"The alien computers are remarkable, ten times more powerful than anything on Earth for half the power cost. The greatest challenge in getting these computers online was learning the alien language (Prof. Jackson should get all the credit he deserves). One thing that is equal parts amazing and terrifying is that as we learned from the computer, the computer learned from us. Control prompts began to appear in English, we began to get status updates and maintenance request, and most concerning is the computers have started referring to us as crew and began asking for the captain. However it was through these prompts that we managed to gain control over the ship's IFF and reset something called "threat auto intercept", and I don't wish to know what that was. Regardless our greatest achievement from this study (besides increasing the M Particle tolerance of all our electronics) is a new IFF system that should function upto 80% M Particle density."
With regards,
Dr. Michal Chistov
(IFF System gained, Minovsky Particle tolerance of all electronics increased by 10%, gradual accuracy increase for all weapons)