And just like that the Dread Empire takes the #1 spot for biggest threat. For me at least

EDIT: On the other hand, it may also be an opportunity to untie our neighbors under our banner and make an Empire of Griffonia. Fighting for the lives of Griffons everywhere and killing the undead
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Some sheets from front page for turn 2 results.
Name: Garrick Golden-Feather

Age: 30

Titles: King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the House of Gryphus

Description: At first glance, you seem like a pretty average example of the Griffon race. Head of an eagle, body of a winged lion, standing perhaps a hair taller than most other quadrupedal species. It's not until one looks closer that they see the things that distinguish you from a crowd. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. But you're no peacock, only known for your good looks; your talons are razor sharp, and though you are far from the strongest example of your kind, you are still an apex predator, and your musculature reflects that.

Martial: 9+2+1=12

Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18

Stewardship: 13+2=15

Learning: 16+2=18

Intrigue: 11+2=13

  • Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
  • Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills


  • Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia.

Treasury Reserves
: 5100

Net Income: 1300

Yearly Income: 1400

-Tax Revenue: 1225
-Farming Income: 125
-Trade Income: 50

Yearly Expenditures: 100

-Army Upkeep: 100


Royal Army
: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you, though not particularly well. All have at least a brigandine for protection. 500 soldier battalions cost 100 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Royal Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of a hundred gold per every ten thousand soldiers.

Royal Army Morale: 50/100 (Average)

Royal Army Numbers: 10,000

-5000 Swords: Armed with a sword and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.

-2500 Spears: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.

-2500 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.

Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.

The Knights Lion
25 Imperial Knights (assigned as your bodyguards)


Nobility Opinion: 6/10 (This Guy seems alright).

General Public Opinion: 6/10 (This Guy seems alright).

Diplomatic Relations

Wingbardy: 5/10 (Cautiously Optimistic)

Aquileia: 3/10 (Tense)

Feathersian League: 6/10 (Trade Partners)

Persons of Interest

???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.
Anybody have any thoughts on some of our long term threats? I personally think they will be Equestria and the alicorn sisters. Because in canon they're pretty decent people. Here though they could be ruthless tyrants. Granted I don't thinks it's likely that they would end up like that. But... Its still a possibility.

Honestly I think as long as were not horrible tyrants we could possibly have good relations with them. Maybe trade deals? Than again they are MUCH younger and inexperienced than in canon so they could me WAY more aggressive, they did technically just get over a war with Discord.

Before we discount the threat of no Sunlight, we should at least get through that mushroom research, and other possible agricultural research.

The Sisters would be rivals, but I don't see them as a threat. They mostly focus on their people only. Downline, however long this quest will last, is when Griffins and the world will have issues. In large part, the toll of longevity on their psyche as everyone that personally knew them ages and dies.

The biggest threat would be the changelings. We have no magic to reveal their deception, but Griffins don't every appear to be an affectionate species in canon.

Depending on how Changelings work in this quest maaaaaybe we could be allies? I mean all they want is love <3

The Changelings are weird in canon now. Because Changelings can share love/friendship by generating it among themselves and transforms them into... a 'stupid idea', which screws a bunch of fanon opinions on how they function. And places a bunch of questions like 'how old is the changeling race?' 'Is Queen Chrysalis the first changeling?' (IIRC answers: Younger than Celestia and after Luna got sent to the moon. Queen Chrysalis is the first Changeling) that answers with limitations if we look at the comics and canon, because the fact no Changeling found out they had a transformation sequence by accident, puts a idiot ball into the issue. Or the Changelings won't be a problem for a long time, and have to be a young species

*wails despairingly*
Ugh that episode was a disappointment, I hated the "You have to LOOK GOOD to be GOOD" message.
Depending on how Changelings work in this quest maaaaaybe we could be allies? I mean all they want is love <3
I am totally down with forming a alliance with the Changelings. Perhaps even getting to the point where we can fuse our civilizations. Anything that might help against a prospective undead invasion.
Well I doubt it since the undead were from a game and are about as canon as the comics are, less so actually.
Agreed, they don't ask for much and are super useful and cute.

I'm glad we can agree. Dedicated Infiltrators and living moral boosters are useful~ Kinda hope this will be an option, although it might be hard to convince the people to accept them without some kinda positive PR campaign which might be easier the better the public opinion of us is. The other Nations might also get paranoid.
Ehh changlings are alright as long as they are not sabatoures(?) Cause honestly having to do extra security for shape changers is a pain in the ass
So maybe get some of the less feral Diamond Dogs and when they show up the Changelings on our side. The dogs would make getting the resources of the mountains much easier, and we can offer them an easier life that doesn't require them to die in raids against our forces. The Changeling just open up so many intrigue possibilities not to mention they give us access to magic as well. If we shelter them and provide the needed love they can become valuable members of our kingdom.
Is there much reason for changlings to come after us? Compared to the ponies or other races were not exactly the most affectionate race along with probably being more paranoid then the ponies.
Is there much reason for changlings to come after us? Compared to the ponies or other races were not exactly the most affectionate race along with probably being more paranoid then the ponies.
That might be true, but if we show them that we are willing to give them a chance of better life wich is mutually beneficial they could have a good reason.
After all it would mean that they don't have to go hungry ever again.
Depending on how and when they come to be things can change. We might be a safer bet for them. Maybe not as affectionate, but if we play it right we might be willing to help them.
That might be true, but if we show them that we are willing to give them a chance of better life wich is mutually beneficial they could have a good reason.
After all it would mean that they don't have to go hungry ever again.
Are changlings capable of giving the energy they gain from love to other changlings? Cause otherwise I dont see it working since the griffins aren't gunna love every single changeling they come across and you cant really pair a bunch of griffins and changlings and expect it to work out automatically.