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Mathilde will be performing an act of cunning brutality upon a Priest of Only Gork in his own Temple.
I swear the typos reproduce when I'm not looking. Thanks.
@BoneyM have the journeymanlings expressed any preference as to what they would most like to do?
The power dynamic at play in an active warzone isn't a two-way street. It's expected that her orders are for the success of the Expedition and the survival of the Journeymanlings and as such their preferences are irrelevant.
In what way does Johann changing to a more diplomatic and sensible approach increase Mathilde's suspicions?
Because Mathilde is suspicious by default of everything done by someone as glib as Johann.
We're from different colleges. Does our being a Magister actually give us any authority over him? The colleges tend to be pretty independent from eachother.
Technically yes, but more correctly no. In the wider power structure of the Empire, College Magister trumps College Journeyman, but in the case of the Colleges specifically any wizard trying to use their rank to boss around wizards from a different Order will very quickly come to regret it as that Order's superiors tells him to butt out and their own superiors tell him to stop rocking the boat. In this case specifically, it's complicated further because in the power structure of the Expedition, they're under Mathilde's command, but if anyone decides not to go along with that, the norms of the Empire would probably trump the Expedition's org chart to most human authorities.
So while everyone's playing nice together Mathilde can be considered to have military authority over Johann in the 'go here, fight those, don't piss off the Dwarves' kind of way, but absolutely no say over his larger goals,
especially since he's been implying (but not outright saying) that his mission has the blessing of the Gold Order, as long as those larger goals don't endanger the goals of the Expedition. And studying Skaven
magic is a big honking breach of Article 7, but studying Skaven
technology is the sort of technicality the Colleges thrive on, and not too dissimilar to the one that Mathilde used for her Matrix.
Complicating things
even further is that among the unwritten duties of the Grey Order is to be an unsuspected knife in the dark for any mages that seem to be eyeballing magics they shouldn't, which she can't explicitly cite as a reason for wizards to shut up and listen, but is one hell of a (great)sword of Damocles hanging over any conversation wherein a Grey Wizard says 'don't touch the warp rocks, dummy'.
@BoneyM I found another Dwarf Hold on the
Super Huge, Detailed Map of the Warhammer Old World to the east of K8P called Karaz Grimstok. Given I can't find a page about it or much reference to it I figure its small and mostly irrelevant, but its interesting because its actually closer than Karak Azul and as a blank slate is probably useful to you in some respect.
I went down that rabbithole while I was researching Karak Azul and was just as unsuccessful. I've got it tucked in the back of my mind as potentially of use, but most likely if it does get used it will be as an outpost of Karak Azul rather than a separate polity.
@BoneyM wouldit possible to cloak the hoard entrance with a spell so it isn't going to infect everyone who sees it with gold greed?
ie instead of the full secure action, just hide it to be dealt with after the battle?
If Mathilde had chosen to secure the Hoard she'd likely have ended up doing something along those lines, but none of her spells last long enough for it to be useful unless she's present to maintain it.