to keep her attention. A hobby to take her interest and teach her some new skills would be a good thing to introduce her to at this point. Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Gwyndlyn gets a hobby and a new trait.
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I commend you for the suggestion though, don't hesitate to give suggestions for actions if you think the current list of actions is sparse or missing something.

There are two things that i think should be added relatively soon

1)an option to reform our education system. Special focus on a) highest education (like advanced engineering/science/magic) and b) education for the crystal ponies. Right now they're not good for much more than cheap/unqualified labour, and that can't stand. It's not exactly as important as healing their mental trama, but it IS important.

2)A research institute, like in my old proposal... let me see if i can find it...

We really need to fund more basic research. We got a lot of immediately usefull discoveries, but some simply require time and you don't get anything usefull IMMEDIATELY.

@Questor An idea for after the war, but maybe we could create and fund some general research institution (i think the term is blue sky research?), and this would get us one or more research rolls per turn (maybe depending on how much we pay for its upkeep), with a cost that grows exponentially (100=1 roll, 200=2 rolls, 400=3 rolls, 800=4 rolls..). After a certain number of successes (maybe with DC starting really high (even 100 or higher) and slowly decreasing with every roll to slow us from easily getting too far in developing purely theoretical knowledge, we unlock a learning action to actually translate it to practical.

Example: after 5 successes (starting DC 100, goes down by 4 after every roll, minimum 50) allowing basic understanding of what electricity IS and what its properties are, someone comes to us with the idea of using watermills/steam engines/whatever to produce it and store it for later use.


Example 2: after 8 successes in studying how diseases actually work(starting DC 105, goes down by 5 after every roll, minimum 40), someone comes up with the idea of voluntarily infecting people with a lighter form of a disease to "strenghten them" against the real deal. Vaccination research unlocked!

Investments into education could give bonuses to these rolls, and some special actions might give free rolls in specific categories (for example 1 free "medical research" roll from our "Office of Disease Control", or a free "economic research" roll from our central bank.

Uh, when i started writing my proposal was much simpler :p
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Gawain has two little sisters, lets get him a little brother as well. A Pony brother.

A diplomatic problem we might have with Equestria is Unicorns. The first Unicorn we met was Sombra, as such negative opinions of his people would arise.
Green for "must have"
Yellow for "maybe if nothing more urgent is required
Red for "hell no (maybe MUCH later)"

Martial: (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] The West Wall-Watchtowers: Cost: 1000. Time: Two Years. Reward: Western Border Watchtowers built, removes possibility of surprise attacks, may discourage raids into core territory.

we have a million things more important to do right now

[ ] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.

not exactly urgent, but we should take in a couple of year at the latest. It might also help with "The Great hunt" i think. Having more soldiers should make it easier/faster after all, shouldn't it?

[ ] Mothball the Peregrine Line: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Peregrine Line mothballed and will no longer require upkeep. May be reactivated at a later date.

-Peregrine Line: 100 (yearly upkeep). I don't think it's worth an action, unless there's something i'm missing.

[ ] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard the Western Frontier.

Might be a little soon to establish a new knight order there, it's not that urgent, and if we wait maybe we might actually found TWO orders for one action in the near-ish future (one for the western frontier, one for the crystal empire once it has recovered a bit.

[ ] The Great Hunt: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Imperial Lands Purged of Monsters and Bandits, New Options Unlocked. Chance of Success:

This one is actually pretty important, but i think it should wait until after our army recovers (Licking wounds)

[ ] We are the Imperial Navy!: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: +20 Warships (Cogs) added to Imperial Navy.

Has to wait for our new cannon ships, as Cogs are explicitely incompatible with cannons.

[ ] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.

Might as well do it now. Kingfeather deserves its rest, and what better moment that a(hopefully long, probably short) time of peace

[ ] Black Knights: Cost: 800. Time: One Year. Reward: Knights of the Inner Circle equipped with Black Steel weapons.

Not urgent, can wait until after we have our army recover its numbers. It's not like our knights are about to go fight sorcerers after all. At least i hope so..

[ ] Cautious Curiosity: Cost: 200. Time: Variable. Reward: Knowledge of Distant Lands.

We have enough problems at home. We don't need to go search for more! Ask again in 3 years maybe

Diplomacy: (Two Actions Per Turn)

[ ] Immigration Campaign: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Yak/Neighponese Immigrants. Chance of Success: 60%

We already have a full nation of immigrants to care for. This can wait at least a turn, maybe two.

[ ] A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Chance of Success: 70%

Well, this has potential.

[ ] The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%

The only reason i'm not having this as a green option is that i would prefer to use our intrigue option to actually check their internal situation first. Just in case. Also because i don't expect a new war immediately, and we still have a joke of a navy. Maybe once we actually HAVE a navy to defend them with?

[ ] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.

If we're going to start adopting ponies, we should make their official standing clear. At this point i expect them to simply join us, with maybe an option to regain their independance in the future if they really want to (i can't imagine why they would want to though)

Stewardship: (Two Actions per Turn) One Action Locked

[ ] Neighponese Seed Drills: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Farming Income.

[ ] Western Lumberjacks: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: Increased Logging Income.

[ ] Cloth Mills: Time: One Year. Cost: 500. Reward: Industrial Linen Production achieved, Increased Tax Income.

all three are interesting but, we only have one slot, and it's taken by the next option for me (and probably everyone else)

[ ] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%

This is my action! I proposed it first! If you don't vote for it you're a monster and should feel bad about yourself

[ ] Refugee Relocation Program: Time: One Year. Cost: 800. Reward: Crystal Refugee Upkeep greatly reduced.

cheap knock-off.

Learning: (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Cannon Ships: Cost: 100. Reward: New Ship Class Designed.

I don't really want to focus on our military while we just won our peace, but our navy is a joke right now, and this option has been here for ages!
Also if we actually want to be able to help The Qilin if they ever need us we DO need a decent navy, and this is the first step to it.

[ ] Flying without Wings: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.

First step to getting Airships... though we sadly have more urgent actions to take...

[ ] Sugar Beets: Cost: 200. Time: Two Years. Reward: Sugar Beets acquired, new Learning and Stewardship Actions Unlocked.

sugar, fuel, alcohol... usefull, though not exactly urgent.

[ ] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.

ALL OF MY YES! Let us REALLY start the industrial revolution! Trains, Steam ships, Factories... the possibilities are nearly endless!

[ ] Sound the War Horns!: Cost: 300. Time: One Year. Reward: Gain War Horns. Upgrade Army Communications Bonus.

We're at peace, it can wait

[ ] The Book: Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book

Let's not be hasty, the book is not going anywhere. I AM curious, but the mistery box can wait (i hope it contains instructions to make the crystal golems.. we could use them in so many ways, for work in the fields/mines/factories to our army (as long as no.. sapient ingredient is required of course)

Intrigue: (One Action Per Turn)

[ ] Sleeping Dragons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: New Intel on Neighpon, New Intrigue Actions. Chance of Success: 55%

I'd like to know more about Neighpon before we actually sign a formal alliance/ defence pact. We actually know next to nothing about how things are for the average citizen there.

[ ] The Cursed Mountain: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Potential Orichalcum Deposit in Yakyakistan. Chance of Success: 70%

not urgent, can wait.

[ ] Clan Politics: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%

should come before the cursed mountain action i think. Though i would give precedence to neighpon personally.

Personal: (Two Actions per Turn)

[ ] Overtime:

Always usefull, but we have important personal actions to take this turn

[ ] Son's Socialization: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.

We already delayed because of the war (a reasonable choice i think). We shouldn't delay again.

[ ] Draconic Past-Time: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Gwyndlyn gets a hobby and a new trait.

Next turn our adorable dragoness will get some love, i swear! In the meantime we can give him a little sister/brother!

[ ] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.

What better way to really push our people to help the ponies? It's a powerfull symbol.
sorry for the double post, but here is my tentative plan.

[] Plan "rest and recover"

-[ ] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.

-[ ] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.

-[ ] A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Chance of Success: 70%

-[ ] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.

-[ ] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%

-[ ] Cannon Ships: Cost: 100. Reward: New Ship Class Designed.

-[ ] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.

-[ ] Sleeping Dragons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: New Intel on Neighpon, New Intrigue Actions. Chance of Success: 55%

-[ ] Son's Socialization: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.

-[ ] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.

Cost: 4.613


@Questor i think you need to raise the prices or give us something else to spend our reserves on. We simply have too much money!

I think we literally can't go overbudget even by taking all the most expensive actions!

Maybe you could integrate Double Down/Expedite mechanics? (pay more for bonuses to the rolls/to complete the action more quickly)
[] A New Guard, A New Phase

I got hit with the idea that we could make use of The New Guard and be symbolic as hell, mostly for the martial actions and I was inspired. Then I realized the symbolism was stupid, but I still liked my ideas.

-[] Mothball the Peregrine Line: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Peregrine Line mothballed and will no longer require upkeep. May be reactivated at a later date.
-[] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.

Practically, the sooner we mothball the line, the less money we spend needlessly, but 100 a turn is chump change when our income is 6000. I'm confident that no significant force will manage to get through the Crystal Empire all the to the line without some warning. Exploration can wait until we secure our borders, and the Navy can wait until we get the new boats, and someone to use them against besides the Neighpon. Next turn, I want to do rebuild the army again, and make the Frontier Knights. After that, I want to start the Great Hunt, unless it becomes urgent sooner.

-[ ] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
On further thinking, courtesy of @Pittauro, the Line costs us basically piss all, the action spent mothballing it would cost more than we'd ever spend keeping it running, and the symbolism behind it and the plans for next turn were dumb. Rebuild the Army this turn, start the Great Hunt and the Frontier Knights next turn. Half the land in our borders being filled with monsters is unacceptable and should be dealt with swiftly.

-[] The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%
-[] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.

I want to get the Crystal Empire into the fold pronto, whether it's as a part of our empire, a vassal, a protectorate, whatever, as long as we can start securing the borders. Good sapients died for them, and I'm not willing to let some fuckwit stroll on in and lay claim to the land we paid for. It's a hard choice between Neighpon and Yaks, but gun to my head, I'd rather jump on the defense pact that the Yaks.

-[] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%

I don't think we need more cash, and we're not in desperate need of any supplies, so it's either this or the Relocation program, and that's just asking for infighting.

-[] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
-[] The Book: Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book

Let's take another step towards the industrial Age, and of all the other stuff, I'd much rather deal with the potentially evil book now. Just got to make sure they have Orichalcum and flamethrowers on hand incase things get dicey.

-[] Clan Politics: Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%

It's always a good idea to keep our finger on the pulse of the people, even if they aren't ours. I'm thinking we scout out that mountain next turn before the Yaks properly settle in, and I'm not touching Sleeping Dragons until it's at least 65%. Not risking our good relationship on whats basically a coin toss. Also thinking that it could get easier once we do the immigration campaign, and get some natives to snoop for us.

-[] Son's Socialization: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
-[] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.

A boy needs friends and we can't just not adopt a pony when we're telling other people to. Gwyndlyn can wait a turn, she has more time than any of us to screw around and also to learn better.
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Mothballing our defenses is both a very foolish and short-sighted move. Just because the action is there and we're fairly certain the qm isn't giving us trap option doesn't mean every option is correct. The fortresses and their garrisons aren't just For us they are designed to keep out dangers from coming from the South where the crystal ponies are so if they need to go somewhere safe they can come to the fortresses. it also keeps dangerous creatures coming from the North or territory and going into the extremely weekend territory of the crystal ponies.
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if you acknowledge 100 is "chump change", why do you still want to take that action? :confused:
Derp, that was a left over from giving a shit about symbolism, fixed it.

Mothballing our defenses is both a very foolish and short-sighted move. Just because the action is there and we're fairly certain the qm isn't giving us trap option doesn't mean every option is correct. The fortresses and their garrisons aren't just For us Roseville design to keep out dangers from coming from the South where is the crystal ponies are so if they need to go somewhere safe they can come to the to the fortresses. it also keeps dangerous creatures coming from the North or territory and going into the extremely weekend territory of the crystal ponies.
Also an excellent point that I didn't think of.
Mothballing our defenses is both a very foolish and short-sighted move. Just because the action is there and we're fairly certain the qm isn't giving us trap option doesn't mean every option is correct. The fortresses and their garrisons aren't just For us they are designed to keep out dangers from coming from the South where the crystal ponies are so if they need to go somewhere safe they can come to the fortresses. it also keeps dangerous creatures coming from the North or territory and going into the extremely weekend territory of the crystal ponies.

That, and we don't want to evict Bandits who might move in.
i think you need to raise the prices or give us something else to spend our reserves on. We simply have too much money!

I think we literally can't go overbudget even by taking all the most expensive actions!

Maybe you could integrate Double Down/Expedite mechanics? (pay more for bonuses to the rolls/to complete the action more quickly)
I think as soon as we hit the industrial revolutions, costs will definitely increase. And being in the black is a good thing, man! We had to go into debt earlier! Just because were making bank right now doesnt mean it's a bad thing. I'd hate sitting on a knifes edge on budget.

Anyway, having a nice surplus is a good thing for the time being, until more expensive action can be taken later. Especially with the amount of money that will be needed to fix up the crystal empire lands. I'm 99% certain we wont have a surplus for long...
Just an FYI to everyone talking about funds: the costs listed on actions are Per Turn.

It seems like your're making a lot of money now, but actions later in the quest will be scaled up in cost, and there will also be chances to create new institutions and military forces that will be costly both to build and to maintain.
Just an FYI to everyone talking about funds: the costs listed on actions are Per Turn.

It seems like your're making a lot of money now, but actions later in the quest will be scaled up in cost, and there will also be chances to create new institutions and military forces that will be costly both to build and to maintain.
So you changed it to a per turn model then?
[] A New Guard, A New Phase

I got hit with the idea that we could make use of The New Guard and be symbolic as hell, mostly for the martial actions and I was inspired. Then I realized the symbolism was stupid, but I still liked my ideas.

-[] Mothball the Peregrine Line: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Peregrine Line mothballed and will no longer require upkeep. May be reactivated at a later date.
-[] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.

Practically, the sooner we mothball the line, the less money we spend needlessly, but 100 a turn is chump change when our income is 6000. I'm confident that no significant force will manage to get through the Crystal Empire all the to the line without some warning. Exploration can wait until we secure our borders, and the Navy can wait until we get the new boats, and someone to use them against besides the Neighpon. Next turn, I want to do rebuild the army again, and make the Frontier Knights. After that, I want to start the Great Hunt, unless it becomes urgent sooner.

-[ ] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
On further thinking, courtesy of @Pittauro, the Line costs us basically piss all, the action spent mothballing it would cost more than we'd ever spend keeping it running, and the symbolism behind it and the plans for next turn were dumb. Rebuild the Army this turn, start the Great Hunt and the Frontier Knights next turn. Half the land in our borders being filled with monsters is unacceptable and should be dealt with swiftly.

-[] The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%
-[] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.

I want to get the Crystal Empire into the fold pronto, whether it's as a part of our empire, a vassal, a protectorate, whatever, as long as we can start securing the borders. Good sapients died for them, and I'm not willing to let some fuckwit stroll on in and lay claim to the land we paid for. It's a hard choice between Neighpon and Yaks, but gun to my head, I'd rather jump on the defense pact that the Yaks.

-[] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%

I don't think we need more cash, and we're not in desperate need of any supplies, so it's either this or the Relocation program, and that's just asking for infighting.

-[] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
-[] The Book: Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book

Let's take another step towards the industrial Age, and of all the other stuff, I'd much rather deal with the potentially evil book now. Just got to make sure they have Orichalcum and flamethrowers on hand incase things get dicey.

-[] Clan Politics: Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%

It's always a good idea to keep our finger on the pulse of the people, even if they aren't ours. I'm thinking we scout out that mountain next turn before the Yaks properly settle in, and I'm not touching Sleeping Dragons until it's at least 65%. Not risking our good relationship on whats basically a coin toss. Also thinking that it could get easier once we do the immigration campaign, and get some natives to snoop for us.

-[] Son's Socialization: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
-[] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.

A boy needs friends and we can't just not adopt a pony when we're telling other people to. Gwyndlyn can wait a turn, she has more time than any of us to screw around and also to learn better.
In terms of cost/benefit... yeah, I think this is the one closest to what I'd like.

Would like to wait until a year has passed to let the people rest before army recruitment for RP purposes, but we really do need our army back up and running for the crusade against our homelands monsters. And I suppose rather than mothballing it, we could keep it up at least long enough to fix the damages made to the line. Unless we already did that. Maybe eventually turn it into a heritage site way later down the line, just like the memorial. "And this is where hardbeak stared down Sombra and sliced him in half."