@Questor done, i changed the hydra fight slightly, added a lot more of Hannibals thoughts on the slaves and added some post battle stuff, all in all i believe i added 700 words to it.
[X]Plan Tentative strategy

We need to check them all anyways but we really are not limited by halls. Everything is very big there are no narrow passage if there was the update would have said.
So quick tally.
Adhoc vote count started by Raptor580 on Apr 17, 2019 at 7:25 PM, finished with 8611 posts and 9 votes.

  • [X]Plan Tentative strategy
    -[X] The hallways limit how much force any one group can bring to bear if they encountered an enemy. Spread out at each intersection until there are 10 groups of equal size.
    -[X] Assign the 10 groups from the beginning to avoid squabbles.
    -[X] Garrick, 50 Griffons-at-Arms, and 85 Diamond Dogs stay back in the Entrance Chamber to coordinate.
    -[X] Focus more powerful units (Gransmasters, Gabriella, Pyro-Masters) on paths that lead forwards or where the architecture indicates a main passageway. That also means sending 4 groups forward from the entrance chamber.
    -[X] A few Diamond Dog scouts look for traps, knights are right behind to quickly deal with opponents before they can sound the alarm.
    -[X] Each group has a long coil of rope which they use to mark their path, and send back Diamond Dog runners to Garrick every two rooms to report what they found.
    -[X] Gabriella has the most experience with situations like this. If she sees any flaws in this plan, correct them.
    -[X] Stop for a vote if Garrick hears that a group has major problems or there are more paths than groups.
    [X] Charge straight forward.
    -[X] Hardbeak leads the way.
[x] Plan Tentative strategy
-[x] The hallways limit how much force any one group can bring to bear if they encountered an enemy. Spread out at each intersection until there are 10 groups of equal size.
-[x] Assign the 10 groups from the beginning to avoid squabbles.
-[x] Garrick, 50 Griffons-at-Arms, and 85 Diamond Dogs stay back in the Entrance Chamber to coordinate.
-[x] Focus more powerful units (Gransmasters, Gabriella, Pyro-Masters) on paths that lead forwards or where the architecture indicates a main passageway. That also means sending 4 groups forward from the entrance chamber.
-[x] A few Diamond Dog scouts look for traps, knights are right behind to quickly deal with opponents before they can sound the alarm.
-[x] Each group has a long coil of rope which they use to mark their path, and send back Diamond Dog runners to Garrick every two rooms to report what they found.
-[x] Gabriella has the most experience with situations like this. If she sees any flaws in this plan, correct them.
-[x] Stop for a vote if Garrick hears that a group has major problems or there are more paths than groups.
Link to the last time I did this.

Archival purposes: "The Crystal Invasion, Part 3 (posted by QM on Wednesday, April 17, 2019)"


The Front Page as it appeared to me on Wednesday, April 17, 2019.

Character Sheet (last edited by QM on Wednesday, April 3, 2019)
- Not Changed
Name: Garrick Golden-Feather

Age: 44

Titles: Emperor of Gryphus, King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the Imperial House of Gryphus, The Unifier, Great Winged Alpha

Description: Before your wife got her talons on you, you were a fairly typical example of the Griffon species. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. Not anymore though. Oh, you still have all those qualities, they're just overshadowed by the massive amount of muscle you've put on since you started your wife's "enhanced training regimen". Your wings can lift dumbbells, and your legs are like tree-trunks supporting a barrel chest rippling with abdominal muscles. In short, you have the build of a person who has been lifting heavy objects his entire life.

Martial: 9+2+1+2=14

Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18

Stewardship: 13+2=15

Learning: 16+2=18

Intrigue: 11+2=13

  • Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
  • Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills
  • Trait-Strong: Working out with your wife has done great things for your body. +2 Martial


  • Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia. +1 Martial
  • Royal Armor: Serving to protect you as well as display your royal status to onlookers, this armor is both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Orichalcum Sword: A blade made of an extremely durable, magic resistant metal

Wife: Gabriella Golden-Feather

Opinion of You: 10/10

Age: 43

Martial: 15+1+2=18
Diplomacy: 11+1=12
Stewardship: 8+1=9
Learning: 13+1=14
Intrigue: 10+1=11

Trait: Strong - Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced - Has been a mercenary for several years, ranging across the lands of the former Empire. Knows much about the world. (+1 All Stats)

Son: Gawain Golden-Feather

Age: 13

Martial: 14+2+2+1-5=14
Diplomacy: 13+2+2+2-5=14
Stewardship: 14+2-5=11
Learning: 10+2-5=7
Intrigue: 11+2-5=8

Status: Teenager-Malus to all Stats (-5 to all Stats)
Status: Designated Heir. Will become player character in event of Parent's Deaths.
Trait: Strong-Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Attractive-A cute kid, and eventually a handsome fellow. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)
Trait: Genius-Smart doesn't begin to describe him. (+2 All Stats)
Trait: Game Master-Years of playing games of strategy and wits with members of the Imperial Court has honed his sense of strategy and taught him how to read others. (+1 Martial, +2 Diplomacy)

(Adopted) Daughter: Gwyndlyn Golden-Feather

Age: 9
Status: Child-No Stats
Status-Designated Regent: In the event that no heir is capable of taking the throne, or in the event the rightful ruler is otherwise unavailable, she will take control of the kingdom until the situation can be resolved.
Trait: Dragon-A fire breathing reptile. (+4 Martial)

Daughter: Gilda Golden-Feather

Age: 6
Status: Child-No Stats

Informational: State of the Nation (last edited by QM on Wednesday, April 3, 2019)
- Not Changed

Treasury Reserves
: 7310

Net Income: 6595

Yearly Income: 7550

-Tax Revenue: 3325
-Farming Income: 2225
-Mining Income: 800
-Logging Income: 200
-Trade Income: 1000

Yearly Expenditures: 955

-Army Upkeep: 535
-Navy Upkeep: 100
-Office of Disease Control: 10
-Ministry of Foreign Affairs: 10
-Peregrine Line: 100
-Crystal Refugees: 200


Imperial Army
: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you. 500 soldier battalions cost 150 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Imperial Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of 200 gold per every ten thousand soldiers.

Imperial Army Morale: 70/100 (Above Average)

Imperial Army Numbers: 26,780

-12,500 Warriors: Armed with a sword or hand-axe and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.

-6250 Polearms: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.

-6250 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.

-1500 Diamond Dogs: Armed with a variety of swords, maces, war axes, and other weapons suitable for close-quarters, Diamond Dogs are masters of subterranean combat, and are well suited to ambush tactics.

-280 Artillerists: Responsible for the transport, maintenance and operation of heavy weaponry, these Gryphons and Dogs are highly trained in their chosen field of ranged combat.

-4 Mobile Ballistae: Massively oversized mechanical bows that fire bolts big enough to pierce through tree trunks from vast distances.

-21 Cannons: Firing iron balls through the power of explosive black powder, these metal siege engines are one of the most powerful weapons in your arsenal.

-10 Flame Projectors: A product of Archimedes's "liquid fire", these static contraptions can shoot jets of flaming liquid vast distances, burning all in their path.

Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.

The Knights Lion
1 Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer"
35 Knights of the Inner Circle
200 Imperial Knights
80 Squires
450 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Lion's Den, Griffonia

The Knights Talon
1 Grandmaster Colombroni Pigeonio
30 Knights of the Inner Circle
225 Imperial Knights
100 Squires
400 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Crow's Nest, Wingbardy

The Knights Panther
1 Grandmaster Adrian Dawnquill
35 Knights of the Inner Circle
250 Imperial Knights
75 Squires
350 Griffons-at-Arms
Citadel: The Black Fortress, Aquileia

Royal Navy: The vessels that guard your coastlines and patrol the oceans. Crewed by career sailors, they have an upkeep of five gold per ship, per year.

20 Cogs (Bolt-Throwers)

Auxiliaries: Auxiliary units are forces not part of a Knightly Order or the Royal Army and Navy that can be brought into battle alongside both of the former groups. They can be made up of allied nation units suborned to you, units drawn up from the militia, and mercenary outfits.


Nobility Opinion: 9/10 (Long Live the Emperor!).

General Public Opinion: 9/10 (Long Live the Emperor!).

Roll Bonuses

Improved Army Communications: +3 on certain Army Rolls
Naval Navigation Tools: +5 on certain Naval and Exploration Rolls
Gun-Cotton: +5 to all Cannon Rolls
Pre-Discord Map: +10 to next Exploration Roll
Scatter-Shot: Bonus to Certain Cannon Rolls
Blasting Jelly: +5 to Certain Explosive Rolls
Camouflage 101: +5 to Certain Intrigue/Army Rolls
Firebender Designed Flamethrowers: +5 to all Flamethrower/Liquid Fire Rolls
Imperial War Memorial: Army Morale may not fall below 20, Militia count as Regulars when defending Core Territory

Informational: Diplomatic Relations/Persons of Interest (last edited by QM on Wednesday, April 3, 2019)
- Not Changed
Diplomatic Relations

Kingdom of Neighpon: 7.5/10 (Friendly Neighbor)

Yak Clans
Raw Hides: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)
River Walkers: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)
Broken Horns: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)
Thunder Warriors: 7/10 (Friendly Neighbor)

Persons of Interest

???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.

Garibaldi Talonuelli: Formerly the Duke of Wingbardy, now the Grand Duke of Wingbardy, Talonuelli is a beloved public figure in his home province and an experienced administrator. After saving his city and people from Brochard's attempted invasion and negotiating his province's vassalage over a few drinks, you'd like to think you can count him among your friends.

Federico Montefeathertro: Duke of the (former) City-State of Urbirdo, and your Father-in Law. He might just be the friendliest of the former Feathersians, having agreed to back you and your kingdom without question or condition during the Brochard Crisis, and hiring a mercenary outfit as a belated wedding gift. You're reasonably certain he likes you, as much as In-Laws can like each other anyway.

Koryū Ryuō: The draconic Emperor of the Island Kingdom of Neighpon. Having agreed to assist you in the war against the Shadow King and making fast friends with your adoptive daughter, you consider him a decent fellow who you can trust to keep his word, and a valuable ally against any destructive forces the world can throw at you.

Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer": Grandmaster of the Knights Lion and Hero of the Empire. Beheaded Brochard the pretender, crippled Sombra the shadow king twice over, and received the very first Imperial Medal of Honor. Despite it all, he is surprisingly humble, insisting in vain that he was, and is, merely doing his duty to the Empire, and to you. He is the very model of an Imperial Knight.
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we really are not limited by halls. Everything is very big, there are no narrow passages, if there were the update would have said.
Keep in mind that we brought 2500 people. Our task force is large enough that they don't even fit into the massive entrance hall:
the chamber you've entered is both unoccupied and massive, large enough to accommodate most of your forces
Even the wide hallways down here would still limit an army. Let's be generous and assume the corridors are 8 griffons or 16 DDs wide, then even after splitting into 10 groups of 240 that would still mean the formation would be 18 rows deep. By the time the last row has entered a room, the front would likely have already dealt with any traps or enemies.
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Result seems pretty obvious. I'll start work on the update.
Adhoc vote count started by Questor on Apr 18, 2019 at 9:04 AM, finished with 8618 posts and 14 votes.

  • [X]Plan Tentative strategy
    -[X] The hallways limit how much force any one group can bring to bear if they encountered an enemy. Spread out at each intersection until there are 10 groups of equal size.
    -[X] Assign the 10 groups from the beginning to avoid squabbles.
    -[X] Garrick, 50 Griffons-at-Arms, and 85 Diamond Dogs stay back in the Entrance Chamber to coordinate.
    -[X] Focus more powerful units (Gransmasters, Gabriella, Pyro-Masters) on paths that lead forwards or where the architecture indicates a main passageway. That also means sending 4 groups forward from the entrance chamber.
    -[X] A few Diamond Dog scouts look for traps, knights are right behind to quickly deal with opponents before they can sound the alarm.
    -[X] Each group has a long coil of rope which they use to mark their path, and send back Diamond Dog runners to Garrick every two rooms to report what they found.
    -[X] Gabriella has the most experience with situations like this. If she sees any flaws in this plan, correct them.
    -[X] Stop for a vote if Garrick hears that a group has major problems or there are more paths than groups.
    [X] Charge straight forward.
    -[X] Hardbeak leads the way.
I have been working on part three of my omake series for a full week.

This quest really helped get my creativity going, so I am not stopping till it needs to stop.

The persona stuff was not meant to drag that here, just look at this through an interesting lens.

Plus I like this battle so far you have going.
The Crystal Invasion, Part 4
The Strike Force is divided into three groups of roughly equal size, each one sent down one of the three paths open to you, coils of rope unwinding behind them to act as a guide back in the event Sombra has any magical tricks or disorienting traps hidden away down here. Gabriella accompanies The Kingslayer in his journey North, the other Grandmasters splitting up to take the Eastern and Western paths. It pains you to see her go on without you, and you know she feels the same, but she's a ferocious fighter that will be sorely needed in any engagement, and you need to stay behind to coordinate the actions of all three groups.

At the insistence of your subordinates, a handful of fighters stay behind to act as your bodyguard. You personally wonder if it's really necessary, but you aren't ashamed of admitting that you don't want to be left alone in the entrance hall. You think it's just your imagination but you swear you can see the shadows flicker out of the corner of your eye. The free Crystal volunteers split up to accompany the exploration parties, taking up the rear for safety's sake, promising to point out any familiar routes or locations that might lead to the surface.

Despite all attempts at stealth, none can stop the ground from shaking as hundreds of feet march off down the unusually wide and tall hallways, their footfalls echoing loudly off the stone. The vast size of these catacombs worries you the more you think about it. Aesthetics were one thing, but one did not carve such vast pathways through the Earth for the sake of appearances alone. Especially not someone like Sombra. What could necessitate such oversized tunnels?

Not long after the groups depart, the sound of their footsteps just barely audible, shouts and bestial roars echoing through the catacombs herald an answer to your question. A messenger from the Eastern Path brings news even as the cacophony of combat grows louder.

The chamber to the East is a massive Troll Den, housing dozens of the beasts. And your soldiers had just marched right into the middle of it.

This at least solves the mystery of where Sombra has been getting his latest shock troops: he's been breeding them. Treating the dangerous beasts like livestock, destined for the frontline rather than the chopping block, using his magic to keep them pliant and submissive to his will. If his creations weren't currently trying to crush your troops for trespassing on their territory you'd almost be impressed by the sheer audacity of the whole thing. As it is your troops are having difficulty combatting the behemoths in such tight quarters, their maneuverability advantage negated by the lack of room to dodge the charges of the enraged beasts.

(East Path Combat: 74-10(Defending their Den)+10(Garrison Artillerygriff's day Omake)=74)

Thankfully, by some small miracle it seems that almost all of the Trolls that would otherwise be in their den are outside fighting off the main assault, leaving the Den's defenses severely depleted. Only a single bull, a talon-full of females and a few dozen juveniles are present. But this does little to make the task of the Eastern Force any easier. Even a juvenile troll is large and strong enough to pose a significant threat, and the berserker rage brought on by an invasion of their home prompts them to fight with a ferocity that no amount of Sombra's magic could hope to replicate.

They crash into the lines of armored troops with tremendous fury, pummeling away at Qilin, Dogs and Griffons alike, disregarding the stinging cuts and weeping wounds delivered by the lances, swords and axes of their diminutive prey as their monstrous strength shatters bones, pulps flesh and crumples armor. But for every soldier they crush underfoot or swat from the air, three more swiftly take their place, as reinforcements continue to stream in through the entrance to the chamber.

Ironically, or perhaps logically, the Bull goes down first, Grandmaster Dawnquil flying like a bolt from a ballista to bury his sword up to the hilt in its forehead before flying along the length of its skull, dragging his blade along with him as he carves a furrow through its brain matter. By the time he breaks away, his Orichalcum sword dripping with ichor, the monstrous creature's brainpan has been neatly bisected down the middle, the beast collapsing with a groan as it crushes several of its offspring under its bulk.

The females are slightly smaller than the bull, but they are greater in number, and fighting to defend their young. But between dozens of Fire Warriors and a pair of Legendary Pyro-Masters, your soldiers swiftly learn that not even their berserker rage can overcome their instinctual fear of fire, nor their panicked reactions to being set alight. Their shrieks are clearly audible from your distant post, and their panicked flailing kills yet more of their young. Finally, the bellows of pain and panic die down as the crisped monsters finally die...leaving only the juveniles behind.

Even a juvenile troll can kill. As strong and durable as bears with few flight instincts and a thirst for blood, dozens of the creatures throw themselves against the armored bulwark of the Diamond Dogs and Knights Lion. There is no strategy, no coordination in their attacks, merely the blind, panicked berserker rage of threatened beasts with nothing left to lose. And though more than a few of your own are brought down by their determined assault, the beasts stand no chance against the steel of your army.

Shortly after the last troll falls to the ground dead, the chamber is declared clear. The bodies of the dead are ferried back to the entrance chamber alongside those too injured to carry on, and after a brief rest period Dawnquil's party continues onwards.

(North Path Combat: 83-10(Eldritch Foe)=73)

Meanwhile, to your North, Gabriella and Hardbeak are also engaged in a pitched battle, this time against a particularly large and aggressive example of Sombra's Shadow Beasts.

What had at first appeared to be a pool of dark liquid in a basin carved into the floor had suddenly and violently surged upwards, sprouting countless eyes, mouths and tendrils, lashing out at those that dared to intrude upon its domain. Sharp tendrils pierce armor like pikes, grasping hands swat airborne Griffons from the air, gaping jaws filled with hundreds of needle-like teeth abruptly take chunks out of those that get too close, and the otherworldly shrieks of the arcane abomination send even the most hardened of veterans into a panic as their mundane weapons pass through the creature as if they were striking at empty air.

Thankfully, Hardbeak and Gabriella, possibly the two people in the Empire most qualified and best equipped for the task, are there to fight it. With their Orichalcum blades, they hack away at the abominations many limbs, the severed appendages falling to the stone floor and melting into puddles of goo, the Shadow beast now shrieking in pain as it's very essence comes under attack. The beast withdraws, drawing back in on itself as it assumes a more defensive posture...then the Qilin unleash coordinated blasts of fire.

Even as far away from the fight as you are, the blood-curdling scream of the beast hurts even your ears.

Gradually, the abomination's death throes begin to die down, and its remains sink into the very pool it emerged from. The survivors press onwards, giving the pool some suspicious glances and wide berths as they continue on to the next chamber. Hardbeak stations some Qilin behind to "make sure it stays dead."

Meanwhile, things initially go much more peacefully on the Western approach. The first chamber Pigeonio's group enters contains nothing more than beakers, flasks, books and blackboards filled with mysterious substances and arcane scribbles. You assume this to be a laboratory for Sombra's personal use.

The brain birds back home would have a field day with this...but that will have to wait until after the battle is won. After thoroughly checking the room for hidden traps, Pigeonio leads his group further into the catacombs.

At first glance, the next room appears to merely be a continuation of the first: blackboards, magical instruments and desks weighed down with piles of crystals adorn the space. Thus lulled into a false sense of security, the exploration party is caught off guard when several lumps of stone levitate off the desks and begin flying through the air, meeting in the center of the room and merging into a golem!

This golem is very unlike any you or yours have encountered before. Bipedal, compact, almost draconic in appearance...and in function, as it's first act upon being "activated" is to open its maw and unleash a stream of magically produced flames, incinerating an entire squadron of unfortunate Diamond Dogs.

(West Path Combat: 60-10(Magic Attacks)+15(Where Water, Drink and Love Flows Omake)=65)

What follows is several minutes of panic, chaos and confusion as your soldiers try to avoid the attacks of the crystalline combat construct as it proceeds to set fire to every bit of wood in the room, using its flames to full effect. The dogs fall back as the Knights form a shield wall, the metal glowing from the heat as the Qilin pop their heads out of cover to launch fire blasts of their own, more than one of them being burned alive for his trouble as their flames seem to splash off the stone skin of their opponent.

This stalemate is broken when Grandmaster Pigeonio, in a fit of desperation, chucks his sword like a javelin into the golem's "mouth"...causing it to explode like a fire cocktail, it's inner workings disrupted by the Orichalcum blade. As the Knights beat their wings to clear the smoke, the Grandmaster retrieves his sword and proceeds to stab each and every chunk of minerals in the room, be it the remains of the golem or a simple stone sitting on a desk.

As he does so, a Squire notices a small hatch in the far wall with a mound of Crystals beneath it: a mineral delivery chute leading up. None of the Knights or Qilin could hope to fit through it...but a few of the smaller dogs might be able to...if they ditched their armor. The Crystal Pony accompanying the group states that he thinks he knows where the chute ends up above: a maitenance room, not far from the throne room.

As a messenger relays this info to you, another two arrive bearing news from Hardbeak and Dawnquill.

The Northern contingent have stumbled across a very large and imposing door that practically screams "Sombra's Vault".

They're experiencing difficulties getting into it though. The flames of the Qilin fail to even heat the stone, the Dogs can't dig underneath it, and while the Orichalcum swords have suppressed any magical traps by their mere presence, they aren't enough to force it to open. Curiously, there doesn't seem to be a keyhole...and there's something seriously off about the gargoyle above the door...as evidenced by the fact that when their Crystal Guide looked at it he started screaming in primal terror, to the point that he had to be restrained and dragged out of the room before he regained his senses. He claims to have no recollection of even seeing the door. Perhaps the lock is magical in nature, and can't be opened when Orichalcum is present?

On the other wing, the Eastern Contingent, after picking their way through a room filled wall to wall with bones...bones with teeth marks and distinctive Equine features...they find a stairwell, which their Crystal Guide states leads to the upper levels of the catacombs, just below the ground floor of the castle.

Your forces have explored the lower catacombs and pacified any resistance. Sombra is likely now aware of your presence. What do you do now?

[ ] Safe-Cracking: Whatever is in that vault is valuable to Sombra, and thus valuable to you. Have your troops assume defensive positions while you try and figure out a way to get it open.

[ ] Press Forward: You can try to crack open the Vault later. Right now you've got a Mad King to kill. Gather up your soldiers and head up the stairs before Sombra can rally a defense.

[ ] Write-In

There will be a 10-hour moratorium to allow for discussion and plan building. Feel free to ask questions.

Entrance Hall
Garrick Golden-Feather, Emperor of Gryphus
50 Griffons-at-Arms
85 Diamond Dogs

Northern Path
Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer"
Gabriella Golden-Feather, Empress of Gryphus
1 Qilin Pyro-Master
10 Knights of the Inner Circle
67 Imperial Knights
28 Squires
129 Griffons-at-Arms
68 Qilin Fire Warriors
459 Diamond Dogs

Western Path
Grandmaster Colombroni Pigeonio
2 Qilin Pyro-Masters
12 Knights of the Inner Circle
63 Imperial Knights
22 Squires
123 Griffons-at-Arms
59 Qilin Fire Warriors
427 Diamond Dogs

Eastern Path
Grandmaster Adrian Dawnquill
2 Qilin Pyro-Masters
11 Knights of the Inner Circle
58 Imperial Knights
21 Squires
126 Griffons-at-Arms
61 Qilin Fire Warriors
431 Diamond Dogs
