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[X] Plan Murderbeast Distraction Mk2
Guys, can I convince you to vote for the Mk2 version of Muderbeast? To put it simply, someone came up with the idea of using our Move spell, a very simple minor telekinesis spell to fire the bolt throwers, as opposed to running over the stage and firing three or four, we can fire half of them if we move up to the side of the stage up to where they are.
It is, conveniently, on our way out.
Unleashing dozens of bolt throwers on hundreds of tightly clustered goblins, at point blank range is just too good an opportunity, we could easily kill up to three digits in goblins depending on how well it goes.
That's the sole modification the Mk2 version does to the plan.
If its specialty fused Dwarf grenades I think the issue is with staying reasonably stocked, and that dwarfs don't consider weight to be a particularly major concern in their designs.And for manling grenades I would agree with you wholeheartedly. What I'm wondering about however is if the dwarfs have grenades suitable for our purposes, because I imagine they would notice these problems and consider them to be insufficient for their purposes and turn their engineering hearts towards the problem, which could solve one or more of those issues (like we did IRL, though with a certain amount of 'my great grandfather's grenades didn't look like this, but we'll just have to see how these pan out before we can decide they're any good') which is why I'm thinking we talk to Zhufbar, not one of the less Engineer's Guild dominated holds. This is meant more as 'investigate for future use' instead of 'charge unheedingly into this course of action' (though I do think the smoke grenades are our best bet for a workable product at the moment. We probably won't need more than a small number at any given time, but when we want to have one we'll want to have one)
Thats pretty much why I went with Fire.[X] Plan Fire Is Distracting
I don't like the murder beast distraction plans since I still don't have any real idea of how Mathilde is going to do that since all the monsters are in a pit and their doesn't seem a super-easy way of getting them out of it unlike the Orc pit and the cranes in the last area
So you're taking inspiration and ideas from the collective things and discussion brought up by the thread?Improvising.
(or to put it another way, if the thread votes for this they'll probably also have brainstormed a plan, if not I'll figure it out tomorrow)
No but Snotlings if they were here might be. They're not though.Question, Are Goblin's dumb enough to forget the pit exists if they see someone running across it without a problem
Snotling were actually mentioned in the update.No but Snotlings if they were here might be. They're not though.
It takes some doing to approach the rings of defences around the King's Gates, with the Goblins on guard not quite alarmed, but definitely on edge. Perhaps news of events in the Hall reached them faster than you did, or perhaps their lookouts have spotted the approaching Throng. But these greenskins now have the same weakness that once doomed the Dwarves that ruled this place: all their defences are pointed outwards. Sure, there were guards - well, not so much guards, as all but the rarest of greenskins are incapable of prolonged discipline, but the radiating circles of especially titchy goblins and snotlings amounted to the same - but there weren't barriers or barricades or checkpoints or chokepoints. Before the Age of Woes, the Dwarves assumed that any enemy would be outside the mountain, and the greenskins had never bothered to build upon the flawed defences they had taken for their own.
Oh! My mistake then.
If its specialty fused Dwarf grenades I think the issue is with staying reasonably stocked, and that dwarfs don't consider weight to be a particularly major concern in their designs.
Most likely most portable nades are Skaven.