In the interest of making sure that a plan that does not go for the book as one of the learning actions wins, I'm switching my vote, as my plan and other proposed plans aren't getting any traction aside from A New Guard, A New Phase and Airships, Yaks and Downtime, and between those two I prefer the later.

[X] Plan Airships, Yaks, and Downtime
[X] Plan Airships, Yaks, and Downtime

Only choosing this because of the fact that it takes the guiding talon action.
[X] Plan Airships, Yaks, and Downtime

I was thinking about it, and I'm not much of a fan of adoption. This will definitely hinder efforts for rehabilitation from a protectorate nation to an independent nation as the Cystal Ponies become co-defendant.
Eh, personally I believe that it would just be better to annex them. We WILL already be going through massive efforts to provide care for them and help rebuild them, in ADDITION to the long term help and care many WILL need. I honestly think that they aren't ready to have any level of independence, and that it would be better for them as a whole to be fully integrated into the Empire. Also, it's the only reasonable non violent expansion option that we have period right now.
tallying time
Adhoc vote count started by todbo on May 1, 2019 at 10:40 AM, finished with 9061 posts and 24 votes.

  • [X] A New Guard, A New Phase
    [X] Plan Airships, Yaks, and Downtime
    -[X] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
    -[X] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Flying without Wings: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Clan Politics: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Son's Socialization - Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
    -[X] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
    [X] Plan A New Dawn
    -[X] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
    -[X] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Flying without Wings: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Viability of Airships explored, additional Learning Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Clan Politics: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Overtime
    --[X] The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
    [X] Plan: Frontier Knights, Pony Integration & Steam Engines Now
    -[X] Knights of the Frontier: Cost: 400. Time: Two Years. Reward: New Knightly Order Established to guard the Western Frontier.
    -[X] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] The Book: Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book
    -[X] Clan Politics: Cost: 200. Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] Son's Socialization - Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
    -[X] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
    [X] Plan Deserved Rest
    -[X] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
    -[X] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[X] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] The Book: Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book
    -[X] Sleeping Dragons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: New Intel on Neighpon, New Intrigue Actions. Chance of Success: 55%
    -[X] Son's Socialization - Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
    -[X] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
    [X] Plan "rest and recover"
    -[X] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.
    -[X] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] A Guiding Talon: Time: Two Years. Cost: 800. Reward: Griffons assist Yak modernization efforts, Increased Gryphus-Yak Relations. Chance of Success: 70%
    -[X] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[x] Cannon Ships: Cost: 100. Reward: New Ship Class Designed.
    -[X] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
    -[X] Sleeping Dragons: Cost: 400. Time: One Year. Reward: New Intel on Neighpon, New Intrigue Actions. Chance of Success: 55%
    -[X] Son's Socialization - Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
    -[X] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
@RandomLurker, your plan is winning, but you haven't actually voted yet.

Since the tally needs at least one vote where the sub-options are included...

[X] A New Guard, A New Phase

-[X] The New Guard: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: New Martial Advisor, New Actions Unlocked.
-[X] Licking Wounds: Cost: 1313 Time: One Year. Reward: Army returned to pre-Invasion Strength.

-[X] The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact: Time: One Year. Cost: 150. Reward: Mutual Defense Treaty with the Kingdom of Neighpon. Chance of Success: 70%
-[X] The Crystal Conundrum: Time: One Year. Cost:0 Reward: Resolve the ambiguous status of the Crystal Empire and the Crystal Ponies, New Actions Unlocked.

-[X] Adopt a Pony Program: Time: Three Years. Cost: 1500. Reward: Crystal Refugee Situation Resolved. Crystal Ponies integrated into Gryphonian society. Chance of Success: 65%

-[X] Rotative Beam Engine: Cost: 500. Time: Two Years. Reward: Invention of first true Steam Engine, New Actions Unlocked.
-[X] The Book: Time: One Year. Cost: 100. Reward: Info on the Mysterious Book

-[X] Clan Politics: Time: One Year. Reward: Information on Yak Politics/the Modernist Movement, New Intrigue Options. Chance of Success: 70%

-[X] Son's Socialization: Cost: 0. Time: One Year. Reward: Gawain makes some friends. Chance to develop future contacts.
-[X] Setting an Example: Time: One Year. Cost: 0. Reward: Crystal Pony Adopted.
So, there are two difference between my plan (Airship, Yaks, and Downtime) vs. the currently leading plan (A New Guard, A New Phase)

1) The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact -> A Guiding Talon
2) The Book -> Flying without Wings

The Mutual Defense Pact isn't really something we need right now, but at the same time that does make now a good time to sign it so that neither side is under pressure. I just think that having a friendly a modern Yak nation is worth more than making our de-facto defense pact de-jure.

It seems strange to me to go for the Book without also taking the immigration option so that we'll actually be able to use any magic we develop from the book. It does go well with making sure our Nieghpon neighbors are friendly since we'll basically be giving them this research action since we're bringing in their experts and won't be keeping them, and strengthening an ally isn't a bad move (see: aiding the yaks modernization)

Airships on the other hand are a very potentially valuable tool, though one that is still several actions away from being economically or militarily feasible. More importantly in my mind, the airships are something uniquely suited to Griffon physiology. Having a flying carrier for Griffon soldiers is far more valuable to us than to any non-flying species. Researching the book doesn't really help, as any insights will be far more valuable to Neighpon than us. Airships are something that will help us just as much if not moreso than it will help our allies (assuming we share it with them, whereas the Book is basically guaranteed to be shared since it's their experts doing the research anyway)
Last edited:
So, there are two difference between my plan (Airship, Yaks, and Downtime) vs. the currently leading plan (A New Guard, A New Phase)

1) The Gryphus-Neighpon Mutual Defense Pact -> A Guiding Talon
2) The Book -> Flying without Wings

The Mutual Defense Pact isn't really something we need right now, but at the same time that does make now a good time to sign it so that neither side is under pressure. I just think that having a friendly a modern Yak nation is worth more than making our de-facto defense pact de-jure.

It seems strange to me to go for the Book without also taking the immigration option so that we'll actually be able to use any magic we develop from the book. It does go well with making sure our Nieghpon neighbors are friendly since we'll basically be giving them this research action since we're bringing in their experts and won't be keeping them, and strengthening an ally isn't a bad move (see: aiding the yaks modernization)

Airships on the other hand are a very potentially valuable tool, though one that is still several actions away from being economically or militarily feasible. More importantly in my mind, the airships are something uniquely suited to Griffon physiology. Having a flying carrier for Griffon soldiers is far more valuable to us than to any non-flying species. Researching the book doesn't really help, as any insights will be far more valuable to Neighpon than us. Airships are something that will help us just as much if not moreso than it will help our allies (assuming we share it with them, whereas the Book is basically guaranteed to be shared since it's their experts doing the research anyway)
I've already made my personal case for book vs. Airship, since either way, it doesnt matter. Were not building the airships right now, and wed need engines for them to work anyway, which would take 2 years. Thus I'd say take book first, 1 year, and then airship design next year, when engines are done and wed have the research completed to actually move the thing through the air.

As for yaks vs. Neighpon, it can go either way, honestly. One side could argue better to get some allies while trust is high right now, while others would say getting the yaks modernized is the better option right now.

Personally, I think it can be either or, since if we take one action this turn, the other action will be taken next turn