That explosion must have been seen from orbit..... I wonder what the one living in the moon would think of that. Especially triangulating the position.

I expect that the Explosion (It deserves the E) will probably appear on every Rumor Mill and some people might want to explore. Megumin surely would have been proud of that Explosion :p
Feathersian city are clearly Italian's city-state.
I actually forgot about that. We really are turning into MLP!Axis....but i still want the italian yak. And now its even easier. A young yak comes to a Feathersian city and falls in love with everything around and decides to stay there and adopt some thing from the locals and boom: pizza chef yak at your service.
QM has said before that Omake bonuses do not apply to exploration rolls
This has nothing to do with omakes, though. It's about the "First Contact Protocols" action from turn 9.

Since the goal of "Eastern Expedition" was "Contact made with Eastern Neighbors", Shadow-86 was wondering why there was no "Bonus to First Impressions with Other Factions". Might just be that it's not a bonus on the dice roll but on the difficulty of the action, but asking is definitely sensibe here.
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Considering Discord's chaos did erase the royal family to the point where we were the sole remaining descendant, and it'll be decades until our potential grandchildren would be of age, there are very few deaths between her and the throne. And since Garrick is stupid enough to risk both himself and his wife against Sombra himself where only a roll of 80 saved us from "Sombra kills one of the three pests in front of him", we might win the war but lose the royal couple.

I also didn't see any response on her draconic nature?

If the royal couple dies in the Winter War, it doesn't really matter what Gwyndlyn studies, since she won't be ready for regency anyways. If they die in war after that, it means shit has probably hit the fan and we might want to have a kid that is extremely good at war at the helm of the Empire.

As for the "draconic nature", i didn't respond mainly because i don't really see any evidence for why a dragon would be more liable to give in to their aggressive instincts than any Griffon. Last i checked, MlP dragons fatal flaw was their greed, not their propensity for wrath. Both Griffons and Dragons are aerial apex predators, why is one more likely to go berserk than the other?

I'd also like to dispute that the only outlet for Gwyndlyn would be to go conquer some random nation. If someone kills her family, she is more likely to go apeshit on the poor fool who is responsible, and she would probably want to do so whether she has full martial training or not, full martial just makes her more likely to succeed.

Next, this:

As a dragon, living for battle and not having much in terms of intellectual interests could bring her more aggressive instincts to the fore.

makes me think you misunderstand what the Martial stat means. It isn't just the Raaaaagh Dragon Smash stat, it also very much includes the intellectual art of war, from grand strategy and logistics down to combat engineering, the science of training troops and the implementation of new technologies and doctrines. A properly educated general is just as much of an academic as any professor, and will have many ways to keep himself busy in peace time. Si vis pacem, para bellum, after all.

Lastly, the Martial training that was selected for Gwyndlyn also includes Intrigue training, which means she will probably be doing a lot of spy stuff to keep busy in peace time. After all, Intrigue is also a way of defending the Empire, and one very different from pure Martial, so she will have the outlet you seem to want for her already.
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Say does anyone want to capture some trolls and use them as Shock troopers like what our troops had to fight during the unification war?
As for the "draconic nature", I didn't respond mainly because i don't really see any evidence
You're forgetting what we learned in the story so far:
Untamed Land: Griffonia is utterly infested with monsters, brigands, rogue dragons, and worse.
what farmlands that weren't ruined by Discord were looted by Diamond Dogs, wrecked by Trolls, or burned by Dragons.
[Gabriella] spent almost half a decade fighting everything from bandits to trolls to, in a particularly astonishing case, an actual dragon!
It's a scene of carnage. The forest burns, entire trees set alight, acres of greenery turned to ash and smoking embers. There are great rents in the ground, the tell-tale signs of Draconic claws that have been scratching in the dirt. At the entrance to a massive cavern lie the corpses of four enormous mountain trolls, their skins charred black by dragonfire, their entrails scattered about them.
At least in this quest, rogue dragons are spoken of in the same breath as monsters.

If someone kills her family, she is more likely to go apeshit on the poor fool who is responsible
You're assuming the previous ruler was killed in war. Sickness and poison are much more insidious killers.

this makes me think you misunderstand what the martial stat means. It isn't just the Raaaaagh Dragon Smash stat, it also very much includes the intellectual art of war
I never said it was just personal combat ability. However, were Hannibal or Napoleon well-adjusted? No, despite being geniuses.

A singular focus on war is still a mindset that easily leads to a warmonger personality. If all you have is a hammer, you tend to see nails.
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Our dragon daughter would live for a very long time, she has time to learn more then just war. I also figure interaction with the king could also shape her identity. Give her a + in something other then martial give her some learning or diplo.
Feathersian city are clearly Italian's city-state.

We actually never got a confirmation that they're the Qilin.

We just assumed it cause of their ships' design ( a pre-industrial Japanese type of sail-ship if I remember right)

Actually @Questor are these the Kirins from the show or are they a different race?

I came up with the idea and concepts for this Quest before that episode came out. As such, they are not the Kirin from the show.

These are Qilin. Different thing. Similar in some ways, but still different.
[X] A True Golden-Feather

You know the Princessess more than likely heard that 'splotion
In Equestria, And will probably investigate.
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Inserted tally
Looks like a landslide so far
Adhoc vote count started by Gamefreak1ed on Feb 26, 2019 at 4:17 PM, finished with 109 posts and 37 votes.
Omake: A Great Music Never Heard (Canon)

~~~~~ A great music never heard ~~~~~
You are King Sombra and your horn still aches. It has been aching everyday since you lost it in the treacherous fight orchestrated by your en... no, you refuse to call those hornless PEASANTS as your enemies. They yield no magic, they have no horns, their only redeeming trait is their wings. But they don't share the GLORIOUS unity you have given to your kingdom, your utopia.

Every being under your rule, from the weakest pony to the mightiest crystal entity you made with your colossal strengh, lives under one mind, yours. Not even their own thoughts are without you, your presence is absolute.

You cannot understand how they ever managed to hurt you. The temporary setback of your forces is but a trifle, a mere respite before you show YOUR PEERLESS MIGHT to these WORTHLESS scum.

You still remember the eyes, on the few times you need to sleep, of the trio that engaged you, fearful yet determined. You haven't seen live eyes in decades. they will soon be shown how the only way to live is under your complete, absolute control.

Yet... reluctantly, you have to admit, you need more preparations for the next assault. Your iron was truly spent, your forges are hungry to make armor for your soldiers. No matter. Your mines are plenty and abundant, you will soon acquire what you require and MORE.
Next time, you will not use your Flesh Horrors, no. you lost every single one on the assault and you cannot easily replace them crippled as you are. You will use the best, strongest iron you can to REINFORCE and DOUBLE your Crystal Guardians, the toughest of your troops. No fake fire that you don't have the slightest understanding in how it can exist without magic will melt them, they will MARCH on top of ALL THEIR SKULLS.

Wait. Whats this feeling. Many of your vassals... ceased to live. You never feel your ...
Your train of thought is disrupted by the loudest sound you ever heard, a explosion that shatters many of the more brittle crystals which were used as decoration before. The shockwave reach to your castle, YOUR IMMACULATE FORTRESS, and it rumbles beneath the fury released. A small crystal is dislodged from the ancient candle holder and falls within your eyesight.
Quickly, you change to your form of shadows and go forward to see what has happened.

Narrator: - sadly, no one able to hear the curses and shouts of denial from King Sombra had their ears intact.

PS: Act 2 of said music would be when he realizes whover the saboteurs were(if he manages to figure out this was enemy action but cmon too bad to not be), they did not even NEED WINGS THIS TIME.
I really want Radiant Hope to show up sometime with the alicorn sisters to potentially get some deliciously aghast reactions.

If they wait a bit more and we keep doing a good job, they will come with a army ready to vanquish Sombra and they will find a weak, but magically healthy land trying to recover itself with a gigantic statue the size of the entire castle showing griffons, diamond dogs and yaks stomping down Sombra and shattering its horn.
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Omake: Yak Councils in Recent History (Semi-Canon)
Yak Councils in recent history


A Yak council is not a regular affair, nor an event to celebrate. These gatherings of shamans, elders, warleaders and more are called when the Yaks stand before a choice that may alter all land they walk occupy or when a threat that challenges all of Yak lives rears it's head.

In the year of 12 ad (after discord) there took place 3 of these within a single year. To punctuate how momentus this was, before the peace council which ruled that no clan may wage war upon another clan during the times of discord, there had not been a council for 54 years.

A council is called by the elder shaman of a tribe blowing their sacred horn utop the precipice at the end of the great valley called "the voice of the mountains" where it's echo rebreaths far and wide over Yakyakistan. The shamans apprentices walk further to the other clans to inform the general topic of the meeting and when it will be held, this usually is as soon as possible due to the nature of the council.

The meeting takes place on "the hill of split rocks" also translated to "the hill of solved issues" for reasons which will become clear later. Upon this hill there may be no food and after the gathering none may leave before the council is over. When the council has gathered a large boulder will be carried up upon the hill, when the boulder is in its place, the council has started.

There are no true rules of how the council shall proceed from this point. The wisest and eldest are trusted to make the swiftest decision possible and come to the best solution. When the solution is reached one of the leaders present splits the boulder with a mighty blow, the solution being irrevocable as a split rock can't be put together again. This is where the saying "the rock is split" originates from.

Here we will focus on the three councils who's issues and their resolutions mostly shaped the early Yak-Griffin relations.

The first council was perhaps the most remarkable. The Yaks tell that the eldest shaman of every clan received the dark omen. Cold, darkness and war was coming and it would be what discord wasn't, an attack from which there was only victory or death.
According to the stories, all shamans simultaneously blew their horns so loudly that not one Yak could not hear it.

This council started at morning and did not even last until noon. Within days the full martial might of every Yak clan would march towards griffonia to find their airborne allies.

The second council happened not long after the warriors came home from the battle of redstone pass and started with two of the Yak patriarchs asking their shamans for their wisdom.

One of the most sacred laws for the Yaks is that once two Yaks fight side by side they are kin. This law (for lack of a better term) is absolute and kin slaying is a crime without equal. This had previously not been a large issue when two Yaks from different clans had become kin. If two clans warred then the two kin would simply not partake or challenge each other in a duel depending on the circumstances. Now however almost every able bodied Yak had fought side by side with each other and beside Griffins.

The shamans saw the wisdom in dealing with this issue as soon as possible and the council was soon called.

This council lasted longer as the oldest and wisest debated and discussed. Many warriors young and old were asked to tell their stories from the battlefield. Tales of valor, death, honor and courage were told at every hour of the day and night.

In the end, two declarations were made. Griffins could be kin and the Yak who fought at redstone pass were kin. This effectively meant that a generation of no clan wars would start. Disputes and questions of honor would be solved with challenges and duels.

It is here where historians in general agree that the culture of the Yak start their change in the decades to come.

The third council occured not a full year after the last one and would be surrounded by the most controversy among the Yak.

With the increase in trade between the Griffin and Yak people there eventually came up clans that did not see reason to live as nomads and instead live as merchant princes, setting up a merchant town where the Griffin caravans came to sell their goods and supply before returning to griffonia. These mechant clans would then trade with the clans in the area. The steady supply of food and everyday items from clans and the Griffin traders meant that there was no need to move from where they were.

The third council was called by the elder shaman of the long-horn clan on behalf of the thick-hair clan. What had happened was an older warrior claimed that the settling and dependence on trade was a betrayal of the Yak way and challenged the younger chief of the clan to a duel for leadership. The warrior had lost but there were those that agreed with him. Their elder-shaman had died at redstone pass and their younger shaman did not have the wisdom to keep the peace so they turned to their ancestor clan's elder shaman who turns out had seen the potential problem with how different the Yak clans now were.

The council was called to help quell the potential unrest and preserve the peace. This council was the most split one of the three as there were two very different sides that wanted very different things. The shamans, after long discussion and pondering managed to find the heart of this unrest. Were the merchant clans still following the Yak way? the young chief of the clan where the problem had started was called forth. When asked if he and his clan still followed the Yak ways he did not reply with words.

He took off all decoration and armor until he was bare. Then, with one mighty blow he split the boulder of the council into so many pieces and with such force that all Yaks gathered at the foot of the hill could hear it and so, the third council was done and the issue settled.


what is it with this quest? i am getting so damn inspiered to make omakes.

well, probably too assuming to be canon but dammit, if the Dice-Gods are this in love with the Yaks then by Them i will write Them the omake sacrifises they crave!