In two years the generation of cow or sheep born on the very start of the experiment is just barely matured enough to reproduce.
You won't make significant changes in barely one generation.
Wait we have livestock? I thought it was fish agriculture and crops and mushrooms. I figure the selective breeding would be super effective on those things.

Also with a smart noodle and planning can help increase production quicker for future generations which is what I thought he did.
Wait we have livestock? I thought it was fish agriculture and crops and mushrooms. I figure the selective breeding would be super effective on those things.

Also with a smart noodle and planning can help increase production quicker for future generations which is what I thought he did.
We have all of those and some form of livestock as well. We never did actually get told what animals we raise. Probably because it's not too important. We know there are two types of beings on this world sapient and sentient animals.
Just curious, but we might want to look into that Rabies case with the DDs, I am intrigued to know more as it could simply be rabies, or it could be this worlds version of a werewolf curse only it makes you literally an animal/feral that lashes out in civilized society and might even apply the DnD term of Dire to your species type. Aka bigger, meaner and all together deadlier.
Just curious, but we might want to look into that Rabies case with the DDs, I am intrigued to know more as it could simply be rabies, or it could be this worlds version of a werewolf curse only it makes you literally an animal/feral that lashes out in civilized society and might even apply the DnD term of Dire to your species type. Aka bigger, meaner and all together deadlier.
It is a more dangerous and worse version of rabies. The DD do not know if it was made by discord or if it was around before he showed up. They only had oral history up to now. Discod reigned for hundreds of years so things have been lost.
We are not going on a conquering spree. That is the easiest way to overextend and and be destroyer from internal rebellion. We do not know anything about the groups around us at all. We were also talking about possibly integrating the changelings since we need more magical knowledge and power to help make our future magi-tech.
Call it colonialism instead :V

Keep in mind there's no guarantee any of our immediate neighbors have reunified into cohesive states or otherwise yet, and we are surprisingly positioned to maintain a more aggressive posture because our land would be a nightmare to invade. We're a United Not Holy Roman Empire populated by militant avians that likely evolved from predators with defensible borders. I can't overstate how much of an advantage that is considering it's a large part of why Germany never unified into a major juggernaut of Europe until German major powers really started coming into play (Less the Austrian Empire considering they couldn't lean as heavily on German nationalism considering the vast Eastern European ethnic groups composing their empire) We are wasting so much narrative potential and actual potential if we do parlay our initial advantages.

Magic's utility, on the scale of nations, is likely heavily impacted by institutional knowledge- guess what was likely lost, destroyed, or hoarded in the wake of Discord's fall? The longer we give magic using civilizations time to reform, the more magic becomes an advantage over us. So, screw the modern anti-imperialistic rhetoric, it's not fun to play, it's doesn't seem to fit the aesthetic or themes of our civilization (what with you know, reclaiming the lost glory of an empire, which, surprise surprise, near universally have ultimately expansionist agendas) and it's entirely arbitrary to insist it's sub-optimal in the context of the setting and our relative time period.

Keep in mind that in your, idealized, peaceful expansion and diplomatic posture, we have next to no suitable trade goods- you are amusingly playing straight into the hands of one of our biggest remaining flaws. Ore, wood, food- all too bulky for a nascent merchant marine in this area to remotely make a profit on. Iron and steel are marginally less so but there are strategic concerns in selling the latter and that still requires a massive demand abroad when a lack of local resources would have stunted the demand for such in the first place. Even tools, likely our greatest potential trade good, won't hit proper economy of scale for a while yet given we're likely using artisan blacksmiths for production until we start going all in on munition plate and gunpowder weaponry. A lack of war would ironically stunt some of the demand for such, considering the need to remain militarily competitive was a lot of the impetus behind greater and greater metal production. I'm not saying it's a guarantee either way, but a more aggressive approach in order to secure trade goods to prevent a trade deficit or no trade at all has a lot of valid merit.

To say nothing of the potential uniting factors of war against an external foe or reinforcing a sense of imperial exceptionalism like a manifest destiny (thankfully we've distanced this from race by assimilating the Diamond Dogs so quickly and tying it in before the mythos of the newly re-founded empire is really established) could have on reuniting our still partially disparate people. I'm not saying we have to alienate everyone or try for world conquest, but I think a more pragmatic approach where war is ultimately an extension of political, diplomatic, and economic policy as needed rather than something to inherently avoid (hello Clausewitz, we'll need to make a gryphon pun for you soon) in it's own right. I think dismissing conquest and major expansionist ambitions as self-defeating and over extending out of hand is near criminal. We might not have magic, but how fast could gryphon couriers fly? How many more immigrants might we send into these grand new frontiers considering the harshness of home and the ease of bypassing terrain features. Our ubiquitous flying offers a lot of advantages in spreading wide for all that our homeland is so defensible.

Man, I guess for all that I've been stalking this thread I really felt the need to rush in here with wall of text the moment I felt the opportunity :V
I am not saying we shouldn't expand. As for other groups unification we are not the only one that did it. The QM already said that our Unification has affected some of the surrounding nations. Also trying to conquer the first groups we meet goes against everything our Character stands for.
First exploration and intelligence gathering, then we can decide on whether to put on our steel armor and sharpen our claws.

We are probably a highly competitive military power by tech and natural advantages, but even ruling over an Empire of militant flying killing machines, a medieval ruler just goes splat if he tries to fight gods that can control celestial objects. And there's a bunch of those around, so we better proceed with care.
Unless the first groups we meet decide to attack us first we are not going to go to war it is way out of character for our character. We will done what comes naturally sent up trade deals.
Unless the first groups we meet decide to attack us first we are not going to go to war it is way out of character for our character. We will done what comes naturally sent up trade deals.
Part of the problem is external trade is going to run into one of our major disadvantages, an utter lack of trade goods beyond raw materials. It's hard to start up international trade in light of that, and Garrick isn't inherently predisposed to peace by any means. He found it wasteful to try and play to Brochard's strengths, and isn't fond of the thought of warring against people he considers subjects and has ambitions to reclaim suzerainty over. Nothing suggests Garrick is any less martial than the average gryphon, which is explicitly more martial than most other races, and he has a very martial and militant wife he trusts and listens to, to the point he's considering officially making her the supreme commander of his armies. I'll also point out Garrick was entirely willing to consider the possibility of occupying and conquering the League as a viable option, if an unsatisfying one, and the near-canon omake describing his efforts during the meeting presents a pretty damn threatening picture. I mean, he literally used an unsheathed sword and struck it to prove a point, finally insisting they could meet him on this now, or be at his mercy later. That is not the stance of someone who abhors violence or is unwilling to be domineering , and his number one priority as he stated it was to see his people thrive- I wouldn't be surprised if that was Peter the Great's stated priority :V

I'm not saying we need to attack people out of hand, or that we shouldn't be willing to make friends, but the assumption here it's out of character or inherently wrong to be anything other than the defender is presumptuous at best. Especially when your proposed alternative, is leveraging trade as the most martial faction able to be chosen, that has an intrinsic penalty to foreign trade we've yet to do literally anything about barring maybe shroomshine. And that's not even being produced yet in a truly commercial fashion. Our monarch is just one factor amongst many in how we ought to pursue policy.
Link to the last time I did this.

Archival purposes: "Turn 8: Results (posted by QM on Thursday, January 24, 2019)"


The Front Page as it appeared to me on Friday, January 25, 2019.

Character Sheet (last edited by QM on Thursday, January 24, 2019)
- Changed
Name: Garrick Golden-Feather

Age: 36

Titles: Emperor of Gryphus, King of Griffonia, Inheritor of the Imperial House of Gryphus

Description: At first glance, you seem like a pretty average example of the Griffon race. Head of an eagle, body of a winged lion, standing perhaps a hair taller than most other quadrupedal species. It's not until one looks closer that they see the things that distinguish you from a crowd. An unmistakably masculine build, a strong, prominent beak, feathers and fur that seem to be perpetually well-groomed, and a pair of piercing amber eyes hiding a fierce intelligence. But you're no peacock, only known for your good looks; your talons are razor sharp, and though you are not as strong as your wife, you are still an apex predator, and your musculature reflects that. Your wife's workout regimen has also improved your physique, cords of taut muscle now visible across your body.

Martial: 9+2+1+1=13

Diplomacy: 14+2+2=18

Stewardship: 13+2=15

Learning: 16+2=18

Intrigue: 11+2=13

  • Trait-Attractive: You are a very handsome fellow. +2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship
  • Trait-Genius: Smart doesn't even begin to describe you. +2 all skills
  • Trait-Toned: Working out with your wife has done good things for your body. +1 Martial


  • Blade of the King: an ornate and deadly sword you had forged for yourself after being crowned King of Griffonia. +1 Martial
  • Royal Armor: Serving to protect you as well as display your royal status to onlookers, this armor is both durable and aesthetically pleasing.

  • Dragon Egg: an egg recovered from a dead dragon's nest. It's still warm, and could still hatch.

Wife: Gabriella Golden-Feather

Opinion of You: 8/10

Age: 34

Martial: 15+1+2=18
Diplomacy: 11+1=12
Stewardship: 8+1=9
Learning: 13+1=14
Intrigue: 10+1=11

Trait: Strong - Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Experienced - Has been a mercenary for several years, ranging across the lands of the former Empire. Knows much about the world. (+1 All Stats)

Son: Gawain Golden-Feather

Age: 4

Status: Infant-No Stats
Status: Designated Heir. Will become player character in event of Parent's Deaths.
Trait: Strong-Born stronger than most. (+2 Martial)
Trait: Attractive-A cute kid, and eventually a handsome fellow. (+2 Diplomacy, better spousal relationship)

Informational: State of the Nation (last edited by QM on Thursday, January 24, 2019)
- Changed

Treasury Reserves
: 2880

Net Income: 3690

Yearly Income: 4100

-Tax Revenue: 2825
-Farming Income: 725
-Mining Income: 450
-Trade Income: 100

Yearly Expenditures: 410

-Army Upkeep: 310
-Navy Upkeep: 100


Royal Army
: Professional soldiers, paid and supplied by you. 500 soldier battalions cost 200 gold each to raise or replace. Additionally, Royal Army soldiers have an upkeep cost of 200 gold per every ten thousand soldiers.

Royal Army Morale: 70/100 (Above Average)

Royal Army Numbers: 15,500

-7500 Warriors: Armed with a sword or hand-axe and shield, these Griffons make up the bulk of your army.

-3750 Polearms: For keeping your enemy at arms length or taking down opponents larger than a Griffon.

-3750 Archers: Griffons with bows and some arrows. Not much else to say.

-500 Diamond Dogs: Armed with a variety of swords, war axes, and other weapons suitable for close-quarters, Diamond Dogs are masters of subterranean combat, and are well suited to ambush tactics.

-5 Mobile Ballistae: Massively oversized mechanical bows that fire bolts big enough to pierce through tree trunks from vast distances.

Knightly Orders (Self Maintained): In the old Empire, Knightly Orders were typically made up of Griffons of noble birth who joined a fraternal militant organization dedicated to martial excellence, honor, and a number of various edicts of moral strength. These great warriors dedicated themselves to the Emperor and the protection of the common Gryph. Tragically, few of these brave souls survived the reign of Discord. But a new breed of Knights now seeks to serve as your sword and shield, and will rally to your banner whenever you may need them.

The Knights Lion
1 Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak
30 Knights of the Inner Circle
200 Imperial Knights
300 Squires
600 Griffons-at-Arms

Citadel: The Lion's Den, Griffonia

Royal Navy: The vessels that guard your coastlines and patrol the oceans. Crewed by career sailors, they have an upkeep of five gold per ship, per year.

20 Cogs (Bolt-Throwers)

Auxiliaries: Auxiliary units are forces not part of a Knightly Order or the Royal Army and Navy that can be brought into battle alongside both of the former groups. They can be made up of allied nation units suborned to you, units drawn up from the militia, and mercenary outfits.


Nobility Opinion: 8/10 (Long Live the Emperor).

General Public Opinion: 8/10 (Long Live the Emperor).

Roll Bonuses

Improved Army Communications: +3 on certain Army Rolls
Naval Navigation Tools: +5 on certain Naval and Exploration Rolls

Informational: Diplomatic Relations/Persons of Interest (last edited by QM on Tuesday, January 22, 2019)
- Not Changed
Diplomatic Relations

Persons of Interest

???: A friendly and strangely casual Griffon female you met at your inaugural ball. Despite having a wonderful evening chatting with her, you never got her name.

Garibaldi Talonuelli: Formerly the Duke of Wingbardy, now the Archduke of Wingbardy, Talonuelli is a beloved public figure in his home province and an experienced administrator. After saving his city and people from Brochard's attempted invasion and negotiating his province's vassalage over a few drinks, you'd like to think you can count him among your friends.

Federico Montefeathertro: Duke of the (former) City-State of Urbirdo, and your Father-in Law. He might just be the friendliest of the former Feathersians, having agreed to back you and your kingdom without question or condition during the Brochard Crisis, and hiring a mercenary outfit as a belated wedding gift. You're reasonably certain he likes you, as much as In-Laws can like each other anyway.
Unless the first groups we meet decide to attack us first we are not going to go to war it is way out of character for our character. We will done what comes naturally sent up trade deals.

Part of the problem is external trade is going to run into one of our major disadvantages, an utter lack of trade goods beyond raw materials. It's hard to start up international trade in light of that, and Garrick isn't inherently predisposed to peace by any means. He found it wasteful to try and play to Brochard's strengths, and isn't fond of the thought of warring against people he considers subjects and has ambitions to reclaim suzerainty over. Nothing suggests Garrick is any less martial than the average gryphon, which is explicitly more martial than most other races, and he has a very martial and militant wife he trusts and listens to, to the point he's considering officially making her the supreme commander of his armies. I'll also point out Garrick was entirely willing to consider the possibility of occupying and conquering the League as a viable option, if an unsatisfying one, and the near-canon omake describing his efforts during the meeting presents a pretty damn threatening picture. I mean, he literally used an unsheathed sword and struck it to prove a point, finally insisting they could meet him on this now, or be at his mercy later. That is not the stance of someone who abhors violence or is unwilling to be domineering , and his number one priority as he stated it was to see his people thrive- I wouldn't be surprised if that was Peter the Great's stated priority :V

I'm not saying we need to attack people out of hand, or that we shouldn't be willing to make friends, but the assumption here it's out of character or inherently wrong to be anything other than the defender is presumptuous at best. Especially when your proposed alternative, is leveraging trade as the most martial faction able to be chosen, that has an intrinsic penalty to foreign trade we've yet to do literally anything about barring maybe shroomshine. And that's not even being produced yet in a truly commercial fashion. Our monarch is just one factor amongst many in how we ought to pursue policy.
About expanding or not i will only say that in MLP ponies pretty much expanded into buffalo lands and builded apple farms on lands they lived for generations in the age of harmony no less (now I wonder is that in Celestias char), so i think that we should really rethink our ideas about expansion here, especially in postDiscordian era.
Let's see how the neighboring regions look before deciding on strategy.

I will say though that playing an expanding conquering empire is a lot more fun than playing the diplomatic trader nation that only goes for defensive wars.
About expanding or not i will only say that in MLP ponies pretty much expanded into buffalo lands and builded apple farms on lands they lived for generations in the age of harmony no less (now I wonder is that in Celestias char), so i think that we should really rethink our ideas about expansion here, especially in postDiscordian era.

Well to be fair Celestia probably didn't know about the building until they already started, and by the time they did they probably sent a memo to the capital along the lines of "well no-one's gotten angry or shouted about it yet so it's probably fine" and as soon as she read that then the Buffaloes started wrecking shit and the whole thing gave birth to a bouncy baby diplomatic incident.
Them having limits would explain why they don't turn into giant moles to fight the giant mole. That sai
They can get pretty big. I remember a long changing into something smaller but couldn't find an image for it. I dont know if they can be a fork but a small pillow is possible.
that was after they got unlimited love though. A well fed changeling might be capable of it, but such extreme transformations probably require quite a bit of energy. As long as love is a limited resource for them they'll probably try to avoid this kind of transformations.

on that note, i REALLY hope our changelings (if we ever integrate them/make a deal with them) don't become those technicolor monstruosities.

They're SLOWLY growing on me, but it's such a bad cliche, "evil is dark/scary, good is nice/colorfull". They could have gone with something a bit less...that!

They went from bug monsters to MORE COLORFULL THAN THE PONIES! The only one that doesn't hurt to watch is Pharinx
on that note, i REALLY hope our changelings (if we ever integrate them/make a deal with them) don't become those technicolor monstruosities.

They're SLOWLY growing on me, but it's such a bad cliche, "evil is dark/scary, good is nice/colorfull". They could have gone with something a bit less...that!

They went from bug monsters to MORE COLORFULL THAN THE PONIES! The only one that doesn't hurt to watch is Pharinx

THANK YOU! I hate how the moral of that fucking episode is you have to LOOK NICE TO BE NICE... and if your ugly your EEEEEVIIIIIILLL! UGH..
Also good point about the energy thing... but thorax could still transform into rocks..
Sooo... since they transform and in the process actually change MASS... well.. we can load them into a ballista bolt in a wide height arc and have it change into the most dense, sturdy material that can withstand the impact. Poor version meteor strike. Or use a low arc and keep it round shaped and they will dow any line of infantry on a plain.
.. if they against us, they CAN infiltrate and reverse engineer any of our tech or just steal it.
...hell, they dont even need that much. 20 changelings, half become minotaurs (or tyrek species or even DISCORD for the scare tactic) and start throwing the other 10 to shapeshift midflight. Then they impersonate the closest griffon near them and start mowing.

...ok, i am very hapy with the fact they dont feed on terror -.-

But I am with @Somnia , they dont NEED to be evil(or evil and black). Chrysalys had, on canon, a very petty, limited view of anything else not changeling, megalomania and a obsession withnrevenge on ponykind. Who knows how this story can go changeling wise. If we actually managed to put both empires/populaces as peers, it would make a really good situation for all involved.

On a... interesting note, changelings would be the ultimate social workers.
"Hello, I got a anonymous call of child abuse... hmm, lots of love, fierce rage, motherly feelings of protection, indignation, lacking guilt... have a good day"
Turn 8 Rumor Mill
Aquileia (Re)Builds: After generous funding from Emperor Golden-Feather and assistance from Griffonian experts, Aquileia's economy undergoes a great resurgence as new mines, farms, and roads are built across the province. Griffins from other provinces had expressed their surprise that such improvements had not already been made as they had been in Griffonia, Wingbardy, and the Feathersian League, but the former King Brochard apparently favored military spending over domestic economic management. His former subjects greatly appreciate the fact that they now have an Emperor who is willing to spend his gold on more than just swords and armor.

Knights of the Realm: Grandmaster Konrad Hardbeak, "The Kingslayer", has announced the imminent creation of two new Orders of Imperial Knights to act as the guardians of Wingbardy and Aquileia: the Knights Talon and the Knights Panther. Young nobles and aspiring members of the middle class flock from across the Empire to sign up in hopes of becoming members of such grand institutions. Two great citadels have already begun construction in the respective provinces, and the local Griffons are ecstatic at the idea of having their own armored protectors nearby.

Archie's Brew: The Imperial Science Advisor's latest innovation in the realm of alcohol has taken the Empire by storm! The new mushroom-derived intoxicant is being brewed by the barrel and sold and consumed across the Empire. It's strong nature and the fact it is distilled from a source that can be grown pretty much everywhere year round has led to great interest amongst enterprising entrepreneurs. Meanwhile, Archimedes, while pleased that his creation is appreciated by the general public, is a bit disappointed that he is now known across the Empire as "the guy who made mushroom moonshine", rather than being renowned for any of his more conventional academic achievements.
THANK YOU! I hate how the moral of that fucking episode is you have to LOOK NICE TO BE NICE... and if your ugly your EEEEEVIIIIIILLL! UGH..
Also good point about the energy thing... but thorax could still transform into rocks..
I hope for them to stay as they were, basically no feeding on each others love, if they feed on other creature's love through history than they should continue to do so.
I hate entire moral of that part of the story as it pretty much is learning us that in order to be accepted you just have to change everything about yourself.
I mean what was so scary in them feeding on love, if the show had gone for the option we are going with integration (us giving the love to Changelings) it would definitely been much better.
poor Archimedes, don't worry someday people will love you for more then your booze... or possibly the next great invention will be inspired by your booze in a drunken haze. Who knows.