Sooo... since they transform and in the process actually change MASS... well.. we can load them into a ballista bolt in a wide height arc and have it change into the most dense, sturdy material that can withstand the impact. Poor version meteor strike. Or use a low arc and keep it round shaped and they will dow any line of infantry on a plain.
.. if they against us, they CAN infiltrate and reverse engineer any of our tech or just steal it.
...hell, they dont even need that much. 20 changelings, half become minotaurs (or tyrek species or even DISCORD for the scare tactic) and start throwing the other 10 to shapeshift midflight. Then they impersonate the closest griffon near them and start mowing.

...ok, i am very hapy with the fact they dont feed on terror -.-

But I am with @Somnia , they dont NEED to be evil(or evil and black). Chrysalys had, on canon, a very petty, limited view of anything else not changeling, megalomania and a obsession withnrevenge on ponykind. Who knows how this story can go changeling wise. If we actually managed to put both empires/populaces as peers, it would make a really good situation for all involved.

On a... interesting note, changelings would be the ultimate social workers.
"Hello, I got a anonymous call of child abuse... hmm, lots of love, fierce rage, motherly feelings of protection, indignation, lacking guilt... have a good day"

You dont need ballistas... Changeling gumba stomp anyone?

Just imagine an army of Changelings dive bombing into our army than turning themselves into copies of the Griffons to sow discord amongst our ranks, it would be horrible... <3
Just imagine an army of Changelings dive bombing into our army than turning themselves into copies of the Griffons to sow discord amongst our ranks, it would be horrible... <3
Best example of Changeling defensive strategy would be their hive.
Basically a building that can suck up all non Changeling magic and is constantly shifting and changing forms, it would pretty much make any non Changeling invasion army's magic user useless, divide that said army into several parts causing disarray in the ranks and allow Changelings to use their shape shifting abilities to infiltrate enemies causing further disarray and kill of units one by one, those that do survive might even fight each others because at that point they won't know who is Changeling and who not.
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Something minor. Weird that the rumour mill called Garrick ''Emperor Golden-Feather" instead of Emperor Garrick.

I mean nobody calls Queen Elizabeth "Queen Windsor" if her name is mentioned. Like "King Henry the VIII " or "King Louis". Monarchs are usually referred to by their first name. I mean it could be Griffin culture but it just seems weird to me.
Link to the last time I did this.

Archival purposes: "Turn 8: Rumor Mill (posted by QM on Friday, January 25, 2019)"


The Front Page as it appeared to me on Friday, January 25, 2019.

Character Sheet (last edited by QM on Thursday, January 24, 2019)
- Not Changed
Name: Garrick Golden-Feather

Age: 36

Titles: Emperor of Gryphus, King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the Imperial House of Gryphus

Description: At first glance, you seem like a pretty average example of the Griffon race. Head of an eagle, body of a winged lion, standing perhaps a hair taller than most other quadrupedal species. It's not until one looks closer that they see the things that distinguish you from a crowd. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. But you're no peacock, only known for your good looks; your talons are razor sharp, and though you are not as strong as your wife, you are still an apex predator, and your musculature reflects that. Your wife's workout regimen has also improved your physique, cords of taut muscle now visible across your body.

Martial: 9+2+1+1=13

Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18

Stewardship: 13+2=15

Learning: 16+2=18

Intrigue: 11+2=13

  • Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
  • Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills
  • Trait-Toned: Working out with your wife has done good things for your body. +1 Martial


  • Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia. +1 Martial
  • Royal Armor: Serving to protect you as well as display your royal status to onlookers, this armor is both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Dragon Egg: an egg recovered from a dead dragon's nest. It's still warm, and could still hatch.

Wife: Gabriella Golden-Feather

Opinion of You: 8/10

Age: 34

Martial: 15+1+2=18
Diplomacy: 11+1=12
Stewardship: 8+1=9
Learning: 13+1=14
Intrigue: 10+1=11

Trait: Strong - Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced - Has been a mercenary for several years, ranging across the lands of the former Empire. Knows much about the world. (+1 All Stats)

Son: Gawain Golden-Feather

Age: 4

Status: Infant-No Stats
Status: Designated Heir. Will become player character in event of Parent's Deaths.
Trait: Strong-Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Attractive-A cute kid, and eventually a handsome fellow. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)

Informational: State of the Nation (last edited by QM on Thursday, January 24, 2019)
- Not Changed

Treasury Reserves
: 2880

Net Income: 3690

Yearly Income: 4100

-Tax Revenue: 2825
-Farming Income: 725
-Mining Income: 450
-Trade Income: 100

Yearly Expenditures: 410

-Army Upkeep: 310
-Navy Upkeep: 100


Royal Army
: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you. 500 soldier battalions cost 200 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Royal Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of 200 gold per every ten thousand soldiers.

Royal Army Morale: 70/100 (Above Average)

Royal Army Numbers: 15,500

-7500 Warriors: Armed with a sword or hand-axe and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.

-3750 Polearms: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.

-3750 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.

-500 Diamond Dogs: Armed with a variety of swords, war axes, and other weapons suitable for close-quarters, Diamond Dogs are masters of subterranean combat, and are well suited to ambush tactics.

-5 Mobile Ballistae: Massively oversized mechanical bows that fire bolts big enough to pierce through tree trunks from vast distances.

Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.

The Knights Lion
1 Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak
30 Knights of the Inner Circle
200 Imperial Knights
300 Squires
600 Griffons-at-Arms

Citadel: The Lion's Den, Griffonia

Royal Navy: The vessels that guard your coastlines and patrol the oceans. Crewed by career sailors, they have an upkeep of five gold per ship, per year.

20 Cogs (Bolt-Throwers)

Auxiliaries: Auxiliary units are forces not part of a Knightly Order or the Royal Army and Navy that can be brought into battle alongside both of the former groups. They can be made up of allied nation units suborned to you, units drawn up from the militia, and mercenary outfits.


Nobility Opinion: 8/10 (Long Live the Emperor).

General Public Opinion: 8/10 (Long Live the Emperor).

Roll Bonuses

Improved Army Communications: +3 on certain Army Rolls
Naval Navigation Tools: +5 on certain Naval and Exploration Rolls

Informational: Diplomatic Relations/Persons of Interest (last edited by QM on Tuesday, January 22, 2019)
- Not Changed
Diplomatic Relations

Persons of Interest

???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.

Garibaldi Talonuelli: Formerly the Duke of Wingbardy, now the Archduke of Wingbardy, Talonuelli is a beloved public figure in his home province and an experienced administrator. After saving his city and people from Brochard's attempted invasion and negotiating his province's vassalage over a few drinks, you'd like to think you can count him among your friends.

Federico Montefeathertro: Duke of the (former) City-State of Urbirdo, and your Father-in Law. He might just be the friendliest of the former Feathersians, having agreed to back you and your kingdom without question or condition during the Brochard Crisis, and hiring a mercenary outfit as a belated wedding gift. You're reasonably certain he likes you, as much as In-Laws can like each other anyway.
Best example of Changeling defensive strategy would be their hive.
Basically a building that can suck up all non Changeling magic and is constantly shifting and changing forms, it would pretty much make any non Changeling invasion army's magic user useless, divide that said army into several parts causing disarray in the ranks and allow Changelings to use their shape shifting abilities to infiltrate enemies causing further disarray and kill of units one by one, those that do survive might even fight each others because at that point they won't know who is Changeling and who not.

True attacking a changeling hive with magic users would be suicide, but griffins don't use magic and have no magic users, so in that regard griffins are not actually that disabled. regarding the shape shifting. Can Changelings shape shift clothes/Armour as well? I cannot find any videos of them doing so in the show except for Chrysalis who as a queen is more powerful then most. if not then they can shape shift all they want but unless they are wearing the Armour of our units beforehand then it may be a bit obvious who is changed or not.
True attacking a changeling hive with magic users would be suicide, but griffins don't use magic and have no magic users, so in that regard griffins are not actually that disabled. regarding the shape shifting. Can Changelings shape shift clothes/Armour as well? I cannot find any videos of them doing so in the show except for Chrysalis who as a queen is more powerful then most. if not then they can shape shift all they want but unless they are wearing the Armour of our units beforehand then it may be a bit obvious who is changed or not.
Not sure myself about the clothes/Armour myself , but even without magic attack on hive would be hard to pull out simply due to it being able to split enemy forces in smaller part's and cutting them of from comand chain, then Changelings can simply march in and take out those smaller army pockets one by one, or if general is in the hive sending most of their forces to attack him and cut invading armys head of.
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True attacking a changeling hive with magic users would be suicide, but griffins don't use magic and have no magic users, so in that regard griffins are not actually that disabled. regarding the shape shifting. Can Changelings shape shift clothes/Armour as well? I cannot find any videos of them doing so in the show except for Chrysalis who as a queen is more powerful then most. if not then they can shape shift all they want but unless they are wearing the Armour of our units beforehand then it may be a bit obvious who is changed or not.
Also a general lack of understanding our command structure and mannerisms of troops. A fresh recruit may have lack of understanding of command, but they are restricted to areas for them, and a recruit who mouths off to someone like a general is normally have their butts kicked for it. Also I figure general or important figures of a military society is going to find a recruit who is not apart from their unit as suspicious, doubly so if they are in a commanders area. Also who uses fresh recruits to relay important information I figure that's also a subcategory of the army to handle.

Really I think the only reason why Chrysalis got the princess is because ponies are to trusting and someone walking up to them to greet said princess isnt gonna cause the royal guard any problems, as they are rather lax in that area because the princesses of the time probably didnt consider a fellow pony as a threat. While Griffins are likely to assume the worst of all their kind as a threat (one they would respect and in turn them dependent on rank.) Guards are gonna have a close eye on unknowns, recruits especially as we are just recently united and know of a possible spy among our own people, one who manage to evade our own spies.

Edit: Not to mention griffins at this time period are all experienced in chaotic situations I figure they would be rather prepared to handle sudden command lost or something like that.
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Not sure myself about the clothes/Armour myself , but even without magic attack on hive would be hard to pull out simply due to it being able to split enemy forces in smaller part's and cutting them of from comand chain, then Changelings can simply march in and take out those smaller army pockets one by one, or if general is in the hive sending most of their forces to attack him and cut invading armys head of.

True but that's only if we need to go into a hive, if we have some heavy artillery at that point then we could just bombard it into rumble unless they have prisoners that we cannot risk loosing.
True but that's only if we need to go into a hive, if we have some heavy artillery at that point then we could just bombard it into rumble unless they have prisoners that we cannot risk loosing.
True but all of this is relative toward stages of development of our and Changelings civ development as at the moment i doubt that Changelings are able to build a hive that Chrysalis had 1000 years later from post Discordian era, developing it probably took ages of magical research (magic draining to the point that not even Discord is able to use magic, creating shape shifting magic material for building said hive and so on) just as it will take us ages to industrialise.
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Omake: A Letter from an Enterprising Servant (Canon)
Okay this started out as a pro-colonialism argument but evolved into my very first omake ever! :D

A Letter from a Enterprising servant

Hail Emperor Garrick! First of your name and Unifier of Gryphus.

I am Graham Green-Wing of the Former Feathersian League. While I obtained my Mercantile licence slightly over five years ago and doing fairly well for my self I have arrived at a bit of an economic road block. With the annexation of the League and other polities I have found my self with a lack of economic opportunities. However word has reached me of your intentions to sen out an exploratory expedition in order to make sense of our new stabled world. So I have taken it upon my self to bring this important issue an potential opportunity to you attention.

As you very well know we stand at the precipice of an Age of Exploration and if handled properly Great economic opportunity for our Empire. After several reviews of our Empire's economic potential I have come to the conclusion that in order for our economy to grow we must expand into foreign lands. What form that expansion takes is a decision for those above my station, however I have prepared a number of points that might persuade your Majesty to take a more "aggressive" stance to acquiring land and resources for our people. If not they should at least provide a good guide line for our future colonial endeavors.

  • Our Empire's greatest short coming is its lack of tradable goods. This suited our people just fine during the age of Discord and Time of Healing where we were more focused on survival over profits. The unfortunate reality is that the majority of foreign markets (with the exception of the Nobility and Merchants) aren't going to be interested in foreign cuisine. While our recently created Munshine might become a popular luxury among the common people, we currently lack the means to produce the beverage in large enough quantities to sustain a viable market.
  • To remedy this short coming lands with useful, valuable ,and rare resources should be prioritized when considering our future land acquisition. On that note I would also suggest that a new type of cargo ship be developed. While the humble cog is a very versatile ship it simply isn't a dedicated cargo/merchant ship.

  • While we are well aware that the other Sentient species of our world survived the Age of Discord, I would like to remind his majesty that not all territories were explored and inhabited before the landmasses were moved around. There is a good chance that a portion of any newly discovered territory will be uninhabited and ripe for the taking, if not as a colony then at the very least an outpost where our ships and couriers can get some r&r.
  • In the likely event that the newly discovered territory is inhabited there even more points to consider.
    1. Have they successfully unified/re-unified into a greater nation or are they still divided into smaller polities?
    2. What is the disposition of the ruling sovereign/'s?
    3. What resources do their territories posses?
    4. What resources does their market desire?
    5. What are their military capabilities and can we counter them effectively?
    6. And most importantly of all, will they try to cave-in our skulls on the first meeting?
  • While I understand that his majesty is not the most militarily inclined of our people as a former merchant you must understand the necessity of the eventual "aggressive acquisition". Obtaining favorable trading rights through negotiation is always preferable, but some polities will either try to under cut us or be to Isolationist/Stu-born/Pigheaded to establish any for of meaning full dialog. In such an event "aggressive negotiations" will be required to obtain favorable terms.

  • The further away from the home land a colony is the harder it will be to administrate and defend. While the fact that our people can fly is great boon I highly doubt any of us can cross the ocean in a single flight without rest.
  • While exploring we should make note of any small islands en route to potential future colonies. These can be potentially converted into rest and resupply outposts for our couriers and ships. In fact with enough islands we could form a intercontinental courier system without having to over rely on our ships.
  • While on the subject, if such island chain does not exist then communication between the home land and the colonies will almost entirely rely on the speed of our ships. In the event that this holds true I highly recommended that we invest in a dedicated courier ship specifically designed to traverse a large distance in as short a time as possible.

All of the points above should be considered if our Great Empire is to become/remain leading power in this Post-Dicordian world. Even if we do not follow the path of Conquest we should still utilize all the tools at our disposal to ensure Gryphus becomes and remains the worlds leading Economic power.

Your humble and enterprising servant Graham Green-Wing.

That's 815 words, I used spoilers to save space.I hope this helps persuade our Emperor to take a more aggressive approach in our future colonial endeavors.​
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@Questor , quick question, if you dont mind:
Chrysalys is currently part of the setting, (as in she precedes the story), sthere is another hivequeen/king in charge, we dont know, or there may one or multiple hivequeens?
Tldr: if I want to wite a changeling omake, with its ruler, does it have to be chrysalys?
Now that i think about it if we wish to integrate Changelings we will probably need to negotiate with their Hive Queen/King, so I'm assuming a great deal autonomy and self governing for them paired with giving the King/Queen title of Archduke/chess.
Basically Archduchy with greater deal of autonomy than normal.
@Questor , quick question, if you dont mind:
Chrysalys is currently part of the setting, (as in she precedes the story), sthere is another hivequeen/king in charge, we dont know, or there may one or multiple hivequeens?
Tldr: if I want to wite a changeling omake, with its ruler, does it have to be chrysalys?
Just because there is a Queen named Chrysalis doesn't mean it's the Chrysalis from the show. She could be Queen Chrysalis the First, or Chrysalis the Third, etc.

Truthfully, the status of the changelings, and every other race, will be decided by dice roll when you first encounter them. I've got a whole chart of results that will determine whether a nation is weak and eager to please, or a military juggernaut eager to add another territory to its dominion, and everything in between.

Write whatever you want to write. All omakes are valued, regardless of their content, so long as that content is of good quality.
Okay this started out as a pro-colonialism argument but evolved into my very first omake ever! :D


Hail Emperor Garrick! First of your name and Unifier of Gryphus.

I am Graham Green-Wing of the Former Feathersian League. While I obtained my Mercantile licence slightly over five years ago and doing fairly well for my self I have arrived at a bit of an economic road block. With the annexation of the League and other polities I have found my self with a lack of economic opportunities. However word has reached me of your intentions to sen out an exploratory expedition in order to make sense of our new stabled world. So I have taken it upon my self to bring this important issue an potential opportunity to you attention.

As you very well know we stand at the precipice of an Age of Exploration and if handled properly Great economic opportunity for our Empire. After several reviews of our Empire's economic potential I have come to the conclusion that in order for our economy to grow we must expand into foreign lands. What form that expansion takes is a decision for those above my station, however I have prepared a number of points that might persuade your Majesty to take a more "aggressive" stance to acquiring land and resources for our people. If not they should at least provide a good guide line for our future colonial endeavors.

  • Our Empire's greatest short coming is its lack of tradable goods. This suited our people just fine during the age of Discord and Time of Healing where we were more focused on survival over profits. The unfortunate reality is that the majority of foreign markets (with the exception of the Nobility and Merchants) aren't going to be interested in foreign cuisine. While our recently created Munshine might become a popular luxury among the common people, we currently lack the means to produce the beverage in large enough quantities to sustain a viable market.
  • To remedy this short coming lands with useful, valuable ,and rare resources should be prioritized when considering our future land acquisition. On that note I would also suggest that a new type of cargo ship be developed. While the humble cog is a very versatile ship it simply isn't a dedicated cargo/merchant ship.

  • While we are well aware that the other Sentient species of our world survived the Age of Discord, I would like to remind his majesty that not all territories were explored and inhabited before the landmasses were moved around. There is a good chance that a portion of any newly discovered territory will be uninhabited and ripe for the taking, if not as a colony then at the very least an outpost where our ships and couriers can get some r&r.
  • In the likely event that the newly discovered territory is inhabited there even more points to consider.
    1. Have they successfully unified/re-unified into a greater nation or are they still divided into smaller polities?
    2. What is the disposition of the ruling sovereign/'s?
    3. What resources do their territories posses?
    4. What resources does their market desire?
    5. What are their military capabilities and can we counter them effectively?
    6. And most importantly of all, will they try to cave-in our skulls on the first meeting?
  • While I understand that his majesty is not the most militarily inclined of our people as a former merchant you must understand the necessity of the eventual "aggressive acquisition". Obtaining favorable trading rights through negotiation is always preferable, but some polities will either try to under cut us or be to Isolationist/Stu-born/Pigheaded to establish any for of meaning full dialog. In such an event "aggressive negotiations" will be required to obtain favorable terms.

  • The further away from the home land a colony is the harder it will be to administrate and defend. While the fact that our people can fly is great boon I highly doubt any of us can cross the ocean in a single flight without rest.
  • While exploring we should make note of any small islands en route to potential future colonies. These can be potentially converted into rest and resupply outposts for our couriers and ships. In fact with enough islands we could form a intercontinental courier system without having to over rely on our ships.
  • While on the subject, if such island chain does not exist then communication between the home land and the colonies will almost entirely rely on the speed of our ships. In the event that this holds true I highly recommended that we invest in a dedicated courier ship specifically designed to traverse a large distance in as short a time as possible.

All of the points above should be considered if our Great Empire is to become/remain leading power in this Post-Dicordian world. Even if we do not follow the path of Conquest we should still utilize all the tools at our disposal to ensure Gryphus becomes and remains the worlds leading Economic power.

Your humble and enterprising servant Graham Green-Wing.

That's 815 words, I used spoilers to save space.I hope this helps persuade our Emperor to take a more aggressive approach in our future colonial endeavors.​
Awesome Omake! Would you mind adding a title so I could threadmark it and add it to the Omake List?
One of the main weaknesses of the Changelings is that they rely almost entirely on natural weapons and magic to fight, which is... fine if your only targets are civilian targets, but fighting a dedicated army? That might be a problem. Not that they're likely to do so anyway, Chrysalis only did what she did because she figured she could pull off a quick decapitation strike and the entirety of Equestria would fall soon after.

And she probably would have been right too, Canterlot's defenses were... not good, to say the least, and that was literally the head of their government. Combine that with the fact that Ponies in general are skittish prey animals and she may very well have taken over an entire country in one fell swoop. Doing so against the Gryphons isn't really possible for a number of reasons. And even if an enterprising young Changlingling Queen were to somehow take the Capital? Well, for starters their forces would probably get slaughtered even doing so in the first place, but assuming the best case scenario afterwards they'd face an entire empire of pissed off cat-birds that now hate Changelings to their very core.

Simply put, the best way to take the throne of Gryphonia would have been subterfuge, and the best time for that was while Emperor (then King) Gold Feather was still single and looking for a wife. And it's already been pointed out that they probably did try, and were largely thwarted by the expediency required in Gold Feather's own selection process, I.E. he needed to get married and get to work producing an heir yesterday in order to secure his early reign along with his family line, and we found an excellent match in Gabrielle. Thus there was no reason for us to pursue the 'mysterious female gryph' we ran into once at a party.
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Truthfully, the status of the changelings, and every other race, will be decided by dice roll when you first encounter them. I've got a whole chart of results that will determine whether a nation is weak and eager to please, or a military juggernaut eager to add another territory to its dominion, and everything in between.
Ha, now that would be good for a laugh. We find the changeling nation and do to dice rolls are really peaceful and likely to form a union with us or even join us directly but with the catch that they're the "every shade under the rainbow" colorful/"good" changelings.
Ha, now that would be good for a laugh. We find the changeling nation and do to dice rolls are really peaceful and likely to form a union with us or even join us directly but with the catch that they're the "every shade under the rainbow" colorful/"good" changelings.
The technicolor changelings won't be appearing in this Quest. At least, not unless a lot of people indicate they'd like to see them. Like others in this thread, I too dislike the implied "you have to look good to be good" message sent by their sudden species-wide metamorphosis.
The technicolor changelings won't be appearing in this Quest. At least, not unless a lot of people indicate they'd like to see them. Like others in this thread, I too dislike the implied "you have to look good to be good" message sent by their sudden species-wide metamorphosis.
i like to believe they're faking it.My headcanon: they ARE redeemed, but they know ponies would still fear them if they looked like that, so they simply decided to look more like them. They're shapeshifters, it shouldn't be that big a deal to (most of) them.
The technicolor changelings won't be appearing in this Quest.
you mean completely or just that we won't be seeing them on our side. I'm just asking that if things happen similarly enough to canon that equestria manages to get a hive of changlings to join them will they be normal or would they be technicolor just for ease of telling the difference between equestrian changlings and other changlings?

Don't really care either way I'm just curious.
Okay this started out as a pro-colonialism argument but evolved into my very first omake ever! :D
And it's GOOD! Well thought out and works well In Character. Not much of a story but works great as a vignette. :D

Your notions on the islands as courier posts reminded me of Wateworld - more precisely, of us potentially building atolls at regular intervals. The kite sails from Waterworld are also worth consideration, e.g. as a range boost for our couriers - Griffons would have a much easier time starting primitive aircraft than the Wright brothers, given that they can just send a kite up (if it's too heavy, use a catapult) and then have a griffon fly up, unhook it, and move great distances not under their own power - plus the griffon can try to pull the kite back into the right thermal winds with some effort. One might even use a double kite - one as a wing platform and one as a forward sail for propulsion.

This could easily be something Archimedes cooks up - being mechanically much more simple than a dirgible!
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Also a general lack of understanding our command structure and mannerisms of troops. A fresh recruit may have lack of understanding of command, but they are restricted to areas for them, and a recruit who mouths off to someone like a general is normally have their butts kicked for it. Also I figure general or important figures of a military society is going to find a recruit who is not apart from their unit as suspicious, doubly so if they are in a commanders area. Also who uses fresh recruits to relay important information I figure that's also a subcategory of the army to handle.

Really I think the only reason why Chrysalis got the princess is because ponies are to trusting and someone walking up to them to greet said princess isnt gonna cause the royal guard any problems, as they are rather lax in that area because the princesses of the time probably didnt consider a fellow pony as a threat. While Griffins are likely to assume the worst of all their kind as a threat (one they would respect and in turn them dependent on rank.) Guards are gonna have a close eye on unknowns, recruits especially as we are just recently united and know of a possible spy among our own people, one who manage to evade our own spies.

Edit: Not to mention griffins at this time period are all experienced in chaotic situations I figure they would be rather prepared to handle sudden command lost or something like that.

Who says they cant just become a griffon and infiltrate us from the ground up? If they are than they would know our ins and outs, it's not like we would know if what were recruiting are changelings since we dont know they exist.